Wingham Times, 1890-01-24, Page 4C. E. WILLIAMS, c4EXIsm —ANO— DRUGGIST, 0.. P, ,1■r TICKET AGENT. ACT. C. N. W. TELEGRAPH CO. Opp. Brunswick Hause, Wingham., -.. Ont, t1e tngaoefime5 FRIDAY„ TANU .RY 24, ]:890. Ties Glasgow ileratd publishes re, turtle from all tho principal shipbuild.. ing; centres throughout :the United Kingdom, The output during 1889 is the largest en record. In 1886, the year when the last shipbuilding film -emu was at its height, the total output throughout the country was. 1,260,400 tons, This year the vessels launched approachvery closely to 1,272,000 toes; The Clyde heads the list with a total teenage. of 05 291 tors Next comes the Thyne, with 281,720 The `'Pear is third on the list, with 217,336, Then the Tees, with 110,426 toils. The shipbuilding yards in. Bel, fast have lapuehedtonnage to• the a )cunt of 80,090. There alto now on haute in the various yards oft the river Clyde, and in different stages, of construction, vessels aggregating 800- 629 tons, Last year there were at the same time vessels onhand having a. total of 288 301 totes. THE W'ABDENS$II.'. Nearly every newspaper in the county has nominated a candidate for. the: Wazdenship-of..Huron- .Wilgham's representatives are both able men and would fill the position with credit to themselves andhonor to the town, Taut have no aspirations, we belieive,.in that direction.atpresent. That being. til Jeonda . the ease, the TI,liE$ heartily s¢ the nomination of 1V Ir, D. D. Wilson, Reeve of Seaforth, made by the Sea. forth "Expositor. Mr. Wilson 1 as had extensive municipal .experien e, and Ltrrtii1Wrsiake a worthy -warden. EDITOBIAI4 NOTES. TUE New Brunswick local elections wereheld on :Monday last, when the Goverment was sustained by a small majority. Tun Liberals of South Perth . will he'd a convention on. Wednesday, 29111 inst., at Fullerton's Corners, for the purpose of selecting 'candidates for the conning elections, both for thy; Localand Dominion House. Tate Supreme Court has dismissed the appeal of Mr Colter against the ju ig,nent of 11r Justice Fiilcenlsridge att t unseated JIr Oelter. Heldim ted will now halve another opportunity of •choosing a member for the Commons.. Tin Walkerton Tol.escopas seg{.s it is ' a foregone conclusion that M. James (taunt, the popular Reeve of; K.:inloes, v-ilt be the next: Warden of . Brno County.. '' 1Alrbe tatacle for that honorable ant respon- a#ibte position, say we, Tnean is a. well elefine maty qt arters that the el visit tie text eumtner, as c fe}tr in tiler' will sequence Turnberry. .The members elect of the Township Council of the Township of Turnberry, .net at Saults' hail, on 1Vl.onday, the. 20th of January, 1890, pursuant to. statute. • All the members of the Council having subscribed the declara- tion of office and qualification as fol- lows; Wm. McPherson, Reeve; Geo. Thomson,Depu.ty.Reeve; Wtu. Cruick- shank, and Robert Macwell, 'Council. Tors, took their seats at the hoard; the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. Communications were received from the Township Engineer, informing them of his having been appointed by the Crown Lands Department to trace the line .of side road through lot 17, concession B., Turnberry ; also from the Ontario Government, in respect to assessment of public lands and buildings, school and school lauds, church and glebe lands, &e. The questions were answerede seriatim, according to the opinion of the :Coun- cil Board. A by-law was t passed appointing tl-e different . nnenibera of the Council Road;:. Cottitnissionees for the, current ,year. Teedera-, for , Lin. - ton's bridge evere opened alt, follows; John, Foster, to have., iron. six ;old bridge, $780 ; L H:ardy,;Exeter, e839.; Xtobt:'Jatniesou, T+oidwieh, 8655 ;. T, & J. Gil:soti, Wroxeter, $775 ;. -Wright, Turnberry, $990.' Moved by. Wine Gemglill, seceuded. • by, George Thomson, that the tender • of Mr. .light: Jamieson, for building • Li;rten's bridge, according to plans and agenata';" cations, be:aocepted, theta •*)+011e to be. completed on or,he.4 'e the;1st day of Jnly,. 1$;1—Carried. Moved. by, E.obt. 't1axwell, seconded. , by Wee.,, Ge milt, that the Clerk notify, Mr. obt. la nieson to meet • the ,tt:ees:e and (Aerie at .the Brunsw;ck 1lnrrse, Winghaa, on Saturday, February, lst, tosign agreement and give, bonds,fete completion of tho work -- • Carried. Moved by Wm. Gemmill,, seeoaded by Wm. Cruickshank, that the Treasurer be authorized and is hereby requested to place the moneye lent to S. S No. 1d and S S. No. U to., the credit of the L., I'L & B. R. 'and T., G. & B. R. sinking funds —Carried. Moved by R. Maxwell., seconded by Wm. Gem - mill, that the Reeve and Deputy Reeve get advice from Mr. Garrow in respect to back taxes on' lots 33 and 34, concession 13, Turnberry.— Car—ried. Moved by Wm. Gemtn 11, seeon- ded by Wm Cruickshank, that the Reeve get .advice in respect to Tax Collector t seizing goods for tastes Carried. Moved by G..Thdmson, see• ended by Wm. Germill, that Douglas Frazer be auditor for current year— Carried. The Reeve appointed Alet !1I.cEwen, jr., "as tht other auditor fee the current year. Moved by R. Max well, seconded by Wm, Gennnill, that john S. McTavish be appointed as sossorfoe the current year—Catried, Moved by Win &eminilt, seconded ley R..\Inxwell, vest the collector's roll u•e returned on or before the first day of li'ebruary next--Cari.•ied. Moved by Win. Cruickshank, spcainded by Wm. Jrnlmill, drat the, auditors meet at the Treasurer's oflictr to a;tdit Town. ship accounts on the 14th day of February next ---Carried, The follow- ing nee vets were passed and orders 'erectly attended, tfifrty members . ilowttwd's resfdenor., onl+i'icltly rsvPnii;q on the ',Treasurer given: John Dar- 1 y atten ;est, $1.60, registration;, John Bute heir etirolled. Tne li.reiety meets the 10th inst.. t;ixustduring the tett• h'.. n roads, t was a yedq, molar (aleCtiUri expa.nams-;. T N every" ' VedrlP.bday' evening, in the' fl.V,erir 1t 5taf of r5 rls. 1 a .'swell 8, election expenses; G 13 churuli --stir T Jonah is able t -a atteud j aceeri» d eneveee. The ptiuccly sum of tivette $ election exert sea ; A G Me to his toteinoes :tgein ' r 1 llarnil• t $22.ot) was renl.z tl Mr. Arthur 1 meld,' $8, election expenses ; lr'oht tori, brother of tow cbomaet, Mr .7 .±itch, of I}owick,killed a pi„ last •r slit\. t 0 rims), ; f) McGlynn, tttornilton, its villi►star fri.eutle in 31yth • month. sac est ninrtlts old, which t , 5 7 , p # dressed. 205 lis —it ie reported that ",, •sulve : y Frank (;ar•ru*..Itesa Vit'' aft, rind vicitiiry »Tt is vHenri' •I that tine ' ly et, nettet rtlaprei;tehee to (l- 1.y'H lteidge; of our men -beide will snort join the he certain cntletnan .~f this nei:;hhor. t 11 rr:•i i, 2. rerunct statute lahnr; n•rhle am►y of }de..r•rlietq •—!lta.t i(,t1a bred' hitt\ Il.}tri buying, turkeytt, Alf • i) rtq othn }rat\ 4:0111\ sutl'e iu.I fr•rrn the 'Coulee Hill boys know what that vert; B Arlatrong, $5. charity; dais 1 riper, $8, charity; Wm Anderson, $5, chanty; Richard Shrt„ig 1e), $3, charity. Moved by W ' Cruickshank,' seeended by Wm. (etnmill, that tine oounei.l do,now adjourn) to meet in Saults''hall, Eiluovalo, lrebrttary 24th, at? 144o'olcole a m --Carried, xaIStowel• The general prevalences of la grippe around town is having,: the effect) of leaving the town industries, as well as the mercantile establishments, short handed, Hay Bros. mills were shut down for several days, owing to the two millets and the engineer being laid up at the same time. The town schools have become nearly depopulat- ed. Still x have not heard of any very serious results from it so far, for widen. we are very* tliaukful,--The two very sudden deaths last week—of Messrs P' Knapp and .T A Tremain—• had the ellectof turning the :thought ef'the community into channels Which we trust, will he:for the good of those who may have providentially been led to think on this melancholy subject. 'And besides, death and the possibili- ties that follow, men .have bean ask- ing themselves the • question : If I were to be taken away tuns suddenly, what provision have 1 made for my wife and children. As a result of these gnestions, quite a number have given rn their propositions to the differ- ent benefit .societies.-- Miss Jessie Climie, on account of failing health, has been compelled to resign her post= tion on the teaching staff of the publie school, Miss Lowery, of .this town,. staff of the Blue. ]ata of the - teaching sta vale school, has been appointed to the position.—After what may be termed a lingering death, the Mechanics Institute is being again resuscitated with new energy. Very fine and cornmodious rooms have'• been fitted ep for thy,°purpose of reading rooms, and library. The formal openingis to be held' me Friday, the 50th inst. No person can properly estimate the, boon an institution c•f .thie kind may and after sojourning there for a few he to a town,' and more especially to days went on,, it is said, to one of the tl}e,young.m? of a tawtn, tf prgntpr•1y neighboring townships.—Mrs Connery run end a sufficient interest taken. in lies gone to spend the winter in to the grip. It is not_., wi so to get .noduly excited over nevertheless nil sanitary should be taken. Let the nett"th and 'municipal everywhere be active and clo their full duty. Irs 'rruscott, of Iia milton, has bought an action agai ?at Crescent Ledge, Independent Ord er of oda feellows, of that eity, the ii,stue of which wilt be looked for with great interest ruse°. s+ s a member of Creecent Lodge, and among the benefits was an annuity of $40 to his widow. in ease of his death. This web' b other benefits, was fixed by by • law. Sine Truscott's death in 1584. the bylaw was amended so as to reduce tin' annulty from $40 to $20,. and tr melte the annuity run for ten years only Thie, l;rs Trtisoott chiles, the lodge had no right to do, since its relations with Truscntt were in the retorts of a eantraet. The lodge claim. ed ire right to amend the bylaw, fol elle bylaw, itself contained a chins(• previd ng for its amiendinent by it two thirds vote ef• the lodge members. slatcl the Grand Lodge at flit mune' *tr*et leg irr 1 ►i't°, rcdnt►aad •d tl: ten tiles+Yrs en a* tie iiia tiway with venni ties to wtb!t)ws„t% deemee+l lee' ,r,.. and iwcf : tr -tie refer arep event to b6 1 teerRi.Jaivra inane ll at et '*r tli• it l iai e . matter, reeautious boards of authorities •1 The-stricken parents linve(t he boort felt uytnpashy of tli+s woo et cemenine, ;sty.---rJ he body of W J Moore, eldest son of Mr Jas Moore, who was killed by au explosion of gas in Cannons- burg, Pennslyvania, wits interred in the Union cemetery here on Suuday last. ' 1 Iorrls• Tnt:aiclay, the.'Jlst inst was a very stormy day. --The Literary Sooiety meeting, which is usna.ly wall atttinJ- ed tied held in the stntae BawlItonse, was very tbiuly atieuded this week, through the r•rugit weather. ' But abeut. t3 o'clock in calve the lthrcnolo• gist, fx Cozens, who tial engaged to lecture and read Beads here, c:, ittmeu- oiug on Thursday, 23,d inst. He gave a few words prep,eratory`to his lecturtt and emphasized the idea that we shoull) come to times meetitt s, not merely for fan, as inane did, but to receive instruction. ' EIH also de,.lared that if a nun of lutetligeace+ heard three of his lectures seri elude up his tubed to, learn that Lifter that, he will be able for tele an hottest roan frons a rogue when he suet bins., lie said, is that of any importance or ;one ot the largest and meet sueoessfut not ?` We say, yes. 11r Editor, it etot,ries in the country, stud the roust be a good thing, indeed, We rone fully appreciato• that benefit it i, are looking, for a good time with hon to them.--'1.'he wind stone oftli ll3tb this week. Ile speaks -of lecturing' next has level oil ti ;teat gatantity of timber week in Lower Wingbaue School and in the ne .411)or,eo4 and the farriers expects a grand titrte,. He lectures, will have to out it into saw logs and we understand, more on the face than wood this w nh r The, trills will no most phrenologists do. Yours truly, doubt have a great deal more stook A LEARNna• than usual on that acoon•ttt.—Turn. Mrs W Geddes, ;jr, of 3rd coalcessinn,. berry council diet hero oil• kb -May is not impru-ving in, health. She has last The tenders were opened for r , Ford. ra n of e. , r ' 1 ' ,r , tali R r 1 C i A Cr e . lar h e R 3 :ti tet; a ii2tou s rid. . the svmpa y .. L €iieurls and acquaintances in her melt, was the lowest, being $655, and affliction.—lett Johir Clegg and' bride be was awarded the contract.-3lessre. left for their lroiirce in Manitoba last Dnff, and 5taw=.r t had quite a be, rghursday, That prosperity' may at' raising their smoke stick on Friday.; tend them. in;their journey through Mr John Collet, on genial station life is the wish. of their many friends. agent,, has been laid u s. with the ix —The family of lir John Smith, who' grippe, but we are pleased. to he ilia had the,Bell farm on the 35d line to state that he is around again,— rented this year, .moved into the house •hid Joseph Pugh any. errs 'Ira Etcher of,Mrs Baines, Suushine, last week, havealee heels laid,up with the same complaint,—Our O.he ne Company's annual meeting was held Wedit i41r Joseph ',ocelots buoy, si li his lumber away this week; };y Blue -Yale). / The anuuel neetini; 0 the Blue_ vale Cheese and nutter 1?setnry t ,• ,. . the tit. .► I se rlld ► tl r Cmxlpmn,y wee) b 4 . ' hall nluevale. ori +Vsduesday, J'ativary 22nd,. ltl9il At the dose of we a u nal sleeting a ditiOnnnt on charge for tnakii cheese of 4 rams per pound was vein to patron shore.. holders. From the anneal report which hes beet. printed'• and circtetated we,, learn the following pertieteters: Tettil amount of enilk received 1t1139, 2,831,. 037 pt.iinrle. Total emnint of cheese )rade in 1889, 265,Q.85• pounds. Avsr,a;e pOnit'Ie milk to• pe adds otiose for seasau, 10 i38 10( penuche Average price oleeteet was sold ab per pound, 0 96 100 cents, Average coot M drawing mile, 8 mills per gallon.. Average cost of making cheese, inched - jug all expenses, except renewals ant. •repairs, 1 80-11)0 cents per pound\ The total'receipte of the, fact+iry for,- arnount:d t,' $130,381, loot the dishurantnoit to $B0,4tt& Of' this. amount the Kant of 0.21,883 84' wail paid to the petronH for loiia`, and the ivalcin of tee cheese for the :reason amounted to $6,938 The whey for 'the season sold for $x413 fat This is it, by those ,who have got the money and are willing to spend.. a, little to give it a stars;. --Rev 0 'E: Perry Grand:Chaplain of; the. Grand Loyal Orange'Lodne o£ Ontario, delivered a lecture on Canada, Orangeism and Jesaitism, in the.. Methodist Church -here, on'Tuesday evening last --Rev Dr; Stafford, Pastor of then Shelbourne Stec ,t Methodist, Church, T, r,cinrt'o, is to legtare here ons\ ddatuary 6th. -fixe first,ma;Piirn? ot_the new Commit carts lieitien Monday evening, when Mr. Win_ Bright . eras appointel Town Clerk over Dr Burgess. This was the only change made in the municipal oo;eors:: Myth. Mr Thomas Bowden, who 1158 been runtiimgte, planing mill and stave and door factory at the east end of our village, took a midnight trip on Thurs:° day of last week for parts unknown, He leaves many creditors to mourn his departure. -.-• Mr. P. Conroy was here this week,—Mine host, J. Mason, • of the, Central hotel„ has been ifecritsposed with an attack of inflnenza, this week —Tho Council t,f 1589 held their last meeting onThurs- day. night of last week and did a gone. act by passing a •fire limit by- law. We hope the new Council` will do their part now by having it enfurc• e'1,—The shone of our news bays may he heard about the oorners on Sra.tur. day nights.—The entertainment, under the auspices of the. M P S of Christian Endeavor, in connection with " the MMMethadist Church, which was to have been given on Tuesday night of. this week, has been postponed till the following Tuesday.— Rev Joseph Edge, of Clinton-, occupied the pulpit of thtz Methodist Churcla,bot}r morning and evening, last Sunday. --- Miss Mary Tartan is carrying on the dress and tnantlr makieg husiness in the shop recently' ocenpied by Miss 1t' 'Hunter, 'next door to A. Taylor's flour and teed storn ---11r Neil McTavish, woll known in Blyth and vicinity, is spending. e few days hero vi ittng hth sister ---`The insotiu:,r held en Wedn.•s• clay evening for the puriroee of start - in a Ytntn P'ooplere Society in connection with Trinity Church, swat Wingham with her sone/Clue Connery. —Mr `W Armour, of Wingham, while Lakin;; a load of apples to .• .k3russels, had the misfortune of bret}king down while driving along the 5th. He borrowed a wagon frotn ,Mr R Irwin and w s thus able ty ;rtterrrr:t. 1rte journe mmlf,, ' . , e; egret of a num M,efe!ot"al]"t:f':zreee ho wt it'd like to have bought a portion of his load.— Mr James'Rassell has gone ten Goder- ich township to visit his father, who is seriously ill.—Mr Downy, having completed the moving and repairing of his house, lied' • an old fashioned housewarming last Friday night, at which a number of theiads and lassies of the vicinity tripped the, light fan- tastic till near the break of day. -- Mr Chas Wheeler had a wood bee a few days ago, when about 35 eords of wood were cut,, after which he allowed the young folks the use of the house for a socia;. hop.—Thos. Wiljtinson,, V S, of Ripley, spent a few, days under the parental roof this ' week.—ltiessrs Clegg and -Dances- shipped' 'a; carload of cattle from the Brussels.. station Mond ay. =Rey Jos. Edges of- Clinton, preached a very eloquent• and practi cal sermon in, the btinshine Church, Suiiday.last taking fpr his text John iOtli chapter, 7th verse,: troll whir.+ he showed the necessity for Christ's leaving the world. aucl. sending the Comforter, and- the glorious results to the world in the growth .of Hie church, and the expansion of His :Kingdom, Consequent up.e, :t. 8 ipang• East 'V9:aWanosh• We hove the pleaeure this week or Cbroplekittg-the Marriage of ilr Rrtber:e, t 'AcGowan to \Iiss Lihbie H Scott,. daughter of I1r Walter Scott, 'which took place at the residence of the, bride's father on . the 21st' iust, The ceremony was performed at 6 o'clock ., p. m, by Itev. Geo, Law, of Betgrave. The guess, u t wards of 100' in number, then paras, k of a bountiful, repast, after witch, taking advantage of the hospitalitb of the host, they proceeded to. entertain thernselves.in various. ways, clancing the chief amusement„ The bride was made the recipient of many - valuable presents,whichtnre by far too numerous. to m' ntion. The young couple left on 'Wednesday morning for, Toronto, and vicinity,.where the honeymoon will he spent. ---Mr J Tally left on Wednet- day for Port Hope —Mews Dana 'hi McColl, 1i D, of Georgetown, attend- ed the wedding of their cousii,Mise Libbie Scott,. sin 'Tuesday. - Orange Hill. John Fitzpatrick, from :4iani- tuba, is visiting friends in this vicinity and we expect that his glowing des- eriptien of the Prairie Province or "the light of love which shines over all," will have the effect of enticing some of our fair maidens to 'sail down the stream of time with hint' in that ship ie which there is just room for two. --Mr, Albert Griffin is visiting friends and ncquaintances in }lewick. lire intends going baok ter North. Dakota and would advise those who can axiut here to stay. - - box social, under the mum ccs of the :luieley School of this place, wag helve at Ttlr. . liButton Vl1 ail error ni Culross. Mr: John. Walters lost a fine little • boy last week with croup. lie was bur- ied in the Wingham cemetery on Saturday.—Mr. Wm. Forton came very nearly shuffling off this mortal { coil on Sunday. Ile was sutferitil, with La Grippe, and let it run too N! without checking,—The wind' storm. last week, destroyed a great deal of bush and fenees.—Miss Mary Jan r :.. Caslick and sit ter leave' today for. ; Manitoba, on a visit to their brothers; with the intention of remainingthere 1 if the country suits them. • — ew Oats,new WhFtahr,new Pot toes, new Plants and 13ulbs,are of feels in the 1890 Oatalogue of The Steele Broe, Co., Toronto. t' o geed to s to the V, S. for seed when such work is: issued here, foto dt.beate .theta ell, It is the largest,. the handsameitr'. the most modern, and fullest, in wetter. and illustrations of any we have. yet seek. Canadians should he piroud of ani firm: of such enterpris=e, enercgy, end high standing. They offer the Bsnuar oats, that yielded 516.• bust, per as're af; h varlet nets, k rt ' urine ark oou . .. y r Teti,. t v for b}i ta Potatoes; new The clovers f .. tior• West, tlse,,tigan. :phe eataingtte is p at 20e , whieh may be deducted from red first order sent in, o' they will. ps td 1Ib. of Banner oats by mail .. pl'tt 1d or 5 paekete of vegetable, or 5 seeds and catalogue incltrri+td far remittanes of 25c It will pal evo taxed to r, i ; Jtitnee Alien, $11 0, error $&re' • an wreck of its grippe, which ended moans and ariticipete fan is the near k apnatenr gardener, fioriet and ter t ee; Jahn Rol$itote ft a tats, ttk-1• its last' d1•*th 05. Weelees ar hi 'future. Ito 'eel for tie 'TAWA GORRESa' The f•mrth 808510) 0 Perliainent of the D • opened lith the usual ee Thurs :ey, 16th lees. ,l'a peat the Mt'r ns ter .0 hou has twee niokaed to tree : oerernoaiy in it rather hut tier, e'v,•l.t., elle . tiittlst•orit treated it lightly, and rl gone so far as to ttllu "a onarnery." lirwevor, lag a I this, your hu' determined to witttess ti ••a'nd for this purpoon services •ot to friend t dulcet to the eiemernl hour fix• d foe the openi was three o'elucic, • and arrive.. at the I'arlian about 1.311, I found a w=titins; patiently fur the Shortly nt'ter two, this it event, took place ; the rte ' in dile time 1 found mr g elect' on the right of chair, It diel not telae up both galleries, this Il tho throne was already the ladies. of the upper t the Gov+-rnrlirtnt circle had already taken posse;. floor of the Cuaruber.,w reserved fir the. Seuatot. tt.eir wives and daughtt •of the government, ju clergymen, college pt others. As each fair nc; peered the ladies in leaned over to catch a, g costunie,and made ceinr, some of the older ones c a good share of • critic Mr, 11. but favorable. ll . the active, graceful 'and Gentleman Usher of th was master of cereinoni Indies at the bar of the ,giving them his arm, oc to their appointed seats; that would, be a credit to field. By three o'clock „ was well filled by the people of Ottawa, the Supreme Court in their sitting an the divan alt for them on spelt occ:• • dignitaries, and mer Government in their Wi' A few muiutes past thra heard,and his Exceilerrc,i surrounded by a brilliat the Chanel), r. All ar Excellency was seated. preliduiiiari,ee, .the lip Sen.ite, on the comniau eelleucy, despatched tl 'Usher of' the Black Re the faithful Commons t This the aforesaid. ("x. t who was standing is ai ceedec1 to de, and as made a bow to lits lit. such a tow. First, try paratiou, be threw his back as possible, then v motion he bent himself of about f •rty-five degr to standing position,. 1, and walked tt ward the reached the middle of when,probably thinkin show` sufficient respec ccllency, he turned arm the same graceful bow again at the 'Aar, and at ptit up the brass fixings the faithful Commons within the sacred tart Chamber, During the before.the members ear. . around on the floor ben prominent persons who Throne. There was. himself, clothed in the fort) of a Privy Ci sword hanging by hies ed hat under his arm. man neeined to be •ill r . toggery.. Ile stands although' the nervous.. t his mouth,and, tho so step tells,the beholder much longer. attend. to, State and be a great p O.ecasionally he,wnnld to some tnetnber of bi and the merry ttwinkle broad smile that pleyei tenanee, as well as srejaa,that carne frons told,thnse who looked no important affair of disco' sing. 1 expect( to see the r,1d gentle neighbor a dig in the r emphasis. The other Lioverttinent were pt plitin Windsor uniforr, the Governor Getieral very important figers. well formed man. ani lived in an atmosphere a 'fete ur,tintea the dn, Cf;)l Ouinst, the S Onnimone, ptieceded ba 'fisher, enteral, follow Sul Comm' ilii, The