Wingham Times, 1890-01-03, Page 6c a`itingilam Vacs FIi11aA pIAI. UAIiRX 8, 11320, Wfat Wawan.osh. QQ..unoil 1,0e4 according to statute do Monday, 1.6th laepember, Min-: iter of last meeting were read and: approved. Tile treasurer's xeport for October and . >li'ovembea showed ireceipts, $2,41 4,90, ano expenditures, *Lamm leaving balance of $826,'72' on band. Wrn. Thorns camplaineci that the parties to drainon con, 12, .had not- done ler work as the engineer directed, 411d that •his portion of drain was tt sing tf ostroyed thereby. A cool- snunicf}tion from the engineer en sane:atlbject was read, $toting that 11n le/itd examined the premises and ,dud extended the time for completion of A. Gaunt's portion until the 20th. Moved }Iy Mr. Rowers, 'seconded by "IVB r. Gassers, that if I . ,Gaunt does e11 t con}plete bis work in the time gygeoifted, the clerk re+iaest the en- , :ginner to let the job according to statute. -'Carried. The engineer also reported that O. Miller, con 7,. had not done his ° portion of ditch according to the award and extended the time far completing the work properly until December 31st. The oounoil resolved itself into a board of ,health to receive • the report of Dr. Gordon, medical adviser, and to pay }is account of $3 fon services render• Id. Council work resumed. Charles irvin, senior, drew the attention of the council to the fact;.that au improp- er proportion of the school rt&1e for U. S S. No, I, Nile, had been levied on the V a evanosh portion of the section, {awing to, an improper .equalizettion. iVloved by the Reeve, seconded by Mr. - Bowers, ,.that the clerk correspond with the Ashfield council on the mat- •ier, asking them to.take steps to have the error rectified -Carried. Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Gibson, that the collector be given 'until January 15th forreturn of roll- (farried. The following veer° appoint- ed Deputy Returning Officers for the doming municipal , elections Polling subdivision No, '1, J. G. Ward ,•No. 2 George Rutledge ; No. 3. R. K. Miller No. 4, John Gordon. The ;accounts of 1T. Glen for shovelling amps!,, and A. Kirk, for 'culvert and putting tree, were laid over. Moved by U. r. Bowers,seconded by Mr.Todd, Oatthe • meeting •of ratepayers on nomination day he held at 10 a. m.- \ harried. Theclerk was instructed to "\have 150 copies of financial statement printed. A. number of -checkswere given,after which the council adjourn.• d to meet according to statute. • R. K. 11/11LLER, Clerk. Salem. The ' Congregational Church at 'Getumill's Corner, " T"uritberry, had pleasant gathering last Thursday evening, when, for the first time'in the history of this place of .worship, a 7tlristmas tree entertainment was given in connection with the Sabbath edictal. The first part of the: pro- gramme, consisting of singing, recta- tions and dialogues by the scholars, being completed, refreshments were ,served round, when the ohildrel?, again •entertained the company by • their recitals,.' which ' wore received with applause by a numerous and apprecia- tive audience. Bat the , crowning event of the evening was the:distribu tioti of the presents from the Christ. utas tree, which,as might be imagined, occasioned much interest and excite- ment amongst the scholars, and, with commendable liberatlity, several v;LIuablp presents were found to have been given to individuals of a larger• growth. In the course of the evening, . s:tort addresses were delivered by the Itcv, Dunlop and the pastor, the Rev. J. AL. Totten. I{earth+ votes of thanks were given to the ladies' Corrimittee,the organist and clisirman, alai this pleasurable entertainment was br•Jugbt to a., 'close., by singing the doxnlogy.-0u Friday evening last, thn mortal remains of Mrs, M.,- Deyell. were conveyed to their last resting place•, in the Wroxeter cemetery and placed beside timed of her hue - baud, who di, d about fourteen years a loses mo Mt s mourned i 1 'previously.y her friend"• acid the attendants of the Congre,,,atior::al Church, Tnrn'herry, of *herb body she had fur many years continued aconsistent tudifiber. Ittrnber)t . if r. Dari.i Martin Las sold his farm, ant one fes • tan •Plib;On Ic, t • 141,t itob•'rt Shemin for $4,201 c;,811. The farru eeeTtaite l0(? acre!v, at.d Tins a rot I,rj.:k bombe end first clams baro on ft •iii'+ rjrliitg is is ihr a -slaw omndition, t tet Is Cling "''r Sharpie . Listowel. An old Listowal lloy-lir. T, A. Austin, sou of Mr. A. Austin, of this. town -leas been distinguishing him self in uncle Sam's dominions, and this is flow a Neky Orleans paper speaks of the matter: Two men neatly dressed, made a desperate but unsuccessful attempt' at robbery of registered 'packaget; in the office of the United States Express Curnpany on Uravier street, near St, Charles, 4t 8;30 o'clock yesterday. While the money clerk was being drawn into conversation by one of the • sharpers, the other slipped through a door lending liehind the counter and , grabbed three or four money ,packages from, an express safe. Austin saw him and made a rush at the fellow who tried to make a dash for the street, some twelve feet dis- tent. He was caught by Austin, who held on firmly, Somebody blew a police whistle and soon a large crowd gathered. The confederate fled precipitately and escaped, but the Party to whom Austin held on deeper- ately was delivered over to the r ol:ce and taken to the central station in the patrol wagon. It was a bold scheme this attempt at robbery in broad daylight, but it signally failed, thanks to the prompt action of Mr. Austin. At the station the prisoner gave his nnme'as Wm. Frai.klin, a bookkeeper, 32 years old and a native of Baltimore. When hewas taken before Captain h'lalone the latter instantly' recognized him as Win. Evans an old New Orleans crook, who had done five years for robbing the People's Bank. The money in the packages the thief attempted to get a way with amounted to $10,000. • Hawick• The Council met in the township hall. at Gerrie, Dec. 16th, 1889, pursu• ant to Statute and clerk's notice, at 2 o'clock p, m. Members all present. The Reeve hi the. chair. 1Vtintites of last meeting read and approved. Moved by Mr. Dulmage, seconded by Mr. Robertson, that the tax collectors be instructed not to enforce the engineer's: expenses on Ashton drain until the council hold . a Oourt of Revision on same -Carried. Moved by Mr. Jacques, : •seconded by Mr. Graham, that the 'members of the Board of Health each he. paid $5, arid the secretariy $4 extra, for postage, making rettirns, etc: -Carried. Mov- ed by Mr. "Jacques, seconded by Mr. Graham, that the CIerk procurd the necessary number of copies of detailed statements and post them up iu pur- suance of statnte-Oarried. .Accounts passed. --J. Geddons, $8.50, for ditch, un Howick and Wallace boundary, and damage A. Drummond, $2.40, for gravel ; A.McMichael, $6 24, for gravely Wm. 11. Clegg, $12:7'0, for coal oil, etc , and taking care pf hall ;. S. Johnson, $1:80, for gravel ; R. Jameson, $197, for Spence's bridge. The council then closed. WM. DANE, T'p Clerk. Tree Planting on Farms. • . ' To the Rditor of the Tao: Sm, -Many inquiries have been lately made as to the best method of establishing small plantations of hardwe)od on farms where the natural supply of timber las run short. The best reply that can be given to these is that, to insure rapidity of growth, we must plant enough young trees to shade the gr'ouud to a considerable •extent,"that is to say, plant young trees, say three or four feet apart each way. This is about• four times as many trees as wilt ultimately be need- ed, and, therefore, it is well to plant three•fonrthse maples, which are cheap, common 'trees of easy growth, and make every fourth tree a tree of better and more durable variety, such as the ash, hickory or cherry. As the pant tion ,gets tee close the maples can he cut out, and will- make good fuel, leaving the more valuable trees, which will yet stand quite close - enough to answer the purpose. Of course my readers understand;fibat `to grow olear•timber fit for +emannfacturr ing purposes, the tree must grow, othet'wise they wilt run into branches Thiel is the mode practised by the best United States. planters. The 'maples will get above the others, which will de rood but do not let them get too far above. Yours, &c., R; W. Pa1PPs. Toronto, Pe., 7th, 1830'. Iiere is a, fact, that every one is not aware of, that Chr et tins and the first of May are always ou t11 • same day Wednesday was the day last year, and if you Lave leisure titn • gather your old calendhrs together and yea wilt' II th.it May Land Ch ibt,nes have always been on tis after a day of the vrQ p Mr. Stiertt replies tQ Ci/tth,o11t0 LEIY an. To the Editor of the Wingham TimeS, DEAR SIR,- I am a CathoLic lay man is satisfied about: 'Romanist.' I used it for brevity. 1 might well:, b excused, howevtrx when the Pope himself calls his church 'The Roman Church,' from which Romanist natur- ally follows. A, letter sent by Jahn•t Cardinal Gibbdos, anent the Catholic Centennial, bears this inscription 'To our beloved son, James Gibboms of the title of St. Mary beyond the Man Cardinal Priest of the ably Raman Church, Archbishop of Balti- wore.' - 2. Catholic Layman asks for par- ticulars as to persecution of Protest. ants in Mexico. Intelligerce on such topics come to us mostly from Protes• tants ministers whose reports are pub_. ,fished in the denominational jautuals and copied intp other papers. Here is a sample I.oulled from the Witness some months ago : 'Tun CLERICAL. .PARTY in Mexico. is again persecuting the Protestants with great bitterness. A young I'rotestant'Mexiean girl opened a village school, and. was poisoned by 'loco' weed in a few days by the fanatics. In Guerrero. a mob, insti- gated by priests, assaulted the house of a Protestant family ar1c4 killed three persons. In Vera Cruz, the editor of a Liberal newspaper was denounced from the pulpits, and was murdered shortly afterwards on a lonely road,' Niue years ago, I heard Rev. Wm. Butler, D. D , an eminent Methodist minister,of the States, who bus labor. ed in Mexico,state. in a lecture that twenty-five"years from that time, the Inquisition was in operation, ' under the old, regime in Mexico ; that parties were not, indeed, burned to death, but were led along a room till a trap door ripened, .and they disappeared never to .be seen alive again. The remains of, two of the wast recent victims are preserved in the museum of Mexico. • 8. Catholic Layman asks for proofs of any assertion that the Jesuits were concerned in the wars, especially that of 1870. I would remind him that it is not my •assertion. I distinctly affirmed that 'I 'disclaimed, making statements on my own humble author- ity, and that I therefore quoted Gold- win .S111ith. •. He being a Professor of History, has made such' matters it ,special study, and is not likely to make an unfounded statement. • A similar account is given in the Encyclopedia Br ittanica. • Its articles are carefully prepared, after compari son of sources of information; and it is a stardard authority. Here, then, to go no further, are two eminent authorities. • 'If Catholic Layman, chooses to put himself in opposition to them, he ran, but others will form their own. judgment. Catholic Lay- man objects to quotations. He asks for proofs. But in regard to history, proof must be by quotations. So. tnust it be in' general as to the present- day likewise, for unless one .has been personally •a witness, he ..must give either the oral or written_ quotatidn of another. How does Catholic Layman know that the Jesuits Buttered 1i trd- ,ships in the early days of Canada, ex- cept by what he has heard. or read from some one else Does he think that his own assertions are proofsl I do not. ,I have, therefore, given `my authorities. they are good ones. Catholic Layman's dispute is with them, therefore, now, rather than with me. Catholic Layman says: "It is wrong bo say that the Roman 0,ltholic church teaches that all Protestants will be damned." Cardinal Manning, as I have showed from the Tablet, says: "It is necessary to the s..lvation of every human creature to be subject to the Reman Pontin" Rather eon tradictory. 1, however, hold with St. Pant, that we are saved by faith in Christ alone. Thus the tree is made good and the fruit will be good, I do not think it'lecessary'to advert further to the other matters in Catholic Le.ytnett's letter. W. K. Strcewn% Tile fool may be depended Upon to keep a secret if he does not know it. The significant notice, 'Hands oft' is placed '. p 1 Ce over era circular savv in a wood working factory. • y• eD fereI! na r 'r0 oT EnB.-•-Ara yon di t abed at night and broken of ;your rest by a sick child suffering and trying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If a0 acrid nt cneeand get a bottle of "fr8. i'inslow's lioothing Syrup'" for Children Teething*. Its value is meal:ui. able. it will relieve tile poor little suffer.:r rlm:Lealiately. Depend upon it, mothers; there Is no miatako about it. It cures Dysentery and DiarrInea, reeuhttea the Stomach and Bowens, eutes Wind Colic, softens the Gums, pedesis lntlrtmn,atlo5, and gives tone and energy to the whole sy:steni. " Mrs. Win. slaw's Soothing !,genie" for children teething Is plear:at to the taste and is the pin w•ril.tlon of one of theeldeet aril hest terrible pbyeielv., and nurses In the Iimlted Htxtee,"and is for sale by -a11 druggiatd abysms -host the world. Price twenty-five Dentes i ,'BIAI>roI,i1"t C'oitxaa RRUGI 1t3'TU fyryystir. Be tore ami sok for DM**.. ti•1 M.ow'r 56mmssaw tons,' mad teolPJf se ether biadt :,..• nygllN l A lt1C , I'ATII,RIfON, BA6hire or Metall 'Melina 00857, 1551155 Or Maio 81405 LiC$(sE5, M•INOHAM, OilT. 11 P (MAMAS, e ISSUER or MARRIAG,a L10rNSES, NOTARY s .. t ui3I.IC, f oNVEYAin:Ea, ow. Orrios-." Big" Bookstore,' RIPLEY, O,rr. Money to. Loan on Farm Security at Low Batesat interest. No commission charged. FRED. . WRIGHT, Contractor and Builder, Agent for Downuy's (Beigrave) Iirn oN'1'. $sob,000 TO LOAN. On Farm and Town Property at s ury Lowest Rates and ou Terme to suit borrowers. MORTGAGES. PURCHASED. No OOMMISSIbN CHARGED.. borrowers can obtain money in 5 day a if satlstautory. R. VANSTONE, Beaver Bloch, Winghaut. MONEY TO LEND. rnuie CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP Ob l Turuberryhas about 53,000 to loan ou Mort- gages. For terms apply to, P. McLAREN, or WM. ROPHE1tSON, Tr, TRRABURRR, Whlgham. RkavR, Glaufarrow: wingham, May Money to Loan on • Notes. Notes Discounted AT • REASONABLE RATES - Money advanced on Mortgages at 8 per cent. with privilege of paying at the end of any year: Notes and accounts collected. ROST. MoINDOO. Oirxlei . Bcaver Block. Windham, Ont. Sarni ¥OL1 ill's REAL ESTATE AND FIRE. INSUR- ANCE AGENCY. NSUREANCE.AGENCY. OFFICE : KENT'S BLOCK WtNGHAM. Private funds to loan. • A number of .Building Iota and Residence proper Mos for Sale. Those dealring 'to makea home in Wingham should conimunieate with, or apply in person at my Onto,where all necessary information can be btaoinud. BANK OF HAMILTON, Capita, $1,000,000. Rest, $400,000. President -Jens 8TUART. , V1c6.•4'roaideut-.r. G. EARFUL. DIRECTORS JOHN PROCTOR, 0MA6. GoRNRY,\GRO ROACH, A. Woon, A. B• Les (Toronto). Cakhier=J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 to 1, Deposits of eland upwards received and interest allowed. •.* Special Depoasits alao received at current rates of Interest. ' Drafts on Groat Aritain and the United St to bought and sold. B. WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DICKINSON, SoracirOE$, DAVIS • IS OFFERING • .LVL V :1.V a ON F.A.P1Vl 1?R?PER'L'Y AT VERY LOW MATES. ,Sf T OFFICE --OPPOSITE THE MARKET, WINOHAM OCTOBER 4TH, 1338. tt TINES 63 SUBSCRIBERS. All parties who have not paid for the " TIMES "for the years 1888 and 1880, are requested to re- mit the amount at once.. We need. money, and hope thiel' notice will be sufficient, and that a general response will be, the retault. R. "tLLYOTP. oi. Qs a‘k\N• 4\-` ,ret *Uset\r\VM)(3V.,%, S fiv `ILA149kf1 )OR f: rat;s 1 1 C''f t'IAtit1 411k, V Lrgan, rcVeluailul4urs and l3rr,M* Ml est; itc It ftt is ri. Y at • V', 12c tkItingOnt -IS PUBLUSIIEII- BYIa1tY FRIDAY MOUNIS% -•A'1211X- TIMES OFFICE, JQSEPHINL STl4Eei WING134114, - ONTARIO, Subscription price, Sl per year, in advance ADVERTISING RATES: Space, 1 1 yr. 1 01no. 1 a no 1 1 u,o. One CO',rnn 't4,;a 00 O36 00 1 el2o 0a :; e8 06 Half " 35 00- 20 00 12 00 t 00 Quarter " ` 10 00 12' 00' 7' 00 4 0i3 0110 Incrh { 5 00 3 00 1 5 00 1 000 Local and other casua advertisements, Se. per line for first !filiation, mid 3e. per line !preach subsequent Insertion, Loral notices, in nonpareil type, 10c, for first sortlon, aid 60. per line for each su beequent insert es NO local notice will be shargod less than 25c, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situation . and Business Chances wanted, not exceeding 8 line* nonpareil, 81 per month, Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding S linen," 61 for first month, 500.. per subsequent month. These terms will be strictly adhered to. Special rates for longer advertisements, or for longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid end charged accordingly. Tran. sitory advertisements must be paid in advance, the office by Wedueeday noon, in order to appear Shat Changes weak for contrast adiertteemeuts. must be in R. ELLIOTT PROPRiEToR AND PUBLISHER e ,Ii. MACUONALD, 1J JOSEPHINE STREET, WINo#AM, - - ONTARIO Dit. J. A. r1ELDRUM, Honor Graduate of Toronto UniveraitY. Office and Realdenee.,•The old stand fornieriy oeru. pied by Dr.. Bethune, at the corner of Centre end Patrick streets, WtxonAs, • • • • ONT. DR. F. E. GODFREY, First-class honor man andeneral proficiency medal. 1st Toronto University, Reuther College 1113siUuq,b and Surgeons of Ontario. r Office -,•At Ifethodiat Parsonage, BNiOitAyE, Oft. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER Ste„ Wingham . Ontario. R VANSTONE, ' BARRISTER, . SOLICITOR, NOTARY LI1L1G CONVEYANCER, ETO. FF6CES-Boai er Block, Wixon4s pals„ GORRIR and 11LY'rn, ONT • ' PrivateandCern1an fvfdatoloan 1t 10R' • of interest. Mortgages, town and -fared property bought and sold, ,Mercantile colleetlQus a specialty, DENTISTRY.- J. S. JEROME,'FYigwam.. J S Jerome'ie manufacturing cef• 0611.- Iulold Plates Vulcanite plates of the best material as cheap as they can be gotin the Dominion. Ali, work tray xanted.• • Vegetable Vogor administered forth° painless extructiou of tenth, the only safe anesthetic knee n, OFFICE : In, the Beaver Block, opposite the RrnneWRrir Hotel. JT)ENT1STRYr-W. li. ALACn11ALD, WIissws. 1: - Maker of 'Vulcanite Celluloid AI Selye. Gold, etc., etc hlatea; r g In prices from 3500 u wan p ds r est traded without the crownleast painnd bythe use ok. CeVitat ized Mr,- Bead Office, Wi'nghan, side entrance op- positii the ed) from 9Queen's in nto 5 p stn, open be(Sundays nBlyth every 2nd and 4th Saturday of eachmonth Oiflceatbiiine,s hotel; Gorrie: tat and 3rd biorldays of each month,-. Oe1ce at Albion hotel, Extracting 26 conte. JCIIN RITOIIiE, •GENERALINSURANGE AOENT wINUHAM, ONTARIO ROBERT CUNNINGHAM,•. 11 INSURANCE"- FIRE AND MARINE,, QUELPIf. .B: p DEAN. JR., tVINOfIAH, v, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE OOUNTr OF HURON. - 'Sales,attended in any part of the Co. Margie. Moderate. JOHN CURRIE, Wrserreg, ONT., LICENSED AUOTIONEFjn roll TEle coags! err ' IlrinbIr. • All orders left at the Tight oi86e promptly at aid . . ed to. Terris reasonable. TAMES IIENDERSOly, •ISOENSED AUCTIONEER • eon-000eTIRs Ruffen MIS ••BRUOE. All ears attended to promptly and on the Shot$rud Notice. All anecessary nee irangnn ants ban be made at til• Times' office V.'tt a1tAM, ' IIOLTON ac IIAWRINs • P. L, b D. L. Smikktons rri) CLTIL I,%mall LISTOWEL AND tVXNG11AIf. 3ndi- tnt All orders left at the office of tbo Tam WIN• Selye prompt attention • t ELSON T. RIfCTi11S, P. L Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Drau6lianbs Particular attention paid to division of pre/ e.,""" into building tote, settling disputed boiitd►rits, preparing complete plane or towns and %Maga, as or p Registryles rt Act, U 0 ud ,r . dcscr ,s of l It 1 io I p toriusc;rtiorr in deufe. Ca4ss•Ecetious of ritriemads and estiasatea of cost of Bridges, Culvertq ' Pte' fileeancl estimates for wadies; ,hills, drat e, mail arid street iuIproieurcnt', sewers and o r iSaXt fleeting work. Col'respondence solicited, i'j1 yt plaesluld eh:mactor of work. OFFICE -At J. • AloaToN'.s law of5ee, Winghiru, Grit, 0 • A. e corms"; ch ficial] young Bent; thicken of.tl morning in e young tztsii 1 else that•eihf tie his Baud folioed -4 hi In a grove bench. Wh this bench h • and the few picked the f , petted by b( back. Phis bad 1 when the yi college. F'c . chicken eve over the to • food with ti After a f secured to t was not 001 nl1•rieence unholy. I morning TM 48 if svaitin Finally it where its n to feed it, I udder its v and. night. it with foo. up when ti grain or do fore it, it - intention t that It viae Iva; Every o1 aro usual/ cat's 'Opp( state of ns nee organa• des a,bcdb; <nld (:It0h ( with 511e t contact of rounding tinctly by thet ?telre out on sac the cornu, point, the animal's i'ore, a lip good once sea They indi feeling. a itself to prevent leaves, w {trey fila h1 too close : • with they Jur upon corning 1] enable h with a 6 of the s grass an coilddro• Two o; folia•• fur the Atlas •t,.fMr. J, They da teenth c • mer isa services . painted ' with au! on heav is of b leather lnountir It is wri letters i1 minor• is major o texts a1 margin, ing. Bc and are tors. -I --Pal Berra:- ports to is issue • each n • journal of AMC • tending plain, r and aril vertise ramps Much'' every]) 01188106 Tek" c' but Te 0 A "Pr obtain leg tor eeripti Copy inane etabd els' Ir ly, the more yen. PaPer • Street VAI drawn tri the iikmr