The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-06-12, Page 4BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Pan- eling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood,, phone 395-5390. LORENZ DEAD STOCK SERVICE $20.00 dead horses; cows, a cent per pound over, 500 pounds. Phone collect 369-2410 Durham. FOR SALE Philips 21" black and white T.V. 'in good condition, apply to Mrs. John. Crowston, 528-2397, LUcknow. WRAPPING PAPER - Kraft roll, for home or office, 49e. The Lucknow Sentinel. FOR SALE - 10 can star cooler. Wm. Forster, R.R. 1 Lucknow. phone 528-6544. FOR SALE - a foam mattress, in good condition. Phone 528-3821, Mrs. Barry McDonagh. ALL OCCASION CARDS The Lucknow Sentinel has a good selection of boxed cards, get well, birthday,' all occasion, baby, anniversary, sympathy If you are unable to get down town to shop, we will gladly send a selection of cards, writing paper, etc. to your home from whim you can ,choose. Call 528-2822. ROY'S ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, win- dows, doors. For free estimate call Roy Emberlin, 'your local dealer. NEW. NEW NEW Personal "Presson" labels with your name and address, no, mois- ture needed, with coloured illus- tration of Canadian flag ,at left side' of label, use for your corres- pondence or as a means of ident- ification, 200 labels for $3.50. We also still have the regular labels, which need moistening, at 'the former price, 300 for $1..75, The Lucknow Sentinel phone 528-2822 THE FANS GO WILD PAUL HENDERSON'S MIRACLE Now on sale at The Lucknow Sentinel for $5.95. Don't miss it. Mail orders accepted at the same price. GESTETNER STENCILS paper, ink; duplicating paper and masters all in stock at The Luck- now .Sentinel, phone 528-2822. FOR SALE - two purebred Hampshire boars, 8 months old, reasonably priced. Phone 529- 7235. Help jour Newt Fund W.I. BUS TRIP The Lucknow Women's Institute is planning a bus trip to the Er- land Lee Homestead and other places of interest, including' a shopping plaza, on Thursday, June 20th. Anyone wishing to go contact Mrs. Grace Campbell, 528-3208 by Saturday, June 15. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting Of South Kinloss Cemetery . Corporation will be held on Monday, June 17th at 8 p.m. in the basement of South Kinloss Church. Lloyd MacDougall, secretary. HOCKEY DANCE A Hockey Dance will be 'held in' the LucknoW Arena on Satur- day, June 15th. Refreshments and deluxe smorgasbord. Every- one welcoine. Admission $3.50 ' per ticket. HOWICK BINGO Howick Lions' -Bingo Will ,be held on • Friday, June 14th, at 8:30 p.m. in Wioxeter Commun- ity Hall. Admission $1. 12 regu- lar games for $10; 2. share the wealth; one $25 special; Jackpot of $95 on 58 'calls. Door and con- solation prizes. DANCE AT LEGION • Lucknow Legion are sponsor- ing a dance in the hall on Satur- day, June 22nd from 10 - 1. Music by "The Chapel". Admission $1.50 per person. Persons over 13 welcome. " DANCE Ripley Agricultural Society will sponsor a dance on Friday, June 21st at Ripley District High School Auditorium to music of "Satin Brass". Tickets, advance sale $2; $2.50 at the cloth.; spon- sored by Ripley Agricultural Soc- iety, entire proceeds for Ripley- Huron Recreation Complex. Tic- kets available from Agricultural Society Directors and some local stores. OSBORNE PICNIC The. annual Osborne Picnic will be held on Sunday, June 30th at the, Tiverton Recreation Centre. Brthg a picnic supper. All rela- tives welcome. Bruce' MacPher- son, Pres.; Joy McLean, sec. PIANO RECITAL The pupils of Mrs. Marion Gamble will hold their annual Piano Recital in the Ripley Unit- ed Church Sunday School Roam, Saturday, June 15th at 8 o'clock. .FOR SALE - one 12 year old Buckskin mare, about 1600 lbs., Clyde and Percheron with 'a filly foal, one week old by a Percheron stallion; gray 3 year old Arab, quiet and well broke to ride. Dun- can Tarrish, Lochalsh, phone 395-2728. , BULLDOZING and grading. Con- tact Lloyd Whytock, Lucknow 528- 3433 or 528-3005. AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater • Licensed Auctioneers" Sales of all 'types Phone Ripley 395-5353 ' Teeswater 392-6170 TABLE PAPER -- white or col- oured designs for covering ban- quet or picnic tables, The Luck- now Sentinel. SALES AND SERVICE - A. and L. Sales and Services, welding and custom manufacturing,' ,one mile north ,of Amberley, west off 21. Hwy. Phone 395-2352.• Open Monday to Saturday. T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE . Repairs and Installation. Free Estimates. Year Round Service, Doug Harker, Phone 364-3313 Col- lect, Box 467, Hanover, Ontario. ,FOR SALE --- various types and strength of 110 volt weed chopper, electric and battery fencers; al- so repairs for any chopper type, including American. Alvin Beuer- man, R.R. 1 Dublin, phone 345- 2306. FOR SALE - 6 year old Palo- mino mare with colt on her side, Western trained. Phone 1-83.1- 3847 after 6 p.m. HURON PINES CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR MASONRY CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR BULLDOZER AND BACKHOE SERVICE TRENCHER SERVICE Clinton collect 482-7901 SOFTBALL EQUIPMENT Balls, Gloves and Bats at the Lucknow District Co-op, phone 528-3024. 'PAPERING - PAINTING Floor Sanding and Spray Paint- ing, Fred Emberlin, Phone' Luck- now. LAWN MOWERS AND ROTOR TILLERS A good supply of push mowers, riding mowers and rotor tillers. Lucknow District Co-op, phone 528-3024. FOR SALE - two registered Hereford bulls of serviceable ages. Contact Lloyd Graham at 528-6493. PICTURE FRAMING - choose from 500 samples, also an. array of coloured matting. Snyder Studio, Wingham, ,phone 357-1851. FOR SALE - 2 'ton Chev truck with stock rack, buy a's is. Con- tact Cliff Livingston, phone 529- 7488. FOR SALE - Palomino mare, 3 years old, very quiet suitable for children; six male German Shepherd pups, 6 weeks old. Harold Maize, phone 529-7507. HELLO BADGES - for meetings, parties, etc.; stick•to clothing for simple application, The Lucknow Sentinel. LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS AMBERLEY, PHONE 395-5286 Complete line of equipment for grain handling, processing and storage; plus manure handling and stabling for beef, dairy and hog set-ups. BEFORE THE AGE OF MIR- ACLES - memoirs of a country doctor, by Dr: W. V. Johnston, makes an ideal gift at any time, $6.95 at The Lucknow Sentinel, mail orders welcome. THIRD PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE Norman Robertson's History of, Bruce County, firit,ublisK1/41 in 1906, second printing in 1960. PRICE $7.00 Add $1 for shipping and handling We also have available the sequel of this book, The History of The County of Bruce 1907 - 1.968 written by Norman McLeod - same price. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL 4 • PAG E FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO SUPER CASH BINGO' Legion Hall, ,Lucknow, every Thudday, '8:45 p.m. Pot' of .Gold game - winner take all. 14 reg- ular games, $10 each.. 2 Share the Wealth ganies. A $30 Special Jackpot game for 115 on 59 calls or '$25 consolation prize. ANNUAL 'WEBSTER PICNIC All members of the Wel.Ster families are cordially invited to join together at Harbour Park, Goderich' on Sunday afternnon, June 16th,' picnic lunch. SINGING, B LL RINGING The CREDO CHORALE, and CARILLON, RINGERS, a ,group of. 41 Senior High Youth on tour from Park United Presbyterian Church, Beaver, Pennsylvania, will "resent a concert of Singing and bell ringing in Lucknow Unit- ed Church, on Thursday, June 43 at 8:30 P.M. Admission $1.00. Plan to attend. Advance tickets available from members of the Youth-, GrOup and at the 'door. COMING EVENTS WEDNESDAY, JUNE FOR SALE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL - is for sale at Stahley's Sunoco, Umbach's. pharmacy, H. and B. Discount and Koyle's Supertest in Lucknow. EXCAVATING. AND TRUCKING sand and grovel. Phone Robert Spines, Lucknow 528-3047. FOR- SALE - seed and table , potatoes; purebred Hereford bull and purebred Angus bull, 'both guaranteed breeders. John Shep- herd, R.R. .5 Lucknow, phone 395-2864. • FOR SALE - twelve half-blood Limousin bulls off performance test April 15, also one Maine- Anjou half-blood. 'John Howard, R.R. 7 Lucknow, 529-7348. GROCERIES BY THE CASE 50c a 'case above Wholesale price, bulk products 1c per pound above wholesale price; orders in by 11 a.m. Mondays, pickup Tues- days p.m., Cash and Carry, Koyle's Supertest, Lucknow 528- 3401. FOR SALE -- St. Bernard pup- pies. Call Oliver McCharles 395-5266. LOTS AVAILABLE in Wingham and Lucknow, we will build either your design or ours. For more, information call now, 357-1521. FOR SALE - 6, can spray milk cooler. Don Bell, phone 528-5804. FOR SALE' - half blood Limou- sin bull, 2 year old, sired by Es- brouffer;;, Gary Rintotil, R.R. 3 Wingham, phone 357-2349. FOR ,SALE complete set of 69 Ford car factory service manuals - $5.00; Bill Bolt, .Lucknow, phone 528-3619. FOR SALE - Hampshire boars, ready for heavy service. Contact Paul McNally, Wingham 357-3724. BALED HAY FOR SALE' --- phone 528-5354. FOR SALE -1, 5 year' old Hol- stein cow, heifer calf at side. Jack Ritchie, R.R. 3 Lucknow, phone 529-7547. FOR SALE - boy's 3 speed CCM bicycle, 3 years old; call 529-7350, Warren Zinn. FOR SALE - I still have a few gallons of maple . syrup. Phone Albert Bieman, Belgrave 357- 2317. FOR - SALE - a 66 New Holland baler with motor. Phone 357-1778. FOR SALE.- 23 foot deep freeze, brand new Hoover washing mach- ine, heavy duty 4 burner electric stove, swivel chair, electric iron- er, full size dresser. Phone 529- 7519. FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT in Lucknow . within walking distance of down- town, available immediately. Please phone 528-2328. STRAYED STRAYED - from Lot 1, Conces- sion 2, Kinloss, cattle beast. 650 - 700 lbs. "L" Brand on, right hip. Anyone knowing of the where- abouts call Leonard Macinnes,' 395-5089. STRAYED from lot 24, conceS- sion 9, Kinloss Township, cattle beast weighing about 400 lbs., ear tag on left ear, anyone knowing of whereabouts, contact Prank Schumacher, 392-6498. COMING EVEN DIRECTORS' ME ETIN The Lucknow Agricultural iety will hold a Directors' ing. on' Wednesday, June 1 the Town Hall at 8:80 pa other members are weleoll attend., . MEET 'THE CANDIDAT The Bruce 'CountY Fedi of Agriculture 'is spoils() series of meetings to prod local residents, with the o unity to meet the candi, seeking Federal election ii Briice County Riding. Meetings will be held June at the Mildmay Public Sc .. 8:30 p.m.• ' June 18th Ripley School at 8:30 p.m.; till110, Paisley Central School at p.m.; June 20th Wiarto School at 8:30 p.m. Everyo welcome to attend. TEA AND BAKE SAL Conic to the Ripley Mlo Institute Hospital' Tea and Sale; Theme 'Bruce County tan; Monday, 'June 17th, 2: 5 p.m. at Ripley Legion Admission 50c; all procee Kincardine District Hospital CHILD HEALTH CLINI The Huron County Health invites you to attend the Health 'Clinic, Health Unit 0 fornier NOrses' Residence, ham Hospital, Vingharn on nesday, June 19, 1971 from 9 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening Z. Fluoride brushing of, children's teeth to pr ycaevarits.ie s for ages 3 tO 6 Vision testing SPECIAL CLASSES Huron County Health U vites you to attend the foil SPECIAL CLINICS being your area for your convex CHILD HEALTH CLIN P 1 a c e: Dungannon 0 Church basement, Date: Ho June 17, 1974; Time: 9:30 • vices: 1: the following 1: Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4: Hearing Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of years ren's teeth to prevent cavities for ,ages 3 to 6. Vision testing ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE CENTRE (for adults of all ages) P 1 a c e: Dungannon U Church basement; Date: M June 17, 1974; Time: 1:30 spelnry s .ice' Offering the 1. F . HoeoatlthcarS Surveillance eurveillan 2 3.Anaemiarine Testing Screening 4. 5. Blood Pressure 6. Hearing 'rests 7. Physical Fitness a VOLUNTEER DRI For fuArtRhEer' AVinfAioLrmABaLtio8n, 1-800=265-4485 toll free or 5 SANDBLASTING DEMOLITION WORK ' SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD STOTil PHONE 529.1403 FOR ESTIMATES iE fa% 0 40 40 FOR SALE FOR SALE