The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-15, Page 13ViellY"OPME'I10 TEL Dining , SUNDAY SMORGASBORD EVERY SUNDAY 5 TO 7 P.M. FULLY LICENSED UNDER L.L.B.O. ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING IN THE LOUNGE APPEARING THIS FRIDAY Al VD SATURDAY; MAY 17, AND 18 MACH 4 RIPLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL Spring Prom Friday, May 17 from 9 - 1 Music By `SATIN BRASS" TICKETS $2.50 single $4.50 couple in advance $5.00 couple at door., EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN NESDAY+ MAY 15th. )11001(SIDE APPENINGS IMAGE SALE May 10, there was 5 tnage sale for everyone. things caw in and were There was a draW on ,a case ange pop, a beach bail, its and peanut brittle. Debra ld won the case of pop , Mur- yons won the beach ball, Dicksonwoh the flowers and Wilkins won the peanut e, We made a profit of This 'money will be divided een the, Red Cross and our foster child fund. BUS TRIP The room 1,, grade 1 class went to the Rocks:on Lion Safari Park on Friday , May 3. Some of the animals they saw were lions, tigers, monkeys, bears, camels, elephants., rabbits, buffalos. don- keys, bobcats, pigs, kids and many other animals. They were very interested and told us little stores about different animals. GRADE 8' The grade 8 pupils \will have ' their graduation pictures taken on May 22. On May 27 there will be an "Orientation Night" for the pupils of grade 8 to go to F. E. Madill School and have a tour. 25th Anniversary, Couple Honoured May 4th 'marked the 25th anni- versary of Mr. and. Mrs. Russell Phillips of Belfast. Rosalene'and Herb Barger , Fred and Ken Phillips presented their mother with a love- ly corsage of pink sweetheart roses and. a white carnation to their dad. A lovely meal f011owed at the Sutton Park ,,Kincardine.' After a lengthy "drive" ,.a sur- prise 25th wedding anniversary party was held at St: Helens Hall' where approximately 125 friends, neighbours and relatives were gathered to honour Mr. and Mrs. „ Phillips. Flowers were.received from Manitoba from two of Mrs. Phillips' sisters and many beauti- ful gifts were received. It was a double, surprise Party as many friends gathered to surprise, Herb Barger on. the occasion of his 25th birthday. Dancing followed with Cliff Ernmerton and Dennis Courtney playing. A delicious smorgasbord lunth was served. Earlier that week a few "friends' gathered at Russell and Jean's home, where the couple were chiva• reed. GHANA DAY On May 9, the room 4 students held a Ghana Day. The room was divided into 7 tribes that are still in Africa and they dressed up as the tribes would. "They gave themselves African names and each tribe.performed a play or a report on a day's hunt, or war dance. They sang, several African songs and at lunch had an African meal consisting 'of peanut pie, banana sweet and cocoa which is the main export. Everyone had fun. FIELD DAY The annual field day at Brook- side Public School will be held on May. 23. If it rains on this day it will be on May '24. Parents are invited to come and watch. There are 5 divisions; Primary - 5 , 6 , 7, 8; Midget -. 9, 10; Junior - 11; Intermediate - 12; Senior - 13 and over. Each student may enter 6 events and 1 relay race.' Two winners from the' Senior , Inter- mediate , Junior and Midget divi- sions' will advance to the area meet at Robertson Public School in Goderich. So good luck and have fun. HOLIDAYS The students will be having a holiday on May 20 as the cele- bration of the Queen's birthday. They will be getting out at 2.00 on May 27 as Mr. Stevenson will be talking about the metric syst- em, to parents and others who ,are interested. The, students will not aitend school on May 31 as it is a Professional Development Day. - Ruth, Alton - Annette Elphick. legeraef4niFir FRIDAY, MAY 17 Sidewalk Sale -- Buggy Rides C.K.N.X. Mobile SUNDAY, MAY 19 SATURDAY, MAY 18 -Sidewalk Sale — Buggy Rides Dance Saturday Night 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music by KEY-NOTES RODEO .5 P ern. 111 A El 0 7 BA AU you coo eat twvi.viewevol" '44Yekkoce.10.1,4m. 44.10air A Rodeo Queen WILL BE CHOSEN AT THE DANCE PROCEEDS TO BE 'USED FOR COMMUNITY BETTERMENT