The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-15, Page 7DEKALB SEED CORN EARLY VARIETIES AVAILABLE Allan Gibson R.R. 3 Locknow 395- 5265 DEALERS Russel Irvin R.R. 7, LucInsow 49-7408 411111111111111111111•11111.• HAS ARRIVED AT IKE lUCKNOVV DISTRI(T CO op PLEASE PICK UP AS SOON. AS POSSIBLE iiimemimmemomminos TO THE MEMBERS OF LUCKNOW AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY I have enjoyed my past association with the Agricultural Society and would appreciate continuing on as president. I have appreciated the support of , the membership in the past and would ask that this same support continue for the balance of my 1974 term. Sincerely OMAR BROOKS LOTTERY DRAW Saturday, May 18th OLD TIME, DANCING AND 'MUSIC 9 to 12 RIPLEY AND DISTRICT LIONS CLUB LOTTERY DRAW 10:30 p.m. BRING ALL THE FAMILY TOWNSHIP HALL, RIPLEY Admission: $1.00 Public School Children: Free CAR WASH Saturday, May 18th 9:30 to 5:00 p.m. TOWNSHIP SHED, RIPLEY Sponsored by Ripley 'District 'Students Increased Yields Control Weeds IN CORN * SUTAN + * ATRAZINE SOW * AATREX 901N * MARZONE * AMITROLE T * .BLADEX • * CORN OIL BEANS * AMITROLE T * COBEX * EPTAM * PATORAN GRAINS * 2, 4-D AMINE 80 * MCPA AMINE 80 ASK ABOUT SP AT ECIAL DISCOUNT M.J. Smith SEED AND GRAIN CO. LTD. PORT ALBERT PHONE 529®71.35 5-20-20 8-20-24 5.20-10 10-10-10 1545-15 16-8-8 Everything available except nitrogen. IIMICWV‘SWOCSICNWINSIOWINIPCSVM .N10011 District Co-op CROP SPRAYS hex 90-W Sutan Lasso dex Patoran Eptam Afesin ND - MCPA Embutox, etc. AT VERY . COMPETITIVE PRICES HRIS COOK & Son PHONE 529-7644 FARM SUPPLY HEADQUARTERS k CORN and GRAIN k WEED SPRAYS FREE.SPRAY GUIDE It BALER TWINE k SOYBEAN SEED * CERT. ALFALFA * RED CLOVER * TIMOTHY *IMPROVED PASTURE MIXTURE PortAlbert Phone 529-7135 ANDERSON'S FERTILIZER NOW CONTRACTING ,* WRITE BEANS * CORN Order now and be sureM MOTH moderich) Limited THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN soy, MAY 15th, 1974 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neigh- bours and friends for the nice gifts and social evening in hon- our of our recent marriage. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hodgins at whose home the evening was held. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Calkins I would like to say Thank You for all the beautiful, gifts I receiv- ed at the Dungannon United Church on May 7th_a to the ladies who put the shower on for me. Thanks again Heather Park 'Wje wish to sincerely thank our neighbours for the most enjoyable evening and the lovely gifts pre- sented to us. Many thanks to the Colwell family for opening up their home and to those wbo planned the evening. It was all very much appreciated. LaWrence and Jean MacLeod 0 THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU IN. MEMORIANI, HAMILTON — in loving memory of a dear nephew and grandson, Michael Hamilton, who passed away one year ago, May 19, 1973. He had a nature you could not help loving, And a heart that was purer than gold, To those who knew him and loved His memory will never grow cold. Always remembered by Grand- ma Hamilton, Aunt Blanche and Uncle Ray. HAMILTON — in loving memory of a dear cousin, Michael Hamil- ton, who passed away one year ago, May 19, 1973. You are always in our mind, No matter what we do, All the time within our hearts; There are thoughts of you. Always remembered by cous- ins, Joanne, Wendy, Mary and. Paul. HAMILTON — in loving memory of a dear brother, brother-in-law and , uncle, Michael Hamilton, who passed away so suddenly a year ago, May 19, 1973. You are not forgotten brother Nor will you ever be, 'As long as life and memory last We will remember thee. We miss you now, our hearts are sore, As time goes by 'we iniss you more, Your loving smile, your gentle face, No one can fill your vacant place. Ever remembered by Marie and Gary, Jan and John Paula, Larry and Dawn Marie' HAMILTON — in loving memory of a dean son and step-brother, Michael Hamilton, who passed away as the result4f a car ac- cident, May 19, 1973. Peaceful be the sleep, dear son, It is sweet to breathe thy name; .In life we loved you dearly, In death we' do the same. Oft we think of you, ,dear son, And our hearts are sad with pain. Oh, this would be a Heaven Could' we hear your Voice again. You are gone but not forgotten, Never shall your memory fade. Sweetest thoughts shall, ever linger Around the grave where you are laid. Ever remembered by Mom, Dad and Pam. • JOHNSTON — in loving memory of Everette C. Johnston, who passed away suddenly May 17, 1972. We always remember the way he looked, The way he spoke and smiled The little things he said and did Are with us all the while. Lovingly remembered by Mother and ,family. CARD OF THANKS SHERWOOD — I would like to thank everyone who sent cards, flowers and treats while A pat- ient in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks goes to Dr. M. H. Corrin, Dr. J. C. McKim and staff of Wingham Hospital; also Rev. McClenaghan and .UCW. of Dun- gannon. Robert Sherwood CARD OF THANKS Audrey Errington wishes to thank 'her. Aunt, Dianne Hackett and her relatives for the lovely gifts presented to her at her bridal shower on Friday evening and also the ladies of the Dungan- non Community for their gifts and best wishes on Monday even- ing. Their kindness is much ap- preciated. NOW IN STOCK FERTILIZER