The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-15, Page 37 „ SUBSCRIPTION TO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL When you purchase your wedding invitations from The Lucknow Sentinel you will receive one year's free subscription to The Lucknow Sentinel THE LUCKNOift SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THR*I .1 ' • 1 B RTH D A V CAKE RERGE.D65::HAILTuEE — M SPECIAL 59c! with sock $15.00 Waif 03. Feature! - 5 Varieties Cello Paok • SUPREME ' . FANCY BISCUITS • 'FEATURE! — LOWREY'S .111-0x. Cello CAMPFIRE MARSHMALLOWS 29c FEATURE! — TWIN PACK 8-Oz. Bag HOSTESS 59 POTATO CHIPS C FEATURE! —,FRUIT DRINK • Envelopes, FRESHIE POW 101159c 4 DETERGENT POWDER , 424Iz. Pkg. SUNLIGHT ' 99c, IT Kiri ,- FACIAL 200 x 2 PLY • , 1LEENEX, TISSUES lietigWr/Wr rarZtare -ffref---/A DEVON MILD CURED MAPLE LEAF KINDLESS SKINLESS BACON WIENERS . 16 oz. 98 10. pkg. FEATURE! — CANNED 11/4-Lb. Tin 'MAPLE LEAF HAMS' $2.4 .4•V""M--/ RED WHITE STORE PHONE 528-3001 Aux 7.51. 16 oz. pkg. 190 Closed Mondays Opal/ All Day . Thursday a A r. 3nd M.r, A. E. Wallace of Manitoba were recent With Mr, and Mrs. Alex !of Ashfield . • nd Mrs. Cecil Holmes of spent a week with their in, Jack McKendrick elenSalkeld and Miss Iso- Inan of North Gower , visited for the past week 613i with the former' s ,),Salkeld. lobett Panter, the former :Gardner, of Denver Col- tvisiting with her parents :Mit John R. Gardner of ad_Mts; and (Oshawa spent the week Alts. Lorne Woods, Luck- Ritchie, son'i Mr. and hy Ritchie of Ashfield pleted-thejimior year ual management course town College of Agricul-chnology, Mrs. Jake Hunter of Lucknow is at the home of her daughter Mrs. Mac Scott in Belgrave after being in Wingham Hospital for two months. Mrs. Harold Greer of Lucknow attended the Provincial Annual Meeting of the Girl Guides of Canada held in Peterborough last week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hughes of Paisley, Scotland are visiting their daughter Mrs. Ann C. Nicolsoti on, the 10th concession, Kinloss Township and while here have been visiting their 'other friends on the concession. • 'Austin O'Donnell, 12 year old son of Mrs. Jim-O'Donnell, Luck- now , returned to his home May 10 from St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where he had been under- going tests and receiving treat- ment since April',1'lth. He had • been seriously ill in Wingharn and District Hospital for ten days prior to being transferred to London., His many friends, will be pleased to know he is responding to treat-, ment very well and can return to school toward the end of the month. No Commercial Development Until. Official Plan HURON COUNCIL MINUTES Huron Township Council held the May Meeting -On May 6th with all members present. Minutes of last meeting were read and approv ed. The Ministry of Housing inform- ed Council that no further Com- mercial development will be , allowed in the Township until an Official Plan is adopted which will riot be until the South Bruc plan is completed. A By-law was passed asking the Miriistry of Transportation for $10 ,200., supplementary money for maintenance. Municipal Drainage petitions' were accepted from Wallace Pol- lock and Jerome Huber to have tile extended on the Culbert Drain and a Petition for, improvement on lot 10 , con: 11. N. J. MacGregor of Huron Ridge Ltd. showed a plan of Subdivision for low density res- idential development in the vicinity of Boiler Beach and coun cil concurred with the proposed plan which will now have to go before various boards of Govern- ment. • • Council adjourned to meet on Tuesday, May 21st and June Bid.' • ' EARL TOUT , Clerk. Mother's Day visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nicholson were their family of five, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gillespie and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nicholson. Mrs. Nicholson also received 'a phone call from her granddaughter Wanda Hunter, who is teaching in St. Catharines and called to wish her. a "Happy Grandmother's Day" • .A•