The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-08, Page 17,Yard Gocidt May 8 to 'May 18 SEWING CENTRE TEESWATER his BY AB VVYLDS on Monday evening and morning of last week set e spring cultivation of the 'ad seeding. Towards the some farmers were 'and. In the meantime , ivy arm lystems 'ORLEY 395.5286 :001"4"A#1~460,4"0404.9% SOY, MAY 8th, 1974 THE LU_FKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO steel-Rosco anaries 1k Tanks peline and dour Equipment orn it I. g Panelling k Tank &' Pipe— e Cleaning ergents, Teat etc. 1 Bovadine Dyne Iosan Uddersan Poameheck Kleeneasy y. 10 Unloaders eders eaners abling g Elevators quid Manure Equipment q Equipment mak ls ers, etc aners ted Waterers they have been getting their, seed. grain prepared at Harold Court- ney's seed plant. At the north end of the village Ted Rouse has been getting the ammonia tanks ready. a a a ,a Listening ,to the late CKNX tele- cast news last Tuesday evening , 'Ripley area folks were shocked to learn of the sudden and tragic pas- sing of Mrs. Elmer Morgan of • Listowel. Funeral services were, held in Listowel last Friday after- noon followed by interment in Ripley Cemetery. 'Etta was 58 years of age , daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Taylor. Sin- cere sympathy is extended to El- mer, their daughter Betty of Metro Toronto, and to her sister Annie, Mrs. Don Mason of Kincar- dine, and to all family relatiVes. Several Ripley area folks expressed their kind sympathy by going to Listowel and also by attending the' graveside service in Ripley last Friday afternoon. . Congratulations go to Miss Mary Pace, who was the lucky-winner of a dinner for two at Listowel last Wednesday.. Mary correctly an- swered 'a phone call from CKNX by giving their noon dinner menu instead of the usual "hello". a a Early last Wednesday morning Ripley' sounded like a very busy place. Added. to the usual traffic sounds of cars going to Douglas Point and school buseS, were those of the hammering at Jerry Huber's new house over by the old Public School and the rolling of the big Schnurr trucks of Hepworth back gravelling the con- cession roads in Huron Township. This year the Schnurr workmen have their' big camping and liv- ing trailer set up just south of the new Huron Township Municipal Building in the northeast corner of Ripley. a a a 0. On Tuesday of last week Bill Kempton of Amberley, using his tractor backhoe shovel, was doing street ditching in Ripley with vilMge foreman Ambrose Gamble also on she job. • a It was nice that Mrs. Ernie Pol- lock was able to return to her Rip- ley home last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Pollock has, been a patient in Kincardine and District Hospital for the past 'few weeks. Presently staying with her is her daughter Lucille, Mrs. Lorne Fischer of Belniore. Each year Lucille works up' the flower beds and plants them.' Robert, Richard and Ron- nie Rock, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ora en Rock raked the leaves and cleaned the back lawn, while Mrs. Elaine Pollock and Mrs. Lois Pol- lock did the housework prior to Mrs. Pollock's return from •the hospital. a a Well it is now legal to catch those big rainbow trout, with the season opening on Saturday , April 27. a a During ,the past week Mrs. Frank Hamilton passed away. Spec ial sympathy is extended to the following in this area - her daugh- ter Mrs. Harold Elliott 'of conces- sion 8 east of Ripley in Huron, her sister Violet, Mrs. Roy MacKen- zie in Ripley, and her brother Jack MacLennan of Ashfield on Highway 21-south of Arnberley. Sympathy also goes to her remain- ing daughters and to the many family, relatives. a Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Scott of, Huntington Woods, Michigan and their daughter Mrs. Barbara Perry of Birmingham, Michigan and Mrs. Ann Childress .of Rolling Meadows, Illinois visitd with John MacLen- nan, Ashfiela and Mrs. Violet (Roy) MacKenzie in Ripley. They attended the funeral of, Mrs. Frank Hamilton on Wednesday, May 1st in 'Lucknow. a a The Ripley to Kincardine bound traffic is mostly using the fifteent north out of Ripley. A' traffic sign has been placed in the middle of the road at the Royal Bank corner warning motorists about the 8th concession. Bridges past the sec- ond corner west near Norman and, Dan A. MacDonald's .farms are , being replaced. a Don MacTavish, chairman of the Ripley Huron Reunion 75., had the May meeting of the commit- tees on Sunday evening. Next Monday evening, May 13, Hugh, 'Mason will have the .monthly meeting of the Ripley-Huron Agri- culture SocietT. a Thinking of fall fair times, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schmidt of Walkerton stopped briefly in Rip- ley last Thursday evening on their way home from visiting relatives in Goderich. It was nice to see Norman's health much improved, over last year. a a During the past week Glen Hod- gins of the Olivet area has had his newly constructed house sided. It is on Ripley's main street south. In the Meantime his wife, Mrs. Rosalind HOdgins, has been busy setting up her new Bramalea 'Real Estate office in the former Ripley Drug store on main street. a Ripley and area friends are glad to learn that Mrs. Mary (John A.) MacDonald is on the road to re- covery in hospital in Toronto after undergoing surgery there a few weeks ago. Taking advantage of the dry sunny ,weather last. Saturday , Mr. and Mrs. Jim Edgar moved their household effects from their apart- ment at Mrs. Mary Fludder's home , the former Thbmpson Nurs- ing Home. Talking to Jinimy a week ago it was learned that he used to farm on the tenth' of Cul- ross township. Also that for some years he trucked loads of wood slabs into Ripley for Lorne Becking who also lives on the tenth. a. a • * 0 • a An Achievement program was held for the 441 girls homemaking clubs last Saturday in the Ripley District High School auditorium. With Bruce Cciunty Home Econom- ist , Miss,Barbara de Visscher of Walkerton in• charge. Clubs tak- ing part were from Bervie, Kin- cardine, Purple Grove, Clover Valley, Kaftshea, Reids Corners and Ripley. Ripley had two clUbs with the leaders for Ripley number one being Mrs. Grace Peet and CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 Week In •Rip10. PAGE SEVENTEEN a 0 Late last Saturday afternoon, trailers taking horses from the Pollard Bros. stables passed' north through Ripley on their way to Hanover. During the summer months this is a weekly occurrence as their stables are on the sixth concession west in Huron . Township - the former farm of the , late Tom Cornish. Turn Your Unwanted Items Into Cash LUCKNOW at DISTRICT KINSMEN 4 0 ;3) ARE HOLDING A CONSIGNMENT SALE Saturday, May 25 Clean your house NOW. The Kinsmen welcome all good clean household and farm articles and antiques for this sale. If you hive something you want to sell call one of the 'following NOW. If you list your items With us early, they will be advertised • JAMIE ALLAN MILLER; 528-6096; JIM MORRISON, 528-2243; GARRY KOYLE', 5284108 OR 528-3401; KEN'JOHNSTONE, 528-3013; ELLIOTT, 528-3500; OR AUCTIONEERS, GRANT McDONALO, RIPLEY 3954353, BRIAN RINTOUL, WHITECHURCH 3574349. — —