The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-08, Page 8Men Hold Bowling Banquet VENDOME .HOTEt Dining Lounge SUNDAY SMORGASBORD EVERY SUNDAY 5 TO 7 P.M. MUST HAVE RESERVATIONS 'FOR MOTHER'S DAY. :MAY-12 FULLY LICENSED UNDER, L.L.B.O. ENTERTAINMENT '& DANCING' IN THE LOUNGE APPEARING THIS . FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 10 ANDp Cliff Ernmerton from Ripley RIPLEY HURON NEWS Fisherman's Cove TENT AND. TRAILER PARK on beautiful Clam Lake is now booking for seasonal camping CALL FOR' INFORMATION 305;1757 GRADE 5-6, CHESS TOURNA- MENT The first round of our chess tournament was completed on Thursday , April 25. The winners of the first round arc Paul Coiling, Linda Lundy , Heather MacDonald , ,Jami Gra tton , Jackie Meuis, David Ingard , Ann Court- ney and NanCy MacDonald. GRADE 5-6, PLAYS The grade 5-6 class are putting on two plays. The Grade '5 half is putting on a play about Henry Hud• son. The grade 6 half is putting . OLIVET on a play .about Captain Cod; art on Friday , April 26 and day , April 29, we Made the for our play. GRADE. 5-6 Loin MacKay is limping it! with a cast on his left leg asi, result of a n_injury on his knet while playing hockey. HOLIDAYS • We have a holiday coming on Friday , May. 3rd, Theta ers have to go to school, bilt children do not have to lieu it is Professional Develop* Day. Bill and David Black of le spent the week end With theit ents Mr. and Mrs. Walter and. family. A number of people from h_ 'spent an enjoyable time last, day ev ening at the home of and Mrs, Glen Hodgins and f in' honour of Mr. and IvIts.IN Calkins, who were married ly. ' Miss Joanne Hamilton of spent the week end with her parents , Mr. and Mrs, Ray ilton.. MAY WE SUGGEST 101 COSTUME JEWELLERY MOTHEND R'SAUCERS DAY CUP A S MOTHER'S DAY BRACELETS AND CHARMS DIAMOND RINGS ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINES CRYSTAL HOLLOWARE BONE CHINA PLACE SETTINGS RADNOR 'FLORALS BULOVA AND CARAVELLE WATCHES SCHMID S jA NwE,EcL,HLIENRAY OWNERS — W. JOS. and DEAN E. AGNEW PHONE 528-3532 LUCKNOW, 0081 .cr PAGE. EIGUT From flats to: new tires, we're prepared to fully serve your every tire need ... WE HAVE Atlat ,And Remington Tires LUCKNOW For All Tire Needs, r, See Us... MatDONALD THE LIJCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY DUNGANNON The weather is unusually cool for the beginning of May but the trees are .showing their beautiful spring.shades. Mr. and Mrs. John Finnigan froth Wingham visited Mrs. Min- nit Jones and Melvin on Sunday evening. Eldon McClenaghan was home for the week end_froni Windermere where he is employed for, the sum- mer months. On„Sunday, May 12, Mothers Day , will be observed as Christian Family Sunday at 11.00 a.m. in the United Church. Sacrament of Baptism . will be celebrated at this service. Also on Sunday, at 2.30 p.m. members of the congrega- tion are invited to share,with our Mennonite friends at the opening ' service of their church, the Dun- gannon Christian FellowShip Church. Miss Margaret Mills from Tor- • onto visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Purdon on Sunday. Mr. and. Mts. John Bere have purchased a home in London and moved there from Sault Ste. Mar- ie last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc Whinney and Jim motored to' Sault Ste. Marie recently to visit Mr. and Mrs. Rob Mc. Whinney. Barbara Blake has completed her first year in Fashion Arts at Ryer- son Technological Institute in Toronto. Barbara and'her Mother, Mrs. Cecil Blake, visited in Galt for a few days with Mr. and Mri. Bill Blake and Becky .\ Mrs. Lillian MacDonald has received word of the birth of a great grandson, Brian Peter, son of Peter Ross MatDonald in OttaWa. On Saturday, Albert Mc- thinehey from Ottawa visited his sister-in-law , Mrs. Lillian Mac- Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Rusiell Johnston were 39 years married , not 49 years, as previously reported. Congratulations are still extended from friends and neighbours. 'Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gardner spent the week' end with the latter's' • parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Eedy. Donald Ross of Oakville, who attended the special masonic dinner at Saltford Saturday ,even- ing , visited Mrs. Heber Eedy and Thornton. Other recent guests in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Lou Culbert 'and Miss Mabel Diehl of Stratford. Mr: and Mrs. Irvine Eedy visit- ed' with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eedy VI Mississauga on Sunday and on their return were accompanied by • Mrs.'Bob Eedy and the twins, Megan and Jennifer. Robert SherwoRd of Sarnia has been in Wingham and District Hospital thisost week; Friends here wish him a speedy recovery. The Men's 7 p.m. bowling banquet was held in the Parish Hall. The season's winners were the Owls. The team, members receiv- ing trophies were, Wayne Cranston, George Stanley, Wayne Carter, George Moffat, Lloyd MacDoug- all, Jake Conley, Bill Schmid, Wilbur Brown. The Play-off winners were the Vultures. Team members receiv- ing trophies were George Humph- rey, Ray Cranston, Evans Helm, John Emberlin, Alex Andrew, Bill.Hunter, Rick Irwin, Grant High single trophy went to Ron Stanley; high triple trophy, Wayne Todd; high average trophy, Ron Stanley; most improved bowler, Bob. Cranston. George Stanley thanked the ladies for the delicious supper and Mts. Harvey mole replied. Congratulations to all for a good season. Rider's Roost Saddle Club The regular meeting of the Rid- ers Roost.Saddle Club took place • at the home of Ken and Carolyn Taylor on Tuesday of last week. Twenty-eight members were in attendance: Nancy Mateeka had as her topic, wounds ,. lacerations and contusions and the treatment for same. Nancy also showed how to apply leg and foot bandages on a horse and as her model she had Timmy. She also told the Club how to support a sick horse by using baled straw, pack a hoof by using steel. wool and pine tar , treat an infection from Warble Fly and a Kidney infection. Ted White , 1st vice, president, acting in the- absence of President Nina Silverstone, asked for good ,news of Club members...... Betty Dalton's horse Ho-Down Sun placed 6th in halter class at Lockport, NeW York Easter week end and 2nd last Sunday in Eng- lish pleasure at S'arnia. Betty also has a new mare Fly -Away-Faye who is in'fOal to A.A.A. A.Q.H. A t,.11a -mpion Sugar-Joe-Reed. Carolyn Taylor reported- the stallion Cyprus Barb arrives May 11t and will be standing at Taylors for the season. They also have a new mare Ginger ,.8 years, a pal-. irnono , 12' years , seventeen hands. high., name:of Cocoambe. .‘,,talkerton Horse show will be on Sunday , May 5th. The next 'meeting will beat the farm of Philip and Sadie MacMil- lan and will be a.weiner roast. DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Fora Great Night Of Entertainment Come To . . . F. E. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL at 8 p.m. On May 9th, 10th or 1 1 th and enjoy the musical comedy, Doctor In The House Admission: Adults 81.50 Students $1.00 Pre Schoolers Free HAD 84th BIRT HDA Y Mr. and Mrs.4 David King of Goderich, Mrg. Margaret McDon- ald of Hamilton and Mrs. Leonard McInnes visited during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamil- ton and family and Mrs. W. R. HaMilton, the occasion being the birthday of Mrs. W. R. Hamilton. Happy 84th birthday May1 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson and family of Kincardine visited or Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Coiling and family.