The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-08, Page 3simiamomounipionionmiliThRilli.•••••••=koISIMIIIAMMINNIIINIUMMIIIMINMIil••••1111411•11•111110111101MINIMMILIfiliningillitilli , .•,, s '), ) ) il'iA 4ave IF ro ,•*, —\ ) .a. — • ‘ .11 I df. a .....^1. ri ii. RED& .1 . ,./Alimic,A1 ( .1. 1. MI, WHITE 1 • ,.. - Foo D : ii- will find our folki• FRIENDLY and SiroR E s .61 COURTE US FEATURE! 19 Fl. Oz. Tin LIBBY'S BEANS' • • Bonus Brand 'Whole $ • • • • SLMON' CfIPCKN • • : • 11 • • • • I 1 DEEP BROWNED - WITH PORK • • ALLOI'S 100142, A Gold Seal Cohee • • is • a 3. J. and Lynne Houston, Downs. •view, visited at the first of last week with Mr. and *Mrs. Harvey Houston, Lucknow. The Lucknow Women's Institute will hold their regular meeting/on Tuesday, May 14th at 1.15 p.m. in the Lucknow ToWn Hall. Auc- tion Sale. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Brov;m and Mrs. Alex Murdie of Kitchener spent the week end with Mrs. Lorne Woods of Lucknow. Mrs. Ed Thom , Mrs. Stuart Col lyer , Mrs. L. C. Thompson and Miss Joanne Thompson spent last'week end in Norwood with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rothwell. Mrs. Thom remained for .a longer visit. Local winners at the Howick Lions Bingo last week were Mrs. Emile MacLennan, Lochalsh,, share the wealth, $30; Mrs. Lou Anderson, Ashfield share the wealth; Mrs. Gerald `Wagn,er, Lucknow, lap card; Mrs. Charles Hallam, Lucknow, regular game. Officers Conference of the ed Women's Institute of met in the University of o, April 30th, May 1 and esenting local W.I. bran- e Mrs. Clarence Ritchie , W.I,; Mrs. Raymond Lucknow w.l.; Mrs. Fisher, Whitechurch W.I.; reen McAdam , Belmore anch, They accompanied Ivey Houston, who is Pub- tions officer. am Scouts and Cubs will paper drive in Lucknow on y, June 8th. Residents 'are ed to save their paper and tat the curb that morning. • BIRTHS ES • On May 4 at Wing- ' District Hospital, to Mr. .Arthur i3reckles, Holy- daughter. • YRE,- Dr. Alex and Josee e are happy to announce of a daughter, Ruth Ann 5th, a sister for Johanna. Kinsmen Make Plans For Summer The, Lticknow and District Kins- men Club had as their guests, Deputy Governor Ross Wilkie of Harriston, and a number of Kins- men from Goderich, at their reg- ular meeting held Wednesday night of last week .at the M, and R. Mayfair Restaurant., An invitation was extended to the Lucknow members to donate blood at the Goderich Kinsmen Blood Donor Clinic to be held May 15th. The Goderich club also explained the upcoming ,AAAAAAAAAAA, Minister 'To. Leave ° Official announcement was made on Tuesday at the Lucknow United Church group meetings that Rev. Robert Nicholls, minister of Lucknow United Church, had accepted a call to rninister to the congregation at Bolton, Ontario affective the end of June. Bolton is located just north of Toronto. vvvvvvvv*vv Perc Dawson Golf Tournament to be held in Goderich, May 26th. This tournament is kir Kinsmen members Only. The Kinsmen would appreciate receiving a listing of articles for their consignment sale as soon. as possible , so that these items•can be advertised in the paper. If you have articles that you would like to sell and turn into cash, see one of the members listed in the ad elsewhere in this issue. On June 1st, a Bike Rodeo will be held. Watch next week's pap- er .for more details. An Intermediate Ball Tourna- ment is slated for August, with" more information to follow on this. Local People Are Named Directors Dr. Canieron C. Gray , Execu- tive Vice-President of the Ontar- io Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association, (Christmas Seals) was the principal speaker at the 5th annual meeting of the Bruce, Dufferin, Grey Branch •of the Association held at the Hart- ley House in Walkerton on May ist. Mr. E. Fred Scott presided, and one, Minute of silence• was observed in memory of Mr. George Wilson of Dundalk who died the past month. Reports were printed , showing an increase in health education materials sent out on request, a greater use of the film library, screening for pulmonary diseases done on re- quest by doctors or health units. Harold McGhee, Christmas Seal Chairman, reported a total of $39,000 raised in the last Christ- mas Seal Campaign, an increase of 9 percent over the previous year. Ralph T. Woods of R. R. 4 Grand' Valley was elected presid- ent of the group. Local directors ate Mrs. Evan Keith of Kinloss and Gordon Mont- gomery of Lucknow. Improvements in the ball park area are planned, and informa- tion on this project will be forth- coming in the near future. Last Saturday morning, a numb- er of Kinsmen helped. remove the snow fences and ski equipment from the ball park area , in prepar- ation for the upcoming ball seas- on. The Kinsmen Stanley Cup Hock- ey Draw to be held on the final game of the playoffs will soon tak place. Watch your time, you ma win $300 for the winning goal, or $25 for any goal scored on your time, 9 wititAy :MR LIKKHOW St-N-Tittet, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ' SPAGHETTI • • • • • FRUIT DRIti Codkod lo 734i iiiiiikWELL Hollitit $ • • • • - ASSORTED Tognaie Sauce FTlin. 02. 97t INSTANT COFFEE . • . n • s 9:i. oz. 19 Fl.'0z. Tin II EICKL S \ , ROASTED 10 al Lilt ewe ,K, son 1 roXTFTUSE 1 kii"AFT SINGLES, • ,, , _ . EI-Ox Package • 11 11 • SrUPRENTE • • • 1-03 bag 9 . . uN amoN MEAT CANADIAN PROCESS CHEESE u .• • it, 79 is Fi. 0i, jal • • • , SO • DEVON • • • • • • • FEATURE! — 3 x 111's BACON BOLOGNA Ranch' Style '11 • • • • • a ROYALE FACIAL a • HAMBURG Buns Bakery Feature! Red & White 89 1t lb.pkg. By the piece • • • • I - WIENER ROLLS 43 LANCIA BRAND BEST BOO -- SOFT WHITE 40-60-100 Watt 49t lb., •- • TISSUE Package • • OR 8 to Package • • BEST BUY — SPAGHETTI 2-Lb Cello • 1 . Oz. Btl. ' MACARONI 9 . Westinghouse 4I F A a IN il Is , • LIQUID CLEANER .49 t FEATURE! I ClosedMondays ii• • in I INIALEANI LIGHT Bulbs AL:filloic i • • • WHITE OR PINK lair _. • . D ft WHITE . O DEL MONTE • 11/2-Lb. Cello Bag GRAPEFRUIT 8 for 89t RIC i GO to Carton Op' en, • • 1 BREAKFAST PRUNES 89c • TOU Bags 59( _. • 111101111111111111111111111111111011111111101MMIIIMMOIMMIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIUMINIMMErniummumnammommo All Day Thursday 'I • • • • Ai a OPEN • • • . RED 0 WHITE STORE . • • . FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL so wit PHONE 528-3001. . , . • • 9 'O 'CLOCK 1 ' IIIIIMMIIIIIMMIlimissIMUThomm••••••••••••••n •••mulimminimmouwatimolumiminumiummunownomme. ! A