The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-05-01, Page 1A Man With A Mission He's Trying To Save The Bluebird 0 New Horizons Grant Awarded For Project Graham MacNay ties suet to a tree to attract his lost friends eve Says Ripley Logical pot For Area Complex eting was held in Huron p Hall on April 18 with !utive of Ripley-Huron Recreation Coniplex and ratives from councils of Township, Kincardine p, Kinloss Township , ownship and the Village f. along with Jack Peir- isuliant, Peirson Bldg, sent at the meeting was Recieation Consult- lover; Ron Bakker, Corn- Centres, Toronto; Win- on and Doug Taylor , r, Econoniici and Inter- • lental Affairs, London,. was a lot Of discUssion g the Ripley-Huron co.m- he feeling the iliPley- )nnittee got 'from the tent guests was that they ke to sed one large to serve several commurt ides. Clayton Nicholson, Reeve of Village of Ripley, as asked if he cared to comment on this aspect of the meeting. He said "Due to the fact Port Elgin is now building a swimming pool, the only logic- al place for another one is Ripley where it could serve Huron, Ash- field , Kinloss and Kincardine Townships-, the ToWn of Kincar- dine and, the villages of LucknOw , along with Ripley. The land, is al• ready purchased in Ripley for the complex and working drawings al- MOSt completed , but the commit- tee 'would be open for discussion at any time'. The goverrunent guests were planning a similar meeting on Friday morning with the Town of Kincardine , regarding their Com- plex. Reunion Reflettiott. was staying in south London. Fire , breaking out at the front entrance, trapped Sharon and her three companions on the second floor: All four girls 'a're patients in Victoria Hospital receiving burns and fractures as they made their escape. Ernie Coiling and his mother Mrs. Katherine Coiling visited with Sharon on SundaV. Sharcin suffered severe and painful frac- tures to both' heels as she jumped from the second storey landing on the cement sidewalk below. Surgical treatment will be undertaken by the doctors at Victoria sometime this week. $8.00 A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, MAY 1st, 1974 Single Copy 20c 20 Pages ,days, bluebirds seem to ore often in elementary 42* than in the as they supposedly inhabit. ds are almost extinct,', . g to retired research. from the department of e, Graham MacNay of nd a native of this corn- Graham is a brother of cNay of Lucknow and cNay of Ashfield., he, and rose sparrow like ,re once regular summer- dents in Eastern Ontario bers have drastically dee vet the past 20 years, says ,Nay. in has obtained a $3000 tizons grant with nine ho have an interest in the The grant is over a 2- iod. They hope 'to save from extinction and build copulation - particularly 'Dear Don, Thank you for the Invitation to come to. the Re -union in July. I do not think I will be able to come but I do wish you folks a very very good and happy time that week end. The folks of Luck• now are very friendly and I am sure there will be lots of old friends back there for this big week end. I,clo enjoy having the Sentinel every week end: It is a very good paper. Mrs. I. Hawkwood, Cochrane , Alberta . • • • * Dear Don, Thank you kindly for your in- vitadon to the •Old Boys and Girls ,reunion. Last one I was at was around 1910 and would you belieVe me , was around 100 in the shade SY AB WYLDS Miss Sharon Coiling spent two days 'visiting with her mother. Mrs. Katherine coiling in. Ripley week 'ago. Then on Saturday', • Mrs. Coiling received, the startling news/that Sharon had narrowly es- caped from the home where she ruwwwwwwwwwwannoi Lightning Strikes At St. Helens, Kills Cow hi Barn Lightning struck on the farm of Tom Todd at St. Helens •on Sun, day and killed a cow in the barn. None of the other livestock was injured. It is believed that"the 'bolt struck about 1.30 Sunday after- noon blowing fUses at Todd's', blowing the covers off the elect- rical switches and putting the furnace and the telephone out. Other homes in the neighbour- hood had lights blOWn out and the, disruption of phone service., OWWWWWWWWWWWW% Died In London Mrs. Frank Hamilton of 'Luck- now passed away at Mason Villa, Hospital, London on Monday, April 29th in her 78th year. The, funeral service will be held at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, LucknOw on Wednesday , May 1st at 2 p.m. Interment will be in Greenhill Cemetery. temperature.' Every night there were the worst electric storms. One night my cousin Naomi Boyle from Bemington, Kansas, who was visiting my Grandina and Un6le Glen Boyle ,, counted 11 buildings burning at Once and I be• lieve it was the s,ame year that Janet Switzer's boy was struck and killed on, he 8th con. My grand- mother was also over at Fred John- ston's perforniing her midwife act for Mrs. Johnston. Will likely be seeing you in June. Mrs. Irene MacKenzie, Moose Jaw, Sask.• • • Dear. Don, Recent Graduate DEBBIE HA LDENBY Miss Debbie Haldenby , daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs: Jim Halden- by , of theVestford area of Culrost Township , graduated from Marvel Beauty School and Fanshawe Sdhool of Men's flair styling, Lon- don, on April 19. Debbie begat 'her apprentice- ship with Clan Hairstyling in Kin-' cardine. Homes Needed Mrs. Noble Johnston of Luck- now was recently named chairrilan of the billets committee for the. Lucknow Reunion over the, July 1st week end. After two weeks of publicity in the Sentinel, Mrs. Johnston has only two replies from homeowners willing to billet reunion visitors on the June 28 to July 1 week end, one of these replies coming from a rural resident. If you would have space avail- able,in your home for the reunion week end ,.give Mrs. Johnstbn.a call. ' Lucknow Reunion is less than two months away. Couple Plan England Holiday Mr. and',iMrs. Russell "Buster" Whitby of Lucknow leave this week on a vacation to England. Mabel, a native of England, will bereunited with her mother and father , two sisters and two • brothers. Buster and Mabel were in Eng- land on a similar visit in 1970 and ' this was Buster's first visit back since 1945 when he was in the Canadian Armed Forces and where he met Mrs. Whitby. The couple hope to visit Scot-' land and France while on their holiday. Mabel's family are cen- tred around Croydon in southeast • England. in the Ottawa area Mr. MacNay is president of ,klie,grpup,ausWeald.ing..,MagNay is secretary. Members are setting' up.,horne-made bluebird boxes in rural areas in the .Ottawa area from KemptVille to South March. "Until ,a generation or two ' ago, this beautiful songbird was common,in southern areas of East- ern Canada , usually making its nest in hollow posts and trees and cavities made by woodpeckers," explains Mr. MacNay. "Then farmers began replacir.,; rail fences with wire, requiring ferer posts and these were later commonly replaced by metal posts... nesting cavities have be-6 come very scarce ," he cordnues. "But scarce nesting sites have not been the bluebird's only prob- lem. During the winter 'of 1957- CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 I th'ank you Tor your letter with the information about the plans made for the corning events of CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 Fire Traps Girls On SeCond Floor, Ripley Girl Fractures Heels In Escape