The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-04-17, Page 11MORTGAGES First and Second Mortgages 0011611T-SOLD-ARRANGED Available for: FARMS. RESIDENTIAL. IMPROVEMENTS. FARAOR Financial Consultants Limited 47 Eloro Street Holliston, Ont. 338-3037 011111er' I Christ Church ACV/ be April meeting of Christ ch Ladies Guild Port Albert , held at the hoine of Mrs. ei,Foster. The meeting was ned with the hymn "0 for a tt to praise my God ", followed prayer given by..Mrs. Elma k. The scripture' from St. e, chapter 24 was read by Mrs. tine Dougherty , and the medi - offwas read by. Mrs. Barb Hay- . he roll call Was answered, with ter verse by 8 members and sitors, Correspondence and • ess were dealt with, which iuded:a letter from our foster . d in India, and an invitation Lucknow A .c . W. to attend Thankoffering meeting, on 118th, BuSiness included ing our foster child a $10.00 certificate, and Mrs. "Clara er getting the' Easter flowers • the altar. , Also, it was decid - 0 change the meeting day the second Tuesday in each th to the first Wednesday, plimentary material packages. Simpson's and Eatons Were ed, This material is to be cup into articles for the' 1 bazaar. reading "Easter Offering" was by Cara Cook. A contest acted by Mrs. Elma 'Black won by Mrs. Irene Hayden. , s, Black introduced Mrs. New Officers Are Elected By Purple Grove W.I. Mrs. Wrn. Arnold was hostess to the April meeting of Purple Grove Women's Institute on Wed- nesday afternoon. The President, Mrs. Elliott, welcomed everyone, with a special welcome to the District President , Mrs. Kirkpatrick, and to Mrs. Donald Blue, representing the Bruce County Tartan Committee. The Ode and Mary Stewart Collect were repeated.. 'The minutes and Russel from Goderich, who spoke for a few minutes on the advantag es of belonging to an A .C. W. (Anglican. Church Women). An unanimous decision was made to change „our group name to Christ Church A.C. W. Remarks were given by the lad- ies attending the Crusade lunch- eon held in Goderich recently. The discussion "Christian Initiation" which deals with Bap- tism and Confirmation being put into one service raised a lot of criticism. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison followed by a prayer by Mrs. Black. Grace was given and lunch was served by the hostess. For Farrii, Town and Country Home Owner's ! .Can You Use $1,600 90 $20,000 ? you can afford monthly payments of 18.37 you may borrow -''' $1,600 43 you may borrow $3,000 38 you may borrow , ONO 33 you may borrow ' $7,000 Courteous Service — Please Call Gerald 11. Wolfe 343-3632 Representing mold Highman Realty Ltd. Kitchener, 1-519-744-6251 Reinber of Ointario Mortgage Brokers Association 7 etc, The above Loans based on 13% per annum 0 5 year term 20 amortization EOM for any worthWhile purpose: To consolidate your debts, fix the , car, buy cattle, or a cottage! 1 BANK FINANCE RATES e.g. 36 months at 11.78% on new and used models usgo.'CAR SPECIALS 1973 LE MANS 2 door hardtop 1973 PONTIAC Catalina 4,door hardotp 1973 BUICK Century, 2 door 1973 CHEVROLET Irripala Custom, 2. door hardtop 1973 VEGA, automatic transmission 1973 FORD Gran Torino 2 door hardtop // 1972 AIRCURY Marquis, fully equipped, air conditioned 1972 'METEOR Montcalm, fully equipped, air conditioned, 1972 DODGE Monaco, fully equipped, air conditioned 1972 FORD 4 door sedan, power steering and brakes 1972 "CHEV Impala 1972 BUICK 4-a Sabre. Custom; air conditioned • 1972 VALIANT' V8 automatic, 4 door sedan . 1971 FORD Custom 500 4 door sedan 1971 PONTIAC Parisienne Hrougharn, 4 door hardtop 1971 CHEV Impala Custom 2 door hardtop 1971 CHEV Monte Carlo, 2 door hardtop 1970 PONTIAC Catalina, 4 door hardtop 1970 CHEV Impala, 2 door hardtop '3 W69 PONTIAC Parisienne, two 4 door hardtops and a 2 door hardtop 20 — 1965 - 1968 Models 1972 CHEV stationwagon 1972 PONTIAC Laurentian stationwagon 1968 RAMBLER statibnwagon 1971 CHEV 3/4 ton pickup 1971' DODGE 3/4 ton pickup ' 1972 — 50' series 14' Van CHEV automatic 5 — 1971 FORD 3/4 ton pickups 1970 CHEV 50 series cab and chassis and 14' vans' 1969 DODGE van 1969 FORD 1/2 ton' pickup A number of vans from 1970 1972. Some V8's, some 6 cylinder, some CHEVS, and some FORDS Brussels Motors BP Service Stition Phone 8874173 ?WE Lin:KNOW SENTINEL 1.!,t1tRNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN POWAY, APRIL 11th, 1914 KINLOUGH Members of the Presbyterian W. M. S. attended the South Kin- loss Easter Thankoffering meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boyle and Mrs. Pearl Lloyd of London spent the Easter week end with Edna and May Boyle and other relatives and friends here. 13APTISMAL SERVICE On Sunday at the Presbyterian church was-the sacrament of Holy Communion and two babies-Were baptized namely Dennis James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd John- ston, and Lyndon Barry, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Johnston: Mr. and. Mrs. Bob Brooks and family of Listowel visited on Sun- day With her father Perry Hodgins, Donald Barr of Waterloo spent Easter with Mrs. John Barr. PASSES IN 91st YEAR We extend sympathy to Charles Burt of Brucelea Haven, Walker- ton, and family in 'the passing of correspondence were read and the treasurer's report was giVen. Thit being the annual meeting roll call' was answered by pay- ment of fees and, by giving written suggeitiOns.for the coming year's programs. Mrs. George Harkness read the scripture from Matthef4 28:.1-10. Mrs. Francei Boyle gave the report frotn the District Directors meeting. The District Annual is being held in Ripley in May. The conveners' reports were given and Mrs. Morford Mackay presented the auditor's report. Mrs. Kirkpatrick presided for the election of'officers. The following slate of‘Officers was presented by Mrs. 'George Hark- ness and accepted: president, Mrs Earl Elliott; Vice president,, Mrs. Harvey Needham and Mrs. Harirey Thompson; secretary-treaiurer , Mrs. Don Reid; assistant, Mrs. Morley Scott; District 6 Director, Mri. Francis Boyle; alternate, Mrs. Cec4 Sutton; Branch directOrs, Mrs. Victor S Gawley Mrs. George Emerson, Mrs. Walter Forster; P.R.O. , Mrs. Norva r Stanley; Curator , Mrs. Wm. Arnold; assistant, Mrs. Ben Scott; Pianist, MrS. George -Harkness; Buying committee, Mrs. Don Gillies, Mrs. Don Robertson, Mrs. Howard Thompson; auditors, Mrs. Morford Mackay, Mrs. Bur- ton Collins; Agriculture and Can- adian Industries, Mts. /Don .Gillies; Family and Consumer Affairs, Mrs, Don McCoSh; 'Education and Cultural Affairs, Mrs. Morley Scott; Citizenship and World Affairs, Mrs. Howard. Thompson; Resolutions, Mrs, Jack Farrell. Mrs. Morley Scott conducted a game of matching partners by song. Mrs. Donald Blue spoke on the work of the Bruce County Tartan C.omrnittee and displayed a number of items including glaisware and ceramics whieh are now, available from several area .stores. • She also explained the two spec- ial.claSses for Fall' Fafr entries. No. 1 Special in sewing - an -ar- ticle of children's clothing using the Bruce County Tartan, No. 2 Arts and Crafts special - souvenir Or gift using the tartan. 'It is interesting to knOw the Motto on the'Crest - "The Power is in God but the people administer it". Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Elliott. The 'Meeting closed with Queen and Grace. Lunch •was served by the hostess assisted, by Mrs. George Harkness and Mrs. Morley Scott. The May meeting Will feature a bowling party with a gift exchange for your Secret ,• Sister. Mrs. Burt on Sunday evening in her 91st year. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hodgins of London spent the week end here, Mr. and Mrs. George Burt and Mr. and Mrs. K. Brooks, Shelly and Steven, spent the week .end with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burt, Terry and Paul. Mrs. Audrey Borthwick of St. Catharines spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgins and John' And other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. George Barrell and family of T &onto spent the week end with' relatives here. George, Haldenby spent a few days with 'Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith and Debbie at North Bay. Miss Margaret, .Murray of Mont- real visited over Easter with' Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Art Haldenby visited 'on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Don• Gillespie and with Joe Wall at the home-of Spence McFarlan. Misses Nellie and Margaret Malcolm of Lucknow and Edna and May Boyle visited on Wednes- day with Mr. and. Mrs: 'Wesley Fiiherman's • Cove TENT AND TRAILER PARK on beautiful Clam Lake its now booking for seasonal camping CALL. FOR INFORMATION 3954757 Thompson at Kincardine.. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bennett of•Toronto visited with her parents. 'Mr. and Mrs. Art Haldenby. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary and friends here extend best wishes to them at this time. A number from here are suffer- ing from the flu and bad colds. Mrs. 'Gertrude Walsh spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Currie at Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs... Glen Haldenby, Leanne ,.Glen and Eric left on Thursday for. Wihnipeg to spend Easter with Mr.. and Mrs. Jima MunrO (Sandra Percy).