The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-04-17, Page 7JOHN C. WOOD SDAY' APRIL 17th, 1974 gricultural Tidbits WithAdriati Vos. dvertisement in a maga - ered "organically grown e seed" for sale. It Made that some people have bout their health in their ting habits and are willing much more for food than cerned 'people do. On the and, now that beef grown e help of hormones , that eoretically cause cancer , ed from our shores , one ore about a possible price e than about a possible 'can- h. any people are too ed about the reports that only enough wheat in the oday to feed this world for repeat, one month. " It is ng. One worldwide crop or near failure , and liter - Ions upon millions of will starve to death. Most ne knows that now , at this oment , hundreds of thous- 'cans are starving. We, • peoples, go right on ering our resources that od. Another reason for ortages is the fact that much opposition against ANNOUNCEMENT THE BRAY CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH CENTRE Is pleased to announce that David W. Lee D.C. is now associated with this office in the practice of Chiropractic PHONE 357-1.224 WINGHAM; ONTARIO STOCKER FEEDER SALE HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Saturday Afternoon, April 27th 1:00 p.m. 1200 HEAD'. Consisting of Steers, Heifers and Calves FOR CONSIGNMENTS CONTACT THE MANAGEMENT Victor Hargreaves — 482-7511 (Clinton) William Livingston — Dungannon 529-7521 Barry Miller — Exeter 235-2717 and Kirkton 229-6205 • Auctioneers Hector McNeil and Larry Gardiner Lucknow Central School SED AND GRAIN Co. LTD. ORT ALUEliT PHONE 529-7135 Lowry Farm Syttems' AMBERLEY 395-5286 Oar -Silo Unloaders -Feeders -Cleanets -Stabling -Leg. Elevators -Liquid Manure Equipment' -Hog Equipment Farrnatic -Mills -Augers, etc. Acorn -Cleaners -Heated Waterers Westeel-Rosco -Granaries Zero -Bulk Tanks -Pipeline and Parlour Equipment ,B & L -Hog Panelling Bulk Tank '& Pipe line Cleaning. Detergents, Teat Dip, etc. Bovadine Dyne Iosan Uddersan Foamcheck Kleeneasy SAVE YOUR SOLES IN THE WANT, ADS FARM SUPPLY HEADQUARTERS * CON and GRAIN * WEED SPRAYS FREE SPRAY GUIDE * BALER. TWINE * SOYBEAN SEED * CERT. ALFALFA * RED CLOVER. * TIMOTHY *IMPROVED PASTURE MIXTURE 4 ANDERSON'S FERTILIZER NOW CONTRACTING * WHITE BEANS * CORN Order now and be.sure!!! M.J. SMITH Port Albert P one 529-7135: (Goderich) Limited OPEN AREA The Open Area is now busy working putting up decorations for Easter and to make a good impression on the parents for Open House, which is on April 19. Mr. Umbach kindly brought items of interest from countries such as Mexico, Japan and SWitierland to show the .children of the open area. BAND On May 4,'a Saturday night the Lucknow Concert Band is sponsor- ing a concert , featuring many new songs we have taken this year and solos, trios and duets. 1 ONTARIO LAND. SURVEYOR IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE The opening of a land SURVEYING PRACTICE. APRIL 29th 1974 FFICE: Located behind ramalea Real Estate, 901 Queen St. KINCARDINE, ONTARIO ll'HONE: 396 _3233 NDERSON'S FERTILIZER NOW AVAILABLE 132-16 16-16.16 . 6404 ANIONIUM NITRATE 45% UREA 'BULK OR SAGS — SPREADERS AVAILABLE M.J. Smith ingredients to preserve food from spoilage. It could presumably cause something or other if eaten in great quantities, so we rather let it rot: I heard mention that one-third of all food is spoiled for this reason. Beef priceg in the NWT are so high that people can't afford to buy it. Now they turn to the hunters' for Caribou meat. The Indian leaders are worried that'the caribou may be hunted to extinc- tion if this keeps up. Marion Brethin of the consum- ers association of Canada is one of those women who claims to come . from a (Lucknow) farming area, If she did , she certainly wasn't very observant, for she keeps on attacking farmers. The last I heard of her was that Consumers. can't go on indefinitely subsidiz- ing agriculture. Far heavens sake, can't orie of her fellow Cacs set her spaight 'that agricul- ture has been subsidizing consum- ers for a hundred years? FoOd prices are up , what? Look ai running shoes. They. are tip by 60/0 and befOre the year is out further increases are expected .. ORDER BEFORE MAY 1st TO GUARANTEE AVAILABILITY Then on the 23rd., 24th and 25th of the same month the band is go- ing to Bancroft, Sudbury and Min- den. CHESS In the first round 'of this chess series in, Grade 8, Rick Conley defeated Grant Gilchrist. In Grade 7 David de Boet was the winner over' Allan Staxitley. Also in Grade 7 Randy Guay was the winner over Marian VanSlightery horst and in the open.area Rose- mary de 'Boer defeated Betty Stan- ley. • - Wayne Bell. ASSEMBLY The assembly for this week was put b*.ti by the kindergarten class. The assembly was opened with 0 Canada with Mrs. Scott' at the piano. The kindergarten present- ed two plays called "The Little Brown Bun" and "The Four Little Bunnies". While Mrs. Hall read the announcements Mrs. Scott got ready for the two numbers which she played on the accord- ian. The assembly was closed with God Save the Queen. ART - Mr. McKeon's Class Everybody is busy prainting their paper mache animals 'because they are to be, out on dis- play for Open House. PHYSICAL EDUCATION The senior grades are doing gymnastics in the gym. Mr. Mc- Keon's grade seven girls are doing a display of gymastics on the night of Open House: - Grant Gilchrist. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL: LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . • PAGE SEVEN