The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-04-10, Page 64. • Make Your Dreams Come True ,o4 With this 3 bedroom home situated on a large lot near downtown Lucknow, close to the shopping area, This home features kitchen, dining room, living room and 4 pc. bath up. Downstairs there 'is a finished-family room with We ° fireplace, 3 -pc. bath, laundry room and garage. Thisb01110 has a hot water 'heating system. FOR MORE PARTICULARS CALL: Alexander and Chapmg Realty Lid. GODERICH, ONTARIO CONTACT •Gerrie and Bernice Glenn DUNGANNON ONTARIO PHONE 529.191 PAGE SIX CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Machinery and Some Household Effects will be held for MORLEY PETTEPLACE Lot 43, South Durham Rd.,' Greenock. Township, I/2 mile east of the junction Of No. 9 and 4 Highways On. TUESDAY, APRIL 16 at i o'clotk TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD Brian Rintoul, Whitechurch Auctioneer AUCTION ,SALE Of Livestock will be held for MOSE SHETLER Lot 13, Concession 6, West Wawanosh, 11/2 Miles north of Dungannon THURSDAY, APRIL 18 at 2 p.m. Reg. Hereford bull Dixon Domino 3D born March 14, 1972;. sire Portage Royal Regent 1Z; Dam Sylvia Domino • 2S. Reg. Hereford cow . Miss. Paula Crusty 2Z born May 25, 1968; sire Sir Becky Crusty 3813; Dam Miss Real Emblem 6N. Reg. Hereford cow Del Ruperta Lad's Lady IA born March 7, 1969; sire Bisson- nette Del Ruperta Lad 2X; dam Sylvia Domino 2S. 10 Hereford cows with calf at side;, 9 Hereford cows, due at sale time; 2 B.W.F. steers; 2 Holstein steers; 5 heifers (600 lb.); red steer; 4 yearling steers; 5 Hereford calves. 300 bales straw. TERMS 'CASH Brian Rintoul, auctioneer CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Machinery and Some Household Effects will be held for NORVAL. McLEOD Lot 21, Concession 5, Kincardine Township, 2 corners north of. Kincardine on Highway 21 and 5 miles east on Concession 5, or 1 mile west of Bervie on N.D.R. and 21/2 miles north on Concession 5, Kincardine Township On TUESDAY, APRIL 16 12:30 p.m. Lhiestock . . . 2.Holstein cows bred Hereford ;h B.W.F. cow with calf; 6 Hereford cows with calves; Hereford cow, open;,-3 B.W.F. cows due Soon; 3 B.W.F. heifers due soon; 14 Hereford. cows springing; Here ford heifer springing; 25 steer calves, approx. 500 lbs; 6 Here- ford calves, approx. 500 lbs.; B.W.F. heifer, approx. 500' lbs.; 2 Hereford steers, approx. 700 lbs. .2 cross bred steers, approx. 700 lbs. Machinery .. 1350 Cockshtitt tractor and load- er; International Super M trac- tor; No. 105 Case. P.T.O. manure spreader; 3 furrow International trail plow; International 49 plate disc; 9. ft. wheel cultivator; 3 section spring tooth harrows; 4 section diamond harrows; lifter- national 16 run seed drill; ,Case 15 run seed drill; ,No, 95 Case manure spreader; No. 315 Cock- shutt 7 ft. mower; No. 66 New Holland baler; Case 7 ft. mower; 2 wagons and hay racks; 2 rub- ber tired 'wagons with Vain box- es; steel tire wagon with grain box; John Deere 3 P.T.H. rake; McKee harvester, and self unload- ing wagon; McKay post hole dig- ger; 32 ft. SMoker elevator; No. 70 S.P. Massey combine motor (needing repairs); Viking ham- mer mill with electric motor; 1963 Ford 1 ton truck with stock racks (as is); 29 bags 6-24-24 fertilizer; 8 bags 7-28-28 fertilizer; approx. 200 lbs. Timothy and Tre- foil seed. Household Effects . . . Frigidaire refrigerator; Gibson freezer; buffet; dining room table and 4 chairs: Bell piano; pine ntipboarcl; brass bed; General Electric stove; wood stove; other articles too numerous to, mention. TERMS CASH — FARM:SOLD Owner or auctioneers not resporuible far any accidents or injurie.; on property day of tale PROP. NORVAL McLEOD AUCTIONEERS: GRANT McDONALO, RIPLEY PHONE 3954353 WALLACE BALLAGH, TEESW..TEIC PHONE 392-6170 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects will be held for the estate of the late RUSSEL RITCHIE in Village of Whitechurch MONDAY, APRIL 15 at 1;30 p.m. Chesterfield and chair . (like new), Electrohome 21 in. T.V.; radio; coffee table; step tables; hall tree; footstool; swivel rock- er; magazine rack! what not; mirrors; pictures; small square table; lamps; odd chairs; ' Mof- fat • 2 year old, stove; Gilson fridge; electric heater; vacuum cleaner; buffet;, chrome table with 4 chairs; 4 folding chairs; lawn chairs; electric , appliances; copper boiler; dishes; Cutlery; cooking utensils; medicine .cab- inet; step stool; sealers; pine cupboards; Coleman gas lamp; Aladdin lamp; coal oil lamp; Bedroom suite (as new); wooden bed; iron bed; rollaway bed; dressers; washstands; round top trunk; 3 box trunks; couch cov- ers; bedding; luggage; goose and duck feather pillows; braid- ed mats; buffalo robe; 24 ft. ladder; garden tools. 1969 Dodge Dart sedan car with 23,485 miles. Numerous antique items. TERMS CASH Brian Rintoul, auctioneer CLEARING. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Some Antiques And Eees will be held for LLOYD MACHAN Part of Lot. 2, MCDonald Survey Goderich St., Auburn on sATUItR:D30AY, P.144.. A PRIL 13 HousehOld Effects . . 2 brown chesterfield suites; 2 sets, end tables and coffee tables; floor TV' lamp; 2 occasional chairs; 2 chairs high •back; hi fi record player; 30" continental. bed, 1 set 30". bunk beds; 2 dressers; 2 chest of drawers; bedroom suite 54"; 48" bed; 2 - 39" beds; vanity stool; mirrors; 4 odd chairs; odd mirror; wooden table and 4 chairs; 42" chrome set and 8 chairs, extends to 80"; buffet; utility table; portable TV ' Westinghouse; TV tables; desk; drapes; • child's sewing set; G.S. W. fridge; 2 - 20" propane stoves; McClary dryer; Silnplicity super twin washer; Encyclopedia Brit- anoica; clock; stainless steel, cannister set; some dishes; crockery jugs; old planes; trac- or umbrella; 1/2 H.P. electric motor (like .new); 2 - 1/4 H.P. el- ectric motors; garden tools; single snowmobile trailer; tri.! cycle; square; wood heater; 2 truck flare lights; other 'items too numerous to mention. Bees . . 50 Hives and All Equipment • Reversible 2 frame extractor; manual 2 frame extractor 2 year old; electric uncapping tray; table and holding boxl- 500 lb. tank; storage tank; 150 lb: tank; electric uncapping knife; 2 hot water knives; 2 supers for each hive; quantity of new pails; 50 hives packed last fall in double brood chambers in strong condW ion and all frames full of feed, these were inspected late last year. 25 of these hives had new tops, inner covers, bottom boards, and hive stands last year. Ap- proximately 200 frames of new comb last year. Boxes are all painted white and in very good condition. 10 frames to box. Ex- tra full supers, % supers' and comb honey boxes with comb, 9 frames to a box. Other items pertaining to bee keeping; hives may be inspected by appointment, phone 526-7717. TERMS CASH — HOUSE SOLD Prop. moving into furnished house trailer Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents Or injuries in / any way connected With the sale PROP. LLOYD MACHAN AUCTIONEER: GRANT McDONALD Ripley, Phone 395-5353 Agricultural Tidbit With Adrian Vos ' A tradition has been broken. For forty years the meat packers council of . Canada hashad beef in their dinner at their annual meet- ing. This year they switched to pork. They will be eating the, al- ready famous Canadian Redcoat. What is progress? T he .diction - ary says: to, move forward or to improve. In• the context of the un- officially announced nuclear plant a small town official is quoted as saying that the building of this thing is progress. However, this depends on the angle one is looking from, 'If it means going'forward in the production.of electricity, it's progresk. if it is the production Of food , it's re- gress. It it's looked .upon' as a pos- sible health hazard it's regress. Some people equate progress with industrialization. But in terms of pollution, it's regress. Now the people have to make CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Machinery and Household Effects will be held for JACK BUTTON Lot 1, Concession 5, Kinloss Township SATURDAY, APRIL 27 at 10:30 a.m. Auctioneers Grant McDonald Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater up their mind what• type of pt, gress they want. Is it motet production or is it More peop in a given area? Think about and make up your mind for decision will have to hetak soon. Do you want Huron to be a Main source of elec for'the rest of the province a S . A U.S.A. or do you want Huron County to remain rural, you, people , will have to decide kind of progress you want, • Livestock producers are in trouble, Notwithstanding beef subsidy of 5 0 , beef prod' ers are 'lasing money on every cattlebeast they sell, Thisd n't mean that the lower retu are:coMpletely passed on to consumer , as every price conscious shopper will tell yo The pork producer also isles' money on every finished porker he sells. The onl)itlf that keeps pork production go' is'the fact that the supplier of little pigs to the feeder still es a good profit. As long as feeder keeps paying hirn a.g price he would be . foolish to c back his farrowings. And ea pig born that survives will ev tually reach market, keeping, the oversupply. The only solution 'is to sell meats:Otherwise the price even go ,loWer ; the productio be cut back and• the price sky rockets again. Thus in time oversupply the producer loses in time of high prices, be la got enough to sell. -THE LUCKNOW.SENTINEL, LUC.KNOW, ONTARIO. • W.PIONE.SD.AY, APRIL I A. HOME OF YOUR 011 You can own a home for less than you think You can help build it and save money Use our plans or yours Ask about our factory built, self help homes 'TRU-CRAFT HOME . Waterloo,. Ontario Sales Repres'Entative For fulici li nffor Eamtiomn eCrAtLoL: nt Point,, Clark --- R.R. 1, Kincardine, Ontario Office 195-5020 Ilinne 395-5$44 CLEARING AUCTION. SALE Of Livestock, Machinery and Household Items will be held for DAWSON CRAIG Lot 13, 14 ConcesSion, 1, Kinloss Township, 2nd farm west of Whitechurch on 86- Highway THURSDAY, APRIL 25 at 12 sharp Livestock . . . B.W.F. col, due September 11; Hereford cow due October 1; Hereford cow due September 27; B.W.F. cow due 'October 15; Jersey cow due October 22; .B.W. -F. cow due November 13; black cow due November 20; B.W.F. cow pasture bred in October:" B.W.F. cow due April 10; 2 Angus cows open; 3 Angus cows bred November; 2 B.W.F. cows bred November; Poll 'Angus bull born • March 20, 1972; 10 Angus heifers (pasture bred). due May and June; 5 Angus (700 lb.) steers; Angus heifer; 7 stock er (500 lb.) steers;_ stocker (500' lb.) heifer; 3 steers (400 lb.); 2 heifers (400 lb.); .2 Angus steers (1000• lb.); 4 spring Angus calves; 5 'fall Angus calves; 2 Charolais heifers (450 lbs.). 97 Leghorn hens dubbed and &beaked, some Hareo sex link hens. 14 pigs (170 lb.). Hay, Straw, Grain, Fertilizer . . . Quantity bale hay and straw; 1200 bu. mixed grain; 100 bit' buckwheat; 28 bags- 15-15-15 .fert- ilizer; 20 bags 8-32-16 fertilizer. Household Items . . . Chesterfield and 2 chairs; rockers; pictures; 2 sideboards; extension table with 6 chair's; flower stands; antique - hall rack; rug 9 x 12; pine kitchen cup- board; Westinghouse Stove; anti- que clocks; radio; small, tables; 2 antique cradles; kitchen (wood) stove; iron beds; dressers; wash- stands; pine wardrobe; large crib; bedroom china; trunk; anti- que crocheted bedspread; lamps; lantern; churn; antique dishes, Machinery . . . 530 Caie tractor L pto with loader, hydraulic bucket and. chains (1950 hrs.); heat houser; Case D tractor with 'lights; Bell threiher with cutter and blower; 34 ft. King Wyse elevator with motor; 24 ft. Skeleton 'elevator with motor; 2 wagons with 16 ft. racks; New Holland 68 baler with kit; Case 4 bar rake; dump rake; Cockshutt 7 ft. bind- er; International ace bottom plow; International 10 ft. hydrau- lic cultivator; Case 3 - 14 in. trip began hydraulic plow; 3 section spring tooth harrows; J.D. 15 run drill on rubber; New Hol- land 130 bu, spreader; .6 section drag harrows; 2 fanning mills; 2 water troughs; trailer with stock racks; sleigh with flat rack and stock sides; McKee snow blower; grass seeder; 3 pt. h. Case 7 ft. mower; walking plow• tire pump; dehorner; cattle oiler; cattle dipper; fence stretcher:. paint sprayer; baler twine; 2 oak barrels; 2 steel barrels; 20 ft. ladder; 40 ft. extension ladder;, electric hammer mill; grain dryer; snow fence; 2 unit de Laval milkers; cream separator; numerous articles. Household Items 'sell at 12' noon TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents Brien Rbstoui, auctioneer I I