The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-04-03, Page 184. • r ° OF THE M. R. Mayfair Restaurant PHONE 528.3946 'LUCKNOW • Lucknow 'Lady Died In 79th Year WEDNESDAY, APRIL' Pinecrest Manor Nuring Homo PAGE EIGHTEEN , TWA LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOW. ONTARI O iiiliiiiimilitua000001000iIMIIIIIIIiiillig1111111111P111"11011110000muminn,non!nnouio' i 4 4 MRS. T. J. SALKELD. The death of Mrs.. T. J. Salk - eld of Lucknow occurred at Wing - ham and District Hospital on Sat- urday , March'16th, one day be her 79th birthday. She was the former Amy Lillian Wark', daughter of Samuel John Wadi and Mary Ellen Lane, and was born at Toronto' on March 17, 1895. 2' On September 15, 1920, she married Thomas John Silkeld of GOderich. They were married at Smith's Falls. • Following their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Salkeld farnied in, West Wawanosh, a few miles south east of. Lucknow , until moving to Luck- now nine, years ago, where they have resided on Gough Street. Mr. and Mrs. Salkeld were sad- ly bereaved in December 1973, when their only son Laurence died suddenly at the age' of 43. Mrs. Salkeld was an ardent horticulturist and a member of the Lucknow Horticultural Society and also very active in the Lucknow Women's Institute. She was a member of Peter's Anglican Church, the Anglican Church, Women and also the Bruce County Historical Society. • Mrs. Salkeld is survived by her• husband; three daughers, Mrs. John (Margaret) Schmidt of Cal- gary,• Mrs. Jim (Mary) Boyle of Lucknow and Dr. Helen Salkeld of North Gower , Ontario; four grand- children, Blaine Salkeld, Linda,. Lorraine and Lorna Boyle; a broth- er H. J. Wark of Brockville and a sister Mrs. Douglas (Ruth) Camp- bell of Kitchener. F.- GEORGE A. NEWBOLD,ADM MARY R. NEWBOLD, .REG. N. = Associate Member:— Ontario Hospital Association Member:— Associated Nursing Homes Inc. Ontario Licensed byMOunnitcairpitilyDepilacertnsmedeni profe&sinoirgl RoenNursniti(?aTrera2y4'sheorurvices daily of flea1thz86 TRATO3 Drawer 220 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO We, at this time, would like to thank each and every one who came into our restaurant on Monday. 'It was far beyond our highest hopes. It, was a real April Fool on us. Special thanks to those, most thoughtful ones who sent floral tributes. We will cherish the memories of them for a long time. Special thanks to our staff. They were jewels. Without them all, this would note have happened. Mabel and Russ Of INN VHWE ALUMINUM DOORS WITH SAFETY GLASS Full 1'/a inches Thick Standard Sizes 2 ft. 6 in,. x 6 ft. 6 in. 2 ft,8 in. x 6 ft. 8 in. 2 ft. 10 in. x 6 ft. 8 in. 2 ft. 10 in. x 6 ft. 10 in. (SELF,, STORING SCREENS) *******************. ALUMINUM WINDOWS AVAILABLE IN ANY SIZE Free Estimate — No Obligation JOHN W. HENDP1SON UMBER LTD. PHONE 528-3 1 1 8 LUCKNOW 411111101mumemmer' Family Dinner.. 00..90th .BirthdoY Alex (Sandy) Hackett of Luck- now observed his 90th birthday on Friday, 'March 29th at a birth- day dinner with members of his family at the home of his grand- son Chester and Belle Hackett and family, 7th generation descendants., Those attending were his wife Clare, his brother torn Hackett Sr. of. Ashfield. his two sisters' Ida Taylor and Janet. Drennan, Wil- fred Drennan, cousin Harry Hack- Alex was born on the 12th con- cession of Ashfield , a son of Jos-., eph Hackett and Liza Jane Henry, and is the eldest of a family of eight. He has 13 grandchildren ' and 40 great grandchildren. His 1st wife Janet Hunter and daughter Maizie Mathers are deceased. oiillfa888881111111118111111113311111IIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIIIiiiiiminimannommiumniininionnoon81100 Conveners of standing commit- tees of Kairshed Women's Insti- tute met at the home of Mrs. Evan Keith on Wednesday after- noon to compile their annual reports. Audrey MacDougall of Orange- ville spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacDOugall on the birth of their baby daughter in Wingham and District General Hospital on Sunday, March 31k. Employees of Goderich Manuf- acturing Co. Ltd.(Baechle) are busy cutting logs in the former C,--e677e Lockhart bush. At the Hilton -Perth.competi- tor: held in Stratford on Monday, Apzil 1st , Martha .Grd'ham placed in,the floor gymnastics now enter the W.G.S. co:-.7.petition to .be held, in .)r, April 20th. She was predeceased by her son Laurence in December 1973, a brother Laurence, killed in action in France in 1918 and a brother Norman of Perth in 1948. The funeral service was held at St., Peter's Anglican Church, Elicknow on Tuesday, March 19th. Rev. George Garratt, assisted by Rev. R. A. Joselyn, a former min• ister, condUcted the .service. Pallbearers were Harold Greer, Gordon Struthers, W. A. Porteous; Donald Gaunt, Pharis Mathers,," Orland Richards. ' Temporary entombment was at South Kinloss Mausoleum with final resting place Greenhill Cem- etery. MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, • Lucknow , was in charge of funeral arra ngements SOUTH KINLOSS Lillian and Arthur had a family of three. A on 'Kenneth passed away in his eighteenth year in 1943 in Toronto. Their two (laugh• ters are Marjorie, Mrs, Howard Bennett of Scarborough and Shir- ley ; Mrs. Howard Whiteside of Leaside, who together with their husbands and three grandsons and granddaughter-in-law Heather ad- ded the extra family touch to this memorable occasion. A granddaughter Kathleen Ann passed away in 1967. Most of their married life was spent in Toronto where Arthur Was employed for thirty-five years With The Borden Company of Canada , retiring in 19.66 to their home in Kinlough. He is a mem- ber' of the Borden Quarter Century club. Congratulations were received from his Excellency Governor Genera) Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Leger; R. Hon. Pierre Trudeau, Prime' Minister of Canada;• Hon. Win. Da vis, Premier,of Ontario; Hon. Hugh Faulkner, Secretary of State; R. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker M.P.;' Ross Whicher , M.P.; John Haney M.P.; Murray Gaunt M.P.P. as well as a host of relatives-and friends, from Toronto and their home neighbourhOod, plus out of town points in Ontario and West- ern Canada. Many beautiful gifts were also received. KINLOUGH COUPLE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Arthur has two brothers, Wig= Barn and George W.., both of Kinlough , a lso br2ther -in -law. John C. McIntyre of Culross , Man itoba , as well as a number of nieces and nephews and other • relatives of both families. • Greer T. Lucknow And Electric A candle lighting'ceremony; conducted by Lieutenant usiq Guides. When all of the cp.!, were lit the enrollment teen( started New members were: Robin Patrol, Sharon Sproule; Swallows , Suzanne Kirkland, Brenda McLeod. Our new Lieu tenant Mrs. Dianne Morrison Was also 'enrolled. Service Stars were givenlo Murray and Susan Thompson-, yr; Lorna Boyle and Kathryn Kim -• 6' yr; Debbie Bolt, hot Thompson, Beverly Wilkins • 4 yr. Acting as hostesses for thee ing were Kim .Cooke, Suzanne Corrin. and Lisa Petersen, wit passed their Hostess badge, was announced that the District Volleyba Ga me was to beat 10..00, on Saturday, which the Lucknow Guides wdn. Theira Speaker's badge is to be test April 2. A4uarist's badge will tested on April 9. Alscreacn is to return the forms this wed regarding the bus trip sowed get a definite, count. Campfire was led by Ettaki MacDona ld . The meeting0 closed with vespers and taps. The regular meeting of the, Lucknow Girl Guides was held. March 28th. The meeting w opened with roll call. Flagt ing was by the Bluebirds bib by 0 canada and the Guideh er . . Phone 528.3112 $549.' Bedford 20" Color TV tvi all the features of Etectge home console's in more compact size. Solid-state chassis features dutorreat tint /color/fine tuning A special Locik'n Listen valic GUM' NEB .ett, all of Lucknow; cousins Wm., and Mabel Irvin of Ashfield; his ' family, Cliff' and Pearl Hackett of Goderich, Tom and Tillie Hackett of Lucknow, Melvin and Margaret Hackett of Port Elgin, Alex and Ella Hackett , Chester , Belle and Scott Hackett of Ashfield.