The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-04-03, Page 14SAID OF SHOES CHILDREN'S PLAY SHOES .__ pair $5,0 1,4 WANDS Pack Power 10007 WEDNESDAY., APRIL 14 • PAGE-•!FOAORTRAta ,,, 1 4 4 TO THE .1.11cKNOW.:...AND'„DISTRICT K1NETTES:' ON THE FORMATION OF YOUR CLUB WE WISH YOU THE BEST IN I ALL FUTURE ENDEAVOURS THE KINSMEN. CLUB WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE LUCKNOW LEGION FOR THEIR ASSISTANCE AT THE KINETTE FORMATION 'NIGHT • LUCKNOW1 ., AND DISTRICT KINSMEN CLUB Allan Whytock Of Cuiross Township Has Highest D.H.I.A. Herd In Bruce Co. The annual meeting and ban7 Donald Craig, Kincardine • .quet, of the Dairy Herd Improve- was elected President and Alvin .ment Association was held on Fri- Ruetz, Mildmay, was elected day , March'22 at 12.00 noon in Vice President. the Chepstow Parish Hall. HarVey •Weppler, Port Elgin, President of the Association, was chairman for the meeting and introduced the , head table guests. ,Ray Pennington, Teeswater, area supervisor-, conducted contests. Wilmer McFadden, Paisley and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pope, PaiSley were winners of cheese donated by the Teeswater Creamery. Other prize winners were Robert Osborne, Lticknow and Mrs., Irvin Grubb, Walkerton,' Regional supervisor Lorne Marsh- all, Kirkton spoke on changes to be made in the computer • recordings for the barn sheets and on the. National Identification Program for grade, airy cattle. Dennis Quish, Ministry of Agri- culture and Food; Walkerton re ported on the Milk Incentive Pro- gram for dairy• farmers and answer- ed questions. Jerrold 'Beeeh, Paisley area supervisor presented 1973 certific- , ates to members of his association. Lloyd Brown, Chesley received the certificate for the Highest Comp- osite Breed Class Average 143 and John Zevenbeigen, Hepworth for the greatest increase in butterfat production. Ray Pennington presented the 1973 certificates and awards to members of his association. Alan Whytock, Teeswater, received the certificate for the Highest Composite Breed Class, Average, 148.5 and Adolph Rubick, Mild- may for the greatest increase in butterfat production. Joseph Kief- fer , Teeswater received the award for the first year supervised herd with the highest milk production .donated by Norman McKee ,United Breeders' Formosa Branch, and William Zettel, Walkerton receiv- ed the award for the herd with the greatest increase in milk produc- tion. donated by Roy Pennington. WHITECHURCH • LUCKNOW spent the, week end with his par- .ents Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mc- Guire. Mrs and. Mrs. Russel McGuire on Sunday attended the '56th wedding anniversary of her par- ents, .Mr. and Mrs. Clendon 13ram- hill of Palmerston, at a dinner at five o'clock at the Ranton Place at Palmerston. There were sixteen' in attendance. After the MEAT SPECIALS Hinds of Beef LB. 99c Fronts of Beef LB. 8 3c Sides of Beef 113 . 8 9c Heavy Sides of Beef LB. 7 5C -Pork Whole or/ Halves LB. 6 5c Light Weight Young Sows LB.5 5c Cut, Wrapped and Quick Frozen at no extra charge SMALL FREEZER SPECIALS 501b: Lots Hamburg LB. 8 5c 50 lb. Lots Blade Short Rib Roast Mixed LB. 8 9c 10 lb. Lots Homemade Sausage LB. 69c 10 lb. Lots Young Beef Liver LB. 69c 10 lb. Lots Loin Pork Chops LB' 99c 10.1b. Lots Spare Ribs-Fresh LB. 99c 10 lb. Lots Home Cured Bacon LB. 89c ROUND STEAK &ROUND STEAK ROASTS la s 1 .39 ,EASTER Home Cured Hams-Whole or Halvesu3.80 SPECIAL ORDER YOURS NOW SALE ENDS CLOSING TIME SAT. APRIL 6 ALL ORDERS WILL BE FILLED WITHIN 2 WEEKS RIPLEY MEAT MAN 395.961 OPEN TILL 6 O'CLOCK CLOSED THURSDAY AFTERNP Jerrold Beech introduced the guest speaker, Stephen MacFacf- den , •Paisley who spoke and showed slides on the Centralia College. Stephen is a second year student in the agricultural course. Beech thanked the speak- er and adjourned the meeting. Died In B.C. MRS. LEA MEYER There passed away in Surrey , B.C. , Dorothy Pearl Hockley, be. loved wife of Lea Meyer , on March 26 , 1974. Mrs. Meyer was born on the 8th concession of Kinloss Town- ship on December 4, 1921. She was the daughter of Mrs,. Tom Hoc'kley and the late Mr.-• Hock- ley of 311 Queen Street, Cam- bridge (Preston), Ontario. She is survived by her husband Lea , of 12628-97A AVenue, Sur- rey , B.C.; two sisters, Florence, Mrs. Bert Caskinette, of.Acton, and Elsie, Mrs. RusSell Moore of Cambridge (Preston). She was predeceased by a sister, Mrs. Greta Pritchard in 1939 and her father Tom Hockley in 1972. Lea 'Meyer is the son of Chas. Meyer, of Formosa. A private funeralservice was held on Friday, March 29, at Avalon Funeral Home, Surrey , B.C. Mrs. Albert Coultes and Mrs. Alex Craig and Lana on Friday were at Mrs. Jack Coultes, Blyth, where they were accompanied home by Miss Debbie Coultes and on Friday evening-accompanied by Albert Coultes and Alex Craig all attended the Figure Skating Club at Port Elgin, where Lori . Schwichtenburg was one of the performers. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis and Dana of Windsor were visitors last week with her parents Mr. arid. Mrs. Garnet Farrier. Whitechurch W.L will hold , their Curator and Anntial meeting on April 8 at 12 noon in Whitechurch Community Mem- orial Hall with a pot luck dinner. The, hostess is Mrs. Victor Emer- son. Roll call - members who . have no House Log - write one, bring and read it, or bring a snap .of yourself for T.H. Book. Pay- ment of Fees. ,Remember your donation of homemade candy for Wingham Hospital. Topic - Cur- ator and Committee and Contest. Election of officers - Mrs. Dan Tiffin. All to bring something for lunch. On Sunday Rev. Dave McInnes of Hamilton had charge of the services at Chaltners Church, Whitechuich and Langside. He was a dinner guest with Mr. and Mrs. Victor 'Emerson. Brian. McGuire of Kitchener CHILDREN'S DRESS SHOES ____ .$41)8 LADIES' DRESS SHOES _ __ _ ___ _ $4.88 LES, PETTER SHOES Phone 528.2011 dinner they attended services,' 7.30 at the Missionary Chat Mrs. Wallace Conn and Earl Caslick on Sunday visit with Mr. and,, Mrs. Billie CaI and family of Culross. Mrs. Russel Ross Spent from' Tuesday to Friday with Mr, Mrs. Herb Hunter and Devon .Londomand received tr' eatm0 at Un iversity Hospital each' THE LUCKNOW SBNTINIEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO