The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-04-03, Page 11TTER SHOES LORNE REID — SHOE REPAIR CHILDREN'S DRESS SHOES pr. for $5.001 HYDRO WORKERS' SAFETY BOOTS IN STOCK ' .0........................................ LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON •••1•••••••1•*••••114,40••••••••••••0 •••• *1141 RIPLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL EDITOR, DIANNE MacKAY' ASSISTANTS, JANICE REEVES AND WAYNE NICHOLSON pc4.ts you even. with the talk matt. He can make yob pay, but he can't make you work. Not with SCM's DELUXE 809 electric adding machine around. It may not save you money on your tax return, but it sure saves time and effort figuring it out. Designed for portability, the DELUXE 809 weighs only 8 lbs. and has, a streamlined snap-on cover and a hide-away handle that pops put for travelling. Less than $100 buys you relief before April 30th, Lists 8 columns. P99,999:99.9 Totals 9 columns. 9,999,999.99 Get yourSrnith-Corona DELUXE 809 at your4uthorized dealer or department store. SCM Products for Horne and Industry — Adding:Machines, Copiers, Calculators, Portable Typewriters, Compact Office Typewriter, SMITH -CORONA MAIVCPIANT CoNiMon SCM (Crinada) Limited 20 GerVais [love, Don Wis. Ontar4, Offices and dealers across Canada. • THE 1.11:„KN.'..EIV,ITINEL THE ,LUCKNDW'SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ,ELEVEN ODAY, APRIL 3rd, .1914 b YEARS AGO MARCH 1964 ;ording to announcements lady in March by Bell hone Co. and Huron and s Telephone Co. , phone ,bers on the Lucknow and anon exchanges would be g back and forth by late ith no long distance toll involved. iys McDonald, daughter HELP ROMOTE THE ICKNOW !UNION USE EUNION IVELOPES FOR YOUR iRSONAL ETTERS g. of 20 50c 'ELOPES IR SALE AT fNE :KNOW ITINEL "11111"11611"1.1411011•MSSM of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDon- ald of St. Helens, opened a hair- dreSsing business in Lucknow under the name Glady's Beauty Salon and was located in the Wraight building on Main Street.. Mrs. John MacRae formerly operated a similar type business. in the same location. Elmer Umbach, local pharma- cist, burned about-four cases of cigarettes, his complete stock 'of tobacco with 'a value of about,, $250. In doing so Elmer was standing behind decisions made by the Pharmaceutical Council of which he was a member. The action sternmed from the com- ments of leading medical author- ities linking the use of tobacco and lung cancer and the opinion - of many that it was a health haz- ard. 30 Years Ago MARCH 1944 The fourth Ration Boil( was issued with some 3000 books dis- tributed locally. Oddities locally vied for ,the spotlight. An orange, one of a dozen or so growing on an orange tree at Solomon's Greenhouse , though somewhat smaller , qualified in appearance with the choicest imported fruit. It was thin skin- ned seedless and juicy. . In the window of Lorne Mac - Lennan's feed shop was a capon that was mothering a flock of 25 young chicks, and was reported as doing a right good job of it. And last but not least was a doz en eggs which tipped the scales at 41 ounces. These 'eggs resemb- ling duck eggs, were double if not, triple yoked , laid by Members of a White Leghorn flock belonging to Stan Todd. 50 YEARS AGO MARCH 1924 Prize winners at the masquer- ade carnival held in the local rink were as follows; fancy-dressed lady, Jean Gollan; fancy-dreSsed gent Jack Johnston; fancy-dressed girl, Jean Stewart; fancy-dressed boy, Bobby Thompson; comic dressed lady, Marion, Stewart; comic-dressed gent, Eldon John- ston; comic-dressed girl, Helen ,‘ MacLeod; comic -dressed boy, Dave Horn; couple race, Winni-, fred Douglas and Wilfred Murd- och; farmer's race, Clare. Milne; autograph race , Isobel Johnston; gents race, Wilfred Murdoch; boy's race, Robt. MacCallum; gents musical chairs, Will Reid; ladies and, girls Musical chairs, Rena MacDonald. The Methodist congregation suffered 'a serious loss when their church, a substantial brick struc- ture, was gutted by fire. VARIETY CONCERT Be sure and reserve April 25th and 26th on your calendar, as R.D.S. presents its annual Variety Concert. Both the 'elementary and secondary students are involv- ed with Miss Jean Campbell tak- ing charge of the elementary pres- entations, while Sally Elliott, Debbie Tranter and Sally Harrison are `goire "crazy" as dress rehear- sal draws closer everyday. The Drama Club, under the direction of Janice Reeves and George Arin- strong , will.present "No Boys Allowed" which was recently en- tered in. the Bruce-Grey Drama Festival held in Port Elgin. Two Members Of our cast,, Bob Camp- hell and Robert Calquhoun receiv- ed special credit for their dram- atic roles. Let's hope the actors and 'actresses haven't forgotten their lines before the concerti CURLING Although the curling season is finally ended at R.D.S. the Stud- ents' Council and curlers Would like to'thank the Ripley Curling. Club for their fine co-operation during the past year. A special thanks to the ladies who put up the delicious meals during the 'Darwin Pollock Bonspiel and the recent wind-up Bonspiel. Thanks once again I SKIING On the otopic of winter sports', some members of Levels four and five, travelled to Collingwood on March 29th to take in some skiing before the snow disappears. Although it was a first for many of the skiing enthusiasts, no ser- ious mishaps occurred and most returned with, a ruddy glow 'on their complexions. EXAMS Believe it or not , the secondary exams have crept upon us once aga'in. But look at 'it this way, the summer, holidays are just around the corner. Picture yourself lying in 'the warm , 'white 'sand with not a' single care in the .world while you are busily writing your math exam. It might not improve your math mark, but it's a great way to boost your spirits: B:P,A, TABLE TENNIS. TOURNA- MENT On Saturday, March 30, six 'schools assembled in the R.D.S. Gym to compete in the Table Tennis Tournament for Bruce County. The schools competing' in the tournament were Chesley, Ripley , Kincardine; Wiartcin and :Saugeen. Things got under way about 10 a.m. Team members for Ripley were Arlene Tranter Jr. singles, Barbara Grubb and Nancy McGuire Sr. girls, doubles, Debbie Trainer Sr. girls singles and -Cathy Creech and Kim Farrell playing in Sr. girls doubles,, Connie Pollock and Bob Campbell Sr. mixed doubles and Laurie Colling and Jeff Rouse Jr. mixed doubles. For the Senior boys singles, there was Wray Thompson, Sr. boys' doubles Mark Smith and Peter MacDonald, for the"Jr. boys sing- les there was Courtney Liddle' and Jr. boys doubles there ,was Sandy Liddle and Randy Ackert. Congratulations go 'to Arlene Tian• tei who was runner-up., Barbara Grubb and Nancy Mc'Guire who won, Debbie Varner who won and Cathy Creech and Kim Farrell who also won. Connie Pollock and Bob Campbell,came 3rd while Laurie Coiling and Jeff Rouse were runners up. The only win- WHITECHURCH Mrs. Russel Ross on Saturday visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Millen of Teeswater. DIED SUDDENLY This community extends their sympathy to Mrs. Walter James, Roy and Leonard, in the sudden passing of het husband and their, father , Walter James. On Satur- day evening at a darice' at Wood- stock he suffered a heart attack and passed away Sunday in hospit- al. The funeral was held on Tuesday at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Walter James and family re- sided for many years in the house now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Moore and family. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, Des Roches, Bobby and Joey' and Mr. and Mrs. 'Carl IvItClenaghan spent the week end in Woodstock with Mr: and Mrs. Bill Norris, Curries School Progresiive Euchre club held theirparty on Friday evening, March 29 with 8 tables in play in Belgrave Arena Assembly Room. Those winning prizes were high lady Mrs. Jim Currie, high gent Bob Scott , low lady Mrs. George Walker, low gent Leonard James, men's nov elty Robert Gordon Jr. , lady's • novelty' Mrs. Jim Coultes, most lone hands Bob Arbuckle. The sponsors Mr. and Mrs. John L. Currie and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Moore served lunch. At present no arrangements were made for any future party. ners for the boys were Sandy Lid- dle and Randy Ackert who placed third. At the end 'of theday the points were Chesley with 41, Ripley tied with Kincardine at 33, Wiarton had 27 and Saugeen with 12. Again this year the Ripley girls accumulated more points than the boys', the points being 23 for the girls.and 1 point ,for the boys. Thanks go out to Mr. Coul tes and Kevin Cook for their help and also Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Edward Brown for their help.