The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-04-03, Page 10WEDNESDAY, APRIL ,rd, • RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering — Curing and Smoking Cutting and Wrapping — Sausage Making — Fast Freezing HOGS AND CATTLE ON 'MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON. FRIDAYS Have cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill With Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Nang Your Beef From 1 To 3 Weeks -- Whatever Your Requirements Are For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At' Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION CHAS ROOLSMA. PROP. 95 ABATTOIR 395-2965 STORE 3 2961 Cheque out a cripplod child today. See what your dollars can do. Support Easter Seals. 9.30 a.m. ,, lunch .at noon, thi afternoon session from 1p,m, 4 p.m. There will be two del onesseg• in charge of proceeda The thankoffering Meeting ii to be the third Tuesday evenoi Roll call was responded with a verse from Thessalonian The offering was taken by Mrs, Adams arid offertory prayer by Henderson. Miss Sadie Johnsto gave two short readings, "Build another castle" and "Be Gut /Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Stewart off /ered prayers. Mrs. Evelyn Lin gave an interesting reviewed Glad Tidings. Mrs. NobleJolis stop brought very interesting Easter message on love, a word which is widely used and abs Real Love-is the love of Jesus Christ. - The meeting closed with Hy 374 and prayer. IN STOCK NOW tAAAAJAA CALCULATORS ADDING MACHINES TYPEWRITERS AAAAVAA LUCKNOW SENTINEL PHONE 518-1812 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Lucknow .Guides Volleyball Over Winghaat On Saturday, March 30th, the LuclutOw Central Public* School - gym was the scene of a rousing contest 'of Volleyball between the Lucknow and Wingham Girl Gnides.• In the first match, with the best g out of 3, Lucknow started off slowly allowing Wingham 'to' Cap- ture the first game 15-7., Luck- now rallied in the second game winning 1575. Again Lucknciw,' went down at the hands of their • • opponents, losing 15-4 in the thine game. After a :short recess play resum- ed for a second set of the best 2 out of 3. This time team two from Lucknow started off well squealdng by Wingham with a slim margin, 16-14. Wingham were the victors in the second. . game with a 15-9 win. 'Fortunate- ly Lucknow put everything forth in the third game and came out on top with a 15-10 victory. Following lunch break Lucknow was victorious in the ensuing playoff game downing \gingham 21-13. ° • Lucknow would like to thank the Wingham, girli and their lead- ers for their sportsmanship and interest shown. Lucknow will rep- resent- Isilaite district in any furth- er contests.' Division Commissioner Nancy MacLennan of Goderich did the refereeing and District Commis- sioner Carroll McKim of LucknOw arranged the competition. Those playing for Lucknow were Helen Winer, Lorna Boyle, Edith . Greer , Ettabelle MacDonald, Susan Thompson, Kathy Brooks, Till Murray. Janet Humphrey, Marion Raynard, Kathryn McKim Nancy.Thompson. BROWNIE NEWS The 1st Lucknow Brownie Pack opened their meeting on Tuesday, March 26th with Brownie Ring. Anne Hartilton Was Fairy, Queen and Brown Owl did inspection. The Brownies hopped their Brownie Gold. Everyone then sang 0 Canada. At Pow Wow they sang Happy Birthday to Luanne MacLeod and Kimberley Sanderson. grown Owl asked all the Golden Bar Brownies :o get yarn and knitting needles for learning to knit. Mrs. Webst - er will be coming to next week's meeting to test for interest bad- ges. Sharon Struthers showed four ,-things she had made for Craft Badge. Janice McInnes showed some postcards and Michele Hum- phrey had a vegetable animal. During work period Brown Owl . , Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 APRIL 7th PALM SUNDAY 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship ,'Lt/CKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister APRIL 7th PALM SUNDAY Confirmation and Holy Communion 10:00. a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship The Lord's Prayer 7. The Great Affirmation - „ POINT TO PONDER We find our true selves when we follow the way of Jesus and honour him as 'Lord. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 pap. Service (Dutch, 1st Sunday of the month) Dungannon WI Elect Officers, The Dungannon Women's "nal - tute met at the home of Mrs. Al- vin Kerr for their March meeting Mrs. Harvey Alton called the meeting to order and opened with the Ode and Mary Stewart collect The roll call - "A law I'd like to see changed", was answered,by several different responses. Most members were unanimous in their opinion that stray dogs,Should not be ,allowed to run at' large-. The correspondence and financial report were received. Mrs. Lorne Ivers expressed thanks to all who, helped with the dessert and euchre party held at Brookside School. The motto i "People born into freedom do' not know its value', was Presented by Miss Iva Carr in a most thoughtful way. Mts. Roy Robson, citizenship convener., chose as her topic ,The Prime Ministers of Canada". A picture of each Prime Minister was displayed, as a brief regime of his backgronnd and yearns in office was read. Everyone found the review quite interesting. Arrangements were made for . canvassers of this area to collect for the cancer fund. Mrs. George Errington brought in the report of the nominations committee, fol- lowing which Mrs. Warren Zinn conducted the election of'officers. Mrs. H. Alton called on' Mrs. L. Wets to induct the, new executive. Reports were received from the, different conveners of standing committees. ,Mrs.H. Alton pres- ented courtesies and delicious •, cake and ice, cream was served by hostesses Mrs. Warren Zinn and Mrs, Chester Finnigan. The slate of officers for 1974-75: are' as follows, president , Mrs. Harvey Alton; 1st vice, 'Mrs. Graham McNee; 2nd vice, Mrs. Alvin. Kerr; sec'y. treas. , Mrs. Hirry Girvin; assistant, Mrs. El- mer Black; District director, Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge; alternate dir- ector, Mrs. Wilbur Brown; Branch Directors, Mrs. lack Clement, Mrs. Lorne Hasty and Mrs. Chest- er Finnigan; Mrs. Cecil Blake; Curator, Mrs. 'Warren Zinn assisted by Mrs. Lorne Ivers, and Mrs, William Stewart; Pian- ist, Mrs. Gordon Finnigan, Assis- tant, Mrs. W. Brawn; Auditors, Mrs. W. Zinn, Miss Iva Carr. • ConVeners of standing' commit tees are: Agriculture and Canad- ian Industries, Mrs. Elmer Black. and Miss Beth McConnell; Citiz- enship and World Affairs, Mrs. Roy Robson and Mrs. R. C. Mc- Clenaghan; Education and Cultur- al Activities, Mrs. Ivan Rivett and Mrs. Clifford Purdon; Family and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Hugh McWhinney•and Mrs. Graham Mc- Nee; Resolutions, Miss Iva Carr.' tested the Golden Ladder Brownies for knitting with Anne Hamilton and Shirley Loree completing this test. Snowy Owl watched While Judy Hunter conducted two singing games, "One Of Us Has Gone - Away" and "One Little, Two Little Tosses". Tawny Owl was with some of the Golden Ladder Brownies while they worked at sewing on buttons. Rosa lea Cam- eron and Janice McInnes passed their test for 'sewing on two kinds of buttons. Rosa lea also passed her test for cleaning a pair, of shoes. The meeting was closed with the Squeeze, Taps and the BroWn- ie Arch, LOWER .INTEREST RATES 1 S T AND NOW 241 V vgdAIRTTIAGES Anywhere In Ontario On RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and FARM PROPERTIES interim Financing For New Construction & 'Lane • Development For Representatives in Yew Area Phone SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 744-6535 Collect Head Office - 56 Weber St. E. Kitchener:, Ont. —We Buy. Existing Mortgages for Instant Cask— The April meeting of the after= noon group of LucknOw Presbyter- ian Church was held one week earlier than usual because of the Synodical rrieeting being held on the usual meeting day. The meeting opened with Mrs.' Morgan Henderson presiding. Psalm 98 was read in unison by the members, followed by hymn 212 and prayer. Mrs. Kennedy had the Bible Study on the proceedings leading up to, and the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ, after which Mrs. Henderson Offered prayer. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Porteous announced the allocation for the bale in money. There is td be. a workshop in the Sunday School room April 8th; morning session and registration at Afternoon Group Kinlough. W.M.S. KINLOUGH NEWS The Presbyterian Women's Mis- sionary Society held their March Meeting at 'the home of Mrs. Gor- don MacDonald. The meeting openedwith_ a hymn and the pur- pose was repeated in unison. Mrs. Don Bushell read the minutes of the previous meeting and Mrs. Don Robertson gave the treasurer's'. report. Business and correspond- ence followed. An invitation to the South Kin- loss Thankoffering Meeting was accepted , also an invitation to the Kinlough Pentecostal V. M.C. with Mrs. Lorne Sparks, guest speaker. It was decided to cater to the Mother and daughter banquet. The word for the roll call was. "Life" ;Sr "Spring". Mrs. Don Bushell will be hostess for the Easter meeting. A film strip "Marriage in Ca was shown followed by a - discussion. Mrs. Stewart Mac Donald and Mrs. William MacPherson took over for' the program and opened with the hymn "Lord speak to me"'. Mrs. MacPherson gave a reading on Salvation and the affirmation' about salvation. Members wrote down what salvation meant to 141EL them. Mrs. Stewart MacDonald led in prayer and read a touching story of Mary Kopiness, a Canad ian Indian girl who went to the city and tried to adjust. A. dis- • cussion took place on how we could help girls who are trying to make good in unfamiliar surroundings. A hymn and the Lord's prayer closed the meeting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Don Reid and the hostess. Courtesies were expressed by Mrs. Ste,wart MacDonald.