The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-04-03, Page 2We would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers and friends of the St. Helen's district for their Joyal patronage during the past three years and also to introduce Mr. and Mrs, John Sleeker of Burlington who are the new own- ers of St Helens General Store. They will strive to give you the same friendly courteous service. MARY ANN and SHELDON MARTIN Everything you need for the- things you don't want to gro PHONE 528 -.3024 Chemicals for Weed Control HE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO , . g•-•';;; ' N I. • a, \ a 4• #' • '• ' OPEN LETTER TO WEST WAWANOSH COUNCIL AND RATEPAYERS NEW KINETTE CLUB Four months' on the heels•of the formation of the Lucknow and District. Kinsmen Club has come the formation of th:e Lucknow and District Kinette Club. To be a Kinette member , it is first 'necessary to marry a Kins- men, and eighteen young women from this area have fulfilled this requirement. The enthusiasm of the Kinsmen was very evident at the charter night a few months ago and it was proven on Saturday that this club enthusiasm extends to the Kinettes who were present from many hun- dreds 'of miles away to wish Luck- now well in their formation. While there are many women's organizations in the each doing commendable work, we believe that this group of young women , as an auxiliary to the Luclumw and District Kinsmen, will have much to' offer this area in' the -line of community service. ohm rum.__. Attend Toronto Teacher Conference Mrs. Bill Robertson, Mrs. Harry Brydges, Wingham;. Mrs. Jim Ireland , ,Brussels and Mrs. Allan. MacIntyree; Lucknow attended conference on Early Childhood Education at the Hilton Hotel, Toronto. The conference featured Dr. Samuel J. Braun, Massachusetts and Dr. Jean ,MarieBeniskos, Un- iveristy of Ottawa as guest speak- ers plus various workshops and displays. The conference, sponsored by Ontario Teachers' Federation, released publication of Curricul- um Guidelines Tor Jnnior Kinder- .garten • • • • • • JUVENILES OUT The Lucknow Juvenile hockey club was eliminated by Watford in the Ontario Minor Hockey Association Juvenile "D" semi finals. Many hockey fans in the area were disappointed, to see the team go down to defeat, thinking that they had an Ontario Champ- ionship team in the making. Wat- ford now meet Wellington, in the 'Belleville area., in the Ontario finals. • But the boys presented fans with' some good hockey during the sea- son, and with the team riddled with injuries in the Watford series, the going got tougher. Team management pill Hunter and Barry McDonagh now lead the boys into the Western Ontario grand championship series and they will play off with Mount For- est in the first round. Another grand championship series is presently on the go 'in Lucknow with Lucknow Intermed- iates, the W.O.A.A. Intermed- iate Minor "C" champs, playing off with Belgrave, champs in their classification. So, it appears that , while spring might be on the way , the hockey season, locally , shows no sign of slowing up for a while yet. Cam— • ' HOLCOMBE - BURT Mr. and Mrs. James Burt are 'pleased to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Donna Laura to Mr. Kenneth Norman Holcombe , son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Holcombe of London. The' wedding will take place at South Kinloss Presbyterian Church, Lucknow, Ontario, May 18th at 6.00 p.m. This is my second letter of pro- teit. to above named. Council. . The first was published in the Lucknow Sentinel November 21, 1973. It was in reference to Council minutes' published Nay - ember 14, 1973 where a paragraph relating to our attendance at Council meeting was reported in a manner I considered unfair and not entirely factual. In this .first Open Letter to Council and Ratepayexs; 1 stated we had asked for More heavily ' soaked calcium chloride dust control treatment from 'our home, concession 11, West Wawanosh ,, to the swamp west of us. We were willing to personally meet the extra expense. It is true we were not charged for the extra chlOr- ide treatment in 1973 because it proved unsatisfactory. We wish the taxpayers to know we again offer to contribute in 1974 if acceptable to Council, as we are sympathetic toward their wish to keep the mill rate at its present level. On the other hand, every• one must surely realize we are not responsible for the extremely high amount of traffic between Belfast and St. Helens. Itave 'attended three council meetings, 'reluctantly. I attend- ed because we had not received an answer to our request for adequate dust control. Following my third attendance ,I received a letter from West Wawanosh COun- cil in which the second of two short paragraphs states, "More . adequate dust •COntrol methods will be studied and considered by Council." This letter is dated March 12, 1974, four months after our first approach to Council on this matter. It is a vague unsat- isfactory answer and 'we have made no progress.. In reply to March 20,-1974 Council minutes,Iwish to say, first, the report on 'my attendance 'again' is faCtuil. However, by their omission of relating factors in my presentation of our Wishes, the report is a misrepresentation of our motives and purposes.. It is a fact that , for the con= ° venience of Coundillors; I did offer photostatic copies of an article received both by the clerk and myself. , This article describ- ed Bitumuls Dust Treatment and was received itom the Depart- ment of Agricultural Engineering Department, Guelph College. The Bitumuls Base is mater soluble /and reasonably priced. According to the Agricultural Engineering Department of the University ,of . Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, it is used on Grid Roads in Saskatche- wan with favourable results. I'rnake no pretence of having pra ctical knowledge of the value of this dust treatment in Ontario. Weather conditions and typeS.of soil differ, but surely Council could keep open ,minds and seek extra inforination; Instead they have alreadyr , formed their opin- ion that, since ,it is.not used al- ready in Ontario, it can have no value in West Wawanosh. Ingiv ing our Road Superintendent full marks in Thrift ,‘excellent and knowledgeable Road Construction, I might, nevertheless, quote the old adage , "Out.of the mouths of babes----and ----old ladies". ' I did not, as Council misinforms wEDNESDAY, APRIL rd; you, read a 'letter' to (otatll, For self-protection.against he. misquoted , I read my preset tion to them. I also keep a fqr reference ; In their published statentip tha t I criticized Council prae and methods, I presume they in part , referring to my persistence in asking for a rep' (written) re: dust control, I claim it is correct business pr tare and a courtesy due ann tioner , 'to answer by mail, I write without malice tow, anyone. Petty prejudieesk pointless and suggest immahoi and negative thinking. Igo' direct my thoughts toward ap tion to the -dust problem, a Council will quickly finish th period of "studying and coos' ing" and move into action, I 'do not experience anyp lire in publishing either of ray Open Letters. I have done N to justify my pbsition. ' Dorothy Wan* March 28,' 1974, , • • • • • • • • • 4"••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••÷0******** • • • LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "The Sepoy Town" — On this Huron-Bruce Boundary Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 — Published Wednesday Mensier of the C.C.N.A. and 0.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $8.00 a year in advance $2 extra to U.S.A. and Foreign • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44********* Donald C, Thompson, Publisher NINE SKATERS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Canasta Tango, Tom Barger, Joan, Hamilton, Steve Hamilton, Brenda Johnstone, Julie Johnston, Jeannie Reid, Swing Dance, Linda Campbell, Joan Hamilton, Brenda Johnstone. Successful completion of these three Dances gives Preliminary Dance Badges to Linda Campbell, Joan Hamilton and Brenda John- stone. Linda Campbell also passed the Fiesta Tango, the first dance in the Junior Bronze Dance Test. This was the final outing for s:w2ters in the Lucknow Club for the '7:3-74 season. Judging from seasb;n.s' achievement , they . will have many r-iore skaters ready ::;.Test Day next season, Surfactant — Oil concentrate — Use to extend period of application and increase efficiency of Atrazine. Brush Killer —'64 and 112, two strengths of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T combined. Provide excellent brush and hard-to- kill weed control.. 2,4-D Amine 80 — Most • widely used weedkiller. Use on pasture and cereals that are not seeded 'down. Bladex 80 — Use,for pre- emergence and early post- emergence alone or in combination. with Atrazine to control annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in corn. Lasso — Combine with - -Atrazine or Lorox to control annual grasses and broadleaf , weeds in corn and soybeans. Sutan 8-E — Use before planting corn in combination., CO-OP has the solution to all youroweed problems .with Atrazine to control annual grasses and broadlea! weeds. Embutox E 2,4-D Butyric 'acid for broadleaf'weed control in.legume crons. AAtrex 80W — Atrazine. Use for pre-emergence and early post-emergence weed control in corn. Lorox'-- Recommendedasa pre-eMergence spray for weed control in soybeans, field beans and field corn. Plus other chemicals for virtually any weed control problem. Free copies of the co-OP Weed Control Handbook are available from: Lucknow District Coq