The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-27, Page 18WEDNESDAY! MARCH/ SCM for Home and Indtztry / Adding ,14acitinm. Capers, Calculators. Pmtable Typcirritms. Compact Oftwe Typt-. ners. n tests tl colianns. 999,999.99 Totals 9 columns. 9,999,999.99 1.,LICKilOW-tottrtielL, :11,1ICK.NOW,...ONITAR110 . It evening with Mr. and mrs. Mervin Hedley at ,Walkerton. Mervin's many friends are pleased to, known that he has returned home, after several weeks in hospital follow- ing a, heart attack. • Get your Smith-Corona DELUXE 809 at your authorized dealer or department store. ou are TED to a iba-Geigy grochemical eeting Monday Apitil 1 at -8•00 .I. tit , . . • . •. ......nomminfinmiummummonfimininimmomminimmimmillimoilinommi.. LEGION HALL — LUCKNOW Aatrei Liquid the convenient , corn herbicide Ekko New annual grass herbicide for corn New developments in corn weed control Dr. John Bamleen, University. of Guelph Patoran Herbicide for white beans Plan to attend and enjoy a profitable get-together with other growers. Hear the latest information on agricultural chemicals. Get authoritative answers to your questions. SPONSORED BY CIBA-GEIGY AND YOUR LOCAL DEALER KINLOUGH KINCARDINE At 12.45 p.m. March 3, Con- stable Spruce investigated an accident on sideroad 30, Kinloss TWp. involving a Vehicle operat- ed by Kenneth A. Scott, R. R. 3 :Teeswater`and Robett Bregman, R. R.''3 Teeswater.: • - Ai 6.15 porn. /vlarch 4, Con-, stable Poland investigated an • accident at the Jct. of Huron and Queen St. , Ripley. A vehicle operated by Malcolm J. Palmer, R. R. 4 Ripley and a vehicle operated by Donald Peterbaugh, Ripley were involved. At 11.0,0 a.m. , March.8 Con- stable Poland investigated an accident on Huron St. , Ripley,' involying vehicles driven by Andy Burgess of Kincardine and Neil McLennan of Ripley. At 3.00 p.m. March ,8 Con- stable ,Poland investigated an accident on Cone: 10-11 Rd. , Kin- loss Twp. A vehicle operated by Wayne Millen, Teeswater was in- volved. At 3.00 a.m. IvlarcIN Constable P. Dawson investigated an accident on Cty.• Rcl, 1, Kin- loss Twp. involving Kevin Ackert, Holyrood. At 9.00 a.m. , MarCh 9, Con- stable poland investigated an accident on Cty. Rd. 1, Kinloss TWp. Involved was William H. Ireland, Kincardine, • At 2.45 p March 16 Con— stable Burgess investigated .an accident at the Jct. of Conc. A Road and Huron Road, Point Clark, involving vehicles operated by Wilfred Danforth, R. R. 1 Ripley and Robert Gibbons, R. R., 1 Kin- caydine , Ontario. At 6.30 p.m. March 16 Con- stable D. Dawson investigated an accident on Hwy. 86, Kinloss Twp. , 'involving a vehicle operat- ed.by Brian Dewar of 'Ripley. 71AFTHEsE ONOMMW°) Usenms 1974 FORD-CUSTOM, 4 door 2 -1974 FORDHhi ton V8 standard transmissi 1973 LE MANS 4' door, V8, fully equipped 2 - 1973 PONTIAC CATALINA, 2 door hardtop 1973 BUICK CENTURY, 2 door hardtop 1973 .A.STRfk, 2 door automatic 1973 MAVERICK; 4 :door, 6 cylinder automatic 1973 NOVA 4 door, 6 automatic, power steerin 1972 PONTIAC, 4 door sedan 1972 BUICK SKYLARK, 2 door hardtop 1972 VOLKSWAGON, 1600 Fastback 1972 BUICK LaSABRE, 4' door sedan 2 - 1972 PONTIAC CATALINA, 2 door ,hardtop • 1972 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, 2 door hardtOp 1.972 CHEV STATIONWAGON, 4 door with air conditioning 1971 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE, 2 door hardtop 1970 CHEV 4 door 1970 PONTIAC pARISIENNE, 2 dOor hardtop 1969 DODGE DART, 2 door hardtoP, Va. automat 1967 FORD GALAXIE, 2 door hardtop 1967 PONTIAC PARISIENNE„ 4 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering ommumnuoimmimmumumminniimmuninmiTimummoimilimmilmoommum AMM 'S CAR SALES LTD. MYTH PHONE 523-434 ,PARKING BRA RE Drivers ! Do you know how set your parking brake cotter *The regular Service biakesh be pressed down firmly at the same time you apply yourpat brake. This ensures your bra shoes are firmly in contaaw the drum's and prevents yotit from tolling away, And fora release • hold your foot against the, parking brake peth and pull the release handle. will avoid the loud bang that occurs when you release your parking brake, SAFE STOPPING DISTANCES Drivers ! Following the car ahead too closely can make) the cause of ,a rear-end toll Always have enough stopping distance:— just in case you'll need it. Remember, the mita 'mum safe stopping distance,. under good conditions... is It least one car length for each miles per hour of speed,' H. SPRUCE, Provincial Gaggle, Mrs. Ray Canipbell-Rogers of Beaverton and her father Rev. Andrew Lane of Goderich visited with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm lane and Hugh and otheirelatives here. Miss Janet Bushell R. N. of Lon- don spent 'the week end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Don Bushell. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hedley, Debbie and Karen spent Saturday Mrs. William J. MacPherson of Holyrood recently spent three days in Hamilton and Dundas visiting and attending Birthday Night at Dundas Chalker of the. Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Delbert Hedley, Beverley, "Debbie and Karen•spent 'Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Friendorf and Jason at Elmira. Cathy Hed- ley returned home with them for the week end. George. Haldenby accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Clare Sparling, Allan' and Douglas, to the home. of Mr. and Mrs: Howard Bennett, Toronto, and attended the Golden Wedding celebration for. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haldenby on Saturday evening. Gets you even with the tax man. He can make you, pay, but he can't make you work. Not with SCM's DELUXE 809 electric adding machine around. It may 'not save you money on your tax return, but it sure saves time and effort figuring it out. Designed for portability, the DELUXE 809 weighs only 8 lbs. and has a streamlined snap-on cover and a hide-away handle that pops out for travelling. Less than $100 buys you relief before April 30th. THE LIICKNOWIENTINEL. Phone 528-2822 sititrAt • ebittrwi wit:vim& Disislon of SCM (Canada) Landed 29 Gervais Onve, Don Malls, Oman offices and dealers across Canada. WATCH OUT FOR ELDERLY PEDESTRIANS Here's a reminder to all drivers. Elderly people on foot in traffic won't always remember to watch out for you....so it's up to you to make sure you always watch out for them. At 6.15 a :m . February 24, Constable Burgess investigated an accident on Huron St. , Ripley resulting in damage only. Steven Wylds, R. R. 3 Lucknow, while .southbound, fell asleep at the wheel. His vehicle crossed the road and struck two parked ve- hicles owned by Kelvin Hender- son and Leonide Cote, both of Ripley. The Wylds vehicle con- tinued do coming to rest in. Dixon's service station lot after striking a filler pipe for the underground gas tanks. At 2..35 a,m. February 25, Constable Spruce investigated an accident on Queen St. , Tiver- ton. A vehicle operated by' Michael keynolds, Sutton Park Inn , Kincardine, while north- bound on King St. , skidded through the T intersection, glan- ced off a checker board sign post and struck the steel post support- ing the canopy for Jack's Texaco station. The car was completely demolished and 'the driver receiv- ed a fracted nose. c At 3.0 r p. rn . February 27, Consta r le Daubly investigated a minor hit and run accident on the Douglas Point Camp parking lot involving a vehicle owned by William. Bell, Scarborough and an nnknow vehicle. Gearanteed Investment Certificate S 94% TERMYEAR Victoria & 6roy Trust / GODE RICH 52441 y he th ec tb 1 e he lei ce ape tw ntj iris as On he on w, he le era Wa E..4.10HTEE1!1 •