The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-20, Page 22THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNEADAT; MARCH 2 PiatE TWENTY-TWO ALUE PITTSBURGH LATEX WALL PAINT Goes Farther Stays Fresh Longer Washable AVAILABLE IN A WIDE CHOICE OF MOST POPULAR COLORS WEISER LOCKS Passage Locks Bath Room Locks Key in. Knob Sets JOHN t HENDERSON LUMBER [TO. PHONE 5284118 LUCKNOW cowry Far Systems Clay -Silo Unloader5 ,-Feeders -Cleaners -Stabling -Leg Elevators ,Manurg , Equipment -Hog Equipment Farmatic -Mills -Augers,etc. Acorn -Cleaners 7Heated Waterers Westeel-Rosco -Granaries Zero -Bulk Tanks -Pipeline and Par lour Equipe B L -Hog Panelling Bi4k Tank & 'Pipe line Cleaning Detergents Teat Dip, etc. Bovadine Dyne Iosan Uddersan Foamcheck Kleeneasy ,.West .Toitship Had Their -Regular Meet* For Month of March' DONALD THOIVIPSON Donald Thompson, a West Wawanosh farmer, passed away suddenly at his home on Monday, February 25th from a heart attack. He was 61. Donald Edwin Uriah Thompson was born in West Wawanosh on May 24,1912, a son of Uriah" Thompson and Florence Martin. He farmed on the 6th conces- sion of West Wawanosh for 45 years.and was a member 'of Donny- brook United, Church.' , He was not Wawanash Man Died Suddenly married. The funeral service' was held at Arthur's Funeral Home, Auburn on Thursday„ February 28th. Pas- tor , Alfred Fry conducted the ser- vice. Soloist Was Mr. E. Lapp. Pallbearers were Cyril Boyle, Robert McAllister, Gordon Smyth, Albert Taylor , Ted Rob- inson, Gus Redmond.. Interment was at Dungannon Cernetery. Mr. Thompson is survived by two sisters Mrs. Donald (Rebetca) Gibbon of Sundridge and Miss'Lucy Thompson of Oakville; also one niece Mrs. Ralph Bergman of Tor- onto and a nephew Robert Gibbon of Surrey, British Columbia. He was predeceased by his par- ents and one brother John A. Thompson. PROCEED: WITH ZONING ,CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ordered paid: N. A. Shepherd, legal on- waste site. 168.60; Mun. World, supplies, 4.54; Daco Lab- oratories Ltd.., -ruelene, 214.00; F. MacKinnon, postage and bind- ing case,- 9.29; Gamble Plumbing and Wiring, repair Twp. hail, 21.49; Mary Jacobs, callers fees Rec. , 70.00; Ed Wise, caller: fees Rec. , 24.00; Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority, 1974, levy, 448.12; Pr6v. . Treas. , insu- lin, 2.43; Dick McQuiilin, wolf bounty, 55.00; Village of Luck- now , share overhaul ice resurfaces; 228.54; County of Bruce, share cost official plan, 428.27; Luck- now Agricultural Society, 1974. grant, 100.00; W. A. Hamilton fuel. Twp. hall, 57.11; Fraser MacKinnon, part salary less ded- uction, 389.37; Leo Murray, good road convention expense, ' 89.70; Grant Eckenswiller, gOod road convention expense, 135.90; Doris MacKinnon, clerical, 16.90; Jack Wraith,, 2 fox bounties, 8.00; Ont. Hydro, Whitechurch hall and Township hall, 80,64, HIGHWAYS Frank Schumacher, pay less deductions, 197.63; Harold Smith, pay less deductions, 611.47; David MacKinnon; -pay less deductions, 507.13; Chas. Schell, pay less . West Wawanosh Township Coun- cil met for the regular. March meeting at the home of the Clerk on Tuesday afternoon, March 6th. All members were in attendance •and Reeve Lyons presided. The minutes of the February meeting were read and adopted on motion of Councillors Hickey and Durnin. ' Mrs. Dorothy MacKenzie again appeared before Council and pres- ented literature to Council menf- bets which she'had received from Professor Irwin of Guelph, regard , ing` dust control., crhe Clerk had receiVed e' the sam material from the same professor in answer to a letter written , at Mrs. MacKen ,„zie's request., after- last month's meeting.) Mrs. MacKenzie read 'a letter she had written in villa she criticized certain Council practices and methods, and offered her views and suggestions for imprgvements Council could instigate' to make the Township a better place in- which to live. Harold Menary and Bob Hallam spoke to Council about repairs to the AnclrFw-Finnigan Drain. The Clerk was instructed to contact engineer, -Doug Gamsby , about the Drain. An application for a rile drain- age loan on Lot 22 Concession 4 was accepted by Council on mo- tion of Councillors Rutherford and Murray Wilson was named to re- place,the late Donald 'Thompson as a livestock evaluator for the Township. A motion by Councillors Foran and Hickey authorized the Road Superintendent to apply for the final subsidy..on 1973 road expend- itures in the total Amount of $88.953. The Reeve and Clerk were auth- orized to apply for a ' ' supplementary SUbsidy Allocation in the amount of $10,800.00, on a rnoti?n by ,Councillors Foran and Durnin. Councillors Rutherford and HiCkey moved "That the Road Superintendent be authorized to advertise for tenders for the crush- ing and hauling •of approximately 12.000 cubic yards of A. grave.1 during the summer of 1974." West Wawanosh Township Coun- cil accepted the bid price sub-, mitted by K. K. Dawson for a pumping system for the Public Works Garage, on motion of • Councillors Hickey and: Durnin. The road. accounts were order- ed paid on motion of Councillort FOran and Rutherford. • The following general aceounts were, passed for payment on mo- tion of Councillors Hickey. and Durnin: Klaus Seeger, Separate School tax rebate, 6.89; ,James Dever- eaux, salary, 63.91; Jos. F. Hickey, road convention regis- tration and expenses, 110.00; J. D. Durnin, Road convention • registration and expenses, 110.00; 41.eceiver General of Canada, CPP and UI. 1.64. ROAD ACCOUNTS Harvey Culbert, salary, 298.30; G. Humphrey, operator, 624.77; M. Lyons, wingman,, _ 380.66; C. ,Nicholson, plowing snow , 166:00; Roy Hardy, On Tuesday, March 12th the Brownies started their meeting With a Skipping and Balancing . game. , After Fairy Queen Rosalea Carri eron placed the Toadstool, they had. Brownie Ring. f-The Brownies hopped their Brownie Gold follow-. ed by inspection. The. Pack wel- comed Brown Owl to the rneeting'. Anne Hamilton and Shirley Loree received their Golden Ladders froin Tawny Owl. The .,Brownies were reminded that the next meet- ing would be held on Tuesday, March 26th. 'They then had' their Brownie Prayer. At work period BroWn Owl had the Golden Ladder Brownies doing their knitting while,the rest of the Pack played•games. Tawny Owl had the Tweenies for the. Brownie Promise, Law and Motto. The' Tweenies are to try to refs' ember to do a-good turn every- day. Several of the Golden Bar Brownies passed their test for the flag, of Canada. They were Rosa- lea Cameron; Bonnie Purves, Michele Humphrey, Sandra Camp- bell, Janice McInnes and Tracey McDonagh. Other tests passed were Judy Hunter knitting, Anne Hamilton running 'an errand, Bonnie Purves cleaning a pair of shoes and Rosalea Cam- eron and Sandra Campbell for throwing and catching a ball. The' meeting was closed with the Squeeze and Taps. deducation, 95.19; Jim Murray, pay less deductions, 192.77; Ron McQuiliin, pay less deductions, 62.42; Gerald Doelman, pay less. deductions, 35.00; Bannerman Const. Ltd. , winter sand, 54.00; Sanfax Industries Ltd. , 167.25; Ray Stanley, snowplowing and sander , 700.00; Frank Scohumach- er ,• telephone and mileage, 22.56; Equip. Sales and Service Ltd. , ' grader repair, 211.41; McGee Auto Electric, battery ,, 37.40; Art Helm, snowplow repair, 25.33; Jean Schumacher, clerical, 45.00; Joe Kerr Ltd. , snowplow repair, 6.00; Ron IvIa.chan Hdwe ,, tools, 2.86; Murray's Gen. Store, bolts etc. , 19.14; Ron McQuillin, bolts 3.21; B.P. Canada Ltd. , diesel furnace oil etc.', 519.98; Dom. Road Mach. Sales Ltd. , grader repair, 211.93; Dom Road Mach. Sales Ltd. , grader rental, 1016.50; BROWNIE NEWS immummaniumma Bedford 2.0 Color TV with all the features of Etectro- home consoles in more compact size Solid-state chassis features automatic 4 imt/colorifine tuning A special Look n Listen value • 0I. hir Surfer center extend and inc Atrazint Brush two strr exceller kill weep 2,4-D I widely t on pasts re not, Illadex emerges emerges combine control e broadlea lasso - Atrazine annual g weeds it 'Wan 8 planting 111( 0.4 ELECTROHOM] $549 9 reer T.V. And Electric Ltieknow Phone 528-3112 plowing snow, 672.00; Reffling- .haus Construction, fifth payment, 6657.20; Norman Hamilton, bins and shelves, 128.40; G & E Sales & Service „traCtor parts and re- pairs, 71.66; Tom Garniss, chain saw bar, parts, 30.64; Argyle Marine, chain parts, 2.32; Luck- now Sentinel, advertising, 3.15; Receiver General,' CPP, UI, IT, 281.56; Harvey Culbert, Road Convention registration and ex- penses, 110.00; OGRA , Road school, 70.00. Council adjourned on Council- lor Rutherford's motion, until 2 April at.1.00 p.m" at the Clerk's home. JOAN ARMSTRONG, Clerk David MacKinnon, prepare a 'type tender forms, 5 , 00; Ont. Hydro, Twp. garage ,...175A General, Un. Ins. , 68.90 ,•In. T , 196,50, The' meeting adjourned to m on March 18th at 8 p.m. FRASER Mc KINNON , Clerk,