The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-20, Page 10WEDNESDAY, MARCH ',2
Kinlough A.C.W.
The Kinloughinglican Churdh
Women met on Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Delbert Hed-
ley with Mrs. Roy Collins co-host-
ess. The ladies came early in the
afternoon for a quilting when a
quilt was completed. •
The president Mrs. Gertrude ,
Walsh opened the meeting with a
reading from the Living Message
and welcomed visitors. Rev.
George ,Garratt read.the scripture
from St. Johns Gospel, chapter 17.
Prayers followed and Mrs.
Midford Wall gave the meditation
"Thoughts About Lent" , and also
read an-article regarding the 1974
need for bales, and the minutes
of the pre vious meeting. The
roll call was answered with the
word "Repent". An offering/was
received to help with the new
parish gestetner and a special
thanks to Rev, and Mrs, Garratt
for the "Parish Messenger". Mrs,
Roy Schneller expressed thanks to
everyone who had, remembered
Roy , who is still in the hospital,
and Rev. Garratt closed the meet-
ing with the litany from the Living
The April meeting will be held
at the' home of Mrs. David Hald-
entry. .This will be the Quiet Day
a6d will be a devotional meeting .
with Y..ts. Art Haldenby and Miss
Edna Boyle conveners.
J. W. Van Stempvoort
10:00 a.m. Service
2:30 -p.m. Service •
(Dutch, 1st Sunday of
the month)
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Mrs. Durnin sang Morning Has
Broken, accompanied by pianist
Mrs. Garnet Farrier. Mz s. Durnin
gave two articles . One. written
by Bob McClure of Borneo - Two
Years with the most contented
Man Alive and Building• a new
church in Sudbury. She closed
with prayer.
The president Mrs. Milan
Moore presided for the business.
The roll call was answered by 10
members with a verse or poem
with , the word NEED. Mrs. Millan
Moore led the group in a prayer
of remembrance for the late Mrs.
Eunice Gillespie, a former chart-
er member.
The guest speaker for the Thank
offering service to be held May 7
in the church will be Mrs, Clar
ence McClenaghan. Mrs. Albert
Coultes gave the treasurer's re-
port. •
Mrs. Elmer King closed the
meeting with prayer. The birth-
day tea was then enjoyed by all.
Whitechurch United Church
Women held their 'meeting Tues-
day , March 12 at the home of Mrs,
George Thompson.
Mrs ..-Lorne Durnin convener
of Membership and Community
Friendship had charge pf the wor-
ship service.. She opened with
the singing of ,What a Friend. We
Have in Jesus. Mrs. Elmer King
read the scripture from John 15
and gave comments. Mrs..Durnin
read two poems, Friend and The
Magic of a Friend. Mrs. Elmer
King read an article Are too many
churches enough, with
15 churches 'in the small town of
),Wh ite ch u rch
/ •
Whitechurch YPS
Whitechurch Y,P.S. held their
meeting Saturday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John de
The president Jim de Boer open-
ed the meeting. The minutes
were read by Cecil de Bodra
Mr. Lloyd Murdock read the
scripture John 115: 25. A discus-
sion followed on the scripture read.
Mr. Lloyd Murdock red in prayer.
The offering was received by Earl
The social evening planned or
Langside and Whitechurch groups
has been changed to Saturday ev-
ening March 23. Mr. Murdock
gave the bene-diction. Mrs. de
Boer *Served refreshments.'
langside YPS --
On Saturday evening March 16
Langside Young People's Society
held their meeting at the home
of Mr,: and Mrs. Victor Emerson.
The meeting opened by singing
favorite hymni with organist
Nancy de Boer. Mr. Lloyd Mur-
dock read the scripture from Eph-
esians 5.
Mr. Murdock gave the topic
"What the Presbyterian Church
teaches on Marriage „which was
dealt with under headings. The
purpose of marriage —that hus-
band and wife should provide
for each other and receive from
each other love, encouragement,
support and mutual help in their
development as persons. The
other purpose is the procreation -
of children within the context
of love and joy family. Second-
ly the relationship of husband
and wife is such a new relationship
and so strong that the 2 persons
are as one •and they have a new
set of loyalties, priorities and
responsibilities. Thirdly marriage
is between one man and' one
woman, Fourthly. when does mar-
riage begin.
. The Presbyterian church teaches
when God ordained that marriage
should be consumated and the
human race perpetuated by them. -
The Presbyterian church agrees
with the National Council of
churches of Christ which is (a) the
right of the child to be wanted ,
loved, cared for, educated and
trained in .the discipline and in-
struction of the Lord. (b) The
prospects of health of a future
child. (c) Health and welfare of
mother' and wife. (d) The
social situation, when rapid pop-
ulation growth places dangerous
pressures on the means of liveli-
hood and, endangers the social
• Our people should be taught •
that life calls for tough minded
decisions and that Christians are
called upon to make harder deci-
sions because they are not' to let
the world and its evil systems
squeeze them in its mould. Let
God remould your minds from
within so that vcoa may prove that
Gods plan is for you. 1%.t. Mur-
dock led in prayer.
Several contests were then en-
joyed, while lunch was being
prepared. The next s.:•-vice
Sunday , March 24th after church
at Robe.rt Bregmaes.
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D.
Phone 528-2740
'MARCH 24th
10:00 a.m. Sunday, School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A.
MARCH 24th •
10:00 a.m. Sunday' School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
The Lord's Prayer
5. Forgive Our Debts
To return evil for good is devil-
ish; to return good for good is
human; to return good for evil
is godlike.
Trinity UCW
The•March meeting of Trinity
United Church Wome.n was held
on Thursday afternoon,. March 14,
at the home of Mrs. Warren Zinn,
with an 'attendance of 28 ladies
and three children. The meeting
opened with the singing of Hymn
124, Jesus is The Man For Me.
The Lord's Prayer was repeated
in unison.i,, •
The President , Mrs. Charles
Wilkins, read two appropriate
poems, "I'll Go' and "Ireland
Is Land of LOve Legends and
Laughter". The roll call was
answered with`an apron or. novel-
ty item .for our, booth at the Craft
• Mrs. Jerry Cranston read the ,
scripture. Mrs, Bill
Andrew gave' the meditation, "On
building our .lives", and followed
with prayer. Hymn •114, The
Church's One Foundation, follow-
ed. Mrs. Cranston read some
thoughts about the Bible, and
Mrs. Andrew closed the devotionS
with prayer.
Mrs. Doug Cameron conducted
an 'Irish contest , which was won •
by Mrs. Chester Hadkett.
The' Study Book was taken by
Mrs'. Chester Hackett, Session 2;
The Meaning of Missions, and she.
was assisted by several other .
ladies with,points on this topic ,
and the study period ended Witha
question and answer session.
Mrs. Alex Hackett read an
article from Live, Love.. Project
Book; and Mrs. Chester Hackett
.led in prayer. The business part
of the meeting followed. The
ladies are reminded 'of the
change of date for the April meet-
ing to the 18th. Four quilts were
displayed , which,the ladies of the
different groups have made
throughout the winters. The win-.
ners 9f the contest for the attic -,
les of sewing •are 'as follows, Work
apron: Mrs. D. A. Hackett; Fancy
Apron, Mrs. Alex Hackett; Nov
elty Items, Mrs. Donald Hackett ,
with a cushion and Mrs. Tim Reur-
ink with a crocheted doll.
Hymn 148 was sung and Mrs.
Hummel closed the meeting with
an old Irish prayer, A dainty
lunch was served by the ladies in
Pori* Held
St.. Patrick 'Pa
KlgieNpaso'BwRdiDoGf EpaNrEistsno
the Parish Hall on Sunday ev
A la.
families and, friends gathered
afFonr rd. aEdo
enneePlidat it:nhigceekrp
' s Party,
rweagsr emila wi :411161
few hUmorous storieS,
tippr oogfras :how°
were, songs
then gave a story on. St. Patti
ssbatadneoniohaen;it ;o,ntaovfo
r e First
thero by Dellise
Laud Doherty with guitar, Brother
accompanied by Denise:Dal
Dalton at the piano and
Dean Doherty ,' a grade five
ivirured awnicithi,
guitar solo; Ronnie Austin,ine
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Au
sang a humorous solo, The of
ange and the Green; Boti
Howard', originally from,lrela
sang a few Irish ,songs; Michad
Frayne , a grade five student
son ofMr,
aCcaonmdplva rnsiedGbeynesista Marianne , sang Mother,Mac
'The "Irish " youth club put oa
little Irish program with Mai
Frayne and,PaUl Dalton ash'
es, and solos frorn Marianne
Frayne 'and Lucille Frayne, d
by Kathy O'Keefe and Mari
Frayne. The most enjoyable
of their program was their kid
'jig accompanied by bus ,
Clare at the piano. Brother
followed with a humorous rea
Eugene. Fray n e sang a few •
songs, as did Mfrs. Mike Dalt
accompanying herself withhe
guitar. The ."Irish Trio", Fr
Dentinger , Don and Eugene
Frayne , were then heard from
followed by a sing-song. End'
the program; Basil Hogan
his violin; Mrs. Walter Clare
piano and ,13i11 Johnston step-d ing
Lunch \•Iyas then served byt
bers of the, C. ‘1 L at which
a draw for a Ca ;•:e and candy
place. The draws were made
a/young "green-haired" met
of the cOrmminicy, who ham
look special for St. Patrick's
Winners were, Cake, John
O'Keefe; hofitemade fudge,
Hogan , David King and Ann
Marie Howard.
" A •