The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-20, Page 6. (EARN TO DR: TRACTOR TRAILERS • Pam ca• train rD *ere gi comma, • itsport TiltCeducribfte„ • fostaamwtot guaraorhope oll•••••4 traini* run alsoilgtskal For appilevatfois awl ittOoroteri... Sat•tv 0•1111;1•2••• The Canoilfan hisrAtiat at fracilir 'rte" Lti• sir *WW1 4i1411, VE. Viten, VV. Cftile. Cr cut itioasd.ocso rrwrovervt rrolowtawase rrumvort THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO The Lucknow RecreatiOn Com- mittee 'wish to extend a sincere thanks to Ross Errington, con- vener of the Saturday morning House League, for the manner in which he conducted the-games for .the past winter. Special thanks to Don Cameron who assisted in Ross' absence, alSo the coaches Cal. McClenaghan, Wayne Atkinson, Dave Black. Charles Crawford. Ralph Aalders, .Raymond' Des Roches. • Clem Sterner and the many referees.. We Wish 'to thank our neigh- bours and friends for their kind wishes and lovely gift, which was sincerely appreciated. " Tric and Greta Rice My sincere' ' thanks to ) 'my friends and neighbours for the lovely .shower gifts I received at ' the community shower held in the church basement. I would . also like -to say thank, you to the ladies who were in charge. Rosemary Eedy I wish to thank . all who rem- embered 'me with cards. flowers and visits while I was in Victoria Hospital: London. All, was deeply appreciated.. Mrs. 'Evart McPherson • wish . to thank everyone. who visited and sent me cards. while was a patient in Wingham Hos- pital. Special thanks to Drs, .Cor- rin and' McKim and the nurSing staff: also the visitors and cards I had while in UniverSity Hos- pital. London. Many thanks to Doctors and, nursing staff there. Oscar Hods CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery will be held on MONDAY, APRIL 8th -for PAT MURPHY Lot 2, Concession 3, Culross Auctioneers Wallace Ballagh 392-6170 and Brian Rintoul 357.2349 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Holstein Cattle, , Machinery, Feed and,Some Household:Effects • will be. held for JOE BUCKLE • ' ,•Lot .5, Concession. 7, Cuiross Townshlp, 3 miles east of • Teeswater • .On SATURDAY, MARCH.,23 ' , • 12:30 P,M.., ' Machinery', . John Deere - 1120 tractor (550 hrs..); . tractor chains' •for. John Deere -tractor; Allied' snow blow- er, 6 ft.; 68 Ford.. 800 tractor, re- cently-overhauled :and new tires; Jahn ,Deere 3 furroW, plough, 12" tripbottoms; 7 ft. John ,Deere cultivator; 28- plate 3 p.h. John Deere disc; .6 section John Deere harrows with .2 stretchers;- No. .33 John --Deere manure. spreader with end gate;, George White No. 6 thresher on' rubber; 100' ft. drive .belt;- Massey Harris 3 pl., mow- er; Oliver No. 60 .baler;' Cock- shutt, side rake;. Skeleton bale eleVator, '24.. ft.; Horst .'rubber tired wagon .with 16 ft. rack, also' good, small flat rack; quantity ''Of lumber' -and timber; logging .ehains; rope; scales;- .5 h.p. ,garden., tiller, like new; milk cans; Surge milker complete with 3. units; Iron Horse laWn mower; 4oneeir '450 chain saw,-20" blade; steel fence posts: Stewart 'clipp- er, 2 heads; wire 'stretchers; axes -and sledges; 16' ,ft. grain auger- with . 1.3 h.p. motor; 200 gal... gas tank and 'pump;. steel 'drag: steel stone boat: ruboer tired wheel barrOw: -.3 culverts — 6" A 24 ft.; 8" x 24 ft.; 10" by 13 ft.: tools and numerous small articles: cattle oiler; brass shaft bells. 'Feed .• Approx. 2000 to , 2500 bales straw: 700 to 800 bales hay;, 12 to 15 tons mixed grain. -LiVettock . • -17 good sized young Holstein cows close',to calving, plus young stock: breeding dates ' and due dates to be announced- day of sale: cow's, sired by Dividend Clipper .and Spring Farin Re- flection • Ornisby, and bred Edgeware Wayne Achilles. All -young stock sired by Achilles: 17 , Holstein cows: 4 yearling heifers: 5 'heifers. 4 - 6 months old; 2. open heifers: -4 *yearling' steers: 2 . steers. 6 months old: 4 young calves: 4 sows bred January 15: 2 04oen. gilt: I York hog. Household Effects . . 2 antique dressers.:: st. steel earring set. complete set of Ware-evere ctiokware: large al- rirr hltini roast pan with steaminz rack.. 6 gaiJOn crock: fruit seal:: ers:- some dishe; and many other items too nunnerous . Co =enten_ - TERMS' CASH reserve — Owner changing to w business Owner or.' auctioneers not resporaible for accidents or iltitizeies ill any . wait connected with lire . sale • Lurch Booth On Grounds In Case of bad virea-ther Sale can be held under cover Proprietor: Joe Btxtkie AucSoneers • Wallace • Ballasts Tees* , Pfxnrie. 2/2 4170 Grant Moborsatd. Five.* 215-5:15,3 CLEARING AUCTION SALE. Of Liyestock, Machinery and Sote Household Items will be held for BERT DAER Lot 38, Concession 14, Hullett Township, 2 miles east. of Auburn or 4 nnilei west of Blyth THURSDAY, APRIL 4 at 1:30 p.m. TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD BRIAN RINTOUL, AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE , Of Machnery, Hay. and Grain will be held for the estate .of the late . FRED McQUILLIN • -Lot 19, Concession 14, West Wawanosh Township, 2 corners east and % mile south of Lucknow •, MONbAY, MARCH 25 at 1:30 p.m. Machinery . . . • Allis Chalmers tractor; David Brown 900 tractor; 2 furrOw Allis Chalmers plow; 3 paint hitch cultivator; 3 furrow 3 point hitch plow; walking plow; Triple K 81/2 ft. cultivator; diamond harrows; 2 drum, land roller; McCormick power lift :15 run seed drill; „wagon with rack; turnip sower; fanning mill; sprayer; cattle clippers; snow fence; barb wire; gravel box; Woods Aectric grind- er; scrap iron; horse collars; scales; Dodge car '(as' is); wheel- barrow; wagon.wheels. Hay and Grain . . . 50 ton, mixed grain; 2000 bales . hay; 1000 bales straw. Numerous small articles. TERMS CASH • Estate or auctioneer not responsible for accidents BRIAN RINTOUL, auctioneer CLEARING AUCTION SALE ,Of Livestock, Machinery will be' held for EDWIN SMYTH. Lot 35; Concession 10, East Waw. anosh Township; .2 corners south, 2 corners west of Wingham • On SATURDAY, MARCH 23 - at 1:00 o'clock Livestock . . . Reg. Charolais bull, 11'2 yrs.; Hereford cow with calf - at side; 3 Charolais cross cows with calves at side: Charolais . heifer. due soon; 3 Hereford cows, due soon: Hereford cow, due In spring: 2 Charolais (2nd calf) due in spring; Charolais cow bred a niOnth; 2 Charolais heifers due in April! 2 Charolais cows due in spring; 2 BWF cows due in spring: 2 roan Hereford cows, due in spring; 3 Hereford cows, due in spring; 2 Charolais heifers due in May; 2 Charolais heifers due -in July; BVid-F heifer due in July; 7.-Charolais"heifers; 9 year- ling heifers: 14 Pall and winter calves. Charolais cross. Machinery . . . M.F. pulley. fast hitch; Massey No. 10 baler: Ford - side rake; J. D. mower; stooker; stook loader; Massey 20A seed drill 1.5 run; harrows: International 3 furrow plow. 14 inch: 3 drum roller; disc: bale elevator:. grain auger;. Ilildmay 32 in. thresher with 100' belt: hammer mill; Otaco wagon; 2 wagons. 5 ton; International 36 plate disc: New Holland 135 bu. manure spreader; trailer: tractor thajrq' bag cart: snow blower; 2 water troughs: step ladder: cattle oder: cattle clippers: pow- er lawn mower: garden tiller. Hay. and Grain . . 14 ton mixed. grain: L000 bales hay. ripe Household Effects. TERMS CASH -- FARM SOLD Owner orauct.ioneer not responsible for accidents BRIAN RINTOUL, AUctioneer Whitechurch; Phone 3574349 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of. Machinery; Household Effects and Antiques will be held for MRS. ELLEN McCLURE and - the estate of •the late James R. McClure Lot 11, 12, Concession 1, Colborne Township, 3 miles east of Benmiller On SATURDAY, MARCH 30 at 12:30 p.m. Machinery . . . Massey Ferguson 50 gas trac- tor with Malco loader, "tractor chains and umbrella:, Massey Ferguson hydraulic 3 furrow plow; Int. 1965,„Jeep with front Winch( as is); 9 ft. Dearborn& 3 point hitch cultivator; New Idea 95 bu. NO. 17 manure Spreader;, Massey Ferguson 10 ft: disc: 13 run seed_drill; M.F. 3 point hitch 7 ft. mower; Cockshutt 3 bar rake; New Holland No, 271 baler, Allis Chalmers P.T.O. combine, pick up and reels, good condition: 2 wheel trailer, dump rake; '5 in. grain auger; walking plow, 2 wagons with 16 ft. racks.;, 28 plate disc; electric grain grinder; diamond harrows; land "roller; 200' of light chain; vise; Homelite chain saw; water tanks; pig troughs; buzz saw; cyclone seed- er; electric cream separator; .cream can; strainer pail; power lawn mower; quantity of wood; lumber; plank; 4 gal. paint; tools.' Feed . . . 2,000 bales hay; 500, bale bean straw; 15 ton barley; 300, bu. mixed grain. Household Effects and Antiques Chesterfield and chair, stereo; Admiral T.V.; picture frames; mirrors; ornaments; small round table; rocking chairs;,, pine- table; Quebec heater; Whatnot; antique chair; antique cupboard : press back chairs; cane bottom chairs: Captain chair; sidebOard; ex- tension table; antique clock; antique kitchen wood 'stove; el- ectric Singer sewing machine; electric stove; Westinghouse frig: Westinghouse washer & freezer; vacuum cleaner; 'cedar cheSt, like new; bedroom suite; metal beds; single bed; mattresses; feather ticks; dressers; wash- stands; cheit of drawers: bath set: trunks; scales; mats; dishes; cutlery; appliances; crocks; lantern; apple peeler:, coffee grinder; numerous"antlques. TERMS' CASH ' Estate or auctioneer not -responsible for accidentS BRIAN RINTOUL, •auctioneer Whitechurch, phone 357.2349 GEORGE POWELL, Clerk WEDNESDAY, MARCH if CLEARING AUCTION 4 -Of Farm Machinery will be held MONDAY, APRIL 1st at 1 p.m. for GORDON BOYD Lot 17, Concession 14, AO Township on Highway 21, t/1 south of Amberley TERMS CASH, FARM $0 Brian Rintoul, auctioneer CLEARING AUCTION 41 -Of Livestock and Machin " will 'be held for ROY. HUBER Lot 28,, Concession 6, IN TOwnship, 3 blocks north blocks east- of Lucknow or block east of Langside Cho On TUESDAY, APRIL I at 1:30 p.m. TERMS CASH — FARM'S° Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE An Auction Sale Of Cattle, Swine, Machinery, Hay and Grain for WILLIAM SI...ESSER Lot 40, Concession 1, NO1 Kincardine Township, 6 mi east of Kincardine on No, • highway SATURDAY,. MARCH 361i 12 o'clock, noon List includes 30 beef cows; 30, yearling Cattle; Sows and 50 feeder pigs, line of machinery. TERMS CASH Gordon L. Ribey, auction CLEARING AUCTION SAL Of Livestock, Machiney a Some. Household Effects will- he held for , GEORGE WEBSTER Lot 26, Concession 10, West • Wawanosh Township, 2 bloc south arid 4 1 '. blocks east Lucknow • blocks east - St. Helens on SATURDAY, APRIL 6 at 1 o'clock TERMS CASH — FARM-SOt Brian Rintoul, „auctioneer FARM MACHINERY SAL . Stock Reduction. Sale Of Farm tractors, seeding, h and harvesting- eqtiipment additional consignments -will 'he held for TEESWATER FARM EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, MARCH 30th at' 12:30 p.m. • 80 to 100 pieces 'of Machine)) all, consisting of 22 tractors,; manure spreaders, 3 mowers,, hay 'conditioners, 2 . balers, swathers. 1 new automatic') wagon.. 6 'cultivators,. 8,.plows, corn pickers. 2 combines, 2 fora blowers: 9 snow blowers, 4 corn cribs. 1 seed drill 20 rue; 1-way disc. 2 side rakes and la other ,miscellaneous .pieces equipment.' For. further ant ation, contact: Teeswater Farm Equipmeri 392.6825 or Auctioneers Wallace Ballagh 392.6170or Grant MacDonald 3956351 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone who visited me while I was a patient in 'Wingham and District Hospital, - also to all who sent cards, let- ters, flowers and treats and to. . Dr& Corrin and McKim and the nursing staff. Mrs. Lila Ritchie Many thanks to neighlArs, friends and relatives who shared in the lovely surprise birthday party in my honour, also for lovely, ,flowers, gifts 'and cards. Special thanks to those who or- ganized the evening. Mary Miller I wish to express sincere thanks, for cards, flowers and visits and for all the many kindnesses shown while I was in Kincardine Hospital and K-W Hospital, Kit- chener. Also thanks 'to Doctors Gurbin and Tusz, nurses and staff of Kincardine Hospital; to Doc- tor Spackman, nurses and staff of physio and O.T. departments of K-W Hospital. All was deeply appreciated. Mrs. Dunedin Bushell I- wish to express sincere thank§ to all who helped to gc...`, ready for the sale, while I •Avl hospitalized. It was deeply' ;ap- preciated. Omar Brooks CLEARING. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery will be held on TUESDAY, 'APRIL 2nd ' for MERVIN McALLISTER lot 21, Concession 3, Culross Auctioneers Wallace Ballagh 392.6170 and Brian Rintoul 357-2349 Kinloss To wnsit ii\) Waste Site WILL BE OPEN This Coming Saturday, March 21 And Each Saturday, Thereafter HOURS — 9 a.m. to •6 p.m. of 11 11 rc er 50 ei e or tr of bs, t; an t; Sc, b( sel be' .a e; c clef RI Ow n ne: ctis ,R all W. ell' ma ale 5.0