The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-20, Page 3WANT ADS SPAY, MARCH 201h, 1974 THE LUCKNO1N SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 4:o BUY! 100 x 2-PLY FACIAL Tisues:. 41.95 61/2 'Fl. Oz. Tin. 30—CLOVER LEAF " . • 11 iREF *.Wr E FLAK E$ FEATURE! — CONDENSED HEINZ 10 Fl. Oz. TIri TOMATO SOUP 14c NOTICE Closed Mondays Opp''' 411 Day ThursdaY PHONE 528-3001 old Treleaven of Luck- panted by Mrs. Harvey )f Londbn, returned pm a 19 day bus trip Island on the Gulf Mrs, Harvey Treleav few days this week fighter Mrs. Harvey,' Mrs. Ewart MacPherson, of Luck- now is home from Victoria Hospit- al, London where she was hospit- alized two weeks while under- going eye surgery. / • Mrs. Edburt Bushell of R. R. 2 Holyrood is home from hospital after over two months in Kincar- dine Hospital and four months in K-W Hospital, Kitchener. Mr. and-Mrs. Barry McDonagh and faniily of Lucknow are spend- ing the winter school break in Florida leaving by car about the middle of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George (Shirley) Forler, Mark, Julie and Eric of Barrie spent last Saturday in Luck- now with her parents Mr. and Mrs Robert Moffat. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Clark, Sus- an, Jim, Kevin and Doug visited last week end in Killaloe with their datighter Mrs. Doug Abbott , Mr. Abbott and Michelle Eliza- beth, and on Sunday attended Michelle's christening in Killaloe Anglican Church. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Nixon, Cindy and Sherry of Stratford vis- ited on Sunday with Mrs. John Emerson, Luc•know: • Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Hogan and sons Todd and Chad of GlenCoe visited last week end with his par-. ents Mr. and Mrs. Con Hogan, Ashfield. Todd remained fora longer visit. Mrs. Lila Ritchie of Lucknow has returned home after five weeks as a patient at Wingham and Dist- rict HOspital. • • Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacNay returned Monday of this week from a six, week holiday at St. Petersburg , Florida. "Could not.do without the old home paper now" writes Margaret Griffin Of Detroit in renewing her • paper. Ted Jcihnson of Lucknow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson, is $100 richer following a successful win on the TV Quiz "Who -Am I" Ted had an entry from Finlay Dec. orators" in Lucknow. DEDICATE ORGAN CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Vern's Carillon De Westminster. Mr. McDonald also accompan- ied the guest soloist, soprano Mrs. Norma Clare of London. Mrs, Clare inspired the audience as she sang Handel's He Shall Feed His Flock. With the singing of How Great Thou Art she invited her listeners to join in on the chor- us. Her final selection was "You Will Never Walk Alone". Gwenda Vander Velde presented the soloist with a bouquet of flowers and Harry Burgsma , who in a fine manner introduced each musical number of the program, thanked her for her wonderful contribution. Another special highlight of the evening was the performance of the church's choir "Joyful Voices" under the capable direc- tion of Don Cameron. Their joyful and spirited renditions of four numbers including Wake The Song and Softly and Tenderly showed the enthusiasm and sensit- ivity of the twenty-six-voice choir., Mrs: John' Van Stemp- voort accompanied the choiron the new organ.. After the audience sang Beethoven's Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee, the church's organists Mrs. Harry Burgssna and 'Mrs. John Van Sternpvoort were, called to the platform. Debbie Sjaarda and Alice VanderKlippe presented the ladies with a bou- quet of carnations and, Ben Malda spoke a word of appreciation for. the faithful service they give ' each Sunday. The guest organist Mr. McDonald was presented with a record by Feike Asma , a world renown Dutch organist. Before Closing ,the program with prayer, Rev. Van Stempvoort thanked all those who participated in the evening, especially the Organ Committee for planning the event and for the many hours they spent in the selection and • installation of the new instrument. The Organ Postlude, Woes' Toccata from Fifth Symphony was played and a social hour followed in the church's Fellowship Room. Birthday Party Mrs. Eldon Bradley of Lucknow had a surprise birthday party for her aunt Mrs. Ida Taylor where she entertained her friends and neighbours on the hill. The after- noon was spent with a short pro-' gram and a friendly visit' over a cup of coffee and birthday cake. Mrs. Taylor thanked the hostess for the afternoon and for the gifts and bards she receiVed. There were 16 at the birthday party. yd McNin, R.• R. 5 s a patient in Wingham t Hospital. She under- surgery 'on Friday Mrs. Bob'MacKenzie, rs, Jack Fisher, Mr. rville Elliott and Karen, low and Loree. Gam- t. 1 Lucknow left ,Satur te for Florida for the k holiday. Mr. and enzie are remaining holiday. Mrs. Murray Hunter r of Winghamt left last r plane for a week's song Beach, California id Mrs. Al Martin and