The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-20, Page 1The
r Village Council, at
h meeting, considered
from Don Carter of
'egarding garbage hand-
sposal for the village
er, who handles the
llection for the town of
has recently purchased.
actor which will han-
all types of refuse. He
weekly one-day service
the same as is pres-
In Hospital
$6.00 A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To U.S.A.
ue "Believe It Or Not" For Ripley
Single Copy 15c 24 Paws
WEDNESDAY, MARCH. 20th, '1974
...SkatOathon. -Rais'es . $19,466
SuppOrt Of New Re;teation. Comtilex
'By Ab Wylds
you just had to be in
st Saturday, March 16,
r yourself the response
w Village Council, at,
h meeting, received,
f intent froth local busi-
e who were seeking
to proceed with the
on 'of 'a new restaurant
in the village:
er was from Margaret
homas Grafton and Deb-
of the Ripley-l-luron area• and sur-
rounding district to holding the
Skateathon in support of the build ,
ing fund for the Recreation Corn:
plex. And we must not forget. to
orah Grafton, operating partners
of the Sepoy Drive-In Restaurant
in Lucknow.
It stated that they would be re-
quired to vacate 'their present
location, in the east end of the
Village, by April 30 and they
mention those, from the neighbour•
ing towns and .those former
Ripleyites who were back here tO
donate money and to skate on the
Caretaker Donnie Peterbaugh
says, that he had the doors of the
Diamond Jubilee arena open at
six-thirty in the morning on Sat-
urday and that it was a quarter
past three the next morning when
he was again able,to lock them.
Out shoVelling the
white snow from the sidewalk,
the writer noted the first car
arriving shOrtly after seven.. It
takes the kids to get their parentS
up in the morning when skating, or
hockey is scheduled - no fooling
around with farm chores.
Council Approval For Construction
New Restaurant -Motel Complex
astern Outskirts Of Village
Lucknow Village: Council
rch meeting of LUck-
p Council: the 'following
r business were present-
received a letter. from
anosh Township stating , •
had agreed to •cOntribute
operating costs of the .
arena, no capital outlay
to be included. A letter from the
Arena Committee Was sent ' to
West Wawanosh stating that the
matter had been referred to the
various inunicipalitiei concerned
and , inviting West Wawanosh to
appoint 'a representative to attend
the next arena board meeting
March 25.
* • *
.ently received here, for the sum
of $5200 per year.
'In addition,. dumping facilities
on the property of Joe Kerr, near
Wingham,,.will be available to
the town at $100 per month,
$1200 per' year.
This would make an annual
cost to the town of $6400.
Last year's total cost of gar-
An earlier letter was received
from RoSs Errington, secretary of
New Proprietors
For Restaurant
he,Mayfair Restaurant in Luck-
now, is closed for a couple of
weeks undergoing renovations be-
fore being taken over by Russell
(Buster) Whitby and his wife Mab-
el of Lucknow.
The Whitbys have leased the
restaurant from Al and Gladys
Hamilton who have operated it
for the past nine years.
Mrs. Whitby is a ,former em-
ployee of the Mayfair and has .
other experience in the restaurant
business. Russ and Mabel have
been operating the snack bar fac-
ility at the Lucknow arena this
winter.. Russ is employed at the •
local liquor control board store on
a part time basis.
They officially take, over the
restaurant business on April 1st.
NIGHT - and Mrs. Stewart
Lane of Kinloss and their, family
are pictured at the Lucknow. Dist-
rict Public School Achievement
Night at the School' last Wednes-
day evening. Mrs. Lane , who
took Sewing, at Night School,
persuaded her husband' and daugh-
Kinloss Council met on March
4th in regular session, the Reeve
and all Council present.
After the minutes were adopted ,
Council met with a. representative
of M. M. Dillon Ltd. re: prepara-
tion of 'a Zoning By-law for the
Township of Kinloss. Previously,
interviews were made with a rep-
resentative from Municipal• Plan-
ning Consultants of Toronto and
Underwood McLellan & Associates
Ltd. of Rexdale. As M. M, DA-
ters to' model clothes she had
made for'them, and this they did'
at the Fashion Show held at Ach-
ievement Night. The dress pants
worn by Stewart and the dresses
worn by one year old. Judy,
Joyce 3 and Janet 5 , were made
by Mr's. Lane as was the long dress
she modelled herself.
,know Council Receive Proposal
garding Garbage Collection And
ration To Dump Village Refuse
Engage Firm At $3500
Proceed With Zoning
Bylaw For 'ToWnship.
lon Ltd. are doing an official
plan for South Bruce and have
considerable informatiorrat hand,
their offer, was accepted at P500.,
to prepar4 the by-law..
A' motion was passed to .make
application to the 'South Bruce
Planning Board for Financial assist-
ance 'on the preparation of Zoning
The following accounts were
Meeting Discusses Amalgamation Of Municipalities
of Mrs' Thorhas Y. The fourth of five meetings to ector for Bruce County; W. S. For-, wards.
Lucknow occurred in / be held in Bruce County was held rester , County. Clerk and Cliff Provincial Minister John White 'nd District Hospital on Thursday evening, March 14th , Buckingham , County Treasurer. govern-
March 16th. She in the Kinloss Township Hall.
had suggested regional
'19th year.
Six municipalities were repres- ment , proposing Grey'and Bruce
The meeting was called .by the ented at the meeting, the town- Counties. Bruce. County feel they .ral servic e wa s held at Bruce County reorganization corn-,. ships of Kinloss., CulroSs and Hur-
Anglican Church,
would like to go alone and have
mit tee under chairman Garry on, and the villages of Lucknow, received confirmation if they try
on Tuesday, March 19 Harron, Reeve of Amabel Town- Teeswater and Ripley. The pur- to form larger areas. The Prov"'
ry entombment was at ship. Other speakers in attend- pose' of this meeting was to get ince will subsidize an expenditure
oss Mausoleum. ,
ante were Warden J. P. Johnstone; the feeling of the municipalities of $50,000. by 300/0, as consult.-
Mac Campbell, the Planning dir- as to amalgamating into larger _ants would have to be engaged.
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(know Christian Reformed Church Dedicate New $6098 Organ
Maps were passed out to those
in attendance at the meeting with "
each representative suggesting a
possible group of municipalities
which might unite",into a larger
unit. The suggestions were
read out with Kinloss. Huron, Rip-
ley and Lucknow leading among
the suggestions. Teeswater and
Culross were also suggested as a
workable unit by some in attend-
ance at the meeting.
Is j'a joyful event" des
gan dedication' pro-
Itucknow Christian
litirch last Friday eVen-
0. William Luinstra
'opriate tone for the,
ped the audience in e reading of Psalm .
150 and spoke a word of welcome
to the members of the congrega-
tion and the many friends and
neigbhours from the community.'
Harry Sjaarda then presented the
key to the organ to the president
of consistory Rev. John Van Stemp-
voort: He accepted the key and
spoke warm words of thanks to the
organ committee, Harry Burgsma ,
William Luinstra and Harry
Sjaarda. The three men earlier
visited each family in the cong-
regatibn, were met with generous
response and received cash dona-
the' money received for the old
organ, they were able to purchase
a new Baldwin Model C-630 elec-
tronic organ for $6,098.00.
The o'rgan's tonal flexibility
characteristics were heard in the
warm, rich fullness of the ensem-
Ross* McDonald of London , played
the console. The selections rend-
ered throughout the evening rang-
ed from Bach's Aria in D Major,
Lang's Tuba Tune - to Louis
tions totalling $5,460.00. Adding ble sound as the guest organist