The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-13, Page 8Lucknow Juvenile Hockey. team had very little trouble with ;Cayuga in the•Ontario Minor Hockey Association,Juvenile "D quarter. finals. In Cayuga on Saturday , 'with Dave Cleland in the Luckriow net, they shut-out -the Cayuga boys by 'a score of 9-0. Kevin Murray and Greg Hamil ' ton each scored twice, for Luck- now with singles going to Jim . • Murray Murray Thompson, Mark Chisholm, Gordie Black, Stuart Mann. AstistS went to Jim Mur- ray 3, Bob Moffat and. Ian Mont- gomery; 2 each; Kevin.. Murray • and Stuart Mann, I each. Back in Lucknow on Sunday, CayUga again went down to de- feat, this time by an 8-5 score. Ian Montgomery led the Lucknow attack with' four goals. Jim Mut - ray scored two with Bob Moffat , and Stuart Mann each scoring once. Kevin Murray and Jim Mur ray each had 3 assists with Murray Thompson and Mark Chisholm assisting once: Lucknow will now meet the winner of Watford and McGregor in the 0.,M.H.A. Juvenile "D" semifinals. The first home game in this series is slated for , Sunday , March 24 . ' While waiting for a wirmerlo, the Watford -; McGregor series, it is expected that LucknoW( wk attempt to complete the W..0,A A. championship against Mild Lucknoves lineup in the week end games was: • Goal. Doug 'Corr-in and Dave ' Cleland; Defence , Gordie glaek Marl chisholm, Stuart Alton, Greg Hamilton, John HamiltOn,7 'Centres', Jim Murray, Stuart Mann; Wings, Bob. .`,c flat , Thompson. Ian Mont ornery, Kevin. Murray, Bob .icCillivray Cliff Mann, • APACE JEIGNIT THE, LliCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, (WARN) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13th, Two Straight Over Cayuga juventlei Win O.M.Hil Quarter final House League Ch0Opionship Saturday A By Don McLay. The curling sea zon is rapidly drawinE, to a close, with the, Draw Committees starting to think of play-offs in the, various competi- tions. President Sandy NSac Ch-2 - ie.:- is working hard, with his bon - spiel committee, t o fill the entry list for the series of Wind-up ton- Iri°iQ , Alex Purves, Bobby Hack- ett and Joe Boyle dented the twine for the Toros. Harry Van beipen - beek notched both goals for the. Blades. Joe Boyle for the Toros and Jim Wilkins for the Blades were assessed minor penalties. As the scores indicate, all were very close and keenly foUght contests. Let's COPite down to , R ipley Curling News . ."-...anci E the r. annesswee A 72.1., 1-1: 1.,,,caL cczters , tag- awf7antaie cf. zze L f the trier cadlan , the =tp piels slated for March 16th , 19.th and 2Ird. The li=t for the popular concluding: event , far the FerEuson TroPhy , "been conn - • News ple.zeiv filled for soi7e Lire. This' • will beEin az 4.3C p. Frit • prEDNEsait .v, m,:tRch: 7 day 29zh, a.nd oontinr4e with three draws and c•ancle - 8 ..Public Skatinc Sarr..t.:cf...s ,.. E. t' rink ud will 71av c-e e F:icay evezinz and • _ C.. P.. • • • : •-• - • ••• S.k 3e7.:CraVe •-• - , ace to . :c 1.116 :cc • - • - — - : 1,1 ..• • • • • - .c14.7'; 7: • • S, ••tt ,; ' ' Dcca- 1 , • :.tee later &caw a. S,C-.C..0Mi prate f'1.7.-"f ;Lei ,,i‘e.re :eztszered by the *Pia lIdeZ.: 2 DC: F2-.1.71DIeVe: earries , N-7:aLz p tr.16 11, • , and wins plus ::;", :espectic4ely. 0, • 7 - ,.pcsr.tion were P-11.7e- • "' •,•e zr ;1: :.+Lt Fi• r. Zd ,"'Ca Ltd cut hos he-:7...e the bacon, were r4.1:-7-J.; 3e:t Eine= , - -.77C ; Nti2C,ati2; Lei Don 1,cLaT. Stec ,'Mervin, :."Athston and • . Special tituar.z. gc - • t.r- .77 eiTZQC Cardek - -1..1Xf ctn.' er-":nernhers of d:ie , as 44-ell as the 1,1,:; :es for the very to "v Zle-.2 . NOYCIA. • 4 :1 zc the. •-2-arderia! and were - .71.ZZ ********4"4"4","4""1"44144 telt ▪ Ite czrzza-i- Atoms Lose Playoff Series Lucknow Atom hockey team lost out to in two alra4 cd,ant int - es in the best- &tassels. of7three "playoff series. • • • On Wednesday, &Garth 6 at laugmeis, incknow Was On the s• Ott end olf 4 q-.L2 score: GPI =putts far •Lszciatow were 3,4.-11:, itiropf Rona'Brian Taylor., Kerilt Atton din Lance. Szuntiletwa. Back in Lucknow on N.Sonday„ the ,locals Were agodefeated . Lamy Ninclzhesseca„ 4-Om Rent '•Uteoi. ;iira.s- the Ltregonrow marksman • Exhibition Atom Hockey Games The Atom hockey tearn"have had ,a busy week of hockey. On Saturday, March 2, in an exhibition game at Goderich, Lucknow lest Paul Finlay scored Lucl•mow's goal. On Monday, Marcia 4, B.elgrave played an, exhibition game in. Luckaow and the game ended in a 1-1 tie. LUC /CROW 'S goal was scored by-Larry MacPherson, by Kent Alton and Donnie, der. On Saturday, March 9th, in the first game of the playoffs', the Whalers edged the Crusaders 4 to 3. Richard. Jurgens with a pair , single's going to Steven Machan and Bernie Burgsina were the marksmen for the Whalers, Eddie McDonald, John O'Keefe and Jim Foran replied for the Crusaders. Jim Young of the Crusaders and Austin O'Donnell of the Whalers both served minor' penalties. In the second game the Sharks edged the Jets 4' to 3. Goal sor ers for the Sharks were Michael McDonagh 2, Grant Frook and, Morriss Van' Osch. Greg Gibson, Jeff, Austin and Mark Haldenby registered goals for the Jets. Garry McInnes for the Jets and Kevin Lindsay and Steve Harman each served minor penalties: In the third game the Toros defeated the Blades 4 to 2.. Alex 444•••••••••~444,44~~~4444*. the 'arena next Sat-,urca... 'for the'. filial games and su-7:cz: the,boy: who are displayinz, good clean hockey. . • sanuaday, Crusaders vs Jets; 11, - 4,1hal" vs Sharks; 12. 0€ - of 10 vs Blades (Consaiatien); 1.00' net of 11. CC, vs Taros (Champion 414P). writer was pri'v Lie :o sit in p ' Draws 7, 8., and iatfes featuring :o Paul saYage- I SOLD IT THROUGH THE WANT ADS Give Ypur Loved On A oniance Dkiniond Ring V brit. / • •• FCiR PRIVATE EVENING APPOINTMENTS CALL 5'2145.32 OR, RESIDENCE 5:154940 OPEN • MONDAV CLOSED THURSDAY SCHMID'S JEWELLERY CHINA LUCKNOW DIIITMERS — 4W. JOS, Ale DE.A.M E. A GA Eit 1:44.QIN E LUCHK..NOW.,0147010. SADtr*CAY... WAY - tattr — of Wisakard iCIZT !AZ tte CapasW Miss sati# iirnamairs Y wig ertay. tt.ie =tam dew:: math actOinil taid-aftaradca at cur hfctat„ dasarrtramm. Evening s tree,. S4{00Alf„ WAY 'Vitt.— Tats racrrnag i4 tale ft-e, verb rZ radt ca at- • • tem:it:to clturaft at ,i4C111' c.iteig:51k Y Eaczcs lad Dtivetr • wilt Ircit tilt* !cm an sir e;;:zitsa.g. !cur 'Az sake Ira me tulip tlya at ett"alipa lad 4-14it. ci4s qtrui.vrt .02ta- arcairaak*3 tscarsJ, Sleanumg fete_ WCt(1C/AY. WAY 1 —This ,srconag cut 4:g..-44:14-ft depict. at :40 a.= and trawl* 'death, air MnAtra km stirartv.. . tt* teift7"4 ae Vatactn. Wlisensater. and Wfillantattuv, tc TlilifgrZort: riztsrat P-efirdi! Sr rthis Weincitiat -ha, rift* Earq Sattrare.. Dapasnistis le an 1o:5ml:ft E trciLit inwt arrival Nonni sadknentratiaq . COST Of TOUR rtrrizt.. ccret.-0 - 2 dr rtium limonite COIF 4natar S o 00 1134..2 T12.21* 57t1ti'3 qlinewttit moat. fni ur aossiSenti ;rt ,inns na - Sum i.strotne. INCLUDED IN COST • • wow, TrartSportiSon nifOtlif GODIERICH OR CLAM* • Two Paghts emsdreat }kW Ao:cerrirbod • Timm* Haar Tom at t:)3gra • Arimissicat Wpor Canada Magi OTTAWA at TULIP TIME 'CANADA'S CAPITAL' Mar. 18th, 19th and ,20th 1974 THE. COACH'HOUSE GODERICH PRESENTS AM ALL-STAR TOUR THE COACH HOUSE T° e A VII SITIVKI =mew* • w„2 f - -t- •f! - " • - 71117.'4.11( M"..2 The ula kec knl , 1 n a ca Sin rso mil hic na . I ai es, on o3 1, 011 Ito Is I f hic 1. via he Fri( Y. Is e t rc S . Jell SW gh t 9, ody 29 or 1 Of er sit Th( t gh t e