The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-13, Page 5WANTED — general carpentry, cabinets, formica and arborite tops. Elmer Culbert. Phone 395- 5298 or 395-5516: WANTED TO BUY — baled hay and straw. Mark Rohrer, R. 3 Wingham, phone 357-2868 before 8:00 a,m. or after 7 p.m. WANTED — cedar rails. Will dismantle existing fence if nec- essary. Phone P. Edisbury 395- 2438. WANTED — grass for a number of Holstein heifers. Phone 529- 7312. WANTED — 2 row corn planter, in good condition, to fit an Allis Chalmers WD or WD 45 tractor, or a John Deere 2 row on wheels. Phone 395-2273. WANTED TO BUY — entire or partial household furnishings or ' estates. Lorne A. Sparks, R.R. 5, Lucknow. Phone 528-5304. WANTED TO RENT — acreages wanted suitable for growing grain, also want to buy or rent fields and larger acreages for hay. C. E. Hodgson, Chesley, 363- 5493. WANTED — to rent 100 acres, more or less, level well drained' -Lind. H. Caldwell, Phone Blyth 523-4407. WANTED' — dead or disabled cows, horses and' Stocker - cattle, 500 to 1200 lbs. lc a lb.; dead or disabled cows and horses, 1300 lb. and over $20.00 each; Our trucks are power equipped, plus two-way' radios for faster service; 24 hour service, 7 raster a week, Brussels Pet Food Supplies, Lie,. cence No. 4401c-74. Phone collect 519-887-9334. WANTED TO BUY -- Dead Stock We pay up to $10.00 for dead cows and • up to $20.00 for dead horses', smaller animals accord ing to size. Call collect 881-3459 Walkerton or Zenith 58130 (no toll charges) Graf Stock Re- moval: WANTED WANTED — baled hay and straw and mixed grain. Cecil McNall, phone 529-7255 after 7 p.m.• NOTICE CHILD HEALTH CLINIC A Child •Health Clinic will be held Tuesday, March 19th in the Legion rooms from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.' This will be for infants and pre school children. HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in Home Grown', Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage. Cus- tom killing by appointment.. Phone 528-2132 NOTICE We are. Closed Mondays and open Thursdays. Greer T.V. and Electric, Lucknow. -ATTENTION FARMERS AND SPRAYER OPERATORS Dinner meeting at Candlelight Inn (Pizza Patio) on March 26th, at 12:30' p.m. Anyone interested in 'spraying or application of sprays or sprayers please call us or return your card, to let me know how many to expect. Phone George Wraith 524-6511 or 524- /002. •"• GOOD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU HER RED , CROSS CHISHOLM FUELS HEATING OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or 5247681 FREE BURNER SERVICE Products For Farm, Home and Industry WANTED. LISTING "' As we have prospective clients. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Bus. 528-2031. lies. 528-3821 • -••• • 4. • • -• • •-•-• • 4.40-. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO .11111110"' SPAY, MARCH 13th, 1974 KING EVENTS NNOA MEETING 11VIeeting f the Wingham tact Hos 1 AsslaTton held Oil iday,- arch p.m. in the Nurses to Building, Catherine [afters of business per-;ham. the Wingham and Dis- ;pital Association will be A, including election of . and other officers.. In cast a ballot in the el- directors a person must Mber of the association. ,ar memberships may be I for the sum of $1.00 at ital Office or Wingham. A's Office. memberships must be d at least ten daye prior inual meeting. Everyone Ritter, President, and Strong, Secretary i A. PETERSON F.RED ACCOUNTANT Lucknow ;hone 528-2016 TESTMENT STERLING UST CORP. ing ,Interest Rates. lent SaVings Plan Representative MacNAY JCKNOW COLLYER AL CONTRACTOR acializing In 111C HEATING, [C WIRING AND REPAIRS and ELECTRICAL PLIANCES lancing Available — Phone 528-5802 BRAY mi. OF OPRACTIC MINE STREET NGHAM, NE 357-1224 NGHAM IORIALS EED GRANITES :Y LETTERING. ABLE PRICES 'eCt and Save 910 Res. Ph. 357.1015 CENZIE U., CHAPEL IvIBER.OF ED FUNERAL RS SERVICE IL SERVICE acted according to Your Home, your It our Memorial dditiOnal charge. Phone 328-3432 or Night 1411.111ft!liaimijammiegiiiiint IN MEMORIAM BLAC — in• loving memory of a de husband and father, How- d Black, who died 13 years ago, arch 17. Softly the leaves of memory fall Gently we gather and treasure them all; Unseen, unheard, he is always near, Still loved, still missed and very dear. Lovingly remembered by his wife Edna and his family. • ERRINGTON — in loving, mem- ory, of a husband, father, grand- father and, great grandfather, Vic- tor Errington, who passed away one year ago, March 15, 1973. Gone from us but leaving memories Death can never take away, Memories that will always linger While upon`' this earth we stay. Lovingly remembered by wife and families. 30ZAHTJaVII DAD ,14011 CARD OF THANKS Amplisimm. We would like to express our deepest appreciation and thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbours, who were so kind and thoughtful to us, sent floral trib- ,utes, sympathy cards, 'donations and helped in many ways in this our time of sickness and bereave- ment of 'a dear wife, mother and daughter. Special thanks to Dr. Street, staff on the first floor of Clinton Hospital, Rev. Fred 'Car- son, Pastor . Alfred Fry arid, Arthur's Funeral Home. They will ever be remembered by Orval and Ron McPhee and Mrs. Kerns. Miss Catherine MacGregor and. Mrs. Mae Stuart wish to thank Mrs. Newbold and staff for their kindness in making Miss Mac- Gregor's 101st birthday a very pleasant occasion. Thanks . also to all friends who visited her that day and for the many cards and gifts received. I would like .to thank everyone `who visited me while I Was A patient In University Hospital and since I returned home. To all who remembered me with cards, let- ters, fruit and treats and to those whd helped my family at home, my sincere thanks for your kind- ness. Elmer BuShell The family of the late. Donald E. U. Thompson• wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives and neighbours for their acts of• kindness, floral tributes and don- ations to the Heart Fund at the time 'of the death of .a dear brother and, uncle; also, thanks to Pastor Fry, Elliot Lapp, Mrs. Wightman and •the ladies who served lunch following the fun- eral. Mrs, Verna Elphick wishes to thank her friends, neighbours and relatives for cards, flowers and visits, while she was in K.-W,. Hospital, Kitchener; also for visits since she came home. Spec- ial thanks to Doctors Corrin and McKim. All was very much ap- preciated. I would like to thank everyone who sent cards and letters to me while I was in hospital in Holly- wood, Florida and since return- ing to the motel. A special thanks to Hazel and Charlie Webster whose, help and kindness was much' appreciated. Lloyd Ashton APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS SCHOOL BUS DRIVER . HOWICK CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL R.R. 1 GORRIE .Written applications addressed 6): Mr. R. L. Cunningham, Trans- portation Man a ger HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDU- CATION, 103 Albert Street, Clin- ton, Ontario NOM 1LO, will be received until 12:00 'noon on Fri- day, March 22; 1974. Duties to commence on Monday, April 1, 1974. APPLICATIONS WRITTEN APPLICATIONS_ will be received for the position of organist in Lucknow United Church. To commence early in June. Replies to' state salary ex- pected and to be returned by April 1st to Melvin Morrison, Recording Steward, R.R: 1 Luck- now. PAGE FINS Have clients looking for 150- 200 acres beef farm — small .acreage' with house - also small parcels of land within a radius of 5 miles of Lticknow. 2 SELF-CONTAINED APART- MENTS• each with 4 rooms and a bath, located on .1/2 acre lot. Solid building, well insulated and electrically heated. This would ,be ideal for a retired couple with income from the other apartment. Priced right ,at $15,000 with im- • mediate possession. 7 ROOM FRAME HOME on Clyde Street, Lucknow with large lot 82 x 132; 2 piece bath. Good solid home needing paper and' paint. Asking $12,000. Owner an .,,to sell -- make us an offer. COUNTRY STORE, — modern brick building and living quar- ters, situated on Highway No. 86; 15 miles from Lake Huron. Ideal opportunity for expansion with additional 60 acres • of rolling acreage which could be potential trailer camp site. If you would like your own business make, an appointment to 'see • this soon. 4 LOTS located in Kinloss Town- ship, 132 x 330. Asking $4,500. 7 ROOM BRICK HOME located in Teeswater; 3 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, living room, dining room and den with broadloom, tile and linoleum floors. Detached garage. This home is in excellent con- dition. WE HAVE a client whose farm is sold and he would like approx- imately 200 acres with buildings and land suitable for growing grain, corn, etc. Possession need- ed this spring. If you have agricultural property, large or small acreage, and are thinking of selling, we would be pleased to talk to •you. All en- quiries confidential. WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7350 Wilfred Mclntee & Co., Limited WALKERTON Member of the Grey and Bruce. Multiple Listings ServiCe List M.L.S. — Over 60 Salesmen Working For You DI FOR RENT — modern 2 bed- rOom apartment, wall to wall carpeting throughout, frig and stove included. Phone Ripley 395- 2672. APARTMENT FOR RENT --- available immediately, partially furnished if, desired, suitable ,for one or two people. Apply to Irs. Jim Ritchie, Apartment No. '8 in Ashton Block. FOR RENT idfid worulauJ ADMIRAL TV AND ANTENNA SALES AND SERVICE DON THOMPSON TV R.R. 3 RIPLEY TELEPHONE 3954393 K. J. MirK.ENZIE, O.D. Optometrist LISTOWEL PHONE 291-1511 INSURANCE FIRE;,WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE & INVESTMENTS To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. MCDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday 'and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: Lucknow 528-3116 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST — GODERICH The Square . (Phone 524-7661) A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 40 The Square, Goderich Telephone 524-7562 •