The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-13, Page 3• THE•LUCKNOIN SENTINEL, .LIJCKNOW, ONTA RIO PAGE THREE ;DAY, MARCH 13th, 1914 / , , will appreciate our PERSONAL SERVICE on MEATS FREI— RECONSTITUTED 48 Fl. Oz. Tin LLEN3 Apple' Juice 49' !HITE S UYI — BATHROOM TISSUE ICED $1.49! - FOR FABRICS fECY Softener rE OR 'PINK PEIRUIT 48 's 8/890 IYI - RED ROSE 60 TO PKG. - CARNATION EVAPORATED 0 I I k 16 FL Oz. tin 4 i• "SQUARE BOYS" .14 Tff PKG. FEAT& E I HOUSEHOLD • DM- ASSORTED EiNz Strained AN 2 it 128 FL Oz. Jug $1 Milts VC)" SMOOTH OR cRtiNcov PEANUT BUTTER %no,. 65, monerd, MARGARIN 1•LJI. PACK 43, -"N•mu"imumr 1111.111111111111.0.11111 69' LIQUID Kelm, j A VEX I ity! JUg UM. Aylmer Fancy OMATO Juice FT. RR 9 FEATURE! 7 FL. OZ. TIN SAKO SOLID WHITE MEAT TUNA FISH IN VACUUM TINS Red, Rose • RoAsTED oFFE Lb- Tin VIVA PAPER TOWELS FOODS, 43/4 FL. OZ. JARS F ts /24 Jr _/Z/1H1 RED to WHITE STORE PHONE 528-3001 NOTICE Closed Mondays 013ei'v All Day Thursday Mrs. Clarence Bell of Lucknow returned Tuesday of last week from a holiday in St. Petersburg. Florida and the surrounding area. Mrs. Bell made the trip by air and was away six weeks. Mrs. Harvey Houston of Luck- now was in Toronto at the first of last week attending a Meeting of the Officers Conference executive of the Ontario Women's Institute at 1200 Bay Street. 'Mrs. Verna Elphick of Lucknow has returned home from K-W Hospital, Kitchener, where she was a patient for one week follow- ing surgery. Mrs. Ron Rothwell. of Norwood visited last week end in Lucknow and with her mother MrS. Ed Thom, a patient at Wingham and. District Hospital, Ed Blackwell Of Lucknow is a patient at UniVersity Hospital, London. Mrs. Tom Hackett of Lucknow is a patient in Wingham and Dist- rict Hospit.,31. RIPLEY HOCKEY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Mrs.. Leonard Irwin of Ripley. The game marked the return of Nels Hodgins as coach and manager,of the Ripley team.. Nelr son once played on Ripley's fam- ous Junior hockey team back in the 1930's. Crawford Douglas handled the. Wingham players which included Jim Swan and •, many other men seen on channel 8. Our thanks for the facts for this article goes to Jim Needham, Bill McCreath and Fran Wylds. Playing for Ripley were John D. MacKay , Hugh Mason, Doug Mac- Donald;' Kenny MacDbriald, Ronnie Irwin and son Terry, Allan Irwin, Carrick Coiling, Brian Pollock, Howard. Harrison , Keith Denstedt, Bert Elliott, Jack Far- rell, Ernie Coiling, Jim McCrae, Steve Bell, Ken Farrell, Elmer Smeltzer, Del Stanley, Scotty Reiger , Harold' Keilan and Jim Needham, The referees were Johnny. Brent , of Wingham - former CKNX sportscaster and no stranger to the Ripley rink as he played here on the Winghain Intermediates about 25 years ago, and John Loomis of ListOwel - Ripley Royal Bank Manager up until his transfer last summer and former" player in, the Kincardine Industrial League. Some members of the Lucknow Skating Club performed a few numbers between periOds. Dem- onstrating the badge work were Lisa Gamble, Glenda Gamble, John Van Kdbten, Debra Gamble, Debbie Van Kooten, Judy Kane and Debbie MacRae. Julie Johnston and Tom Barger and' Steve Hamilton and Joan Hamilton did dance numbers and Brenda Johnstone and Linda Camp- bell solo numbers.. Outside.the weather was perfect furnishing dry roads for car and bus travel. After the game the ladies served lunch ,in the Ripley Curling Rink just to the north of the Ripley Diamond Jubilee arena. Won Bruce County Scholarship Award Susan Brook, daughter of Mrs. Stewart Brook and the late Mr. Brook of Ripley, 'is in her first year of a two year course in. General Business at Georgian Col- lege , Owen Sound.. Susan won the 'Bruce County Scholarship valued at $100,. It was presented by Warden J.; P. Johnstone. Tlie scholarship was awarded to the girl attending Georgian College, Owen Sound with the highest secondary school abarks. The presentation was made at an awards assembly at. the Georg- ian College campus on March 5th, AMBERLEY The message on Sunday in Pine River Church was "The ''Lourage That Accepts the Cross". Bob Courtney, Glen Boyd and Lynn Lowry sang a lovely trio.. Next 'Sunday is, "Holy Communion". Miss Marsha Humphrey, R.N:, of°London spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Humphrey; Miss Wendy Courtney of London spent-the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Courtney and family. Mr. and Mrs. Len Courtney spent Sunday in Sarnia. I I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pace visited with Mary Pace R.N.A. in Wing- ham on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Len Courtney are leaving for a trip to Florida on Friday evening; also Mrs. Fred Gottschalk and Laurie of Kincar- dine are on the same tour. Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Pace visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. John Blue in Ripley and, also were supper guests of Mr's. Flossie Geddes in Ripley on Sunday. The Orange Lodge •at Amberley held a euchre Tuesday evening. High prizes went to Mp. Jack Camphell and Bill PaCe. Mrs. Glen Campbell won the lucky prize., Naughton of Luck- : week with her Susan Henning. in ital, London. ;ery in Noyember mst month, Susan gery on both of her Injuries spital ge 22, R. R. 2 tg a car on the istowel, was in' iother car on eived conCussion. Investigated. age 9, Brussels, fractured a bone Wingham, fell on Wingham and ankle. R. R. 7 Lucknow a /wrist March 8 is tractor . He hospital. Dungannon, e March 8 while his farm.