The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-13, Page 1SUSAN BROOK. General ,Bitsi- ness student at Georgian College, is -awarded a Bruce County Schol- arship by J. P. Johnstone,. War en of Bruce County at the first Annual Awards Day held at the Owen Sound Campus. SchaIar•• ships, awards and bursaries are awarded to deserving students on the basis of financial need, aca- demic achievement and a demon- strated interest in student activi,- ities. Susan is the daughter of Mrs.' Stewart Brook, Ripley, 4 The 4 $6.00 A Year In Advance. — $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13th, 1974 Single .Ca-pir 1k 24 Pages Oing Pool Fund Boosted By $500 meeting recently and only five attended. The curling club has not functioned loCally since the year the arena in Lucknow was • .Closed for the winter after being declared structurally unsafe. The club retained some funds which they would possib.ly, use at a future date if curling interest is again aroused. • The keener area curlers have since followed up:their sport at, the Ripley and Wingham Curling 'Rinks. Ono/ Lions. Ciub ,swirn - 1 fund is $500 closer to achievement following in from the funds of the curling-Club which has ;tive for several years. ub members called a . en plan Consignment Auction Sale y, Two New Members Join Cluk B Give $3000 To Cystic Fibrosis know and District Kins- had as their guest st Wednesday. night, , recreation represen - the village of Lneknow McDonald, auctioneer y, The kinsmen plan ent auction sale 'in re members, have been e club. They are me of Ashfield and ds of Kinloss. ay, March 10th, a dele- the local club attend7 e B ConferenCe held . They were Mr. and Johnstone, Mr. and Helm, Mr. and Mrs. n", Mr. and Mrs. Terry ian Johnston, Ray rry Koyle and Bob Luncheon speaker.was Council met Mara members present. presented a stock • NatiOnal President Gedrge Irving, Governor Peter:Baird. of Cayuga was also present.- Awards for various club activit- ies were presented as well as business at the Zone level, in preparation for the District Con- vention to be heldqn Niagara Falls in Ivlay. Highlight of the luncheon was the presentation of cheques by the Presidents of the Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs in Zone 13 to a child from Hensall with Cystic : Fibrosis who accepted on behalf of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Founda- tion. Approximately $3,000 was presented. The dreaded childhoOd disease, Cystic Fibrosis is the District project of Kinsmen Clubs. This amount represents a contri- bution fromeich chub more B arftrii Stii,'.131'eginilitig .61 the fund raising drive. a grade 11 studeneat P. E. Madill Secondary School in Win.ghim were two senior members of the Lucknow Skating Club who per - formed a dance number at the achievement night on Saturday in Liicknow arena. Area Pastor Named To Charge In Nova Scotia WITITECHURCH NEWS Whitechurch and Langside Pres- byterian congregatiohs were disappdinted to learn on Sunday that Mr. Lloyd Murdock has been assigned to Dartmouth, .NoVa Scotia , by the Mission Board., Not one of the graduating class was left' in the charges Where they now are, W.. D. Penny, who"had charge Of the services here one Sunday-, is posted to, Grand Prairie, Alberta; Miss Nan Hind- • all, who had charge of services at Teeswater and Kinlough for a couple of Simdays,'posted to Duntroon. Provinces receiving graduateS are B.C. , Alberta , Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, New Found- land, Nova Scotia and China or Africa. approved for payment. Council were informed that the Zion Oranges Hall is going to be removed and they requested that the land be deeded to the Town- ship for road widening. Ross MacKenzie was .present re- garding a request by four Second- ary School students for participa- tion in the "Opportunities For CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 Kindergarten Registration A t Brookside School n. Kindergarten registration was held recently. at Brookside Public School for children who will attend kindergarten in 1974-75. - .The following children register- ed. The parent's name follows in brackets. ' Michael Barger (Alan), Steef Blom.(Henry), Marcia Boak (Jam- es), Irene Brink (Hendrik), Jef- frey Burgsma (Harry), Heather Curran (Stewart), Murray Curran (Grant), Janice Dougherty (Gordon), Leroy Dougherty (Bert. ram), Catherine. Dow (Donald), Christina Parrish (William), Heidi Fillmore (Ralph), Tony Gingrich (Orrie), Shelley Good - (Elwyn), Scott Hackett (Chester), Nancy Hunter (John), Peter Maas- t.ra (Albert), Jodie Kerr (Douglas), Lauranne King (Bill), Buetta Martin (Laverne), Angela Millian (Clare), Heather Ohm (Kenneth), Laurie Pentland (Ronald), David Reed (Leonard), Marty Rivett (James), Christine Simpson (Don- ald), Sheri Smyth (George),, • Larry Thoinas (Robert Parrish), Julie Thompson (Samuel), John Vandervelde (Ted), James Wright (Robert). THE,YOUNG SET - Three of the very young members of the Luck-- now Skating Club, who performed at the achievement night on Sat- urday were: left to right, DaVid, 2 l/2'-year-old son of Mr. and • BY AB WYLDS It was just a great big wonder 'fu? afternoon at the Ripley Diam- ond Jubilee Arena last Sunday as the C:K.N. X. Wingharn hock- ey team known as the "CKNX Try- Hards" played an exhibition game with the Ripley team - "The Question Marks". The rink Was jammed .with spectators estimat- ed over 760. ,Fire chief Doug Lid- dle and, this 'writer made a count of cars outside at over 200. They were parked on both sides of the road from the top of the hill be- tween Mrs: Marion lvlacTavish's and John D. MacKay's places on' the north clean up to the main intersection in Ripley, east on both sides of Malcolm street ,,at " the front of the Ripley Curling Arena and along the south side of the Ripley Chopping Mill. The estimated Count in the rink, was given at 760 and about 300 public school children admitted free. It 'was filled.to outside the • front doors. And the. "take" was UO -,,Julie Johnston. of. Mr. and Mrs. Mor • Of Ripley-. a grade 9 alkerton Di,striet Sec- ol, ,along with Tom son of Mr. and Mrs. of Ashfield, Township , e Stock Claim For Sheep Killed By Ashfield, Endorse Application For unities For Youth Project. Mrs. David Van Kooten of Ripley; Heather, 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry 'Priestap of Luckriow and Michael, 3-year-old son. of Mr. and Mri. Allan Beange of Lucknow. over $400, for the building fund of the new Ripley Huron and •Area Recreation Comex. Jim Braclley of Amberley was' M.C. for the game and pro- gram with Roy Bennett here with the red and white mobile public address van. Mrs. Bertha Scott, accompanied by Cliff Einmerton at the ()Egan; sang the National Anthem - a superb performance for both. The players Were piped onto the ice by Murray McDonald of Rip- ley. The CKNX team featured ' the Strong line -.John well known newscaster, his 'son Fraser, and grandson Robbie. Ray Baynton of : Mildinay was in goal for CKNX while John D. MacKay started for Ripley and then Hugh Mason fin- ished . . Ripley also featured a very clas- sy and talented young player in Terry Irwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Irwin of concession,4,' Huron and grandson of Mr. and CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 Ripley Hockey Game Sunday Raises $400 For Recreation Complex Fund, One Of Largest Crowds hi Many Years claim for sheep killed by dogs in the amount of $410, 00. This was