The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-06, Page 17fith, 1914 CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINOHAM ONTARIO MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY ARE INVITED TO • RIPLEY NIGHT SCHOOL TO BE HELD ,, AT RIPLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL; At 8 p.m. Thursday, March 7 ' 6C=MC:===•IIG=MIC;===XX:=41•=:=X1 THE PROGRAM WILL INCLUE DISPLAYS, FASHION SHOW AND AWARDING 'OF CERTIFICATES PHONE 357-3862 )0DGE, 4. door sedan, power steering, over brakeand ERCURY MARQUIS, 2 door hardtop, power Leering, power brakes and radip OE CORONET, 4 door sedan, 6 automatic ith radio 9RD,, 4 door sedan, power equipped, dia OGE MONACO 4 door hardtop, V8,auto— ttic, power steering and brakes IRYSLER 4 door sedan, power steering, )1fer brakes and radio )RD ,Custom 4 door sedan. 1RD 3j4 ton truck THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO SOUTH. .KINLOSS' arm The income tax help system and how to make it work for you. ZION nter 'of Si.'Catharines ek, end at her home, ,nts, Mr. and Mrs. Ors, Bill Gibson and litechurch visited noon and evening her, Mr. and Mrs. and family. John .Hunter and visit from her niece, Stanley of Lucknow Mr. and Mrs. Lorne sday evening ollast rs. Harvey Ritchie y evening with his Ind Mrs. Fred Reid Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Raynard and familythad her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert' McAllister and Bill of Auburn for Sunday dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie had a visit Thursday of last week from his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Eastman of Burlington. Mr. •and Mrs. Russel Swan and family visited Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Emmerton of Kincardine. • The Emmertons returned home from a two' week holiday in Hawaii. ' Mrs. John Hunter admitted John's mother, Mrs. Jake Hunter . of Lucknow, on Saturday to Wing- ham general Hospital. Mrs. Hunter 'had taken ill out at the farm. Dr. W. A. and Mrs. Buc kton of Kitchener visited Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Buckton and sister and husband; Mr. and Mrs. John Mowbray, Denver Dickie attended ,the Soeieiy of Automotive Engineers Exposition held in Cobo Hall, Detroit on Tuesday. 'Mrs. FraSer MacKinnon spent last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jack. Wilson in Hamil- ton returning home on Sdturday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacKin- non of Guelph. Visiting Sunday at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham' were Anne and Jamie. Graham and Louise Ball of Toronto and Miss. Bessie Carnochan of Ottawa. The girls had spent last week at a ski resort near. MontreaLand remained here'for the rest of their vacation. Miss Nancy Burt was home from London for th,e week end. Martha Graham and Chery Hal- denby were down to the Ice Cap- ades with the 'Skating Club last week. Mi. and Mrs.. Ira Dickie William Dickie and Irene Parker attended with the Senior Citizen bus group on, Saturday. It is 'a dazzling show and. Karen Magnussen was just marvellous. Dr. and Mrs'. Haskell of NOr- wich visited Sunday at the borne of Mr. and Mrs, Frank MacKen- zie. Visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie were • Miss Bessie Carnochan of Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs': Elgin Johnston of Wingham. • Mr. and Mrs. Clair MacDoug- all motored back from Orlando, Florida last week. They visited en route, home to Flesherton on Thursday with Orland Richards in Lucknow and with,Mr. and' Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall:, They returnr ed earlier this ,year because Clair wasn't enjoying the best of health. IN RIPLEY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 Drew ,and Devon,. stayed with Mae's sister . Elaine - Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pollock, 'Sandy, Mike and Joanne at their farm north of Ripley and also with their, grandMothers Mrs. Effie Suther- land and Mrs. Mary (Donnie) MacDonald in Ripley. Earlier this winter Johnny Walden, • Elliott 'Lowry , Dennis Courtney, and Murray Ferguson all of Huron Township also enjoyed a winter vacation on the island of Barbados. • a' •* a * 0 , More local people are shortly scheduled ,to return to Ripley from vacations and others still tO go. These vacations are a cure• for this winter time "Cabin Fever" in ' Canada. " PAGE SEVENTEEN. * • • , • 0 a Just listened to Dan• Mansell of R. R. 1 Wingham - the director • of the Natural ResourCes 'office in Wingham. - formerly the 'Depart- ment of Lands and Forests, give a report. On, Dave Curzon's . CKNX radio program "All out doors". Mr. Mansell reported a sudden increase in the death of cotton tail rabbits during the past month. While appreciating their place in nature's scheme, mem- ory °fall those fruit trees which' they killed around the Ripley 'area comes, back and so we not mourn' •if they all died. Being.nocturnal in their activities,. a.nd. beding by day, it is rarely that hunters bag one - rather it is the jack rabbits which they , shoOt.' • • • • • • • The only local shipper receiv- ing mention on the CKNX Satur- day noon .weekly report from the Ontario Livestock yards up on Keele Street in Toronto this past week Was Leonard Courtney of Amberley, who ships cattle each Monday from the yard in Ripley. Leonard shipped a cow for John Gamble, well known young farm- er of concession six east in Huron 'Township and this cow brought one of the top prices in her class on the Toronto market. .0 a * a • a k-8 • Second. If you're still confused or something just dbesn't seem to work, phone. The number of your • • own District Taxation Office is below and at the end of.that number there are people whoSe only job is to help taxpayers with problems, by telephone. And on Mondays and Tuesdays phone lines are open 'til 6 p.m, So don't hesitate. • If you live outside the office area, call the Operator and . ask for Zenith 0-4000. She will automaticallyfconnect you to your own District Taxation Office. 'Rerriember. all calls are free, all are answered, arid if you have queries, we want you to call. • ( IF Third. Some people prefer to talk things over in " person. If you're one of them and have problems: • drop by for free help. Anytime. The address of your Distribt Taxation Office is below. Foudh..Write. To the address below. Explain your . problem as clearly as possible and include all in- formation. (And your return address, please.) In . return, we'll answer all letters as quickly and clearly as possible.,Remember— if you need help. it's there. (And free). And all you have to do is ask. April Aid. The Income Tax help system, Let's make it work for you. Together; , we can get it done. 111 its Revenue Canada 117r Taxation. Robert Stanbury Minister Reve'nu Canada , • Robert Stahbury, rntnistre 7 oximeie imemiX anao $11101111111 As you know by now,•we changed a lot of things last ar. We gave you a new return, a new Guide, several new ductions and a few new rules. And qUite honestly, we were )re than a little concerned about your reaction tO it all. very;.very interested in your opinions.) .Well, now that we've hadlime to really look back at it d assess it honestly, it appears that most taxpayers did tseem to find it too difficult. 'The error rate did not.ad- erate greatly or change drastically from former years.. nerally, most taxpayers seemed to handle 'their new urns fairly'well. However, Incbme Tax wilt never be the easiest or most oyable thing in anyone's life. And it will always present tlerris in some areas, for some people. That's expected J understandable. So', What we want to do now .is really work on those iblem areas. And the best way to do that is to work with 1, individUally, On whateVer part of Income Tax that causes i difficulty. And that's what April Aid is all about. It's a help system its primary objective is to ensure that whenever or atever you.need help with, you can get it. And know how jet it. Aut And this is how it 01;* works: First, Your Guide is always the t answer when you have a problem. • id it. Follow it. It not only gives explana-' is, but in many cases, examples of just v to figure Something out. r oval Revenue Bldg., 166 Frederick St, Kitchener, N2H 2M4— 579-6060 ono -- aentos mum mismo • earner tamitto It is meetings, meetings and more - the great winter past time. Last Sunday,eyening intthe Ripley-Huron Central School it was the Ripley-Hutbn Reunion '75 committee with Don MacTavish of Smoky Hollow chairman. •Next Monday evening it is an Agricultural. Society one with president Hugh Mason. By the way Ripley Huron Reunion is in 1975 and the Lucknow Reunion is in this .year 1974. Already some people have things mixed up. • • • a • • Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Pollock of Kitchener-Waterloo visited on the week end with family relativ- es in the Ripley area. • • • • $ a Sisters Mrs. Russell Huston of Ripley and Miss Mary Me•Murchy of concession four east in. Huron are both in Kincardine and District Hospital while their brother John . T. McMurchy of concession 4 east, who was in hospital earlier, is now in Ripley and readily walks upstreet. Mrs. Nellie Blue is fi back home to 'Ripley. paptel