The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-06, Page 11Form New Area Organization, Named' Voice 'Of The Unborn'? A group of citizens in Wingtiain and the surrounding area have founded a new organizfation,". "Voice of the Unborn" . This group is affiliated with the nationwide "Alliance for Life" which has as its president , Dr. Ileather Morris , one of Canada's and petition chairman; Mrs. C. R. Morrison treasurer; Rev. 'F. Car- son of Blyth..,and-Dr.• P.J. Leahy of Teeswater program committe e; Mrs H. DeBrUyn, publicity; Mrs. R. Chettleburgh, Mrs. 0. Kieffer Mrs. John Walters of Tceswir- .er', telephone committee; Everything you want from dog food, you get from Shur-Gain. Good nutrition. Good taste. Good price. Take maihum levels of beefy meat consistent with 'good nutrition. Add the best cereal 'products. Then wrap it up in economical 25 and 50 lb. packs. What do you get? Shur-Gain dog food in pellets or bite . size kibbleSimith natural beef flavour. Dogs take •to Shur-Gain immediately.' They love the taste. Breeders and trainers take to Shur- Gain for other reasons. They know Shur-Gain needs no additional supplements because it contains all the nutrients needed for optiMum growth and develop- ment. They also like,the conditioning Shur-Gaincan give their dogs and . its extra •benefits such as lustrous coats, and firmer stools. So, put all benefits of Shur-Gain dog food together. It makes quite a package, The nice thing is the package is available to you at leading pet shops and Shur-Gain .Feed, Service. dealers every- where. Try it. You'll all like it. Shur-Gain Division Canada Packers Limited in pellets or kibble -imarrimpr Anderson Hal Products, Limited LUCKNOW — PHONE 528-2026 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO outstanding women gynecoloists.. • .gf "l',.eeswater, *Voice of the Un'born ig art.ither- denominational organiz- •. • !fie new group ill be anion which was formed .t.o.prom- • etrcttl„tfrg the ,Alltancc for KINLOUGH NEWS. he World Day of Prayer for area was held on Friday after- 1 in. the Anglican Church with Edna Boyle organist. The' es were welcomed by Mrs. rge Graham and Miss May e . rs. Howard Thompson, in a :capable nianner, was the er and extended 'a hearty w el- e to all and gave the call to. er and the prayer •of invitation was followed with Mrs. ge HarkneSs reading the gos- , br Ash. Wednesday. to Voice of Youth was taken Its. Allan Rhody; the Voice df aingry, by Mrs. Ronald Thack- ie Voice of discrimination by Jack Hodgins; theyoice of [don, Mrs. Gerald Rhody; Iola of War victims, Mrs. ey Scott; the Voice of the letic, Mrs. Lyinan Sutton. is was followed by the hymn ;hrist there is no East or Mrs. George Graham.and Howard Thompson (in dia- ) gave the purpose and the of the World Day of Prayer ristian Fellowship, prayer raise. This was followed by tany frofn the order of ser- • is Winnifred Percy read two ins of scripture which was 4'ed with the hymn "Blest be e that binds" and Mrs. Glen' !nby gave a scripture read- ote respect for all forms of human life from, the moment of_ conception onwmard. Its basic aims.are as follows; (1) to inforM the general public (a) that the unborn child is, a human being from conception (b) of the Medical, social and psychological effects of abortion. (c) of the acts of abortion in Canada (d) Of the alternatives to abort:- ion. (2) 'To work for changes in public opinion to increase respect for human life. Voice of the Unborn believes that concern for the pregnant woman with problems must not mean contempt for the life of her child. SoCiety Must have comp- assion for , and help, both. The executive of the new group are as follows: Rev. T. 1‹.. Haw - thorn.and Mrs. R. Campeau, co chairmen; R. Campeau, secretary former Lucknow Resident Passes MRS.. ROBERT JOHNSTON The .death of Mri. Robert John- ston of 32 Waterloo St. S. , God- erich, occurred on Wednesday, February 27th at Goderich. She was the former Mary Jane Joynt, daughter of John Joynt, former M.P. North Huron, and his Wife Annie 'Amelia Fulford and .was born at St. Helens. In 1909 she married RObert Johnston. They resided in Luck- 'now until 1927 during which tinie Mr. Johnston served a's reeve of the Village from 1917 to 1926 and also was warden of Bruce County., In 1927 they moved to Goderich, Mr. Johnston passed away on May 5th , 1941, Mrs. Johnston continued to re- side in Goder/ich, where as a member of North Street United Church, she was very active in the, Women's Missionary Society • and served as president of the Women's Association.. She was a: former member of the Order of the Eastern Star and was an hon- orary member of I'.O.1J. E. Ahmeek Chapter. Mrs. Johnston had attended Alma College at St. Thomas. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Glenn (Roberta) Hayes and Mrs. George (Pauline) Parsons, both-of Goderich; nine grand,child- ren and two great grandchildren; and one brother John Wesley Joynt of Lucknow. • Besides her husband she was predeceased by three sisters, Mrs. W. J. (Annie) Lillico, Mrs. W. L. (Ida) McLeod and Mrs. A. E. (Letitia) Millsdn. The funeral service was held at Stiles Funeral Home , Goderich on Saturday, March 2nd. Rev.' G. L. Royal was minister. Interment wa-s at Maitland Cem- etery. Pallbearers were JameS Britnell, Harold Betiger, ,- Gordon Muir, Gordon McManus, L. B. Graham', William Schaefer. Life petition which "calls upon' Parliament to enact legislation proyiding for the,child conceived but not'yet born - the same protection provided for any other person'!. An organizational meeting for the,circulationof this'petition will be held at the Wingham 1.0.0.F. Hall on March .13 at 8;30 p:M. The pastor and one representative of each church in the surrounding area Will be asked to attend.. 'A, program entitled "A Second Look at AbOrtion” , with guest' speaker Dr, Hart,Benzner of Wil- fred' Laurier University, Waterloo will be held. March 31 at 8:00 • p:M. at F.E. Madill Secondary School, What's New At Huronview A musical group of students from the Clinton Christian Reform .School led by Clarence Vos helped to provide the music for the Sunday', evening song service. Mr .,Aire Van der Ende , leader of the ser- vice, presented twenty-five new gospel song' books•tothe Home on behalf ofthe•Cifristian Reform congreptibn.' Kelly of Goderich yviAs„wel- b to the 'f lenient Monday afternoon's gettogether. Marie Flynn , l'orman Speir a•nd Jerry 'Collins prOVided the old tyine • ,music with",Clinton Christian Reform,voluriteerls assisting with ' activities. Rev .. Mc Whinnie , • Chaplain of the Home , is leading the Bible Study for the next two weeks while the regular leacher Mrs. Prouti, is holidaying. in Florida.. The McMillan Family Fortress of Goderich provided the "Family' Night" program on Thursday evening. This group include Mr. and Mrs. McMillan and their family, Eleanor , Elizabeth and Ernie , along with a piano accompanist taken this week by Mrs. Don Stewart. The Mc Mil PAGE ELEVEN lams are very well known for their musical talents in• the Goderich area. They were invited to join a noted. Evangelist last year for a three-week tour ofi the. Southern Islands. The program included musical numbers by the family, who all play wind instruments, as well as solos by Ernie, duets by Elizabeth and Eleanor, and vocal duets by lion and Mrs. McMillan. The audience were ' taken on the Evangalistic tour of the islands by cOloured slides and comentary by Don Which was very interesting, A record has been made 'by the, McMillan's of their music , which has a religious theme and will soon be available to the public. Bob Rutledge ex- pressed the appreciation of the Residents, A world day of prayer service was held in the Chapel on Friday Morning. The, ladies of. St. Jos- eph Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, were in charge of the service this year. Mrs. Tony Brand and' Mrs. John Van Beers led the service with a choir of twenty students from St,/ Joseph School leading the singing, assisted by their teachers Mrs. Dalaney and Mrs. Carbert. The collection was received by Residents Mrs. Sholdice and Mrs. Valkenburg. 1,4EspAY, MARCH 6th, .1974 World Day Of Prayer ?. message "Make us builders tee" was capably given by Frank Maulden. In the ian understanding it means the chance to livea full id be in one accord with . nd people around us. The "0 God of love., 0 King of. " was sung. Prayers of Mon followed. Mrs. Bert lson, Mrs. Delbert Hedley [iss Nfay Boyle did a Candle ng ceremony in dialogue ng two hymns "Jesus bids us and "Jesus loves me". ;. Don Robertson and Mrs. MacDonald received the ng. The offert9ry prayer iven and the Lord's Prayer !peated in unison.' All' , I hands and 'repeated togeth- fte peace of the Lord be with 'allowed by the benediction. Zuth Wilson was chosen key n for 1975 when the service e held in the Presbyterian , . Bert Nicholson and Mrs. :d Wall took charge of the 1g which amounted to $21.10. -toward Thompson expressed to everyone for their help king it such a worthwhile • wish improved health to owell who has been a patient • Kincardine and District tal, Pearl Lloyd and Mr. and Karl Boyle of London visited/ ;'the week with Edna and 3oyle. iumber from this.area attend• e Farm Show at London, welcome the Johns family community. They have aged the residence of Mr. , its, Roy Sehneller, now of gam ald Barr of Waterloo, Mr. Russell Barr, Darrell :ynthia of Agincourt, visited :he week end with Mrs. John nd,Other members of their y here. 4