The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-06, Page 4PAGE FOUR WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6111, rukLUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO THURSDAY MEETING A meeting of the mothers the Girl Guides ,and Brown will be held in the Lucknow To • Hall • on Thursday, March froth 7:30' to 9 p.m. SPRING DANCE Ripley Agricultural Society hold their Spring • Dance in RiPiey District High School a torium on Saturday, April' 'Music By the• Bluetones. Tick $2 each. Dancing. 10 to 1, • DANCE TO SATIN BRASS Dance to Satin, Brass in Ripley District High , School itorium . on Friday, June 2 Entire pro eeds for Ripley Spo Complex. Sponsored by Ri Agricultural Society. INFORMATION MEETING An Information Meeting for dairy and beef farmers. spo ed by Huron' Township Fed tion of AgricUlture, will be Tuesday, March 12 at 1:30 p in Ripley Legion HaIL Dr. Empringham of Kincardine show a film, "The Managers of . Calving", and will answ questions arising from the gr ANNUAL SPRING DANCE Annual Spring Dance, spo ed by the Lucknow Agricul Society, to the music of Uri Thorton and Orchestaa, will held in Brookside Public on Friday, April 5, from 9 to Admission $5.00 per couple 'advance with a limited nuroN of tickets or $6.00 at the available. See directors foil kets or phone 528-6693. FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT • avail able immediately , partially 'shed if desired , suitable for se? or two people. 'Apply to A, Jim Ritchie, Apartment # 8 iD Ashton Block. SMODOLArrING DEMOLITION 1VORK SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD STOTHE PHONE 529.7401 FOR ESTIMATES BEFORE THE AGE OF MIR- ACLES — memoirs of a country doctor, by Dr. W. V. Johnston, makes an ideal gift at any time, $6.95 at The Lucknow Sentinel, mail orders welcome. INCOME TAX CONSULTANT. Specializing in Farm Income Tax. For at home appointment phone: JOHN De JONG 392-6928 COMING EVENT LOTTERY License No, T 01 $5,000 TOTAL CASH. PRIZE Sponsored' By Ripley & District Lions c Tickets available from any member or at stores in and Huron Township PROCEEDS FOR RECREATION COMPLEX DRAW — SATURDAY, MAY 3 ACT COMEDY A play "Everybody's Cr a 3 act , comedy, will be pres at Brookside Public School, day, March 22nd at 8:15 ' and at Lucknow Public Sc Saturday, March 23rd at p.m. This play is presented the Lucknow Agricultural Soc ', DANCE AT LEGION Lucknow Legion are spo ing a dance in: the hall on So day, March 16th from 10 Music by "The Chapel". A sion $1.50 per person, Per over 18 welcome. ANDY'S ---$1,E,FRIGERATION LTD.. 24 hour emergency service YOur Tyler- Dealer WINGHAM, PRONE 357-3484 Bulk Tanks, Freezers, Air conditioners Repairs to all makes and • • applisinces CLEARANCE ON ALL '74 HUMIDIFIERS . IN STOCK Try an Eleztrohome Humicrifa • liar from Greer T.V.and Ele=rit.. phone .528-311t lacknow We atse have filters and Sanitatre fan. your E2ettrohmne humidifier PICTURE FRAMING claim hem 500 samples slap an array of coloured matting Seder Studio. Wingharn phone 35-i-lit31 FIR SALE — centu . truck load lots. alo some high e a phrav .1-7.155 FOR SAIS hare 4t1 ' xSP. loft 410" x 4tr may he =Meeor ; disifitintied PkipTX 39E.-7a7 P. Marna BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders. Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Pan- eling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, RR. 3 Holyrood. phone 395-5390. HOUSE FOR SALE — Modern brick &line in '.laicknosa. 2 bed- rooms full hasethent rec roam, electric heat , contact Bill Moffat, phone 522,3819, . FOR SALE — used Fleetwood AM-FM stereo console in good working condition. Greer T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112., FOR SALE — mobile home, 1972 model North Lander, 12' 'by 60, Call during the day 528-2941 and after 6:00 p.m. 395-5329, Paul Gunter. THIRD PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE . Norman Robertson's History of Bruce County,, first published in 1906, second printing in 1960. PRICE $7.00 . , Add $1 for shipping and handling We also have available the sequel of this book, The History of The County of Bruce 1907 - 1968 written by. Norman M,cLeocl same price. • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR SALE — Allis Chalmers 4 row corn planter, two years old, lots of corn and bean plates, in excellent condition; • 9N Ford tractor; recently over-hauled. Phone 529-7427, BARN EQUIPMENT complete line of Acorn Equipment and Clay Equipment for pushbutton farm- ing: * Westeel-Rosco Granaries Zero Milking Systems. Lowry Farm Systems, Amberley, phone 395-5286. AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley - 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 TABLE PAPER -- white or col- 'tared • designs 'for covering ban- quet or picnic tables, The Luck- now Sentinel. LORENZ DEAD STOCK SERVICE . DC dead horses; cows , a cent pea pound over 500 pounds. Phone. f collect, 369-2410 Durham. 1974 JAYCO HARDTOPS, Travel t • Trailers and Truck Caps now on display. buy new before the price increase oei Marc* 15th; also a 1973 16' dvnabatrator at a 'great aaviag rebtais, cog access- Remstead Metal Fabricat- I nig Josephine St.. W 357- n.. re... so more will live HEART FUND !MYTH BINGO Come to Blyth Lions Club Bingo every Saturday night at •8:30 p.m. in Blyth Memorial Hall. Jackpot $150 on 60 calls. DANCE Dance at Saltford Valley Hall on Saturday night, March 9th: Sponsored by Tort Albert. Ball Club. MuSic supplied' from 9:00 p.m.' to 1:00 a.m. by the FOUR- SUM. Lunch' will be served. N..F.U. DANCE National Farmer's • Union Local 335 welcomes you to attend. their Dance in Ripley Hall, Marsh 9th, 1„974. Dancing to ..Elllioft Car- ruthers Band. 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. 50% of proceeds go to Ripley - Huron District Recreation Com- plex. Lunch. Everyone welcome. •MMIIM.••••••=. DESSERT BRIDGE A Dessert Bridge will be held in the Town Hall on Thursday, March 14th at 1:30 p.m., sponsor- ed by Lucknow Women's Instit-. ute. Proceeds for Retarded• Child- rens Work. ALL STAR HOCKEY AND SKATEATHON All Star Hockey Game, CKNX Try-Hards vs -Ripley Old Stars, Sunday, March 10, 2 p.m. Ripley, Areha. Skateathon Saturday, March .16, Ripley arena; starts .8 a.m. Saturday finiShes 2 a.m. Sunday, 18 hrs;, Forms for skat- ing at. Cameron's Store, Elmer Courtney's Store and the arena. Anyone able to help fora couple of hours during the skateathon please phone Marlene Coiling 395-2670 or Marg Rouse 395-2680; Proceeds, Ripley Huron District Recreation Complex. -64444-44+44++++++.444444444 aia ammkpOWSOOW aekka •‘. \ 2 a t nu Di at Sc Wi FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE — ra reg. Holstein bull of serviceable age, sired by Homandale Uranium Atom,. dam good plus; one star brood cow, record as ten year old — 352 days - 22424 lbs. milk, 862., lbs. fat 3.9% .test; a registered Hol- stein heifer (G.P.) 3 Years old, fresh One week, 2 year old rec- ord — 12,121 lbs.' milk 14% test, also registered Holstein heifer; two year old fresh 4 days, phone 529-7441. WILL BUY FOR CASH OR SELL BY AUCTION Furniture — cupboards, wash- otands, chairs, couches, clocks, dishes, bells, etc. etc. . MIKE CUMMINGS, Auctioneer Hwy.. 21, South Goderich 5249064 CARS FOR SALE — 1964 Valiant 2 door, 6 cylinder, standard, fair shape; 1963 Dodge 4 door, 6 cy- linder, automatic, good motor; best. offer, Phone 395-2224 after 6:30 p.m. SILVER, LAKE GENERAL STORE KINLOSS, ONTARIO Fresb Bread 3 for 99c 1/2 GallOn Ice Cream — 99c • Parkas — Rubber Boots Coveralls NEW LIFE AND. SUPERSWEET FEED DEALER • Open Daily 8:30 a.m. • 9:00 p.m. Closed Tues., Fri.,* Sun., -evenings FOR SALE. — quantity of hay. Phone Len' Stanley 395-5191 Ripley, FOR SALE — quota 'with subsidy 489,000 M.S.Q. with 12,000 Federal subsidy; bulk cooler 4600 pound eapaeity with step saver. Jack Button, phone 395-5093. PAPERING — PAINTING Floor Sanding and Spray Paint- ing, Fred Emberlin, Phone Luck- DOW. WRAPPING PAPER . — Kraft roL. for home or office, 49c. The Lucknow Sent nel ROY'S ALUMINUM SALES ANT SERVICE. ,Nrin• &fin • doors For tree estimate eat Roy Ember-tit vote local TW,RifF FOR RAT — one-tot li- M-112110332: truck 4 speed traps- mamma to mile cat lights.. new - If t earl. floor ilEEM hoos brakes and ttre Latisare unirtney. •316-281E NEIK NEW Peseesass: '7arascie labels witt 'year mew and 'atitiaa as mail-. unit atesaid Vitt ealciu Atria ratim of :mad= Lag at ief: la&oflarmz.i use far, veia- coma_ rimitteltine '41^' a itiv;11; of iftvzni- ifv-Anar 206 labeis to- nalrf. .921.1,1t abelE ;Fr= 1-4440 mnyisLed_cag raarat Saf. re- SI -14* 41.0=nolp :ientim* ttateraf. FOR SALE . FOR SALE — one year old geese. Phone 528-5551. t, • FOR 'SALE — quantity of Birds- foot 'Trefoil, Andrew Gaunt,, phone 528r6541. FOR SALE — 190 sap buckets and spile,s; 2. unit Universal milk- ing machine. Harvey. Houston, Lucknow 528-3042. FOR SALE — 12 ducks and 3 drakes, white , Peking, started to lay, phone 357-3097. THE FANS GO WILD PAUL HENDERSON'S MIRACLE Now on sale at The Lucknow Sentinel for $5.95. Don't miss it. Mail orders accepted at the same price. HAY FOR SALE — 2500 bales, good quality. Jack Button, phone 395-5093. FOR SALE -- propane gas brood- er in good condition; mixed grain, suitable for seed. Phone 357-1358 Walter Elliot. FOR SALE' — A medium size Heintzman piano in good con- dition. Phone 528-5951. ANDERSON'S FERTILIZER 8-32-16 6--24--24 16-16-16 Also Marzone Atrazine at sPec- ial prices. Vincent Austin, phone 529-7240.. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL — is for sale at Stanley's Sunoco,• Umbach's Pharmacy, H. and B. Discount and Koyle's Supertest in Lucknow. EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING sand and gravel. Phone Robert Symes, Lucknow 528-3047. REAL ESTATE 'FOR SALE BUSINESS BLOCK ONLY $9500 - Located on' Corner property, main business section' ,village of Teeswater, on Highway 4. Con- sists of retail store, 20 feet by -48 feet, presently occupied as retail shoe outlet and repair on main floor. five semi-finished rooms on second. floor fOr stock or apart- ment. Oil heating system, two- piece bath, new aluminum awn- ing. Oweer will consider holding first mortgage. Phone ,TeeSwater 392-6982 or write Box' 361, Tees- water,. Ont. T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE • Repairs and Installation. 'Free Estimates. Year Round Service, Doug Barker, Phone 364-3313 Col- lect, Box 467, Hanover, Ontario. aSTETNER STENCILS - paper , ink; duplicating paper and masters all in stock at The Luck- nov, Sentinel, phone 528 -2822 . COMING. EVENTS. SUPER CASH BINGO • Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 p.m. Pot of Gold game -. 'winner take all. 14 reg- ular games, $10 each. 2 Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special Jackpot game for 110 on 58 calls or $25 consolation prize. EUCHRE PARTY Dungannon L.O.L. 324 will hold a card party on Thursday, • March 7 in their hall. Everyone wel- come: ' ANNOUNCEMENT. THE ANNUAL MEETING Of ' THE. CHILDREN'S AID . SOCIETY OF THE COUNTY OF BRUCE INC. will, be held, at thee -Walkerton District Secondary School on Wednesday March 13, 1974 at 8:30 p.m.; -Film: "Child Behav- iour — ou"; Commentary and discussion led by Mr., Donald Carroll, B.A., M. Ed. Guidance Consultant, Bruce Board of .'Ed- ucation; Refreshments; pay, your membership now - $1.00 per year and receive "The Journal"; Today's child' is tomorrow's cit• izen — support your local C.A.S. cto rt on a n ne! me es( e :Mcon] Jo MI HAR Sti 11 TI T Prey Reth Yc AI TI ECTI EL] LEC ydro uckn CE 197 J UAA CEMI Bu Ph. EMI ASS( DIr FL Ices wis rch, Pet a Lual ng t sac HELLO BADGES — for meetmsea parties, etc stick re eittliftlE sharpie application The Lacittiova Sentinel COLOR T V *las raeaSK price We haw. a tea erair tits Mai price Greaa.,.., yra air raa, tele, phone526-3:2-7 Pm, SALE — Taaraan! 5ca. sititrirliattartiT. WU-1r Ste t:714 brak.• Taasta micas Piscine MPatail9 Income Tax KIR Block Can ' Largest Tax Service 19 Victoria Sr. N. Goderich , Ontario. on Highway 21 Phone 52,4-8658 • Personal business and farm returns.