The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-06, Page 2bo.) ?: - 7e `Zr.: the principle day of the horn gathering planned for July 24, Nir Williacrn, McQuillin was acting as secTrhete ary .last' week in February the low est temperatures 'of the season were experienced locally when the thermometer dipped 'to 20 d tees below zero on two succe ssiveeg.), mornings. Robert Thompson of Thom Bros. Teeswater , lost the gre part of his left hand while op ing a tractor ice-cutting ma on Treleaven's pond. pson ater erat• chine REDUCTION SPECIAL PURCHASE OF Drum and Cocktail Tables Groupings from $119.50 Regular $599 OVER 331/2% SAVING Don't let the low pricess -confuies you. All merchandise top quality brand name-at sacrifice prices. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••,.••••••0 JOHNSTONE and SON FURNITURE Lucknow- Phone 528-3013 S ee, hsLho: tii ne t s. E. ingha was ad .and field ac of Luc y mOur er and e on IA re the 1 was rest Febru . and ghan o isited and m Mrs: A • Nen( y were ''er" in , of the ers h a nun WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6th, The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "The Sopoy Town's On the Huron-Bruce Boundary Second Class Mail. Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 — Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of She C.W.N.A. and O.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $6.00 a year in advance — to the U.S.A., $8.00 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher FROM THE- EDITOR'S DESK WEDNESDAY, :MARCH 6th,. 1974 New Canadions' Receive Their Citizenship Judge Judge P.S. _MacKenzie presided at the Citizenship Court held on • Wednesday of last week, February 20th., at 2;30 p.M. when twelve New Canadians received their Can adian citizenship papers. • Presented with certificates of citizenship were:' Mr. Arnulf Nor- bert yreede Bellstedt , R. , Kincardine, Ontario from Germa ny , Mrs. Johanna Maria Bellstedi , R. R. c, , Kincardine ,- Ontario from Germany.- . . Mr . Leendert de 'Gast , 'Soutliarn- pton,.Ontario from Netherlands. Md. EVeyI;„'n Rornina de Gast , South'arnptori, Ontario ,from Neth &lands. Mr. Jan 'C.3eerr.s.rna , R. R. .5 , LucknOw-, Ontario from -Nether- lands . Mr. Oeds Geertsma , R. R. L , Luc know , Ontario. from Nether 7 lands, . ' Mrs. Barbara Ann. Illerbrunz •, • R. R. c , Mild.rnay, Ontario U.S., Mr. LJubisa jazic„ Box 12.:*., Port Elgin , C'ntaric from Yugoslavia Mrs J,azic , Bo>. Port Eleir., C.,maric f or Mr Kincardine IRISH OR SCOTTISH? Ab Wyld's column', "This week in Ripley" contains some interesting comments this week about the use of the prefix "Mac" or "Mc".and how, the early teach-, ings of the Ontario school system . taught that this indicated wheth- er a person's ancestry was one of Irish or Scottish. Of course the theory was that the true Scottish used the Mac in front of their name with the Mc prefix left for the benefit of the Irish. Many of the MC's in this area are no doubt descendants of Mac's who grew 'tired of Writing that extra letter 'in their name and for the sake of brevity dropped the extra letter. One gentleman, the late J. R. Mc Nab of Lucknow, jokingly used to tell us "that he lost the extra letter in the depression". He orig- inally was a "Mac". Another interesting case involv- .es a husband*and wife who live in the area, one using' the full spell- ing and one dropping the "a", much to the disinay of one of the partners. A true • contradiction to the rule , if ever there was one, is the fact that Jim and Susan Mc Naughton, of Lucknow ae the shortened spelling. Natives of the land of ..• the heather, no one could ever suggest JiM and Susan as speaking with other than the true ScottiSh brogue. The McNaughtons surely shot-down the theory that existed for so many years. We are inclined to believe that Most of the residents of this area who spell their name with an "Mc" arrived at this point through the intended , or nori intentled dropp- ing of the vowel "a," through the years. We have been told over the years that our surname "Thomp- son" was of Irish descent and that the other spelling of "Thomson'' was of ScottishOrigin. We have never found this rule to apply. While Our Thompson family originated in County Down, near Belfast, Ireland, we have also met many other "Thomsons" who claim to be from the land of the green. 10 YEARS AGO • FEBRUARY 1964 Fire of u,nknOwn origin levelled the barn. of Gordon Hodskinson west of Kinlough This was the fifth fire. on the 12th concession within three years. :House fires: had hit Alex Percy , Jim Haldenby' and George Emerson. • Barn fires struck Jinn Hudgins and, the Hodg- kinson place: • NIr. and Mrs. ails Sheitorosold 'their Hanover business and 'were retiring,to their home in Kinlough. They had previously been in busi- neSs,in Lticknow , manufacturing and hand printing of lazy .susan' serving 'trays. Meat rationing was lifted but caused no great excitement nor any big rush to the butcher shop. The average household had found meat rationing no particular hard- ship.' The retailer however 'was glad to be freed of this coupon collecting business and restaurant proprietors were particularly pleas- ed to have meatless Tuesdays banished. But the Wartime Prices and Trades Board warned not to destroy the meat coupons as the lifting of the regulation might only be temporary. Four airmen from R.A.F.. Air Navigation SChool,. Port Albert, escaped serious 'injury when their Anson bomber crashed near a line fence separating the farms of ,, prank Pentland and Earl McNee, a mile south of Dungannon. The wings were sheared off as the machine crashed between two, trees. The pilot suffered a fract- ured jaw and another airmansuf- fered a leg injury. The other two occupants escaped with, a shaking, Up. .50 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 1924 .41 11W OAKES - HENRY Mrs.. GeOrge Henry of R, R, 7 eLnuscalaigoerpw ewnitsheofshteor adnanuoguhntcere Ftahyee, to Herb Oakes , son of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Oakes of R, R,,, 2, Clinton. The wedding will take place at her home March 30, 1974,, at 5:00 13 • rn • JURTENS - van Darn Mr. and Mrs. Peter van Dam of R. R. 5 Lucknow announce forthcoming marriage of their the daughter Johanna to, Gerry William Jurjens, son of Mr. a nd Mrs. Henry Jurjens of R. R. 7 Lucknow. The wedding will .take place on. Saturday, March 23rd at 2 o'clOck at Lucknow Chriso , oian Reformed Church, L w . nt ario. FEATUR PE FraMi T K. LUCKNOW, SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO .44•••••••••**41•••••••••• ••••••9••••••*•••••••••4 LOOKING BACKWARDS .•µ SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET. THOMPSON 40.4!•••••••••••••••••••••••p••••••••••••!•••••••1 REMARKABLE YEAR. The Ripley CoMmunity Devel- ipment Group has just completed its first year of.organization, and. what an impresiive first year it has been. • ACtivity in the Ripley-Huron area is something to be envied by' any municipality and their• record • of achievement is Sornething ,for the record book. With property purchased for a new senior citizens home. for the village, and a medical centre and new area laboratory in the ad- vanced planning stages and pres- ently going through final approyal at Queen's Park, the committee. can look back with a good deal of satisfaction at the initial year's work. There, are other major projects Moving ahead in the Ripley-Huron area ,at the preOnt time, one of which is a new recreation cam- plex for •the community and an- other being, two new housing sub- divisions on the edge of town. While the Community Develop- mem. Committee cannot take credit for the latter , the•fact is that they have created' a spirit of goodwill and progress in these mum icipalities which cannot help but rub off oMthe overall success of any venture which is undertaken. slavia ,:::,erard C.. Vizer , R, , Teeswatet ,• 01:17.E:IC from Nether-. Lands . Mrz. Violeta . Hernancez Po-- 7-az'r• • . Snaw Irwin Campbell had a freak in the animal world. It was a little, pig , born with a combination of about three lower jaws and three tongues, one of them much as if the little porker was starting to blow bubble gum. It was such a mouthful that this freak of a, litter of,14, could'. not feed or swallow and'soon succurrib ed. Otherwise it was quite norm- al. The Lucknow Curling.Club held a Bbnspiel at the arena. Sixty- two curlers participated. Harold Ritchie's rink of Mary IvlacIntyre John MacKinnon and Orville Elliott placed first and won curl- ing brooms., , 30 Years Ago FEBRUARY 1944 School section No. 4 West Wawanosh was, preparing for an Old Home Week for the ex-teach- ers and pupils of the school with a • I