The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-06, Page 1NEL The 0 $6.00 A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. 'WEDNESDAY,' MARCH 6th, 1974 Single Copy 15c "its (othetinelikicGtog* Marks 1010 BirthdOtH. Is Village's pidett :Citizen. mow Resident About 70 Years atherine MacGregor s oldest resident , quietly er 101st birthday on Tues- is March • 5th, called to, extend their ations at Pinecrest Manor LucknoW where Gregor is a resident. .ne MacGregor was born retort.; Nova Scotia , 1873, a daughter of IcGregor and Jessie Mac- At the age Of eighteen W Ashfield with her par- x the past seventy years resident of Lucknow many years her a seamstress were much ber 1962 Miss ,MaeGreg- !cl her hip in a new business opens oday, The Sepoy Var , with the opening spec- ised elsewhere in this !arid to-owner of the ow business is Mrs. ;auvel., Mr. and Mrs. dare very recent new- 'ing been married on February 23. They will community. Mrs. Alf Mathers of 'm the other half' of hip of the business. MrS, .eir daughter. hers owns and, operates in Store in Clinton as been for the past Prior to that he was a ith Mernber Steckle, a Hay town- farmer recently became member of the Ontario of Agriculture in Hur- -,kle's signing culrninat- [sive drive by members 'ration in Huron in fall. She had , a few years prev- iously,' suffered a fractured hip and a short while later her wrist was broken in a car mishap. Each time she made a remarkable re- covery. Catherine is the eldest of a family of six and her sister Mae, Mrs. George Stuart of Luc know , is' the youngest.: The two sisters re- sided together since 1961 when Mrs. Stuart and her late husband George Stuart Moved 'to Lucknow from the St. Helens area 4nd until Catherine moved to Pinecrest' about 1 1/2 years ago. There were four brothers, all deceased , Dr. George and Dr.. Will, both of Chicago, Alex and Kenneth, 'both of Granum., Al- berta. senior children's wear buyer with. Stedmans for 12' years.. Mr. and Mrs. Sauve were, recen- tly employed in Toronto. She has s,etaiLexperience in both Sted- mans and Zellers. While the LucknoW store will not operate under the Stedman franchise, it will contain a simil- ar line and'variety of inerchan- dlse at the Clinton store. - The store is in the same loca- tion as the former Sepoy Store operated for 'a number of years by Mrs., Ford Cunningham, of Lucknow prior to her having a selling out sale last Fall, •It has since been completely redecorated to compli- ment the Opening of the new bus- fries§ recent months to put the county over the 2000 mark in member- ships. The landmark membership was sold by Ted Steinback, R. R. 'Zurich and Vince Austin, R, R. 1 Dungannon. Pictured , left to right are Mr. Steinback, Mr. Steckle and Ivit Austin. CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 Miss Catherine' MacGregor of Lucknow marked her 101st birth- day on Tuesday at the Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home in Lucknow., Misi MacGregor is pictured with her sistei Mrs. George (Mae) Murray Murdoch, "The Iron' Man of Hockey"., Whose name was painted prominently on the end of the Lucknow arena for many years, was honored this past week end for his contribtition to, the game for many years. While Murray's association with Lucknow was a brief one - he left here as a young 'child to reside with his parents in Western Canada -, his association with the On. February 26th a meeting was held in the Lucknow town hall by the Lucknow Kinsmen Club wives to discusi, the formation of a new Kinette Club 'for the area .` Wingham Kinetres were present Stuart of Lucknow with whom she made her horne until going to Pinecrest about 1.1/2 years ago. Miss MacGregor is Lucknow's old- est resident,. Sepoy Town was always widely known by sportsmen because of the large sigh which graced the end of the arena "Home of Murray Murdoch the Iron Man of Hock- ey". CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 Plans are proceeding-for the Lucknow Reunion on July 1st week end. Entertainment has been engaged for the Sunday night -concert in the arena. Head- lining the evening Will be the Mercy Brothers, natives of,Han- over who have made a name for themselves in musical circles across Canada. Also featured will be, comedian Billy Meek along with Marlene York and Jack Fow- ler of the Pig and Whistle TV show. It will be a return engage- ment for, Meek who played here .a number of years ago. The Reunion. Committee met on Sunday evening and made fur- ther Plans for the big week end. Brian Johnston will be chairman . for the Saturday parade and ques- tionnaires were recently sent out to many in the area asking for a float kir the parade. If you were overlooked , the committee would like to hear from you and make it to offer advice. Nominations were held for offic- ers , which are to be elected on March 19th. A liyely discussion took place. The evening ended with coffee and dessert. 24 Pages Arendigill Have New Time Clock , Lucicnow Arena will soon have a new time clock courtesy of Tuckey Beverages 'of Exeter , loc- al distributors of Pepsi products. After some delay, the clock is now in pceter and is being paint- ed with the donprs advertising message. It is expected it will be installedl.n the Luclmow arena very shortly. This community is responsible for the installation charges only. Arrangements for the clock were completed by Bill Hunter, Lucknow Recreation Committee chairman ?, +H44+444 Since this was written, we. have' learned that the clock •has now arrived in The Sepoy Town ready for, installation. • Don 'Hoist Will Seek Liberal Party' Nomination A Hanover realtor is seeking the Liberal nomination in the federal riding Of Bruce. Don Hoist , 45 , told the, riding association Fkiday , February' 22, in Chesley , he wiAl seek the nomination to succeecrpretent MP !Ross •Whioher who, previously said he will not seek re -election. Tentative date for the nominat- ion convention is April 5 in Walk- erton. Mi. Hoist said he has always been interested 'in a political car- eer but "the opportunity didn't CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 known that all floats, as many as possible, will be welcome. The coMmittee Also has some ideas about entries for the parade which might. be sponsored if you wish to lend some financial support instead of creating your own entry. Brian Johnston is the man to advise. Committee chairmen named have been: property, Don McKenzie; parade, Brian Johnston; crown and anchor, Grant Chis- holm; draw, Bob Finlay; decorat- ing Bob and Marlene Struthers; soft drinks, Art Helm; school days, Stuart Collyer and Gordon Cayley; invitations, Don Thomp- son; hats, girl guides and leaders; ticke't takers, Harvey Houston. . Negotiations are presently being conducted for the staging of a tractor pull here on the week end.. If approved the. men in charge of this event will be Art Helm and Barry Hackett., The Club will be chattered 'on March 30th. The Kinette Club .is an auxiliary of kinsmen and to be eligible as a member it is necess- ary to be the Wife of a Kinsmen. Business "Sepoy Variety Store" 1 t Addition To Lucknow Main t, Opens For Business Today Honour Murray Murdoch, "The Iron Man Of Hockey" For Contribution To Hockey In United States, Wins Patrick Award Plans Proceed For Reunion Weekend, Engage Entertainment, Nanie Chairmen Lucknow Will. Charter A New Kinette Club'