The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-27, Page 20CARPETING • CUSHIONFLOR AND LINOLEUM II WEDNESDAY, 'FEBRUARY 21, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO ucl 111G PORTIONS OF FOOD SAVINGS! miss.0 knev rkpd of th jacks grat sing, Vgn ater ape UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH TEAM TAKES TOP 'HONOR.S-- The Univ 7' ersity, of Guelph team came away with the top-place finish in the Old-Fashioned Square Dance com- lietition of Talent Festival '74. The festival was sponsored_by the Junior Farmers' Association of Ont- ario at the Royal York Hotel, Tor- Onto. Seated, left to right , are Bonnie Boyle, R.R. 3 , Ripley; Hugh Fletcher , R.R. I, Ilderton; Brian Horner , R.R. 4 , Shelburne; and Doris Gordon, Brantford. Standing are, left to right, Mar- A TREASURE TROVE IN THE t WANT ADS AYLMER ' BOSTON 14 02. COMPARE AND SAVE Beans with Pork Only 2 Tins 59t rch N. . zie. came s bat f been ere for ices a donan n Octo frictur e. a' tree STILL A FEW WALLPAPERS CLEARING AT 1/2 PRICE N%\\•••\•\•N N...\\‘•\%%%••••••\\%•••••••%%\NAN%•%•N••••••••14.••••••••0\ NOW 01111. M • ARCH VID ALL 1974 STOCK WALLCOVERINGS Including Some New Drystrippable Sun Vinyl Patterns Now In. Stock _REGULAR PRICES $1.69 to $5.95 per single roll mQzfi4g5-?qqg:,q3416sk.ii.?aNEP 0 . Play "WHO AM I" Contest PHONE 528.3434 ,ftanzaftl"mi"momemmnftww,vEmiA jorie MacDonald, R.R. 1, Dalke- ith; Ken McIntyre, R. R. 1, Price- Ville; Jan Whitehead, Teeswater; C.L. Hamilton, secretary-treasur- er , Junior Farmers' Association of Ontario; Ross Gowan, R.R. Jarvis; Helen Gillespie , R.R. 5 , Cambridge (Galt); Unavailable for the photograph was Laurel Bain; R.R. 1, St. Marys. ' Janet Whitehead , daughter 'of Mrs: Pearl Whitehead Teeswater , a second year student at the Guelph University, organized, coached and ."called" 'for the group. ninip."....indne wourwp THAT Mr. .• and Mrs. Huntley Dawson of, the 2nd concession of Kinloss returned Friday after a month's vacation in Naples , Florida . • THAT names of former residents continue to arrive for the Luck- now Reunion invitation list . All names and addresses may be left at The Lucknow Sentinel and should be written out in advance THAT. Mr. and Mrs. John Plaster of R.R. 7, Lucknow, who spend the winters in Toronto, attended the taping of 'the T. V. show Front Page Challenge for February 5 and February 12 showing. The taping was done. in their Toronto Studios. OLIVET Visiting on Sunday with Mrs. W. R. Hamilton were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Million of St. ThOrnas: , and Mrs • Oscar ,White were in Parkhead on Saturday attending 10% Off YOUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATING CENTRE LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. ,WALLPAPER AND C-I-L PAINTS VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 28, MARCH, 1, 2 PHONE LUCKNOW 52114411 HELM . - CULBERT .Mr. .-and 'Mrs. Mervyn Culbert,: R.R. 4 Ripley are pleased. to announce the, forthcoming ',marriage •of their daughter, Ai Rene,' to Richard Thomas Helm son of 'Mr and • Mrs Wilfred H of R. R. 1, Tivertori. The weld' will take plaCe on Saturday, March 23rd , 1974 'at.3 St. Andrew's United Church, Ripley.. brand knoW t Store adver e,., age Luck rgaret err Sau eds hal urday, e in the , and don fog owners ye Ls. t .Ma Stedm, re he .h years: oaloomma. DRENNA N STOT HERS. Mr and Mrs .'Arnold Stothem of R.R. 6 Goderich , Ontario ate pleased to announce the engage ment of their daughter Dianne Joyce to Eric Henry Drennan,sm of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Drennan of,R.R. 7 Lucknow , Ontario, Tit wedding will take place on SO day..., March 30th , 1974 at four O'clock in Nile United Church, Nile,. Ontario. the funeral of Oscar's sister -in. law , Mrs. Herb White. Mr. and Mrs. Ted White and Allan and Mrs. 'Oscar White lief in London last Wednesday ands visited with Mr '. and Mrs, Bert White and family of Bin. • Mrs: Elmer. Osborne is visiting for a few days with her daughttl: and son-fn-law , NIL and 'Mrs, Ray Pennington and family of Teeswater,. 000 layton dairy 2000th etation minty . Ste( n inter e Fed,