The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-27, Page 3wiliwasppo • V. 004111010101 RED& WHITE FEATURE! — ASSORTED • HEINZ Strained, • FOODS 43/4 Fl. Oz. Jars F R ky, FERR r, UARIt 2 .1924 THE LLICKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKING% ONTARIO PAGE THREE FEATURE! — BEEF OR IRISH, 25 FL Oz. Tin CORDON BLEU STEWS 69c FEATURE! — QUICK 4870Z. OR INSTANT 44-0Z. QUAKER OATS Package 77C FAMILY AUCTION and SHOPPING SMUT! ROASTED ' Lb. •Bag CHASE it. SANBORN coffee 99c DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION DOG FOODS 15‘Fl. Oz. Tins 5 for $1 CHIPITS BAKING CHIPS • 12-01:. cello 69c n n n n n . n n n MI IN. n n n n NOTICE Hall's Red & White WILL BE Closed Mondays tioPeit/' All Day Thursday FEATURE! — BATHROOM MODERNE Tissue 21011Uack 39c FEATURE! FANCY QUALITY AYLMER , TOMATO: JUICE 19 rt, °L 5i 99c Best Buy I - Strawberry or Raspberry 24 Fl. Oz. Jar AYLMER PECTIN JAMS SUPRESIE IR to Pkg. . NOT CROSS Buns 59c peRAIF SULTANA ' • 'RAISINS 24-oz. $1.19 ENTER THE WHO. AM CONTEST meat MAPLE LEAF DINNER PORK SHOULDER FULLY COOKED $1.29 lb. RED to WHITE STORE PHONE 5283001 • • n n n • • • a ▪ - a n n • inumummumlionammusummmumummummummummmummumumminummimumummimmu Ralph Foster. Is Fe i l4eraton President i attend these hearngs and bring held, he said and urged farmers tc forth their' ideas so' farmers.will Slides Of California. Trip ' not be left out of a new OffiCial plan. fills'the shoes of Vince Austin who was president for the last two, years. About one hundred members attended themeeting Visitors during last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Wraith, Lucknow included Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wraith and family of Sarnia , Ed Blackwell of Lucknow , Mr. and Mrs Gordon, Fowler of Goderich, Mrs. Elizabeth Suter and Mr. and. Mrs. Rod Wraith .and family of Wingham and Mrs. Gertrude. Walsh of Kinlough. Howard Agnew of. Lucknow is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. i , Mr. and Mrs. George, Joynt of Lucknow have returned from a holiday in Florida. Lloyd Ashton of Lucknow who is vacationing in Hollywood Beach, Florida underwent gall bladder surgery on Friday at Doctor's Hospital in HollYwood. He was hospitalizedrnatray-Wheii took suddenly ill. Ralph Foster was elected presi- dent of the Ashfield Township Federation of Agriculture at the annual meeting held in the Brook- side Public School. Mr, Foster Rev. and Mrs. H.L. Jennings of Wroxeter were in Lucknow on , Monday of this week and guests of. Rev. and Mrs. George •Garratt Monday evening' Mr . Jennings attended the Centennial Commi- ttee meeting'of St. Peter's Angli- can 'Church. He 'was minister at St. Peters from 1952 1960. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings now live retired in Wroxeter. , Kendra Purdon of Whitechutch spent the weekend with her grand- mother Mrs. Hazel Purdon of Luc know . •Mrs. Gordon Ritchie of Lucknow has been a, patient in Wingharn tH9igtfia.ii0Spital for the,,,Nst two weeks. , Th'e Election, of Offic'ers resulted as follows; President , Ralph Foster; Vice-President, Merle Gunby; Secretary-Treasurer , Pat Livingston; Directors: Mr. and Mrs Dirk Logtenberg , Mr. and Mrs., Douglas Cameron, Mr. and .Mrs. CliffOrd Livingston. Mr. Adrian Vos, .1st Vice Presi- dent of the Huron County Federat- ion of Agriculture advised there are' now over 2000 • Individual Service Members in the County. He complimented outgoing President, VincerrrAustin on the time and effort he had put into helping increase the member- ship td its present number. • The reeve of Ashfielci Township gave a short address announcing thai township planning will comm -erree-thisyear,Reating.s.All„be,.. Mrs. Warren Zinn took the aud- ience on a tour 'of California. It proved, to be very interesting as She led them through vineyards, and wine cellars, on farms, and Disney-land. to the Rose Parade and the San Diego Zoo. She shOw,-,, ed and spoke on date palms and an unusual heavy snowfall on palms and desert. Concluding her show were slides of Huron County and they proved to be the most beautiful of all. The township federation now has 146 members. Vince Austin ann- ounced that the county federation has just this week signed up the 2000 th member. "This" , he said, "is a Milestone that no other county even approaches." A draw was held for 2 bags of mineral dor ated by Robert Farrish and. was woi by Ross Eedy and DorOthy Grange. The RED CROSS 1. Ir. and Mrs'. Ezra Stanley of know were recent visitors with and Mrs. Dan Tolefson of rt credit and Mr ..and Mrs. my Bedford of Toronto. hn Vanderveen of Lochalsh has :n 'a patient in Kincardine I pital for the past three weeks. ll ButtonOf Lucknow 'came e on Monday of last week University Hospital, London, re he was a patient for almost e Weeks and underwent surg- ck Henderson of Lucknow urned home Saturday from ngham and District Hospital Jere he was a patient for close 6 weeks. „ and Mrs. Torn ylcDonald_ 1ph were recent visitors in know with Mrs. John Emerson.