The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-13, Page 30renovate wIth trimisommiamitsissiso "4" In.„yfra&a34-1-..z.m.r - .1110 LUCKNOW LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAR Y 2 0 1974 • CONGRATULATIONS ARLENE At the recent Sadie Hawkins dance Arlene Tranter was crown-, ed the 1974 Valentine Queen by last year's queen Margie'Collins. Janice Reeves was Arlene's, first princess and SUSan Carter was named as the second runner-up. All Me girls are students of Level three at R.D.S. In fact, two years ago, Arlen,e's older stster Debbie was the reigning Valentine Queen. Maybe it's a R.D.S. first in history when two Valentine Queen's have come from the same family I BASKETBALL Valentines Day proved quite successful as both the Senior and Junior girls won their final season "games over Wiarton. True, the Seniors didn't have the greatest season but shey ended the B.I.A. series with a 27 - 18 victory. Joan Courtney, Mary Needham and Kathy Farrell chalked up the points for Ripley... The Juniors ended the season on EDITOR,. DIANNE IVIacKAY ASSISTANTS, JANICE REEVES AND WAYNE NICHOLSON ON /NCONIE .TAX YOU. SAVE FOR RETIREMENT Up to $4,000 a year may be deduct- ible for income tax purposes from your income if you invest it in a REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN while you also guarantee yourself a monthly retirement income for life. Ask me for details. Wm. J. Kinahan R .R .2 LUCKNOW PHONE WINGHAM 3 57 -1987 .SUN LIFB OF CANADA IPLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL $14.65 Per Panel JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LTD PHONE 528-3118 LUCKNOW DeLuxe: Pre finished • Birch Panels j " thick Size 4' x 8' Several folk from here attended a social evening for Herb Clayton, held at- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy McCharles. Herb, who has moved to Wingham , was present- ed with a recliner chair from the community. Miss Carol Coiling of Milton a triumphant note as their playing abilities led to winning the • entire series. Laurie Coiling, Janice Farrell, Donna Gallant and Priscilla Zipfel combined their talents in order to defeat Wiarton by .a 22' - 13 score. March 2nd is the 'day for the B. L A. playoffs in. Walkerton. 'If you're not busy why not travel over to Walkerton and give the girls all your sup4prt. A little support can go a LONG way! Presentation To Herb Clayton OLIV.ET NEWS CONTINUED,FROM PACE 1 The place they visited was the aid St. Augustine beef ring where Torn had butchered beef for 48 years until it disbanded in January of 1970 four years ago. • For many, many years Toinmy, as he is known to many of his friends, did the butchering for a 'number of beef rings in the area and the St. Augustine ring was the last to close. As many as 50 families belonged: to the ring and each presented beef for slaughter on a systematic basis. The sharing was all properly recorded to make sure each mein- ber •was treated evenly and. fairly. Slaughtering was done the night before with the beef picked up in the early morning. The beef was divided among the members week- ly , and in a day when food freez- ers:were unhearct of, or at least nix within the budget of everyone, the beef ring -provided a means whereby everyone could have fresh beef each week. The headquarters for the St. Augustine beef ring was located on the 6th of West Wawanosh, just west of St. Augustine store. As can •be seen in the above photos, with Tom making an inspection, the building has deteriorated thiough lack of use over The past 4 years. The small piece of property and buildings were recently sold for taxes and , unfortunately, the history surrounding the old build- ing and its activity each Week for almost half a century , will soon be only a memory and eventually a legend. Tommy is still actively engaged in the butcher business and each day can be Seen behind the count- er at Button's Meat Market in Lucknow: Mrs. Walter Black and Joyce visited on Saturday with Mr.. and lvir". Henry Howe of LiStowel: spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coiling, Mary Ann , Brent and/Shawn.. Mr. and Mrs.• Doug Moore and children of Ripley visited on Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White. • `Miss Joanne Hamilton is spend- ing •two weeki with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hamilton and Jennifer of Hanover and will be practise teaching •at the Walkerton High School. Several from this area attended the Sadie Hawkins dance on Fri- day evening in the Ripley District' School. Congratulations to Arlene Tranter , who was chosen QUeen and to her'prineesses, Janice Reeves and Susan Carter. GIRLS' HOCKEY • The 'Girls' Hockey Team from Ripley .won 4 - 1 against Tiverton on Tuesday, February 12, '1974 at. Ripley. Priscilla Zipel, Jane Anne Coiling, Brenda Fair, and Donna Gallot scored' the goals for Ripley. We wish the team luck in further games. VOLLEYBALL The giris'and boys volleyball teams are competing on Saturday February 16, 1974 at the county RIPLEY HURON NEWS •-•, TOM WEBSTER finals at' Brant Gent"" i1 ton. .• GRADES 5 - 6 Everyone in our classrOom was to make projects on any Composer, • Only three people, could do one composer but they had to do it alone. We all got along very well with 'our posters. • FLOOR HOCKEY by SusanCoOk and Judy Kane On January 14, the floor haCkey games started'. The'Girl Captains are Jane Farrell, Shannon. Court- ney, Joanne Pollock" Mary Mae- Kay , Elaine MacTayiSh. and • .. .Heather 'MacDonald.. The Boy •Captains are Jeff Ma cTaVish,. Eoin MacKay., Russell Milatz, Brian Regier , Paul Coiling and Frank Storey , Ne5itt week:we are. going to start the•playoffs and we wish them. luck. So far .for girls' teaMs, Heather's team has 4 points ,. Elaine's team has 5 points, Mary's team has 8 •' points, Shannon's team has 10 points , Jane's team • has .12 points and Joanne's tearri has 8 points. So far' for the boys.' teams,' Frank'S team has 5 points , Paul's... team. hai 6 'points , Russell's team has 10 points, Brian's team has 7 paints , .Jeffs team has 13 .points and Foiri's',tearn has ll points. GRADE SiN CAMPING TRIP by Debbie Fair ,and Susan Dawson ..On Friday,. February -9th,, we ag-t—EiP4-,- We. N_ to 1)04 a potato, vegetable meat and other things. 'We prepat, ed our f90d and wrapped, it in tip foil. At 10:30 we put On our snow., mobile suits , had our, pictures taken and headed out on our hike, It seemed like it took us, an hour to reach. Jack "Dory" MacDonald' p wowoeds. arrived. We got into work groups to build a fire. Most grou had trouble keeping their fires going as .they hadn't collected enough wood. OnCe the' fires did get started, we constructed stands from which we hung cans of water. When the water boiled' We enjoyed hot chocolate. Our. food ,was cooked on the hot coals of the fire. It was deliciOus, Then we went over to our teach- er's fire where he made biscuits for all of us. He was going to make a raisin pie but we forgot she grill. Everybody said the biscuits were good. We made frames for tents and platfOrms on which to set our equipinent and food. We were going to, make plaster casts of animal tracks but we .didn't have time to complete thert We carefully' put out our camp- fires and cleaned up our campst. es before our long walk back to school. • When we returned to school we were tired , but eager to' go camp. ing again soon. The Simplicity' W615 Offers perma -press and normal wash cycles, with 5 wash and rinse temperature selections.... including cold wash. The W615's.... leisure living'at an economy price!! "FEATURES spee&dependable Motor, solid tab construction, and Simplidity's whisper7' drive transmissiOn". Choose heat temperatures from high medium and fluff ....Choose perma press with a cool-down period , or regul- ar dry cycle, ..Chaose safe, economical drying with Sim- plicity's system of low heat and high air flow ....the Choice' is simple . it's ‘SimpliC ity "FEATURES.2 cycle tinier, stainless steel lint traps". Greer T.V. And Electric Lucknow ins nu is" nom im NI Immo am isommos Phone 528.3112 West 1, met ary Banc( hers g-wer ono d Hie A dell e lOtt,