The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-13, Page 19a a a n a n n a a a • BREAD DOUGH RHODES 5 to Pack $1 .09 FEATURE! —, BONNIE DOG we CAT F"") 15 #1. oz. Tins • Feature! - Striwberry•or Raspberry -.Erin Brand 24 Fl. Oz. Jar PECTIN JAMS 69c GET ENTER THE WHO.. AM I cONTEST, Y 20 1974 THE A.,UCKNOw SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO :opraiR V iiiiiiiimassoommisimmumamm••••aistmasimaumummummimunitammineiniommonsommiammimmulawaiiimm 00011m° • • • • • • • • • a "N\ Inc Mrs. k'en Webster and vs London spent last' ?..fld in Lucknov. Wm: his We•DECe1. Charles Stewart. ha: return• ter home in Luctmov , hav - en 2 pattern it. A/Any...ham . al for three weeks. anO, Mrs Doug Ahooti, and' ter Michelle o: tallatot last 'week-end Lucknow to parents, M. and Mrs anc farnit\ Fay Hogan of C)wet Sound fast weelt'enc wit!: her is Mr,- and Mts.. •Lot.Hogan,. 'j•ld Towtishir tense Greer, 0: Luothimk ilea home last Frida.• rron, o • bria Hospital, Lor tadoi where L.patient for three weeks incierwent rimier surget\ • . i 1 ,SHROVE AUNT BEST N Feature!' FEATURE! AUNT PAMICAKE FEATURE! Homy pun FEATURE! ALPHA" TUESDAY — =-, PANCAKE. JEN1 JEMINIA ' BUY! ---, FLAVOUR CRYSTALS --- SE1 SHINE' -- STOKELY'S pop - Strawberry or Raspberry - j — LIBBY'S GE . SPAGHETTI OR GATELLI MACARONI i SYRU! I:MANGE E. D. Smith's . TT -1_11 PEAS ...,. MIX! 2.1.b. Pkg. 32 Fl. Oz. Dec. 69t 5.43-0k. to. Poly Bag '3 14 Fl. Oz. Tin 29. .0 . 9 FL Oz. lows / 2,394 19 Fi. Oz. Tins ',: 3 i 4 pi/. 3 1 4 •12FLoz.tilis SEE HIVE • 2.11..1) Tin . GOLDEN 'SYRUP 49c RED PHONE Mrs. William Hogan, of Erten- n du. wee te• the 1 -uite.ra. • ironic , where. the remain. t • rut late ',Nsr Ha.rold kvar resteL. . • :. . . Mr. and . Mrs Dennis Shutt ., ' • rilrite•• WOODtmi 111( ''' 2 ' r ' -Jur' moved, February first to Villidsfc,:' , ;ViLiNCL 0: ;'7.,: j1t.!fell. . attended (Clinton Air Base) They had ' • 'rue tunera •0: M: L).live - T.ratele been living in one of the Anciersoi , w;Soutitainpioi or monda-. 0. i • apartments on Lticitrio main ton weci. street Dennis is employed Ir. •:.,od- ' eridn Their, apartment in Luck- , -Alisse. ,.en, ant Eliz..wert lentnit- now. will be oelcupied by Mrs. ' sot 0 ......ucknov, returnee receritt.- Hael Purdon of BelgraVe. rron a '2. wt.. tiolicia-• a. L'OI.' D aingf, r1,0 NI, • '%•,-irert tile",-is'i--' Cameron •MacDonaid of Luelmov,• ec .witi nor..i,M., iit.nuersol Jill returned home On Monday 'Of this • • ,•vr,- -Inc- )11, t'l. v'''''gri• week from University Hospital., ' • ! London., -where•he was 'a patient ' fox fifteen days. , ,• Mrs Gloria Vincent and . johr ; Mr. and Mrs. las. Hainiltor itine , grandaughter Sherrie of Exeter vis- 1 ited on Surida with Mrs Sadie' 1 , ' Hamilton 1 t Ed WC/unlit-) of 11„ , now havreturned honrie .from. Winghani eospital, ,where war a patient for three week: BEST:BUY! — wo asTSUY! — GREEN Mtn • MBLETS Bran MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS 89 lb. DEVON BACON $1.09 lb. pkg. 5, • over M7 McWhinneY and was • • elected for triree vea:- tern.. Scrutineetr„ tor rite election were .feS42f7e. Carrie( 10' the pro-- Let U :1101 0' P_ p011Cy!101Uef; X11 °i w.dt. 1.11Ctcds.,.. 0' $1.`4.• o7 direr: policie: ii tom. to: COLL. fIS1 0' ,:t4t- ,rmit. year end , ditectors o' nit cornbaM. witchae compie.te.c, theii three yea - tern were ' :•./erale. Kerr anc bet' -A/10.141111111e% • Lreratc. f‘er: 0' war re-elected accianiatior motion kferne bear. and ROI HaLit , her: ,vie Muncie.% 0: Ash-fief( ownstllt Way nominated to: a nitrite . trite.e.--yea: tern.tv, Wigan and Lent( last ,, attchte. Lucknow, Nat chic area torrneri\ server.. n• Wtlinn% Viiltrec Hacker anc Sin Nelson • ' it tine electiOr whict followed , to, f finclue was successful ~rra a a a P. a a a a a a • a a a a - • a a a a n n a a a a 1 a ST..0 528-3001 fltJfrE GAIN Hugn McWhinne: ,appointed now .and' . Ho-gar or Ast,- • her: McWhinne\', Girvir. Reed fie-it were If ,_treat or. Splithr . • • PA GI FRO oppointed Andrev. Ritchie arad i 1 1,, wilted l7)\ the app 001.1.C.',11010er, ' ;inter director, or me company with 'Unite: terms of office are Charles Andersoi of LUCknOtk:', C-eorge Peagan of ' Austin Niartir. of FJ,. Lucknow anc join Nixon. o L , Brussels Agents. of the company'are Donald MacKa. of Ripley f . • 'Mat:Lerman of- Kintail , Mason Robinson, of Wingham Delmar I Sproul of Atiburn The late Fred Mc:Atillin of West Wawa Inosf served as an agent until his sudden death late last year The office of the compan ..tocated at Dungannon and Frank F Thompson is 'the sectetarv- treasurer Mrs Cora E. Thornpsor assistant secretary-treasurer A7 a meeting o' the directors:, following the annua I meeting,, (Jerald Kerr was re-elected for Ills sec one tern at company preti- dent and join Nixon was named vice preesident, -