The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-13, Page 17WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 20, .1974 .Stinglip_Cppy Peed Butchered There. For 48 Years talgic Visit For Old St. Augustine West Wawanosh Mutual Has-±Htlitstifetfak In Company :History Webster To ef Ring Tom Webster of Dungannon, well known to Sentinel readers in * a wide area , took a tfostalgic trip with members of his family at Christmas tithe': Tom didn't travel far , only a few miles from his Dungannon home and just up the road from • his former farm on the 6th of West Wawanosh. CONTINUED, ON PAGE 14 The •annual meeting of the West Wawanosh• Mutual Fire Insurance Company attracted about •75 policyholders to the Dungannon Agricultural Hall on Friday , Feb- ruary 15th. President Gerald Kerr of• R. R. 6 , Goderich, chaired 'the meeting. The company had a very succ- essful year with a net gain of $161,933 , the highest ,in the history of the company. Last year's net gain was $58,559. With the risk of the company increasing from ' year to year, it is more important that larger CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 Ontario Noosing Purchase Property In Ripley For Senior Citiz0t...Re*idente. A survey was, recently conducted in Ripley and results of the survey indicated a need for the 25 unit building. It is expected that an architect will shortly be engaged to draw plans for the structure. The Ontario Housing Corporat- ion has purchased property , in the village of Ripley for a 25-. unit senior citizens residence. The Sentinel talked with Murray Gaunt , M. P. P. for Huron -Bruce , who confirmed the purchase on. Monday of this week. The• prop- erty purchase was made from Murray Pollock in the south-east• corner of the village, sotith-east of the residence of Don McLay: It is a 4 1/2 ,acre parcel. , ctive on. Monday , Match Stuart Reavie of Lucknow become the owner of gomery. MotOrs Tractor Div- . He has 'purchased the ess from Gordon Montgomery know who has operated the equipment business for the 25 years. The business ated on Inglis Street , north post office. Gordon Mont- y will continue to operate tomobile dealership and on the main street. Stuart Reavie has, been an em- ployee of Mr. Montgomery since 1964 and has been manager of the Tractor Division since 1969. The new dealership mill• continue to feature Ford , New Idea and Farm- hand machinery and will be known as Reavie Farm. Equipment. Employees in the business Jim Morrison , Bob Cranston, Doug Martyn and Wayne Elliott will continue under the new owner- ship. Mrs. Alan Barger will con- tinue as bookkeeper. Reunion Committee •Issues Proclaniation That Beardi Are `'The In Thin •g" For Celebration beards 'are "the in thing" for all reunion and has proclaimed that . has' decided that beards:would be • successful July 1st weekend gentlemen of the area. by the committee that all men Ist to July 1st of 1974. must cease shaving from March the order of the day for a lucknow Reunion Committee A local bylaw has been passed sum of $1. heart.. times and the carrier must be in a position to produce the card solved the problem and will have Which gives the holder permiss- ion to shave for that period for the ittee member Jim Peterson has, for sale at an early date a card in this awkward situation, comm- The card !must be carried at all For those who find themselves • when requested by a committee member. Of course, there will be solutions to the problem of those who' may not find it convenient to carry their card. They will be, allowed to buy another for a further $1 if they happen to leave theirs at home. Council Briefs Lucknow Village Council met on Tuesday of last week for their regular meeting. In the absence of Reeve George Joynt - WhO was vacationing in Florida , senior councillor Murvin Solomon was in the chair. • * • • A. W. Clark, who has been teaching 'at F.E. Madill Sec,onda- ry School in Wingham , appeared before council to adviie of his services as an engineer. He has opened a new office in Wingham. • • * • The tender of the Wingham CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 Stuart Reavie Purchases Montgomery .Motors, Tractor ' Division, Takes Over March 4 • • Of course they realize that there must be exceptions to the rule for some men who find that beards do not conform with their style of life , or who might find that their love life might be , Severely restricted for that period by a tender faced wife or sweet- mminnuniummuntounninoun114111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11ifinimumninninommunffinifinie Two-Housing Subdititision, Afrot.1.04130i.icting Lots, Approved ay RiFiley.'Cciuncil nocked Unconscious And Injured n Fall Down Basement Stairway . Walter Forster, who es in Huron Township about le south-east of Ripley, suff- severe head injuries in a fall the basement steps at her 9n Saturday ; February 2nd. -motion stipulated that no capital outlay was to be included. Members of the Lucknow Arena Committee , Murvin Solomon of Lucknow , Don Bell of Kinloss and" Grant Eckenswiller of kinloss attended the meeting to discuss Prelithinary approval has been given to two housing subdivisions in the village Of 'Ripley. Ripley village council has given its approval and the plans have been forwarded to the Provincial planning department in Toronto. What, has been proposed for the village of Ripley is two separate developzents,of about 50 servic- ed. lots each. They are located tlio matter with West ,Wawanosh Council, After their departure the propos- al was discussed at length and on a motion of Joe Hickey •and Leo Eoran the lO% contribution was approved. in the north 'end of the village on farm property of the late Bert _ MacTavish and more recently Mrs MacTavish'. The property is just north of the' Curling Rink in Rit7,1ey on both sides of the highway. / Two subdivisions are being prop- osed. MacTavish Place , of about 20 tcres , is located on the west side 61 the county road., The developer Arena Costs Up until this me , the contrib- uting municipalities to the Luck- now, arena operational committee were Lucknow Midas and Ashfield. Lucknow assumed 50%' of the annual operating expenses Kinloss and Ashfitld each picking up 250/o. . who recently purchased the property and who is seeking \appli- cation to proceed with the 'development is Taurum Invest- ments Ltd. of Kitchener. They CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Jack. Wilson Remains In A Critical Condition Jack Wilson of Hamilton, a native of this community, whO, was very seriously injured in a car accident in that city on Janu- ary 2, retnains in critical condit- ionln Hamilton General Hospital. Jack underwent further surgery on Tuesday of Vitt week and is still in the intensive care unit. Mrs. Forster can recall nothing from around 10:30 that morning, when she was sewing at her sew- ing-machine,, until around one CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 t Wawanosh'Township cil, at their February ing, agreed to become part Lucknow Arena Operation ittee and voted to contrib- Ookof the annual operating es of the arena. The ost Wawa-nosh To Assume Shoe. Of mi.iiilliiiiiimmoiminnimumunm1101111111111101111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111mminpiminumionulolumni!mimmiii notninuminnuannoninninumlnimliminunilinni