The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-13, Page 15Im 0. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIFTEEN Egg FEBRUARY 13 197 4 ARNOLD'S GENERAL STORE R.R. 7 Lucknow Lanes ® Phone 529-7248 SPLENDOR SPAGHETTI OR MACARONI 2 lb. pkgo 4k DEVON 'STANDARD PEAS, 14 oz. 2 — 41c WAGON WHEELS, 14 oz. pkg. _ _ _ 5.9c • op ALL 1973 GLIDE SUNWORTHY STOCK WALLPAPERS Ready Pasted 81 Washable WHILE:THEY. LAST U-CAN vtet' • ilf4 44CovERWG AY& SUNWORTHY Sale Price 75c to $1.20 per single roll so -gd „ MARSHMARSH "4" „in ALL 1974 STOCK WALLCOVERINGS Including' Some.New Drystrippable. Sun Vinyl Patterns Now In Stock 0% Off' REGULAR PRICES $1.69 to $5.95 per Single roll Play "WHO AM I” Contest I l'oei9c; YOUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATING CENTRE ett ink ts Township Hold Regulor.Cotiricit MeOting ion grant. $50.00; R. V Walden 1973tax rebate on .cottage burned $80..84; Lucknow Sentinel, swirn- Ming advertisement $1.75; Bruce .. County Treasurer', printing costs On Einergency Plan $25,00; Jack Wraith,. 5 fox bounties $20.00;. Township of Kincardine, Kincard- ine - KinlOss 1970 Assessinent $37:8.9* Luckndw' Sentinel, advertisement and suppliei.$8 .76; DOnald Huffman, 3 fox bounties $12.00; Donald Huffman I wolf loss,TOwnship Council met gular session at 7:15 on uary 4th, the reeve and all 11 present. er the Minutes were adopted , cilaPpointed Harold Smith d• foreman ,until Frank Schu - er is again able, to assume 11 responsibilities as road Inendent. e Clerk was instructed to not- a l Wilson of Ontario Hydro nstallation of another street light in Whitechurch. It was decided to request Bruce County Highway Committee that the speed limit on Bruce County Road No.6 be increased from 5.0 to 60 miles per hour. from Holyrood to Ripley. The following accounts were ordered paid: F. MacKinnon,, tel- ephone $20.75; Wm. Evans, att; waste site $60.00; W.A. Hamilton, fuel Twp. hall $109.10; Bruce County Plowmen's AsSociat- marsra., salary bou ntyand h $55s.e0a0r;c F.e in Re McKinnon,gistyr past Office $383.68; Doris McKinnon, clerical $29.25; Ed. Wise , dance instructor $36.00; Mary,Jacobs , caller's fees $70.00. HtpHWAYS:.F. Schumacher, .pay less deductions $645.47; Har- old. Smith, pay less deductions $664.84; David McKinnon, pay less deductions $579. 80; Chas. Schell, pay less deductions $166.21; Jas. Murray., pay less deductions $159.51; Gerald Doelman, pay less deductions $149.88; Ron McQuillin, pay less deductions $131.73; Receiver Gen- eral of Canada , Unemployment Insurance $111.70, Canada Pensipn Plan $114.16 , Income Tax $315.85 Huron and Kinloss Municipal Telephone System , township garage $15.90; J. W. Henderson Lumber Ltd. , lumber and glass $73.51; McGee Auto Electric , seal beam $1.78; Lucknow ' Sentinel, advertisement $9., 01; J. D. Craig Equipment Limted, grader repair $132.52; Domtar Chemicals Limited , salt $131.41; Murray's General Store, miscell- aneous $13.64; .McArthur Tire Service, grader tires $509.32; Ron Machan Hardware:, oil $4.22i David McKinnon, mileage $6. 30; F.' Schumacher , 'telephone $3 . 49; Jean Schumacher, clerical $27.00 B.P. Oil'Ltd. , diesel, gas etc $872-.59; J. A. McDonagh, Mun- icipal Floater policy $859.00; Robert Symes Construction, haul- ing salt and sand $136.00; Town- ship of Kinloss, Kincardine - Kin- loss...1970 assessment $294.05; Dominion Road Machinery Sales, plow and grader rental $1;177.00; Ray Stanley, snowplowing etc $982.00; Frank Freiburger , 'weld- ing $49.92.' The meeting adjourned unti). February 18th at 8 p.m. • Clerk - Fraser MacKinnon / David Cowls Wingham., receiv- ed injured ribs while 'playing broorpball at the Wingham Arena. Kenneth Harrison, age 16 Gorrie , lost control of a car he was driving on Huron County Road 7 and struck a tree near Top Notch Feeds.. Mr . Harrison- was admitted via ambulance with multi laCer- ations to .facg and, right leg, • fractured left leg, concussion and shoCk. A passenger , 'Gregory Stephens, age 16,, Gorrie , was admitted via ambulance with facial lacerations and injured ankle. Investigated by Wingham, O. P. P. Ricker Randy Zinn age 16 , R. R. 3 Wingham, lost control of his car February '6 on Ccincession'6 and 7 of East Wawanosh, broke several guard rails and 'went. into a deep ditch: He received contusion to hips and .arms and, Was adMitted to hospital.' .. Frank BorigertMari, R.R. 3 Tees- water , received painful injuries to his right leg when a tree he was felling , fell on his leg. . ZION Treat injuries At Hospital Grant Rumble , Wingham , driver of a car on' Highway 4., between Wingham and. Belgrave, attempt- ed to make .a left hand, turn and was struck by another car' on - Fe,bruary 4.. Mr. Rumble suffered.- shock, but was later releases'. • Mrs. Linda Rumble, Wingham, passenger in the car , received a • whiplash injury , but was later released. Investigated by Wing- ham 0.P.P. Arponen. • FINLAY CORAT RS L'UCKNOW, ONTARIO . WALLPAPER AND C.I.L PAINTS PHONE 528.3434 EARLY HISTORY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 only entry. The story about Lucknow which was written in 1879 and was found in the Archives, lists the names of a few of the district pioneers who played an important role in building a better community more than a century ago. It is a pity ' there is so little known about them now. Some of their descendants are readers of the Sentinel. Old trunks are bound 'to contain early records which would be of special interest to the Ontario Archives. If you have any records dealing with the early settlement of Huron or Bruce, I am sure The Sentinel will be glad to hear from you, and pass along your information to the appropriate local committee. Mrs. Morris Jerome spent the week-end in Hamilton visiting friends. Bryan Ritchie completed his 2nd semester at 'Ridgetown Coll- ege and is how enjoying week's holidays at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey'Ri'tchie and Mel. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Radcliffe, Tom and Jim of Guelph spent Saturday at their farm' home. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wilkins visited his sister , Mr. and Mrs. Hpward Carlaw of Paisley , Sun- day. afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Swan and family attended the Carling Curl- ing tournament held in Listowel on Saturday morning. They visit- ed in the afternoon at the home of her brother , Mr . arid Mrs. Terry Emmerton of Harriston, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Stanley of .Lucknow visited with her aunt and uncle , Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook and family , Saturday . evening: CARPETING CUSHIONFLOR AND LINOLEUM DRAPERIES 01