The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-13, Page 11DNESDAY FEBRUARY 13 , 2974 Dungannon nitid -Ch-ortly - Report Successful Year The annual meeting of Duragann - United Church Was held on hursday, following a pot-luck cheon. A successful, year was ported from all organizations thin the Church., he resignation was received om Frank Pentland after many ars as Superintendent of Sunday hool. Wayne Snyder was, app- nted as Sunday School perintendent and Bob McNeil as istant superintendent . Mrs, J. M. Reed resigned, after ally thirty years as MisSion and rvice Treasurer. Mrs. Robert in was appointed to fill this st. Mrs. Arthur McMichael was' pointed to replace Miss Karen vett, as. organist, • Anniversary date is to be Sept..- bet 22nd, was announced the "World's y of Prayer" will be held in ngannpn pnited Church on rchl st at 2 p.m,.Speaker will Father Dettinger: Kingsbridge, BROWNIE NEWS hrownies opened their' meet- g on Tuesday, February 5th with o games, "Promise , Law and tto", and a Japanese game ukiyaki". airy Queen Bonnie'Purees' set up e Toadstool for Brownie Ring. e Sixers collected Brownie Gold d Snowy Owl inspected a neat &complete uniform. t works period Judy Hunter, and ne Hamilton went•to Brown l's home to learn compass and t aid. Snowy Owronducted pping games With' Bonnie Purves ce McInnes, Michelle Humph- , Sandra,CampbelPand Tracey Donagh passing this test. Other' is passed were Judy Hunter cel, Michelle Humphrey ' ee interesting things of nature Luanne' MacLeod tying a THE eorgian may Community Orchestra PRESENTS FAMILY FUN THROUGH MUSIC A program of multi-mood music from the waltz to the march, from the old to the contemporary. feituring: JAMES AHRENS, TRUMPETER PORT ELGIN OWEN SOUND FEB, 23, 8 P.M. FEB. 24, 3 P.M. SAUGEEN 'CENTRAL P.S. W.H.S.S. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR • Students 75e Adults $2.00 Children of subscribers admitted free ‘1111MIWIN111111110.111114.1.1 Looking for More Dollar Value? WATCH THE PAPER AND RADIO FOR ...Johostones :Furniture Starting in March WHITECHURCH BASKETBALL The Ripley Juniors are in first place in the B.I.A. basketball standings. Examples inckide their 27 - 14 victory over the Wiarton juniors , trouncing, the Sacred Heart.to the score of 29 - 4 and a recent' February. 7th game that concluded in a close 23 -:16 win for Ripley. 'Top scorers for Ripley include Laurie Coiling, Donna Gallant, Janice Farrell and PrisCilla Zipfel. Congratulations girls, and keep on yoUr winning ways! The senior girls have'played their best in some very close gaines. Against Wiarton they were defeated by a 3.7 - 28 score with Kathy' Farrell chalking up sixteen points. You might not be winning any games girls , but we're still proud of you anyway! 0 REMEMBER Help Your RED CROSS TO HELP WE SERVICE OLKSWAGONS WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF USED AND 1, RECONDITIONED VOLKSWAGON ENGINES PRICES ON ENQUIRY- Tayloi's Gctrage and Used Cars Al BERVIE PHONE 365-2634 rr THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW,I ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN Vifititehurch Unite_d____Church Held Annual WHITECHURCH NEWS On' Thursday evening the United Church held their :annual meeting in the church , a fair crowd in attendahce. From January - June the minister was K.I. DeKoeijer and from July to Decerriber ,LawerenCe King. The secretary-treasurer is Millan Moore and organist Mrs. Garnet Farrier. There were two deaths , two baptisms and two weddings record- ed. There 'are 51 resident mem--: bers , 19 non -resident;' members removed by certificate 4. The i financial report showed expenses had been Mei and a balance on hand. The officers of the U.C. W. are president, Mrs. Millan Moore; secretary , Mrs. Dave Gibb; corr- esponding secretary , Mrs. Ben McClenaghari; treasurer, M6. Albert /Coultes . The U. C. W.' has a membership of 17, and meets the first Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. A Christmas bale valued at $98.00 was sent to Fred Victor Mission and a copper collection of $4. 00 was ,sent to the "Fellow- ship of the Least Coin". The. Sunday School with Clifford Laidlaw superintendent , se6retary- treasurer Elmer Sleightholm , pianist Earl Thornpson , teachers Mrs. Garry Chapman, Charles Thompson, Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw , Garry Chapman and Cradle Roll Mrs. ivarrLaidlaw , had a very successful year with a good att- endance and a. closing balance. The Messengers under the lead- ership of Mrs. George Thompson, Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and Mrs. • Garry Chapman had a membership of 22 and held 9 meetings with an average attendance of 12. „The Messenger president was Jack WhytoCk , vice president ,Mtirra y Gibb, secretary Ken Quipp, treas- urer 'Calvin .Quipp press secretary Donna Thompson, telephone - secretary Linda Wore. At the close of the meeting liinch was served. Brownie' tie. Janice McInnes had a note for working in the kitchen and keeping her room tidy. The meeting closed with.the Squeeze and Taps. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt of Wingham are visiting this week at Ajax with Mr. and Mrs. Don Dir- stein and family. yisitots on the ,week end with Mr. arid Mrs.. George Fisher were Mr. and Mrs, Bill Fisher and fam- ily of-Don Mills.; Mr. and Mrs., Gordon Fisher and family ,• Mr.. and Mrs. Bob Estey, , alrof Guelph; Mr. and MrS. Carman Machan of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs: Bill Gibson and family. We are pleased to report George Fisher of Wingham was: able to return home. from. 'Wingham Hospit• al on Monday. Quite a few from here attended the ice carnival in Wingham on Saturday,night. To carry out the ground hog tradition of seeing, his shadoW and six weeks more winter weather , . on the' week end 'we had snow and wind along With colder temperat- ure, • Y.P.S. BOWLING PARTY On Saturday evening Whitechurch' Young Peoples society held their social evening at Wingham Bowling Green when 21 enjoyed bowling. After, the games all returned to Miss Judy Jamiesons and enjoyed a pizza. lunch. The next y.P.S. meeting will be held at Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligans in two weeks' • when Cecil De Boer will have charge of the study. Mt. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray arrived home Saturday evening • with Mrs. Angus Fakoner after visiting last week with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Purdon and Mr. and -Mrs. Angus Falconer of Strath- roy. ' Mr. and. Mrs. Richard Turner of Aurora and Mrs. Don Jackson of Elmira were Wednesday callers on Mrs .. Eunice Gillespie. PUBLIC SPEAKING The secondary students and staff held an assembly on February 8th held in conjunction with the Legion Public Speaking conteSt.. Mr. Reuban• Burnett acted as the chairman for this event that saw a total of eleven orators speak before the school. The majority of the speakers competed in the Junior Divisicin in which Jane Anne Coifing was announced the winner and Cheryl McGarvey and Joan Henderson were the second and third runner -ups respectively. 'Visiting' was Jane Anne's topic while Cheryl spoke 'on 'Drugs' and Joan's speech"was based upon • 'Dreams'. Other speakers includ- ed Heather Boyle (Chiidren's Aid Society) and Jeff Rouse (Why?).. Kevin Cook (SpOrts) Bill Farrell (SnoW). Mrs. Katherine ,Collins then preiented a crest to Jeff whci is representing R. D. S. at the pub- lic speaking contest which will be held in Chesley. The senior • division saw Sally Elliott.taking first place with Debbie Tranter and Dianne MacKay taking second and, third place. 'Sex Role Stereotype' was 'the basis of Sally's speech,. while Debbie spoke on the 'Canadian Indian'. Dianne spoke on 'Sudden Awaken- ings' and JuliesReeves with' her topic of 'Barbara Mackie , 83 Hours Ti'l Dawn' .made up the fourth contestant in the female - 'dominated senior division. The three judges for this event includ- ed Rev . Cecil Carnochan from St.' Andrew's United Church, Ripley; Rev. RObert Nicholls of the Lucknow United Church and the principal of the Ripley, Huron Central School, Floyd Stanley. 4-H FORESTRY CLUB Under the supervision of Ab Wylds and Sam Malhotra , the 4-H Forestry Club is busily prepar- ing for the spring plantings of their trees. The club, which totals about twenty members, were selecting the' young trees for planting at their February 7th meeting. DISTRICT. : SCHOOL. EDITOR, DIANNE *acICAY ASSISTANTS, JANICE REEVES AND6WAYNE NICHOLSON SADIE HAWKINS DANCE once again the Student's Conn- cil of R.D.S. are reminding the / entire 'world that Friday. February 15th is the date of the Sadie. Hawkihs.Dance. "Walrus" is play- ing for tut dance that goes from *9 til 12. Pont! forget the dance regulations that accompany our R.D.S. dances 1) you must have a student's Card or 2) be an ex R.P.H.8. student or '3) be signed in at office no later than 3:30 p.m. the day of the dance.- _ __ k•- REACH FOR THE TOP The team went to, CKNX on February 8th to tape their second game: Roy Ferguson, Brian Mac- Kay , Wayne Nicholson and Gail Messenger with Liz MacKay act- ing as the spare .made a fine showing against the foursome from the Walkerton District Secondary School. T he final score was a mere 15 point margin between the two teams. iviarch.2nd at 1:30 is theNdate of the game between' Ripley and Owen Sound on CKNX. Wingham and the second game Will be aired on Mardli 23rd.