The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-13, Page 7For Farm, Town and country Home Owners Can You Use $1,600. to $20,000 ? If you can afford monthly payments' of 11,83 you may. borrow ... .. OA you may borrow Oil you may borrow . 177.89 you may harrow :...„ ......... - , The abOve Loans based on 121/2 70 pee annum 3otrow for any worthwhile purpose: To .consolidate your debts, fix the oar, buy cattle, or a cottage! last •,- Courteous tervite.:— Pleaise Call • , . Gerald H. Wolfe IALMERSTONI 3434632 Representing Arnold Highrnan Realty Ltd. Kitchener, 1-519-744-6251 Member of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association y C14600 • $5 000. $7,000 etc. REPORT KINCARDINE anuary, 24, at 11:30 p. m'. able Daulby investigated vehicle aCcident on High- 6 at theJunctiOn of Ashfield >ad 9, Bruce Cpunty. Gerald tg, R.R. 1, Ripley, • :ing a salt loaded tractor _combination, while north- bruary is Heart Fund Month! After you turn 21 your parent's OHIP insurance no longer. includes you. You're on your awn. So apply for your. own OHIP number. Don't delay pr you could be walking into an emergency uncovered! Get an appli- cation form from an OH1P District .,\NN Office and send it in immediately.' Important: Always quote your OHIP. number when contacting OH1P. The OHIP District Office, in your area will answer any. questions and help you with your application.. Mississeikpa 55 City Centre Dr 275-2730 Kingston 1055•Princess-St 546-38'1 d' Ottawa 75 Albert•St 237-9100 Thunder Bay 200 South Synthcate Ave 623-513' Windsor' 1427 Ouellette Ave 258.756t Ministry of Health Ontario ..tor 4icrtarc 7 Pbtter monitite Hamilton 25 Main St IN 525-34E' London' 227 Queens Ave .433-456' Sudbury 295 Bond St 6 75-9'' • Toronto • • 21 95 Yon.pe Eghntor 482 THE LUCKNAW SENTINEL LucKnow, ONTARIO bound on the sideroad , had the air brakes fail when applied at the approach to the ,highway. The vehicle crossed the highway and came to rest in the north ditch with minor damage to the front bumper. On January 25 , at 11:3 0 p.m. Constable Daulby investigated a single vehicle accident on COn-. cession A. Huron Township causing heavy damage and minor injuries.:Garry Mac•Kerilie , Erskine , Alberta while northbound lost control of his vehicle striking a mailbox on the east shoUlder , then veered across the road into the west ditch and struck trees.' .'At 1:3 p.m. January 27, Con • stable R. DawSon investigated an accident. pn Highway 86, Huron Townships Gery Anderson, Kitch- ener , while westbound, struck and killed a dog which ran in front of his vehicle causing minor damage damage. Marian Johnstone Heads 4-H Club The second meeting of the Luck'-' now. No. 1 4-H Club was heldton Thursday, February 'Z'at 7:00 p:m. at the Lucknow central Public School. The president opened the' meeting by all of the girls repeat- ing the 4-H pledge: The election df officers,is as fdlloWs: President, Marian Johnstone; Vice President, Nancy Alton; Treasurer , Joanne Ritchie; rotating secretary; Press' Reporter,, Grace Alton. The name of the club is "Magic,, Images'' . They discussed "Little Things That Count". Nancy Ritchie and Marian Johnstone dem- onstrated hand care. They closed With the 4-H creed. Mary McKinnon Club President The first meeting of the Kairshea 4;--1-1 Club "Take A Look At Your- self" was held 'Saturday , February''. 9 at the home of Mrs. Halcienby. The meeting was opened with the 4-H pledge which was follow- ed by the election of officers. They are as follows: President , Mary McKinnon; Vice President , Dorothy Clarke; Secretary , Norma McIntyre; Press Reporter Cheryl Haldenby. The next meeting will be at Mrs Clarke's , Saturday , February 16 , at 1:30 p.m. •Norma IvIcIatyle read a letter concerning Fun Day. Mrs. Halderiby gave a brief outline of the Club and what• members were expected to do. The group discussed "Qualities That Make A Person Attractive"' and "If you thiq, a Self Image is, Important" The' meeting closed with Mrs. HaIdenby serving lunch. True Reflections The second meeting of the Luck- now No, 2 4-H Club, was held Monday, February 11 at '7:00 p.m. at the Public School. The presid-' ent opened the meeting and the' , girls repeated 'The. 4-H 'Pledge Roll call was answered by 9 girls. A vote was held and True Reflect• ions was the name' chosen for the' club. The covers which are green, were passed out. Some girls had cover designs completed and, • others had suggestions: It was decided to use 'Karen Elliott's idea and Diane MacKenzie was to do the cover to use ,as a sample for the rest of the 'girls.. The secretary gave the minutes and these were adopted as read. The treasurer's report was heard. Roll call for next week was given The .meeting was then turned 'over to the leaders for the subject •• matter. "It's the Little' Things That Count" was the topic: Mrs. Boyle discussed the' points of persOnal cleanliness. „ • FOr group work each girl gave herself 'a manicure. The 4-H Creed closed ,the meet- ing and each girl went home with cleaner, more attractive and healthier looking finger' nails. Guest Speakers WHITECHURCH. NEWS Whitechurch•Women's Institute met on Monday February 11 for the' Education and CUltural Activities meeting, at the horne of Miss Merle Wilson. : Miss Wilson president , opened the meeting. with the singing of the Ode and repeating the Creed. The correspondence read was • Provincial President , Mrs. H„.1.,„ Noblett's letter , announcement of 'District,Directors Meeting to be held at Tiverton Presbyterian Church, Ma.rch 19 at,10 a.m. and information on the Federated •• Women's Institute competitions. It was decided not to sell our Public Address System. It was de- PAGE sive. Lowry Farm Systems AMBERLEY 395-5286 Clay -Silo Unloaders -Feeders -Cleaners -Stabling " -Leg Elevators -Liquid Manure Equipment -Hog. Equipment Earmatic -Mills -Augers, etc., Acorn -Cleaners -Heated Waterers VVesteel-Rosco -Granaries Zero -Bulk Tanks -Pipeline and Parlour Equipment B & -Hog Panelling Bulk Tank & Pipe- line Cleaning Detergents_, Teat Dip, etc. Bovadine DYne losan Uddersan Foamcheck Kleeneasy .cided to buy the food for the • , lunch .for the dance on. February. 22 and that cost of lunch be divid 4. - ed amongst, the members, • \. • The roll call was answered by '16 members. There were 9 visit- ors. .Mrs., Dan Tiffin gave a read- ing "A jumbled Sale" Mrs., Dan Tiffin ,`convener of ,Education and Cultural ActiVities, presided for the programme,. • Mrs . Donna Vander Woude , the speaker ., was introduced. She' • started 4 years ago in the Preiby- terian Church to teach retarded children, Whercla child accomp lishes something give them much praise Do not let them form bad habits From the beginning correct them Mrs.' Torn Metcalfe thanked .and presented Mrs , VanderWoude with. a. gift from the . W. Miss Rena Jouwsrna demonstrated flower arrangement with Straw- flowers , Wheat , tares dyed grass, • starflowers , swamp grass." She • was thanked and given a gift by • Mrs. Lorne Durnin., The Motto "Education means developing the ,rriirid not ,stuffing. 'the memory". was given..by 'Mrs. George Fisher. An interesting enjoyable contest was conducted, by Mrs', Dan Tiffin with Mrs. Bill RintouI being the winner. It was also decided to donate $10 to the school. Lunch was served by Mrs. John. Currie , Mrs. .as...McInnei and Miss Merle Wilson.