The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-13, Page 3IS FEATURE! - FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 'NG 'ORANGE BEST BUY! - BATHROOM TISSUE (2 PLY) BABIES on. if LEASE FEATURE! id DETERGENT 2 I 1 24 Fl. Oz. Bottles F 39' 48 Fl. Oz. an_ • • IN n n n n n n n 4 Ill DNESPl' FEBRUARY 130 2974 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 6iisimisommutaisilliitlimillinfiumullialliloiliiiiimminummiiiinimimiiminiismiimimmuniummiummiiimminallimillumlitillmimullellial - . PAGE TN*RE 131111Y5TIFEWIEEK ATURE SERIES An Encyclopedia of Natural History and Ecology ildren wilt love Illustrated Library of FEATURE! - HEINZ FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE BEST BUY! - HOUSEHOLD PAPER FEATURE! VIHITE SW SHORTENINGth Package 16 -Oz. Package KRAFT Cheese Slices BEST BUY! - CANADIAN PROCESS n n n n n n n n n n n BEST BUY! • • KELLOGG', S CornFlakes 16-0x. Package -ov • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • E n n n meat MAPLE LEAF MAPLE LEAF COUNTRY SAUSAGE WEINERS 14 lb. MC lb. pkg. RED& WHITE N Towels 53' 2 Roll Pack • n N. n n n n • a • • • • • • • • iimmuumnisi mumu miuumumnmum . mi mmmn . numumnimminnummommmuominm mu muummEmnmummun_mu .•• I ENTER THE. -RED WHITE STORE WHO AM I CONTEST PHONE 5283001 Work in g 'Drawin gs Being Prepared Ripley Huron District Recreation Complex committee met on Feb- ruary •5. The card party was 'such a succ- ess that Amber or is planned. There are plans for a skateathon in, March... get your sports-ors lined up now so you are all ready fcr the big day. Letters, are being sent out to former residents of the area and the committee would appreciate names and addresses of your friends and relatives. Working drawings are, dow being prepared for the complex and it is expected tenders will be called in March. ill Button of. Lucknow recently erWent surgery at University spiral, London. ill Searle of Lucknow is home m University Hospital; ndon, where he was a patient two weeks following surgery. s. Robert Moffat entered the tival of values contest at ngham last week and won a ffield Cutlery treasure chest. e set consisted of a 10 piece unless steel - 6 sheffield steak yes, 3 piece sheffield carving and treasure cheSt. The entiy s made at one of the Wingham ticipating stores. s. Ray Taylor, Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs; Derwyn Taylor Lisa, Cargill were Sunday sts with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ston., Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mole. of Lucknow have moved from the Montgomery apartment to the apartment in the Joynt Block , recently vacated by Mrs. Elmo Pritchard. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keane, Arlene and Brian of Cardiff, spent from Friday to Sunday visiting their parents, Mr. and yrs. James Keane and Mr. and Mrs. W. G.. Hunter oftucknow Les Ritchie, 'Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Ritchie, Eldon Ritchie and Mrs. Nelson Raynard of Lucknow Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wall, Tees- water , Mrs. Robert. Irvin, Dungan- non, Mrs. Jean Papernick, Goder- ich , Chester Twamley , Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Ritchie of Sarnia attended the funeral of Chester Ritchie in. Detroit last Tuesday.% Les Ritchie of Lucknow spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ritchie of Sarnia. LOCHALSH Spring is in the air. Starlings, CrOws , Robins all have been seen in the area . Spring ploughing is..being done. Eldon Bradley Toughed ten acres on the Jim Bradley farm'recently. Mrs. Maxine Luthe was called on the "Who am I" programme but was unable to identify the person. K. L, MacKenzie , among many others from the Lucknow area , is holidayiag in the South. Mr. and Mrs,. Oliver McCharles enjoyed a holiday in Montreal recently. Congratulations to Dort Ainslie of Toronto in -his recent appoint- ment to the position of Vice Presi- dent Operations of the firm of Long 'Manufacturing Division, Borg-Warner Canada Ltd. The firm manufactures automobile • parts. Don's wife , Barbara Mac - Lennan , 'was formerly of LochaLsh. Many from the area attended the dance in Ripley on Saturday even- ing to the Nortn Durisrnoor orchestra. 'RUBBER STAMPS FROM iUCKNOW SENTINEL KINLOUGH We extend sympathy to Reg Powell in the passing of.hii moth- er, following a lengthy illness. The funeral was held on Wednesday at Toronto. - Mr. and Mrs. 'Clare Sparling and Douglas of Walkerton and Allan Sparling of Wingharn were dinner guests with Mr, and Mrs. Art Haldenby. The Anglican Church Women will meet at the home of Miss Edna Boyle on Thursday afternoon, February 14th with Mrs. George Graham and Miss May Boyle con- veners: We extend sympathy to, Mrs. Victor Gawley of Purple Grove in' the passing of her brother the late Delmar Smith. The Gawleys flew to California on Tuesday to attend the funeral.