The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-06, Page 9PARK GODERICH utooluss 11 Christopher Plummer See it hod pYX" wg1 .VAIS her business... FEB. 10.11.12 Badge 373 - 7:15• p.m. Halsy at 9:00 p.m, A gun in his sock afire iron in his belt and no badge. The story of Eddie. The beltntcolt babe business. '.VEND0114E HQTEL Dining Lounge % N's•VS. N.N.'•104.%%%‘1.1,000••••%%%•‘•••••• SUNDAY SMORGASBORD EVERY SUNDAY 5 TO 7 P.M. FULLY LICENSED UNDER, L.L13.0. • •••••••••• • ••%••••••••• N.••••••%•.S.S. ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING IN THE LOUNGE APPEARING THIS FRI. AND SAT, FEBRUARY 8 AND 9 Walkerton Trio Plus Wed.13 Thu.14 8 P.M. Fri.1 5 sat .1 6 "CI & 8:10 P.M and How the film "JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR" ...perhaps the rncst remarkablo film to emerge since • Cecil B. DeMille . founded Hollywos,d:' T'SBRUARY 6 r 1974 • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINE W.O.A.A. In Hockey, Group 2 YCEU M 111r Mit JC ./4/LIE" .7IE NGHAM ONTARIO PHONE r In In WES. THURS. FR3.,SAT.,•FEB: 6,7,8,9 ilovuUmit 11001"-" Mild NOW BADGE 373 Oafs New . • At HoonyieW the lifting of the, quaran- on Monday morning, ams during the week were on schedule. rie Flynn of Clinton 'assisted lary Taylor , Norman. Speir ferry Collins to provide the Tyme Music for Mondays get • Cher along with volunteers the Clinton Christian rmed Church. Blyth W.I. were hosts on nesday for the January Birth.- party. The twenty-six brants were presented with folloWing the program. Mrs. Hesielwood , President of the tute was M.C. for the after- and introduced the following ibers: a sing-a -king led' by Campbell accompanied by Richmond; vocal solos by bie Hicks accompanied by Mrs )ougall: Mr. and MrS. Calvert oner showed coloured slides laces of interest in the Blyth and across Canada. Gaily anted cup cakes and tea were ed to 150,:Residents and guests . :he ladies. Norman Speir, one he celebrants thanked those ionsible for the party. m Lawrie of Blyth arranged and Oduced a special Bobbie Burns gram for "Family Night". on uary 24th. Mrs.. Norma Daei piano accompanist for the ning with dance numbers by 'en Glousher, Kim Craig and Stackhouse: songs 'by Bill and ry Marsh, harmonica selections Lloyd Waldem , Harvey Me- an and Jim Lawrie. Adminis- :or, Mr. Archibald,, a patriot lobbie Burns, thanked the ent- ainers on behalf of everyone. he . Rythm Band from Goderich ychiatric Hospital with GOrdon TEAMS Harriston Milverton Lucknow Clinton Kurtzville Listowel POINT'S 29 24 21 16 6 -2 ti Flea Hockey Lucknow Fleas. defeated Delmore 4 - 0 Thursday night in a hockey game at Belmore. Wayne Phillips had two goals for Lucknow with singles going to Kenny Irwin and George .Alton. Paul Jerome came up with his first Shut-out of the season for Lucknow 7 On Saturday night in Lucknow it was Blyth 3, Lucknow 1 with the lone Lucknow goal going to George Alton. • Lucknow's next home game is Saturday night at 7 o'clock with Tiverton supplying the opposition. ,Ripley W.I. A, Valentine •Party was enjoyed at the Ripley Women's Institute meeting for February. The Presi- dent Mrs. JackMdLean and secretary IN/krs. Walter Culbert were in the chairs. •Many new vis- itors were wekomed. , Officers Conference ,'to be held at Waterloo University on May 30th, June 1st and 2nd , will be represented by either the president or resolutions convener. The Prov- ,incial president's letter from' Mrs. Harvey Noblitt was read, comp- . limenting the branches on the excellent work whiCh they, have, done. . Mrs. Ross Martyn •read a Valen- tine poem. A skit "Tell me Doctor" was presented in a hum- orous 'manner by seven of the "Baked in a Pie" Course. members , Mrs. Nick Peet, Mrs. Oliver McCharles , Mrs . .Arnold , Mrs. H. Thompson, Mrs. G. Harkness, Mrs. Don McCosh and Mrs. Francis Gernrnell. The skit brought out special points to remember in showing at Fairs. Mrs. Roy MacKenzie conducted Harrison as leader and piano accompanist provided the "Family Night" program. Shorty Munro, M: C. for the evening , introduced the numbers which included sele- ctions by the band , vocal solos and duets , marimba. solos , a mouth organ and violin trio and the charlston. Miss Ida Cunning- ham expressed the appreciation of the Residents for the fine hour of music. • TOP 10 SCORING LEADERS Dave MacKirinon•, 'Lucknow' .56 :Dick Harrow , Milverton 56 Burt Newman, Harriston, 54. Murray Kerr, Milverton 47 John: Emberlin , Luc know 44 Fred Norman., Harriston • Barry Dietz Milverton . 42. Terry. Newman,' .Harriston 41 Jim Murray , LucknOw.. 39 Glenn Morningstar , Lucknow 37.- •House League Hockey Results On February 2nd , in the first game , the Jets defeated the Blades 5 to 3. Jeff Austin led .the attack with 4 goals , while Richard Moore added a single. Harry Van Diepenbeck with 2 and Maurice Miltenberg replied for the glades. In the second garne the Toros trimmed the Whalers, 5 to 1. Alex Irvin and Shawn Drennan each scored a, pair with Joe Boyle add- ing a. single for the Toros. Kevin Machan was the lone marksman for the Whalers. In the third game the Crusaders shut out the Sharks 2 to 0,.' Tom Sinnett and Eddie McDonald scored 'for the Crusaders while Jim CraWford registered the shut out. February 9 Schedule:: 10:00 What ers vs Sharks , 11:00 Crusaders vs. Blades , 12:00 Toros vs Jets. The play-offs are scheduled for March 9 and 16th in the form Of an: elimination series. Rider's Roost Saddle Club The regular meeting of the Riders ,Roost Saddle Club was held at the home of Merel and Sheila Gunby , with members of-the Junior' Executive in charge. The evening' started with slides of last years Quarterarna , The' Royal & Sutton and also pictures of Lucknow Fall Fair as well as some of our own lodal horses shown by Ken Taylor and narration by 'Carolyn Taylor. Good news of the. club - Lois Fex has a new horse, half Morgan, 6 years old called Red , Terry Taylor has a quarter horse -Mare (Sunday Evening) ten years. Betty Dalton's horse (Hoe Down Sun'iwill be shown at Quarterama on Sun- day. Quarterama will start on , March the 7th to 10th , so anyone interested in going we will try to arrange for transportation the same as last year. The Junior members had a series of contests with Sharon. White and Carolyn Taylor the winners, Lisa Gunby won the door. prize, a curry. comb. ' . Next meeting is hack of the Tack Shack on February 19 at 7;30 p.m. Please try to attend as plans will be made for Quarteram There will also be a'suggestion bot for tripS or improvements. In an exhibition game in Ripley on Tuesday, January 29 the Lucknow Pee Wees swamped their opposition by a 'score of 8 -• 3. Point getters for Lucknow were Donald .Elliott .2 goals and 1 assist , Stephen Howard 1 goal and 2 ' assists', Paul,Hamilton .2 goals, Brad Humphrey 1 goal and 1 assist , David Errington 2 assists, Barry Elphick and Stephen MacPherson, 1 goal each . The third and final' game of the O. M. H. A . 'playoff round between Atom Hockey Lucknow Atom hockey,team was bus'y this past week. On January 29, at Milverton, MilVerton defeated LuCknow 5 - G. Goal scorers for Lucknow were Larry MacPherson 2 with assists going to Don Greer 1, Stev Frayne 1, Kent Alton 1 and Mike Frayne 1. On February 1, Belgrave came to. Lucknow for an exhibition game and were defeated .4 1. David Gibson had 2 Lucknow goals, Glen Raynard and Larry MacPherson 1 each. Assists Went to Arthur Clark 2, Glen Raynard and David Gibson , 1 each. On Monday night , myth came Lucknow and defeated the locals 7 - 1. John Hopf scored 3G THE SQuAk PHONE 524 AIR CONDITION E D tu. & 9:10 P.M. JAMESCOBURN ' MICHAEJ,SARRAZIN TRISHVANDEVERE WA1TERPIDGEON Lucknow and Brussels Pee Wees was played in Lucknow on Friday , February 1st. This game was play- ed before one of the largest crowds Of the season and proved to be another real thriller with Brussels scoring the...winning goal with30 seconds to play in the third period. . The final score 'was 4 to•3 for Brussels.' The scoring for Lucknow was done by Paul Hamilton with 2 goals, Barry Elphick '2 assists and Donald Elliott 1 goal. Dave Black 1, Bob Moffat 1, , Glenn Morningstar 2. Clinton Intermediates •played at Lucknow on Sunday February 3 with the game •ending in an 8 - tie.0 • Goals were by Dave McKinnon 2, John McKenzie 2, Ross Moffat 1, Jim Murray 2, Paul Frayne 1. Assists went to Jim Murray 1, Ross Moffat 1, John McKenzie 1, John Erriberlinl, Dave McKinnon 2. "Lucknow Juveniles W'in 1I-2 Lucknow Juveniles hammered Mildmay in first game of OMHA play-offs 11 - 2.on Sunday afternoon. Goal scorers were Jim Murray with 3 , Kevin Murray 3, Mark Chisholm .3, Ian Montgomery 1 and Murray Thompson 1. Assists going to Stewart Mann with 2, Mark Chisholm 1, Jim Murray 3, Greg Hamilton 1, Kevin Murray 2, Ian Montgomery .6 and Gordie Black 1. • The second game will be played in Mildmay on Thursday at 9 p.m with the third in Lucknow Sunday', February 10th at 3:30 p.m. for Lucknow , assisted by Greg Gardner and Larry MacPherson. Standing As of January 29 two interesting "heart" contests. Mrs. James Kirkpatrick and Mrs. George Sutherland sang two pleasing duets.. Valentines were cut in two and these were given to members' to match up for part- ners for lunch. Miss Christene Robertson gave :the courtesies. Cake , ice` cream and tea were served by Mrs. Ross Martyn, Mrs. Roy MacKenzie Mrs.° Donald Blue and Mrs. Reg.Mobre. Thu. 7 8 P.M. Bang the drum slowly C A P.if.,,,,o1Pelease 'AKIO ENTERIAIHMENI ' The Intermediate hockey 'team were in Kurtzville on January 30 with three Juveniles added to their \ranks to make up two lines. Lucknow came home with' a 10 - win. Goals were by Dave McKinnon 2, Glenn Morningstar 4, John Emberlin 2, Ian Montgomery 1, Ross Moffat 1. Assists went to Jim Murray 2, Mark Chisholm, 2., 'John Emberlin 1, Graham Hamilton 3, Dave McKinnOn 1, Ian Montgomery 2, Fri. SatJ 9 YOU'VE Gat.. ARRY IN YOUR POCKET!" ADULTUITERIMMUIT HE'S THE WORLD 5 GREATEST CANNON , Umtod Artiste thing is more important than friendship. Not fame, not money, not death. Paramount Pctuies Presents PeeWees Lose Close Playoff To Brussels Teem Intermediates Win And Tie Games