The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-30, Page 14- DENTURE CLEANSER TABLETS 28's SUM LIST $1.05 NOXZEMA SKIN . CREAM Special! PACK OF '2 4 OZ. JARS SUGG. LIST 'S1.79 EFFERDENT KOTEX FEMININE NAPKINS 48's CORICIDIN in COLD TABLETS 24's SUGG: UST $2.19 FLINTSIONtS e .11.a.Zat MULTIPLE VITAMIN' TABLETS + IRON 100's SUN. UST $5.09 od# C) O CI) COLGATE DENTAL CREAM 150 ml. tube Regular or. Win!erfresh '• THE LUCKNOW ,$014Tosaf LUCICNOW, orirmito. • ViEDNESD" 'JANUARY 30, .191 ONE Appoint Committees, Set Salaries At Ashfield Township Council LOVE1 • LAST GIFT REMEMBRANCE.. Whether It90 .11 • MONUMENT • ,,MARKER • ,INSCROtu:7•N You ais ionietiiisring a WO orilk: Makes a. tat purse. frota steer's HELP YOU DECIDE' ON YOUR MEMORIAL REQUIREMENTS IN GODERICIpl ..,Don •Denomme 524-8761 VISIT LAT T. PRIME & SON LTD. aeimal .healtli:setviCe.:. Anderot:).. Flax Products, Limited SynoveX is an ear implant for improved weight gain and feed efficiency in the feed- lot or on pasture. Use of Synovex shows as good results as with use of DES, often better. And as was the case with. DES, the better your feeding program, the better the results from Sy- novex. Synovex H for heifersior Synovex S for steers is 'available -now from your local SHUR-GAIN Dealer. .11seSynoveX with SHPR-GA1N for increased gains and:. increased feed efficiency, LUCKNOW PHONE .528'4026 . Ashfield Township Council held two meetings on January 7th and 2ard. Finlay MacDonald OaS appoint- ed to represent 4shfireld at a meet- ing of the Maitland Valley Conser- vation Authority to be held in Lucknow. Council voted not to join the Authority. John Austin and' Finlay MacDon- ald were appointed to the Ashfield Recreation Board. Warren Zinn and Allan. Gibson were appointed to the Lticknow Arena Board. By-Law # 1, 1974 was passed ap- pointing officers and setting their salaries as follows: Reeve $'750, 00; Deputy Reeve $675.00; Council- lors $600.00 plus $10.00 per meet- ing for extra meetings: Clerk- Treasurer $5500.00 plus $500.car allowance; Road Superintendent, $3.25 per' hoUr and two weeks holidays with pay; John Nicholson, $3.25 per hour and two weeks hol- idays with pay; Gordon Saunders, $330 per hour and one week holi- day with pay; Ken Bowden;. $3.00 per hour and one week holiday with. pay.. , . These four road employees will also receive $22:00 per month 0.11.I.P. coverage and one and one half days per month sick leave allowance; part time oPera- tors $3.00 per hour , part time • labour , $2.40. Fenceviewers are Duncan Far- rish , Tom .Helm , Joseph O'Keefe , Bert McWhinney, Ross Eedy, Nel- son Pearson and will_ be paid $2.50 per how with a minimum of $10 . 00. LiVestock Valuers are Alvin Robb, Eldbn Ritchie, Bert Dough- herty , Michael. O'Neil aid 'will be paid $5.00 for acliekamination and report. A. M. 'Harper and Co. is ap- pointed auditor. Donnelly and Murphy are solicitors. By-law 2, 1974 was passed, auth- orizing the ReeVe and Treasurer to borrow from' the Bank of Mont- real, Lucknow up to $200,009.00 for current 'expenses in 1974. • A grant of $25.00 each was made to The Salvation Artily ,St. Johns Ambulance arid The March. of Dimes Ability Fund. , Application for Severance was approved for James and Eldon Bradley. A Co-prdinating. Committee consisting. of the whole council, road superintendent , clerk and , two members of the District offic of the 'Ministry of Transportation and Corrimunication was established to carry 'out a "Needs Study" on future road work in the Township. Clerk was instructed to contact the fiim of B. M. Ross, Goderich requesting a proposal and estimat of the cost of conducting the. snidy. Road accounts of $8 ,272.41 a general account of $2,545.08 were approved' for payment; Next regUlar meeting will be Tuesday, February 5th at'l p.m, Donald Simpson, Clerk-Treasurer. s. Mrs. A.E.-Purdon Had 96th Birthday WHITECHURCH NEWS • , CongratulationS to MrS. A. E. Purdon, who was 96 on Friday, January 25th. Her family celebra-, teal the occasion with her on Sat- urday: Mr. and Mrs. Hector Pur- don and Raymond .of Strathroy; Mr -Mr: and Mrs. Angus Falconer and KeVin of Strathroy , who also visited.with Mr. and Mrs.., Alan Falconer 'and Tony; her daughters, Mrs.. Jack McIntyre and Mrs. Cleghorn of Wingham spent the week end with her. Mrs. Purdcn' received many cards and gifts. Many folks called on the week end to extend well wishes for more years of health. Mrs. Third- , on accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Hector Puldon and Rayrhond to 'their home:at Strathroy, where she .hopes to visit for a few weeks. Those attending Maitland Pres- byterial in 'Wingham at St. And- rews Presbyterian church. on Mon- day wereivirs. Bill' Rintotil , Mrs, Dawson Craig, Mrs. Wesley 'Ili- fin , Mrs. Frank Coulter and Mrs. Victor Emerson. / Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Schultz were Friday visitors with his •broth- er Reg Schultz, Mrs. Schultz and family of Westfield. IvEss Ruth Elliott of Hurori Park spent the week end at her home here. Miss Jane Laidlaw of London and Paul Laidlaw_oLGuelph spent the_i_ week end 'with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. Mrs. Gordon Rintoul' and Gayle were Saturday visitors with her mother Mrs. Robert Purdon of Beigrave. Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacDonald and Mri. Sadie Barbour of St. Helens were Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClen- aghan. mr. mum. sireDIFficIE n "WELL WORTH LOOKING FO E Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. McMillan of Watford were recent visitors - with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.; Bill Evans were Mr.-and Mrs. Eric Evans and Mrs. Edith Brown of London. Mr. and Mrs. Eric--;--- Evans also visited 'Miss Emma Richardson at Pinecrest Manor, Lucknow and her mother Mrs. Donaldson at Brucelea Haven, Wa lkerton. EFFECTIVE MON., JAN. 28 TO SAT., FEB. 2 WATCH FOR THESE ADS THEY'LL SAVE YOU MONEY LUCKNOW . WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ELMER UMBACH I.D.A. DISCOUNT PHARMACY PHONE 528-300e Simon de Boer of Ridgetown spent the week •end with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Peter de Boer. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Farrish and family were their son Lance Fairish , Mrs. Farrish, Curtis and Gregory of Kitchener. Quit e a few relatives and friends from the village and com- munity attended the reception for Mr. and Mrs. Raymond' Wright held in .Belgrave Women's Institute Hall on Friday evening, where a large crowd gathered.- Hackett of Calgary in renewing their subscription. "Really enjoy receiving the; weekly ,paper" writes Mrs. George