The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-23, Page 18WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23,1 GET READ THE WANTADS THE LOCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW„ ONTARIO ROUND MIR HOME Goes Farther Stays Fresh Longer Washable AVAILABLE IN A WIDE CHOICE OF MOST POPULAR COLORS ' PASSAGE LOCICi Both Room Locks Key in Knob Sets Mr. and "Mrs . Alex Robertson of Wirigharn and Mr. and Mrs. Daw- son Craig attended the 50th wed- ding anniversary on. Saturday,. January. 19th at Mitchell. of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison. • At last the lovely winter weath- er enjoyed by this community changed Sunday Morning when a sleet storin hit 'the burg. Roads were so icy that all church servic- es in the area were called off due to treacherous road conditions. By noon a good Coating of ice covered everything: The high- way sander and plough kept ve- hicles moving safely on Highway 86. PRESENTATION *Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan were at Hespeler on Saturday evening, where they were met by folks from Canadian Tire , Strath- roy. Mrs. Milligan during the ' evening was presented by the attenders with a gift. She was: an employee of Canadian Tire at Strathroy. Mrs. Malcolm Ross of Pembroke and Mrs. Jim Adamehick and little son Sharness of Revelstoke B.C. spent-a few days with Mrs. Olive Boss of Wingham and on Sunday all called on Mrs. Robert Ross of Whitechurch. Mrs./ Adam- chick is the former.Janet Ross, who as a little girl spent holidays at the home of her grandmcither the late Mrs. Malcolm ROSS, who resided where Mr. and Mrs. Elmer King now reside. Mr. and Mts. Garner Farrier were in Guelph on Sunday , where they visited with their son, Wayne Farrier in Guelph .Hospital. 'They alsO visited with Mrs. Farrier and Kimberley. Garry Chapman arrived home by plane from England on Thursday, 10 YEARS AGO . JANUARY 1964 Mrs. J. W. Joynt, 'choir leader for some 45.. years at Lucknow United Church, and a member of the Church' choir fot over 50 years, ended her long, and valuable term of service the end of the year 1963. . Mrs. Gordon Montgomery was ap - ° pointed as choir leader to fill the vacancy. An important milestone in the history of secondary education for the Village of Ripley and surround- ing rural district was marked when the new'$112,000 addition to Ripley District High School was officially- opened Lucknow Branch of the Royal Canadian 'Legion acquired the Leg- but. Mrs. Chapman and Lisa had to remain for a later flight. • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul and ° Mrs. Jim Reid of Blyth were at Toronto on the week end where .they visited with the former's daughter Mrs. Gordon Campbell and Mr. Campbell. They alsO visited with Mrs. jack Rintoul cif Milliken and with Mr, Rintoul ,in hotpital. Bill and Jack. Rin- toul are brothers' and Mrs. Jim. Reid is a sister. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Whytock and Jackie of 2nd concession were Monday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Einerson. Curries School Progressive Euchre club met on Friday even- ing it the Belgrave Assembly , -room for their, party. There were 6 tables in play. Those receiv- ins prizes were third low , Mrs. Alex Robertson, second. low , Mrs. Jim Coultes., low , Mrs. Bradley Galbraith. Third tow gent Bill Irwin , second low , Howard Walker , loW , George Walker: Lunch was sere, eci by the'sponsCirs Mr.. and Mrs. Roy Dawson and Mr. arid Mrs., Keith Weber. The next sponsors will be Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ar- buckle and Mrs. Isobel Congrarn. Beware - a new method of ob- taining money has struck our little village and works like this. They find out the name of folks, who• are influential in the village or residential pastor and approach them having a wife and ,childien in the car and telling how they had car trouble and used up all their cash repairing the ear. They ask -for a cash loan to take them to their destination promising to pay the loan as they return home , which they never do. ion Hall, with the ownership being transferred by the Village of Luck- now. This "Officers. Mess" build- ing was moved here in 1947 by The Clansmen from the Port Al- bert airport, which had served as a British Commonwealth Air Train- ing Centre during World War II. It had been turned over the follow- ing 'year .to the .Village- In 1958 the Recreation Centre , as it' was then called, was leased by the Lucknow Branch of the. Canadian Legion. The Branch, needing the larger quarters , sold their Camp-. bell Street property, the former Dr. A. M. Spence residence and office. 30 YEARS AGO January was an exceptional month , moderate in temperature and with practically a complete absence of 'snow , which was in direct contrast to January of the previous year. The total snow -, fall was recorded as seven.inches, with thee -most Of it falling early in the Month. Bobby Burn's Night was cele- ,-•brated Lucknow when upwards , to 550 persons paid admission to the Annual Fire Company Ball.- The big feature of the Ball was a square 5Iance competition with $25 in prize mOney. The dance was preceded by a hockey spec, lal between Lucknow & Winghani Juveniles; special except for the finish, which sent 800 keyedt•up. fans away grumbling. LL cknOw had come from behind 'in theit period to tie the count 4-4. The Wingham coach refused to bring his boys back on the ice for the regulation. overtime period and Referee Chuck Webster finally pr ceeded with the forthality of lac. ing off with Ab 'Chin dumping .Ch puck into the empty net for a 5- default decision. The condition of the ice was Wingharn's alibi, 50 YEARS A00 JANUARY 1924 N Room 11 of Lticknew Public School named the following pup Junior Class: Roy Collyei, Cl Finlayson-,.Leonard Irwin ,, Eldon Agar Harold Greer, Kenneth Cameron; David Horne , Mae McMahon, Dorothy Nixon, Mari orie Henderson Donalda Douglas Kathleen Ferris , Ernie Baker , Marion Cousins , Elwood solorno Stewart Cameron, Melvin Stanl Harold Button`. Senior Class: Gladys ,MacDon- aid , Alex MacKenzie , Mary Ma Intosh, Roy Finlayson , Loreen N; lor ; Fred. SteWard -, Winnifred Armstrong , Frances Thompson, Isabel McMillan , Margaret Mac Donald , Helen MacLeod , La.ura Webster Donald Henderson, Art ;trong Wilson,,"Torn Mac I-:enzie, Wilson Armstrong.,'Ton Anders Pauline'Reed Roszella Norma Thompson; Teache:, ••••••••••••••••••••••44.-**************0***41044.404 LOOKING :,BACKWARDS: THROUGH: THE 'SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON •••••••4••••••••••••••••••••444*****4•••••••44~ us URGH LATEX WALL PAINT WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs.. Wallace gan and family were in Streets- vile on the week end with their daughter , Mrs. Pat Dannel7 ly, Mr. Donnelly, and family. Brian Falconer of Toronto spent the week end at Sarnia with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Relis'on, Fal- coner and oti Sunday on his way back to Toronto on the icy roads called at the home of Mr.. and ° Mrs. Robert Mowbray. Mrs. Robert .Mowbray , Mrs. A. E. Purdon:and Alan Falconer • spent a day last week with Mt. and Mrs. Angus Falconer of Strath- roy. Robert Mol.4bray spent a few days in London last 'week visit- ' ing Miss Bertha. McKay , Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw and other friends. Due 'to icy back roads there were no school buses to any schools in this' vicinity.; ' Word was received here at the week end that Leroy Rintoul show .- ing Orville Osborne Charolais cattle at Deriver , Colorado, had received 2nd prize for the bull exhibited at Toronto and Regina where 'it received 1st prize as well as the cow . At Denver , the cow received 5th. We offer our congratulations. The community' was pleased to learn on Thursday that. Miss Annie Kennedy was allowed to rettim home from Wingham •Hos- • pital. George Fisher was released, from Wingharn Hospital on Wednesday • and Nat Thomson of Lucloiow Was dismissed on Thursday. Mr °. and Mrs. GOrdon Mcl3t r- ey of East loVawanosh,"Mr. and. Bill Peacock of laluevale LOCKS , . Choose heat temperatures from high., medium- and fluff . . . Choose perma press with a cool-down period , or regular dry cycle. . Choose safe , economical drying with Sirf plicity's. system of low heat and high air flow. . the Choice is simple .it's Simplicity "FEATURES 2 cycle timer, stainless steel , lint traps '