The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-23, Page 14. woe 0,9oRT.ERIN
LOCIKKOW SENT* EL Loomomowr weoiassomr, lAiduastY 23,
1 i10) cAriti
VOAWtamtail aultia Iscz a o< 4 3141,
Entettz esiligtbe &her saffebed mul-
e and w,veze *hap he
traMpaed tin eater pert
dm= ;metIL'it‘'ret-
ette on the Wit contessitoev
tesvast& rue i;eacito„ Back was
Wizen tny tapnbillanee to Kincardine
and DL- =kr llrs0..ital where &ant-
tnationa' 115, the 0,m.,.-Iiimteveatlizei
bores trammed. i i
" tEmettetT rizol?e0ig
*mane:nets satien tnet.
eded cam-le lea the pen...
iS si4e1M aimemigni beef Le in the
Viigtes are ernendad
A&L 411Z2 zz•L*4 - • •
Santealtra rep= ire:m-
the attraitiegliwestock laszolez.tin
Iterenzo, tee. :.1len fir' r -Pe Nveele.-
wit'e rep-lc:tett tize&clgem Greatat
'u`. 7 i ok.1 „ Bizb lc, tor:.
4Zattr.31.1ttiM' „ aaalit to 11 Sall'A-
SttIZ rzwirsft*),
cwt Nan.A.nak.Felk- ere
.etzinzire itzmnttACIllittig,, Ole
tittilsk tiat,tze*L., is `tie sew
'Tiecrriter Brune Cirimkt
aZgaZt.e m:7,-16,m zepl.carg: leQsk;
; i r
the ley-Hatto area -since .
formation of , e"CC011try Bead
1369. Leonard recently becArrne
the area co-op livestock ship' pet
e Cameron and Bruce
coenty Director eif Education Jack
weti aim graduates off Rip-
Public and CiaintinuatiOED
Seltaceis. a'midi% at the same,
time a both served as pilots in
'the R.c.A.F. the second woad
war andsince rarileron 11,2,4: been a
prominent beef and poulary fann-
er era the home farm. He has
!been active in the Federaririrn-of
Agriculture, a metal* and kad-
et fun the Comm Develop-
mem amp and an active worker
tin Knox Presbyterian
Ripley. Mr. and Ms. al-
ers" of• two elan
Dirlinm and Gwen :ate t
wa sms
John and k hglve Agt attended
the - ey Mani= High School
wheze they were „ as stardeins,
active naI organisations_
Dtei% her final years -
ected the eattging and music pro-
&sans it the high for the
mDAltral concerts, k is with the
hest with” of titiS wenntunity
rrt-at t we^ton represents Huron
and y on the 5e Conaq •
Re'lltd. His father„ the Tine Allan
se..-vevit Sat many long
views on the board in chpse of
Dke .544114e3- J,Tarr-r,
* ' *
throughout the village o
and Tom mhip of Hama, sfelsicla he
left almost 29 3;rears ago..'For 27
of those yeas he worked .at:, tine
farm of Mr'. and Mrs. Don Wilkie
at Belmont; going he on Aug-
= 20, 1945 and staying Ehere Kin
1,972 when. tine moved a mile iicay
to the farm of Harold Pakonhar- 3-22
North Dorchimet: ,
chATrlie first- erne to Carsaath is
the summer of 1930 and at that
e came to Ub.pky. Geri% /
H of the afternoon train and being
riced to the may people ire LII.S.
-native toi,m of Brighton on the
south coal of Diglniel ;Charlie
told this re pet that he inn stood
and /
coked around ii 7 31 sTuip• what ,a
des*te place. The only man at
the oimiton Was Bill Lane „ now
decease& i€ all Mrs. U
WUIsie. the former ilErPJa Lane. is
Vs daughter. Bill. airways a
&kindly and .0430:1-pril, rimAn who
was kaki% for an express
1.5312 ElleIIIE to arrive on the same r.Jirt.
came up anti entered1nto cower-
on with Citagifp:,
He toll KU ErTr,-*t he was no
Lueet Tom CsiEw-iit . sa an gave
a ride doWit. to rti rrwmy. Het,imrc-
es* backzrrnlei,n ep,, _dew the Ices-
'aim of Brian Fee's garage„
Viand here he met the Man he was 1 seekt...%. namely Tom Culbert.. ,
Charlie Werked with the lase
e.g. 36 months at 11.78% on new and
issed models
• 2 - 1913 PONTIAC Can alim 4 door hardnaps
L9T3 CHEV • _. la 4 .d bardrop, •
- BuICK Cesmt.s. 2 (tEwsc. ?iad a 4 -door . •
1.971 Cl-fiEVEPLET impala Custort , door hardtop
1913 VEGA , antantatic tragrosprksien
;911 G;inTz Torino 2 doer harftop •
1913 CDEVELLEt 4 dont SedaM
1912 Ka' Galaxie '500 „ • 2 deor
197-2 . Le .11.0P;117;%.201cor• keztisrop •
4, door Via, power Fearing anti brakes
2 -1,912.CHEV Thrltpligi„, one 4 cicof.tiarthop, and n
197/1 CHIN-ROUT FisCAiflie sedan , .
prid "ICKM30._77:E: .7..torgMeroa, 2 datz har&c.
• 11.4'T1 FCIPTZ) Ono 50.0, 4 do aeda ,
lget1 CHENaOLEt Imvals..-1dcorhardrop • •
19711 20114 LAC Faz4aa—erMe 53,04p,=r7-7 ., 46zvx
Ii9ra CHEST caszo. docr
cliEV:Cytnale. 'Carlizt, 2
1911e, Oer hatd.sec
'CHEV Lmtrata doei tia.-rdtdp
- PO.STZTAC Et7e4stielme„ trwe dpar
l-S6a RAMMER szaciara'• • • . 4
1972 c01- IP' tot pfOry y-E
tiTart — one .4017 y-76N
russels Motors
BP Semi= Statile — now =lc-4171
eek In Ripley
A4knint et $teney Qeek telling that
mother. Ms.. Ethel Munn.
vottrai4 be " batik "hetnewito
the eitatiSia‘ Rest ame tat ills.-
fen ha Week, She had been in
hos in Leaden':
Gordon tteson re-
potted atatt ,tatitha Ster-
- son attired lack itt the iitrcelea
is Walkerton a Week age
SattiZdaty and fine.
er R residents were
the waste teem oni the fourth .
Stt.. ilee"s Leedom after
=wry * trammed All
F azu peel*, sitot wet lad-
wishes ,
BY Ail
Ned a mite ffuzatt Getd0171 •
?IL 41,
114333.1 !
WI 11 Jell
:ad,irr a, Iii 4.4.•11
1)1 • HI-
csi rs, I
151-; Eva C-nikett. *ley has
ie 01 e
ffi Ctearwaten, 1r ilmi4J 10 elENTO-it-
TES ahem the mine of the Dotal
peman who did the :ton Work on
the ends of the pews in Sr_ Plan
Anzek-2.m1 Nihau or.i; kip4e.T. .
a ac • *
REIrt'lle4S •%.4:Ttli twith the e=epEiCUI of Rahn C.
wazikrtgiat ,04-66 _ Lebt Vae.Donald and and Mrs.
C, riftsolDetald an r'fig. 5.= west, r-4' . -
of pat: week was Caar- Charlie throwh t
*.r OE K. , laces!thrces.- depto sskm yeas
the PJ.T.!inder. weal Wtttle iof the , " Many of his
die hese. of'xIserv' and lack Adrac- week pethaps tittered-7
Cbariiie anavae,7 to the Ircrer folk cf. no e4y-,
and las„ 17197-4-1 z. Culbert ..14;;Fisd";
irrettly at their frr.rm on the eighth.
conoessitau'et - now the farm
iof Mr. and. lifts. Elmer Pon7d
and family. (Over the rt-t fifteen
years lie worked' fOr
loony ,,- Salady:ML-3;c7'.
Id at cosieesgran, i east, in
LacknOw with.lack Carter, then .
book to west of Ripley' With Hamil-
ton and Annie ,Macroimon„ Dan ID
,1 Mid an ;Imp tti4tne of
"1. tom their v so
irke. present isAIrrt c John
, ;WO „ ,71riG ftirrEALty Citli;t1 aeilt &CE
Tom Ulanis, All the above. •
men fin a ralgtve passed on,
its 1111
So s
anti A•
ar le tun - *74.-4.4
1.40 ak
Ti -'
/I* la
i i71
..-t_hreles he always ea.112-2..,.. a:
tZ' rkpley,
* * •
are ;laid reset-- Ifel E4,24C
arED1.101. Er.Z.LitceITC
jTu R:7 4.* KitaCI.Z . dErld- .-Di=7.ot ;.;-7.1.-sprzz LI —
;for a counie of T . , _
1pezpie '44.te
r-f- 'gar -:„.2._e•
we= at td :1:1V
74 .sr - • a SO= Leaci . -
the ..- •Ley E wen. ;we ±ee- :
Koch of ,74111,1.4.'=tz
score .7; . trirt.:1
.:-(zre was .=.17 :I:7
rwo 5::ee a:
Lk.,T 7.t.e7
el•Ta.7 t
Imre- it-1g r zr tIrtet Int
iimit 2'erirte 7,-es 5
ferseylE jes i,51C
4 as ,s41.
• S ti*Orm, cprt I
Fceeziag,sleet and result-
. oundidoes are Traitirig
.cav ca:aer 7,-,A.7.-A ,~drauts
r'rn-e Clfw -'S"r'r'ftivi
a...term:cm al• yak zc le•-.„Hural .
-rake it-cva eite Jzt•
Oface kLe :eeri
1trre :1-
'04e stcre lc lee :er
Itk.=.1.--cr_ MiteKenn
Lt* averittirca, '5"Fcg7.S,
,'O'r the &mars .1rc...4e";
4.2=le7.T 7..E7 -Hitron,
.-„taZeci a v w ~ti 7 71,1%,1;:_-- 4.717:1
Fx•O.-111.. ne Lazy.; as -Or
Litt :ca.-me 7 : _,:t: .
:.-Jzir Task_
-Ca. t ;Lac
t .sreaz.
sno :1.-irr
e ;e:- - :
2,,,, ler