The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-23, Page 10L
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On December 16 at 9:00 a.m.
Constable Poland investigated an
aecident resulting in fairly heavy
damage . Limn. Sullivan., Kincar-
dine, while eastbound on Conc.
2, Huron Twp. lost control of his
vehicle at 4.30 a.m. on the slip-
pery roadway, entered the south
ditch and struck and damaged a
hydro pOle.
On December 20 2.00 -p.m.
Constable Poland investigated an
accident ori Ulric. 2 Kinloss Twp.,
resulting in minor damage. Mar-
ion MacKinnon, Lucknow , while
westbound, had her vehicle
struck by an eastbound vehicle
driven by Henry Iiarteminki R.R.
5 Lucknow •
At 11.05 a.m. December 21,
Constable Daulby investigated' an
accident on Cone, A, Kincardine
Twp. resulting in injuries and ex-
tensive damage. Harold Court-
ney, R. R. 4 Ripley was north-
bound and Paul E. Johnson, Owen
. Sound was southbound on icy road
surface when both vehicles side-
swiped each.other.
On December 21 at 7.00 p.m.
Constable Dawson investigated an
accident on Bob St. , Lucknow
causing minor damage. George
Miller , Lucknow while south-
bounAn Bob St. „lost control of
his vehicle on the slippery road
surface and struck a parked vehic-
le owned. by Wm.°Searle, Luck-
On December 21, at 11.45 p.m.
Constable R. Dawson investigated
an accident on Campbell St. ,
Lucknow resulting in Minor dam-
age. Bruce Willits, R, R. 1
Wingham had parked his vehicle
and upon returning to it found
someone had backed into the
front of it 'and then left the scene.
At 6:00 a.m. December 23,
'COnstable R.' Dawson investigated,
An accident on' Hwy. 9, Kinloss
Twp. resulting in injuries and
fairly heavy damage. Paul C.
Wadsworth, Toronto while west-
boutid at 3.00 a. 111 and in turning
off the highway onto Cty. Rd. 1,
lost' control and slid into the' west
ditch striking fence posts. •
On December 25, at 2.45 a.m.
Constable R. Dawson investigated
4n aCcident on Campbell St. ,
Lucknow, resulting in heavy dam-
age. Kevin M. Murray , R. R. 3
Holyrood was southbound on Cty.
Rd. I and slid through the inter-
section due to the slippery sur-
face and struck a parked vehicle
parked facing east on the south
side of Campbell, St, this vehicle
wai-owned by John D. Johnston,
lucknow. •
At 3.50 p.m. December 29,
Constable Burgess investigated an
accident on Hwy. 86, Kinloss
Twp. resulting in injuries,and
heavy damage. A vehie
operated by Murray Moffat ,
3 HolyroOd was stopped on the
north shoulder when .a vehicle
operated by Terry Jamieson, R.R.
2 Lucknow ., who was westbound,
veered Off the roadway during a
snowstorm and struck the rear of
the Moffat vehicle. '
On December 31, at 11.35
ConStable Poland investigated an
accident on Hwy. 21, Kincardine
Twp. vehicle' operated ; by
Charles Steinhoff, Tiverton, '
while southbound and in overtak-
ing 'and passing a vehicle operat-
ed by Earl McConnell, Tiverton,
caught the left rear corner of
the McConnell, vehicle sending
the vehicle into the west ditch
where it struck the guide posts.
The Steinhoff Vehicle
entered, the east ditch where it
rolled over. Very heavy damage
and slight injuries resulted from
the accident.
At 3.25 a.m. January Con-
stable Burgess investigated an
accident on Conc. 13, Kincardine
Twp. resulting in medium
damage. Rick Oglivie , R. R. 5.
Kincardine was northbound- when a'
vehicle operated by Margaret
Grant, Kincardine pulled from a
parked position. Oglivie , in
applying his brakes, skidded f.
on the icy road around the Grant
vehicle,and-struck a parked vehic-
le the, property of Mel Sauder ,
On January 2-, at 4.05 p.m. •
Constable Spruce investigated an
accident on Conc,. Bat the Jund-
tion of McCaskill Road. David.
White Kincardine was northbound
and intended to turn onto McCask-
ill Road but due to icy road .
conditions skidded into a-brick
wall.. Medium damage resulted
in the accident.
At 4.35 p.m. January 2, Con-
stable D. Dawson. investigated
an accident on 'Hwy. 21, Bruce
Twp. resulting in heavy damage
and slight injuries. A vehicle
operated by MaXwell Conrad ,
Wiarton westbound out of a priv-
ate driveway, was in collision
with a'northbound vehicle operat-
ed by Charlambox Theocharis,
Port Elgin. -
On January 2, at 11..55 p.m..
Constable Burgess investigated an
accident on Havelock Street,
Lucknow. A Vehicle operated
by Mary Boyle , ,Lucknow , While
southbound had the rear of her
vehicle Struck by a motorized
snow vehicle while also south-
bound and operated by °A. Wall,
Dungannon, resulting in medium
damage and slight injuries.
DRIVERSJ When you're chang-
ing lanes, or moving out from the
curb, always check your rear-
view mirror' beforehand. Alio '
make sure you keep your rear win-
dow clean and clear at all times
so you have a clear view of the
road and traffic behind you. Rem.
ember , you're all 'round
visibility is a vital necessity to
safe driving practices .
At S.45 a.m. January '7, Con-
stable Poland investigated an
accident on Hwy. 21, Kincardine
Twp. resulting in injurievnd
mediuni damage. Stanley Patter-
son, Toronto'„ while Rorthbound ,
fell aileep:it the wheel and the
vehicle entered the west ditch
where it struck a tree.
On January 9, at 10.00 p.m.
Conitable Spruce investigated an
accident involving a snow vehicle
at Whitechurch'. Alan Falconer,
Whitechurch, while Operating his
snow vehicle, cut his face on a
strand of wire while proceeding
through a fence opening, ,
At 9.'25 a .rri. January 10, '
Constable Renwicic investigated ai
accident on qty. Rd. 1, Kinloss
Twp. resulting in heavy damage
A tractor trailer operated 'by Lloy
Regier, London was northbound
'and pulled out to pass a vehicle
'operated by Peter Murray , R. i
1 Holyrood. Regier Observed
Murray signal for a left turn and
applied his brakes and lost contro:
of his vehiCle on the snow•covere
road and struck the Murray vehiCi
le which ended up in' the east
ditch and the Regier vehicle in
the west ditch.
Oh January 10, at 5.201 p rn. ,
Constable R. Dawson investigate
an accident on Albert Street ,
Inverhuron resulting in slight darr
age. Tommie Pretty , Sarnia ,
while westbound at 7.30 a.m. ,
skidded on the slippery road sur-
face and: struck a concrete post a
the bridge.
At 2..30 p . m. January 612 , Con
stable D.,Dawson investigated a.
'aCcident on Cone A'. Road Kin
sardine Twp. resulting in minor
damage. John Craig, Guelph
While northbound started to mak
a left turn into 'a private drivewa
and was struck by a vehicle oper
ated by Gary Douglas, R. R. 5
Kincardine who was in the act of
Provincial Constable.
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