The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-09, Page 1$0.00 A Year in Advance:— 0.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1974 Single Copy 15c 20 Pages • uncethents Jack Wilson of Hamilton was very•sefiously injured in a single ;vehicle accident in that:city on Wednesday night of last week. Jack, who was alone in his vehic- le , struck a' guard rail. He is hospitalized in the, intensive care unit' of Hamilton General Hospital _LOCHALSH NEWS While talking with Mr. Dan Wylds a few days ago, he showed us a' letter he received , and 'a coloured photo of the Trudeaus at Christmas time. Mr. Wylds had collected pic- tures periodically during the past Seriously Injured Jn Hamilton Car Accident '"Further Donations TO Area CoMplex Donations to January 2 to the Ripley-Huron District Recreation Complex;' Wib Emmerton, Ralph Pollock, Dave Moore,' Wilson Farrell, Gor- don Farrell, Glenn Boyd Ralph Hunter , Mrs. Amelia Mac: Leod, Gordon Cameron, Mr. and. Mrs. Don MacTavish, Ronald McGarvey, Mr. and Mrs 7 Doug. (Yarry) MacDonald, Anne Ferg- uson, Clark. Campbell, Lettie Gawley ; Ada. Gawley, Ethel Gawley, Joan Irwin, Murray Thompson, J. E.. Thompson, Archie Srewart, Mrs. Effie Suth- erland ; Clayton. Nicholson $300; Bob Johnstpn $100; Harvey Pollock $50, Bill Sdott $200.:, Bert Elliott: $300; Allan Rhody $20;' Michael McMichael $100; Gerry Meuri $50L Muriel Osborne $35. float , was 'attempting to make the turn off highway 36 north to- wards Holyrood at the Johnstone Furniture• corner and the , a problem on the slippery road- * Ed Blackwell Appointed As Crossing Guard Ed Blackwell of Lucknow haS been appointed school crossing guard by the Lucknow Village Council and commenced his duties on Monday of this week. He is stationed at the Lucknow United Church corner to - assistpublic school children in crossing Highway on their way to and from school. Several years ago crossing guards were used in the village. Council discussed the matter at a recent council meeting and were in agreement that the safety of the children crossing the .high- way warranted the introduCtion of this program again. Died In Hospital James Jarnes Little of Dungannon pas- sed away in Wingham and District Hospital on Friday , Jantiary,4th. He was 75.. The funeral service was held from MacKenzie MemorialChap- el, Lucknow , on Monday, Jan- uary 7. - Bruce County HURON, COUNCIL MINUTES Huron Township council met on December 3rd and 17th with all members present. Agr4rnents were signed by the Township and the' Village of Ripley for storing the fire equipment in the Town-. ship Garage untilJune 1, 1974 when a new fire hall is expected to be built, Also agreement for cost sharing on an assessment basis for up 'to $100,000. to aid in the' construction of the proposed Rec- reation complex. Council 'with- held asking Municipal Board ap 7 proval until more money is rais- ed by the recreation committee. The Engineer's report of the Wilken Drain Extension was acre ed and will be considered on Jan- uary 21, 1974.. • Application was, made for a Supplementary grant from the. Min istry of Transportation for• extra, qpenses up •tb $7,200. A letter of protest was sent to the Bruce County Board of Educa - tion regarding appointingA,new koOliSTON - ALOFS Mr. and Mrs. Oilier Alofs of Windsor are pleased to announce the engagement 'and forthcoming marriage of their daughter , Kim Patricia., to Mr. Kenneth Clifford Roulston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Roulston of Luclinow. The marriage will take place on Saturday ,January •19 at Our Lady. -of Guadalupe Church, Windsor, Ontario. Scarboro Couple . Honoured On . 50th Anniversary and Mrs. James Ross of 30' Innisw'd Drive, Scarboro, cele- brated their 50th wedding anniv—, • ersary at their home op Saturday , December They were• married at the bride's home, Mr: and Mrs. Fost- er: Moffat , near. Langside , on December 22, 1923 and moved to Teeswater on January 2, 1924.. Both Jim and Isabel are well known around the Langside , Teeswater and Lucknow districts. They moved, to Toronto in 1:943 and Jim retired in 1966 after Working as Chief Engineer and Building Superintendent for the Ontario Hospital Association Blue Cross for over 'sixteen years. They hive one son Ronald, who lives in Toronto, and three grand- children. Many friends, relatives and neighbours called at their horrie on Saturday afternoon. The couple received a great Many beautiful cards, flowers and gifts. In the evening they enjoyed a delicious dinner with their family and close relatives. member to represent Ripley and Huron Township as Council wish the.new member to be elected. by the two municipalities. Road accounts of $6,933.90 and township accounts of $17,032.26 were ordered paid. Council adjourned to mee again on January 7 at .10 a.m. EARL TOUT , Clerk. - • Lucknow's Main Street , just a few days prior, to Christmas, prod. tided an unusual sight which caus- ed heads to turn ,. A railway car s ' loa4ed on a With multiple head, chest and internal injuries. . Jadk, an employee of Steel ComPany of Canada , is a native of this community. He is married, to the former Norma.Ritchie,of Lucknow and they have two. child- ren. in their early teens. 'year , and one thing• 'he always noticed was' the way the Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau , his wife, 'Margaret and son Justin, ,gestured with their hands. He wrote about this' to Ottawa and in return received the photo and the following letter. Ottawa , December 13 ,197.: Dear Mr. Wylds , You are a very observant gentle- marrindeed . The pictures, you selected do indicate, a strong sim ilarity, in the way my wife , our yoUng son„ and I clasp ourhands Many thanks for kindly letting us have these photographs, With warm good wishes to you and yours for Christmas and the New Year. Sincerely , , Pierre Trudeau. Diec1 In Kinloss Amos Edward Evans, formerly of Hamilton, passed away' in Kin- 'loss Township on Monday Decem- ber 24thin his 70th year. The funeral.service was held on Thursday, December 27th at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow., , Temporary entornbinent was in South Kinloss .. - way. The box car was being' hauled by Mel Jermyn of Bltievale„ They .are apparently sold to farmers for storage pitrposes: ocsgsswissisogssmissnwei Production Problemi, Give Paper New l A.ppearance Sentinel readers, who are Ob.- servant , will notice parts of this week's paper have a differ- ent appearance than normally.' This IS because pf a consider- able amount oriinprovisation in the newspaper production depart- ment this week and possibly for as few weeks to. Come. • Tony Johnstone , a key employ-, ee in the production of the: paper is ill arid this leaves a large gap in a weekly procedure which is very' closely tied to deadlines. In addition, Mrs. Bill (Donna) Moffat, who was also involved in the advertising production, has joined the Staff of the Bank of Montreal in LuCknow This leaves five people, . attempting to do the work of seven. In a small shop , •where- everyone has his or heeparticnlar work to do it does place a very heavy. strain on the remaining staff so we hope you will bear • with us for a few weeks until this particniar situation is normal once again. .ssogigsvogwomssiminsscs. Brian Dalton Held Exhibition Of Art .KINTAIL NEWS Brian•Dalton of,,London held an Exhibition of Works, at the St. Thomas-EIgin Art Gallery, St. Thomas on Januarr3rd. Brian was born in Goderich in 1947. He continually returns to his•childhood surroundings to painO:ledaying dwellings. In following his work you can notice the dedaying in his painting of the same scene a few years later. Brian holds 'a Bachelor of Arts - degree from the University of Guelph and is an honour graduate of the Ontario College ofArt. He. won the gallery award at the Tom 'Thompson Memorial Art Gallery and the"Purchase Prize at the London Public Library and Art, Gallety. He has taught at the University of Guelph , Guelph Re- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 4 Stepfather Passes Mr. and Mrs. W. D. (Duffy) McQuillan of iticknow attended the ftineral on Monday , December 31 of hiS step--father Edgar Gunter' in Woodstock. He was' the below edhusband of the late Pearl (King) Gunter and father of Ross McQuillan, Listowel, Reginald Gunter , B. C . , Leo Gunter, Princeton, Clinton Gunter ,. Listow- el , Mrs. Kenneth (Ila) Millar, - Woodstock, •Mrs, Inez Schlosser; Whitechurch. A. son, Leonard McQuillan pred,eceased -him, He is aiSo survived, by 29' grandchild- ren, 32 great grandchildren, Pin- • al-resting place will be Inner- kip Cemetery. at w r fl) Protest Appointing New Member To Board of Education Receive Letter Fiom Prime Minister, Points Out Similarity In Gestures Train Stuck On Lucknow's Main • Street