The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-28, Page 7ligatiow * ...'11,0111111er rikwtidor#.. limas Shopping Hours or- ilicknow Stores STORES WILL BE OPEN towotesmectoorecpfigqg *c<<< HREE FRIDAY NIGHTS PRIOR TO UNTIL 9 P.M fil(ISTMAS, DECEMBER 7, 14, 21 iLDAY THURSDAYS IN DECEMBER 6, 13, 20, 27 MONDAY TO SATURDAY NIGHT, RCEMBER 17 TO 22` UNTIL tLOSED 6IRISTMAS EVE 6 P.1VI. kftk/ okmoce <1(4* (44.<<<0( «<<<<< K M At LUCKNOW YOUR Ma. SHOPPING CENTRE y, NOVEMBER 23, 1074 THE kUCKNOW SENTINEL kliCKNOW,ANTARIO • PAGE SEVEN 'e criticism that the are increasing teacher/ ;dos and are creating where students lack and laboratory equip, MT FROM E N'S PARK MURRAY GAUNT HURON-BRUCE FAICati011 Minister fused this week, to ent controls. Ontario's Energy Minister Darcy IvIcKeough is in no hurry to impose a 50 mile an hour limit on the,Province's highways be- cause the situation is not that serer ions yet. Mr. Mcf<eough said a would be preferable to a ban on annotInc would not be 'workable. Mean- aa leads all countries in education spending ex- Oweden. Ontario tops Canadian Provinces in pont Minister James fdan about face and an- that after reconsideration y inspectors would pros- fifers who removed con- `' es from their cars if they `put them back on after a Be said the current Ont- arda are adequate and 4. at 6overnment should automobile nia nu fae install devices which re- st more than the pres- bool board spend- FOn$C • while, reduced lighting in Prov ' incial Government buildings in Queen's Park alone will save $40,000 a year according to Gov -• ernment Services. Savings on heating are also anticipated. Government buildings are heated by natural gas except in times of peak demand. Health Minister Richard Potter has vowed to get tough with denturists who are flouting his new law compelling them to be- come licensed denture therapists who practice under the supervision of a dentist. . They have until December 7th, to register for a third set of qual- ifying examinations and•stop .practising as denturists or face prosecution. About •80 denturists have qualified in two previous examinations this year. There are an estimated 150-200 still ' reduction in the speed limit Sunday driving which he felt ed 1974 Provin- T. HELENS SHOOT PARTY Twelve tables enjOyed the Shoot Party at St. Helens Hall on Thugday evening. High prizes went to Pete Jefferson and Mrs. Jim Curran with second high -going to Bill Irwin of Wingham and Charles McDonald of Lucknow. Lucky prizes went to Mrs. Mary I3urchill of Wingham and Mrs. Victor Errington. Frank Mewhin- ney had the most shoots - six. The next party will be December 6. NIr. and Mrs. Lorne Forster , Wray and Wayne attended a fam- ily gathering on Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Bert Elliott's home near Pine River. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McQuillin were Sunday visitors with Mrs, and Mrs. Carl Johnston at Oluevale. FAMILY GATHERING The Aitchison families held a family gathering on Sunday in the St. Helen's Hall. ' Sympathy of the St. Helen's community goes out to Pharis Mathers and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pepper in the loss of Mrs. Mathers this past week end. Several attended the Gilmore- Martin wedding at the St:'Helens Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller' were guests at the. Stanley4Iliott wedding on Saturday at Ripley United Chnrch. making false teeth illegally in about 85 clinics in Ontario. Liberal Leader Robert Nixon said denturists were being asked to leave self employment to'work for salaries Of $9,000 to $10,000 and doubted that, the Act as it stands would lower dentuie costs. A feature of the controversial Act is the setting of a low price of $180 for a. set of dentures. Only about 600 of 3,300 dentisti in Ontario have agreed to the $180 plan. • Mr. arid .Mrs. Eric Thacker of Guelph visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Bob SimpsOn on Sunday. , Mrs. Finlay MacDonald spent last week visiting in Brantford at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Donald MaCKin- non (nee Jane Drennan) of Brant- ford are happy to announce the arrival of their, baby girl, Cather- ine Allyson, a sister for Christ-, opher. Guests at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Finlay MacDonald this week• end were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rob- son and Thaidra and Miss Lisa Paretes all of Detroit Miss Cathy Agnew of Michigan, Donald Mac- Kinnon and Chxistopher of Brant-. ford and Mr. and Mrs. George KINGSBRIDGE KINTAIL The community extends sym- pathy to the family of Norman 0'Connor who passed away at Huronview, Clinton, Thursday .morning, 'November 22. SHOW B.C. SLIDES St. Joseph's School Association held a meeting in the school gym on Monday evening when Bill Van .0sch ; who was.a chaperone on the recent student exchange to Maple Ridge , B. C. showed his slides. PASSES R.N. EXAMS , Miss Nolda Miltenbtirg receiv- 'eel 'word recently that she success- fully passed the registered nurses' examinations which were written in August. .Nolda is a graduate of the Owen Sound regional school of nursing and' is presently employ ed in the operating room depart- ment, of the Wingham and District HOspital. BRIDAL SHOWER On Tuesday evening, November 20, a bridal shower was held in the church hall for Dona Wagner of Lucknow , whose marriage takes place to Paul Hogan on December 7. FRACTURES WRIST Johnnie VanDiepen, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Theo Van Die'pen,•had the misfortune to fracture his right wrist in an acCident at his home last Friday. ELECTED PRESIDENT Mrs. John Austin was elected President of Local 335 of the Na- ional Farmer's Union at the annual meeting last Thursday MacDonald of London. We are pleased to report that , Ian MacKenzie' is improving in hospital in' Londorrand is expected to be home on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Donald Simpson and Chris- tine visited in London this week and with her niece Miss Ellen Elliott. who is attending Fanshawe College. A large dairy barn is being erected at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Farrish of Kintail. Visiting minister this week at the Ashfield Presbyterian Church was Mr. D. Young, 'who is in his second year studies at Knox Col- lege, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Young are. formerly of Lethbridge, Alberta. The people of Kintail wish to extend sincere sympathy to the family of the late Norman O'Con- nor, life long resident of this community, whose funeral was held at St. Joseph's Church, Kingv bridge on Saturday a:m.. For that Christmas gift, one which will be appreciated all year long, give a new or renew- al subscription to The Lucknow Sentinel. $6 per year in Canada, $8 for foreign. An attractive gift card will be sent. oximatraminimmi ItAin$001 14564" OtAriteS 101 to Con" 14°11 1%1S1 Lucknaw, Ontaiio Branch evening at Brookside School. Faye Hogan of London spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Con Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Marsman and family of London were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dalton. LOWER INTEREST RATES NOW AVAILABLE ON ist and 2nd Mortgagos anywhere in Ontario' on RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTI1ES interim- financing on hew CoMdruction or land developrient FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND, CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 7444535 Collect Head Office — Wilber, St. E., Kitchener, Ontario WE Buy EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR *omit awe