The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-28, Page 3will enjoy our SPEEDY CHECKOUTS KRAFT CANADIAN PR0CERR Hips. pkg. CHEESE Singles . CHOICE SLICED • F . LIBBY'S BEETS LIBByis Cooked - In tomato Sauce SPAGHETTI Tin BRUNSWICK •ErrlE°CLUT HERRING In Nab:" 1)4 • 89c 19 23 1 0 SUNSPUN INSTANT VIM I a POWDER . 34u lFriag $1 Smart Shoppers BUYS OF THE WEEK ESPAY! NOVEMBER 214.197$ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TILER: 1 /- r•WZ/M7.5Z/177r - P. -FEATURE!-:DELUXE LAYER CAKE MIXES • FEATURE! - FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 4/3'h-Os. Packs TANG ORANGE .79c DUNCAN HINES 49c FEATURE! -'EVAPORATED .16 Fl. Ox. Tin CARNATION MILK 23c BEST BUY! - CLOVER LEAF ALBACORE 61/2 Fl. Os. Tin TUNA FLAKES 49c ESF westesnIctivs Feature! -Assorted Heinz Strained 43/4 Fl. Oz. Jars FOODS Si 83c PURITAN` STEWS OR t iEEFEWS 24AFL OZ. TIN 6 9C FEATURE! • !AND 11b. Pkg. MAPLE LEAF A Ac TENDERFLAKE PARCHMENT PACK • SUNSPUN 148 Pack MARGARINE 38c Pink and White GRAPEFRUIT size 48 's 10 for 890 Maple Leaf WEINERS 890 lb pkg. WHAT IS A Snart A' person • Who knows not only hoW fast she can get into a market but how fast she can checkout after her' purchases have been' made. ._/ RED o WHITE STORE PHONE 528 3001 Treat Injuries At Hospital and Mrs. Bob MacKenzie )(now and Mrs. MacKenzie's k and his wife Mr and Mrs. Ce Cuyler of Kincardine k to Pine Island , Florida k.• they spent two weeks. They 61 Saturday. and Mrs. Wayne Nixon ily of Ripley visited Sup- Lucknow with Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Delbert nd faniily of Stratford. Barry Hackett of R. R. 7 whasreturned home Ingham and District Hospit- te she was a patient for eeks, b l paper has a good appear- is newsy and the items are . interesting" , 'writes Harold s of Scarborough. Annie Jewitt returned to Tie in Lucknow last Tues- ter spending 15 days in . • and District Hospital. qE Cook of Lucknow returned' aturday from University London , where he was #zed twelve days with in- ie suffered in a fall off a On November 13th. 1 Zmeze ezie# Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Greer Visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris, London, while Bill Was a patient at University Hospit- al, where he underwent knee surg- ery. Wearing 'a walking cast, he is presently recovering at home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton of Lucknow , Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin of Whitechurch , •and Elmer Woods of St. Helens attended the funeral of their cousin Mrs. Arnold' Barbour of Guelph on Monday. Miss Faye Hogan of London spent the week,end with her par- ents ,Mr. and Mrs. Con Hogan of Ashfield. Mrs. Harold Greer of Lucknow, is a patient in St. Joseph's Flospit. al , London where she underwent surgery.. 'Week end visitors with Irene • and Jim Finleon of R. Rd fit 2 Lucknow .were her brothers 'Ivan . and AleX Padar oflestock, Sask- atchewan. Michael Whitcroft, nine -year- old son of. Bertha and Carl Whit- croft of Lucknow , returned home last week. from Wingham and Dist- rict Hospital, where he was a patient for three weeks .after under going, surgery. • Fred Gilchrist of Kinloss Town- ship has returned home from Wing ham and District Hospital where he was a patient for three weeks. Henry Carter of Luckriow has returned home from University Hospital, London where he was a' patient for three weeks.. Mrs. Wilbur Brown of Lucknow is a patient in University Hospital, London where she underwent sur- gery last week:, St. Helens Youth Wins 4-H Awards st. HELENS NEWS • On Friday night at Huron Coun ty 4-11 Achievement'night at •the Clinton Collegiate, Kenneth N1ewhinney was presented with three awards namely: Toronto Dominion Bank'Award for the champion all-round showman; . the Murray Gaunt award for the champion beef showman and the Stewart Proctor award for the champion Shorthorn steer in Hur- on County. Congratulations, Ken! Kenneth Skinn , age 24, fell: while playing broomball at the Wingham' Arena and dislocated his shoulder. John Freiburger, age 16 , R. R. 1 Bluevale., was a passenger'in'a car driven by James McCracken which went out of control Novem. bet 24. and struck a tree on Con- cqsion. 10 , West Wawanosh , four miles West of Highway 4. Frei- burger was admitted to hospital via ambUlance with injuries to head , 'both arms, left leg, and right shoulder", fractured left wrist and lacerated right elbow. His condition is satisfactory. James N1CCracken,.age 18, R, R. •7 Luck- now , was treated for an injured right knee and multi abrasions to face and hands, He was ieleased, The accident was investigated by Wingha m 0.P. P.' Wittig. , Archie Mason, age 20, driver of a car north bound on Highway. 4 in.Biyth, in passing a car , struck a vehicle turning left into ,hiS path. - He Was .adinitted to hos'• pital via ambulance with head injuries Investigated by Wing- ham O.P.P., Wittig. Clifford Hetherington, Bluevale, received a laceration over his left eye playing hockey at the Wingharn -arena . Enrollment, Badges Presented The regular meeting of the Lucknow Girl Guides was .held November 22nd./ The meeting was opened with roll call followed by Flag Raising and .0 Canada. The enrollment ceremony fol- lowed. The girls enrolled were Lori Mc Kim , Lisa Peterson , Mar- ion Raynard , Karen Campbell, e Kim Cooke and Margaret Anne Whitcroft The following badges were pres- ented: Swimmet ,- Joan Hamilton, Lorna Boyie , Edith Greer; Gardener , Janet Wilkins; Junior Camper , Lorna Boyle; Outdoor Cook, Lorna Boyle'; Hostess, Deb- bie Bolt, Fay Anne. Forster Nancy' Thompson; Cook and Little House Emblem, Kathryn McKirn. Lunch was served by Barb Hack- ett ', who was acting aslostess for the evening. Barb also led the Guides in a game. After camp- fire the meeting was closed with vespers and taps. For that Christmas gift, one which will be appreciated all year long, give a new or renew- al subscription to The Lucknow Sentinel. $6 per year in Canada, $8 fot foreign. An attractive gift eitrd will be sent.